From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 51: I don't feel relieved if I don't see my sister


"No, these are for sister Yiling." Jian Yujie panted and answered the old lady's question while moving things with the driver and servant.

"For Yiling? What did you buy for her?" Mrs. Jian was very puzzled as to what Yu Jie bought so much.

"There are a lot of stuffed animals. Sister Yiling must have them at home, but she probably didn't bring them with her when she moved here, so I bought some to put in her room. There are also a few bags and stationery. of."

Jian Yujie went shopping last night after school. He spent a lot of money and emptied his wallet.

The Jian family's children receive a lot of lucky money from their elders every year, but Jian Yujie's savings are very limited.

Because his mother does not agree with him becoming a magician, he can only secretly buy magic-related things by himself.

And after his mother knew that he spent money on this, she simply stopped giving him living expenses. If he needed anything, she would buy it for him directly.

"Okay, just remember to buy it for your sister. What about me? Grandma doesn't have a share?" Mrs. Jian deliberately teased Jian Yujie.

"Grandma..." Jian Yujie was embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, grandma is teasing you. You might as well spend more time with your sister. She can't sleep well lately."

Jian Yiling didn't sleep well, so Mrs. Jian thought she didn't sleep well.

"Is sister Yiling not sleeping well? Then I'll buy her some aromatherapy for sleeping. I heard that scented tea can also help with sleep, and... "

Jian Yujie began to search for sleeping aids in his mind, and then made a to-be-purchased list.

"Okay, okay, let's see what you think. It's as if grandma and I abused your sister Yiling! What you think of is available at home, and I let Yiling use it."

Mrs. Jian couldn't stand it anymore. How could she watch her little darling sleep poorly and ignore it

Jian Yujie scratched his head in embarrassment. Also, with grandma here, sister Yiling must be indispensable.

"By the way, where is sister Yiling? Have you gotten up? Are you lying in bed?" Jian Yujie has been at the door for a long time, but he has not seen Jian Yiling yet.

"Still staying in bed, she has been at Yu's house next door for a while!"

"Eh? So early? Isn't the party in the afternoon?"

"Yu Xi came over and said he would take Yiling to play first, but I didn't stop him."

When Jian Yujie heard this, Zhai Yunsheng's evil face suddenly popped into his mind.

"Grandma, I'm going to go next door first! Have someone help me move my stuff to my sister's room!"

Jian Yujie turned around and shouted to his grandma while running.

Mrs. Jian was funny and helpless at the same time. This child ran away as soon as he heard that his sister had gone next door. He couldn't wait any longer.

Jian Yujie hurriedly ran into Yu's house. At this time, no one invited by Yu Xi to attend the party had come yet.

"Master Yujie, why are you here?"

The housekeeper of the Yu family knew Jian Yujie.

"Where is my sister?" Jian Yujie looked anxious.

"Miss Yiling is resting. The young master told Miss Yiling to take a nap and not to disturb her for the time being."

In order to let Jian Yiling sleep better, he specially arranged the Rose Loft in the house that is farthest from the lobby.

"Where? I'll go take a look."

Jian Yujie was skeptical about the housekeeper's words.

Who knows if what they say is true or false.

You have to meet the talent.

Although Yu Xi is a nice person, Zhai Yunsheng can do anything at first glance.

"Master Yujie, this..." The housekeeper was a little embarrassed.