From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 99: Ninety-nine



When Xiao Weixin came back at night and heard about this, he was still skeptical: "Did he really say that?"

"Yes." You Shu served him a bowl of porridge to warm him up, and then said, "But he has already made inquiries and will come again tomorrow."

Xiao Weixin held the bowl in his hand, thinking, "Although Su Tu seems to be a strange person, he dares to make such a statement. Maybe he really has some magical medicine. Hua Chun also said that there are some good medicinal materials in Xirong."

"If he can really cure you, I will agree to any condition."

You Shu was a little touched, but couldn't help but joke with him: "Really? He swore to let me go with him today, and the Shadow Chief was furious."

"Heh." Xiao Weixin sneered instead, not looking angry, "Even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to do that."

"Besides, he won't really take you away. If it's that simple, there's no need to come tomorrow."

Xiao Weixin lowered his head and took a bite of the fragrant and soft red bean porridge, then leaned over to feed You Shu a mouthful, "I heard that there was civil unrest in Xirong, maybe he was the one who caused it."

"I see." You Shu understood, "No wonder he came back at this time."

"We'll talk about everything tomorrow."

The next day, Xiao Weixin hurried back after leaving the court, thinking about the so-called elixir from Su Tu, but he didn't expect to be assassinated halfway through. The carriage was originally moving steadily in the downtown area. The sun had just risen in the morning, and it was the time for vendors on both sides of the road to open their doors. Everything was normal, but suddenly a group of men in black appeared from nowhere and rushed towards the carriage with murderous intent.

Listening to the sound of swords clashing outside the carriage, Xiao Weixin sat calmly in the car. He even had the leisure to look through the files sent out this morning. He didn't care about the movement outside at all, as if he was in the study of his own home.

There were screams all around. Ordinary people doing business were terrified. This was under the feet of the emperor. When had such a dangerous thing ever happened? Everyone fled. The doors of the shops that had just opened were closed. The street was in chaos.

After a while, the noises finally stopped, and Qi Han's voice came from outside the carriage: "My Lord, everything has been resolved."

"Is there any survivors?" Xiao Weixin asked this question without raising his eyebrows.

Qi Han replied: "No, there were two or three people who could have survived, but they committed suicide before my subordinates could remove their jaws."

"Okay." Xiao Weixin didn't care, "No matter if he's dead or alive, I know who's behind it."

"Let's go back first."

After receiving the order, Qi Han immediately started driving the carriage forward again.

You Shu, who was waiting in the mansion, naturally soon learned about the assassination. It could be said that Xia Maoan's men were useless. Their quality was far inferior to that of their shadow guards. An assassination was carried out in broad daylight, and even a dozen of them were not enough. It seemed that he really did not take Xiao Weixin seriously and thought that there was no one around him who could be used.

You Shu only regretted that he was not at the scene. If it were in the past, those assassins would not be enough for him to deal with.

Half an incense stick later, Xiao Weixin finally came back. He first went to the stove to warm himself up, and then went to You Shu's side after he was warm, for fear of passing the cold air to him: "Xia Maoan, that old fox, is really anxious, otherwise he wouldn't do such a thing as killing someone in broad daylight."

"He underestimated you." You Shu looked at him while holding the hand warmer. He was relieved after confirming that there was no wound at all. "His assassins are nothing but empty shells. They are not good enough in front of us."

"That's right." Xiao Weixin said with a little satisfaction, "I know Xie Feiyuan's ability. He was the best assassin back then, and all the people he trained were top masters. How could Xia Maoan and his mob be compared to him?"

You Shu was also praised for being in a good mood, "Then Su Tu will probably be here soon, you should drink some hot tea to warm yourself up first."

Xiao Weixin took the teacup and sat opposite You Shu in the study. Sure enough, Su Tu arrived after a while.

"I heard that you were assassinated?" Su Tu walked in with a smile on his face, not treating this place as someone else's home at all, as if they were old friends.

Xiao Weixin did not rebuke him for being rude, "His Highness the Nineteenth Prince is well-informed."

"Do you really have a magic potion?"

Su Tu generously took out a box from his arms and threw it over. Xiao Weixin reached out to catch it, lowered his head and carefully opened it. There was indeed a medicine bottle inside, which was ordinary and had no idea what it was. "That's it?"

"What else?" Su Tu casually crossed his legs and ate the fruit on the plate. "I stole this from the Third Prince's vault. It's a priceless life-saving medicine, and I almost got discovered."

Xiao Weixin couldn't figure out what was going on here, so he asked someone to call Hua Chun over and show her the porcelain vase.

Hua Chun opened the bottle cap, first stepped forward to smell it, then poured out the pills, pinched a little bit in the palm of his hand to dissolve it, put it in his mouth to try for a long time, and then nodded and said, "Not bad."

After hearing her words, Xiao Weixin breathed a sigh of relief.

But Hua Chun said, "There are not many records of this thing in the pharmacopoeia of our Central Plains. I only know that this thing can save lives, but I don't know if it will be useful for you. I have to wait until the test is finished to know."

Hua Chun has always been cautious. Xiao Weixin knew that she said this because she was afraid that he would be too happy for nothing, but he would be happy as long as there was a little hope. "Okay."

After that, he turned to face Nasutu and said, "If it can really make Xiaoshu healthy, I will give you whatever you want."

Na Sutu smiled triumphantly, threw away the fruit in his hand and clapped his hands: "Your Majesty's deep affection is touching, I admire you."

"You all in the Central Plains say that a gentleman does not take away what others like, so I will not come to fight for it."

He said this as if he was very great. You Shu couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart. Su Tu's mouth was really amazing.

"I think with your ability, you should know that there is trouble in Xirong." Su Tu was serious when he was serious. "My third brother has always been arrogant and conceited, and there are many people who do not obey him."

"In the beginning, he killed many of his brothers in order to eliminate dissidents, but unfortunately he failed to completely eradicate them, which gave others the opportunity to take revenge."

"You said, I can miss such a good opportunity?"

Su Tu restrained his cynical expression and said righteously: "Your Majesty, you should also know that I have come to your door several times with absolute sincerity. I hope Your Majesty can help me at this critical moment."

How could Xiao Weixin not know what he was thinking? "Your Highness the Nineteenth is indeed quick in doing things. I was suspicious of you in the past, so I apologize to you first."

"Your Highness, please feel free to ask if you have any request."

That day in the study, You Shu witnessed with his own eyes the highlight moment of the collaboration between the male lead and the second male lead.

In the original book, this plot did not exist. He had thought from the very beginning that if these two people could work together, then many things would become simpler and it would be a win-win situation. And this scene was finally achieved.

Having achieved his goal, Su Tu left Prince Ling's Mansion in high spirits.

"Are eight thousand elite soldiers really enough?" You Shu was a little worried. "He can only have three thousand at most, right?"

Xiao Weixin handed the medicine bottle to Hua Chun, and after hearing what he said, he replied, "It's not a direct confrontation, what do we need so many people for?"

"All he needs to do is find an opportunity to legitimately "quell the civil unrest."

You Shu scratched his head, "So what do you want to do by sending Ying Jiu?"

"You don't understand what he is good at, do you?"

How could You Shu not understand? His skills in identifying and poisoning poisons were taught by Lao Jiu. "You don't want him to... disguise himself as a man and do that?"

"It is said that the Western Rong Khan has a unique hobby. He likes to see men wearing women's clothing. Doesn't Ying Jiu fit the bill?"

You Shu was helpless, "Why does our Lao Jiu have to do this kind of work every day?"

In the past, he would wear women's clothes and hang out in various brothels to gather information. Later, he disguised himself as a man and sneaked into the homes of various court officials to find fault with them. Now that he is finally getting through, he has to go to Xirong again, and he can do whatever he wants.

"Not everyone can dress up as a woman." Xiao Weixin rested his chin on his hand and was distracted. "It is his honor for the king to employ him."

You Shu liked to see him showing off. In fact, he thought that Ying Jiu was indeed very beautiful, but when it came to cross-dressing, Xiao Weixin was the best.

Although he probably won't have the chance to see it in his lifetime.

Hua Chun studied the medicine that Su Tu brought for a whole night. When he woke up the next day, there were dark circles under his eyes, which showed that he did not sleep well at night.

Hearing that this medicine might have side effects, Xiao Weixin hesitated for a while, "Is there no foolproof method?"

"Your Highness, there has never been such a principle since ancient times." Hua Chun patiently explained to him, "All medicines are poisonous. The stronger the medicine, the more likely it is to have bad consequences, but the stronger the medicine, the more effective it is."

"But no one knows what the consequences will be. I searched through medical books last night, but couldn't find a more detailed source. Few people have used this medicine, so there are limited books to refer to."

Xiao Weixin immediately felt that this was not going to work. What if his leg was cured but something else wasn’t? What if his life was in danger

He would rather Xiao Shu be like this, at least she is still alive.

Compared to his hesitation, You Shu was much calmer: "I'm willing to give it a try."

"No matter what the outcome is, it's better than this."

"Besides, I am now considered the protagonist. I am protected by the law of immortality, so nothing will happen to me."

Xiao Weixin wanted to disagree, but when he met You Shu's determined gaze, he couldn't say anything. He knew better than anyone how sad and lonely Xiao Shu felt when he woke up alone in the middle of the night, and he also remembered the expression on his face when he watched him stroking his sleeve arrow in the backyard that day.

He understood all his sadness and determination, so he shouldn't stop him.

"Then..." Xiao Weixin thought for a long time, but was finally defeated by You Shu's gaze.

He knew he was a little indecisive, so he steeled himself and said, "Then let's try."

"This thing is said to be so magical, it must be useful."

You Shu gently held his hand and comforted him, "It won't be dangerous."

There is no difficulty more distressing than being paralyzed in bed. Who would want to lie there for the rest of their life