From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 58: shooting game


"Let's play some games today. What games do you usually play?" Qin Chuan suddenly suggested.

Jian Yiling looked up at Qin Chuan and shook his head.

She doesn't play games.

“Have you never played those dress-up games or strategy games?”

Qin Chuan is working in the Internet industry, so he naturally has an understanding of market trends. He knows which games young women prefer.

Shake his head.

Jian Yiling looked like he was not interested in anything.

Qin Chuan turned on his computer and let Jian Yiling choose the games he wanted to play.

Qin Chuan's computer has all kinds of games. He downloaded some games not just to play, but to better understand the market conditions.

"Why do you want to play games?" Jian Yiling asked Qin Chuan.

"Your grandma wants you to do more recreational activities, and doesn't want you to study all the time." Qin Chuan didn't hide it.

Jian Yiling paused, then turned to look at Qin Chuan's computer desktop.

"This." Jian Yiling pointed to "Zerg Invasion" on the computer desktop.

This is an fps shooting game that has just become popular recently.

Jian Yiling knew about this game. It was made by Jian Yuncheng's overseas company.

This game became a hit as soon as it came out.

This is why Jian Yuncheng has been so tired recently.

The background of the game is an interstellar war. At the beginning of the game, players will set off from an interstellar spaceship with other players on the Internet and enter an alien planet that has been occupied by the Zerg.

By killing the vicious Zerg, players can obtain corresponding points and equipment rewards.

At the end of a round, the player with the highest points wins.

Qin Chuan was surprised that Jian Yiling would choose this game. This game is indeed very fun and is a popular game recently. However, in his opinion, this kind of violent game with guns is not suitable for a timid person like Jian Yiling. Play.

"This one will be more violent and bloody, because the picture is more realistic, which may make you uncomfortable to hold it."

Qin Chuan explained to Jian Yiling, trying to persuade her to give up playing the game so that she would not be frightened after entering.

"That's it." Jian Yiling chose.

Qin Chuan couldn't defeat Jian Yiling, so he asked Jian Yiling to log in to the game using his account.

Qin Chuan's account level is relatively high, and his past record is also very gorgeous.

After the match is successful, the screen changes to the perspective of the starship cabin.

Jian Yiling can choose a gun at this time.

Qin Chuan was afraid that Jian Yiling didn't know, so he introduced the guns to Jian Yiling: "upm9 and uzi are submachine guns with fast firing rate and short range. 98k is a sniper rifle with slow firing speed, long firing range and powerful single gun..."

Qin Chuan was still explaining, but Jian Yiling had already taken an M4 and rushed out.

After leaving the starship cabin, the player will not encounter the Zerg immediately. The system will give the player a certain amount of time to choose a suitable location and building to hide.

Novice players generally choose to act together with other players.

If you act alone, it may turn into a horror game, and a huge alien bug will suddenly appear from behind.

Qin Chuan was about to instruct Jian Yiling to join other players, but Jian Yiling ran away alone.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but worry.

She would be frightened whenever he came near her, not to mention the terrifying alien bugs in the game

A minute later, Jian Yiling took her M4 gun and shot the first alien bug, hitting the head with one shot.

Five minutes later, Jian Yiling's kill count reached ten.

Fifteen minutes later, there were three people left alive in the battle, and Jian Yiling was one of them, and the one with the highest points.

Eighteen minutes later, the game ended, and Jian Yiling won first place.