From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 60: Research Institute (1)


"Teacher, don't worry. He won't break his promise. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who doesn't keep his word."

"It's hard to say. I'm afraid someone will intercept our chat." The old professor thought it would be better to be cautious.

Not only their research institute wants talents like this, but other related medical institutions will also want to recruit them.

Therefore, they must strike first, contact the other party as early as possible, and if possible, negotiate with the person directly.

This is the safest way.

"Okay, I understand, I will continue to keep in touch with him." Cheng Yi was also personally curious about this Dr. FS.

He has read the journal reports he published on SCI, and he really wants to ask the other party for advice.


On Monday afternoon, Jian Yiling asked for leave from the teacher after lunch, saying that she had a stomachache and went to the infirmary.

But he didn't stay in the infirmary for long before he left the school with the leave note issued by the infirmary.

I took the bus away from the school gate and stopped two buses along the way.

Huiling Research Institute is located in a very remote area of Hengyuan City, at the terminus of bus No. 716.

With two or three stops left, there were only two people on the bus, one was Jian Yiling and the other was a middle-aged woman.

The woman's eyes were red, her face was solemn, and she looked worried.

At the terminal, the woman got off the car with Jian Yiling.

As soon as the woman got out of the car, she walked quickly towards the entrance of the institute.

The door at the gate is an electronic alloy door with a high security level. The woman hesitated at the door for a long time and was unable to open the door.

So the woman excitedly slapped the alloy door hard and shouted loudly:

"Please be good, I beg you! The hospital said that you have special medicine for my husband's disease, I beg you to give me medicine to save my husband's life!"

The woman shouted louder and louder, bursting into tears.

The woman made so much noise that the security guard in the security room next to her had to come out to stop her:

"Madam, please calm down. If you have any appeals, you can submit an application on our institute's website. After filling in the relevant patient information, the institute will have specialized personnel to screen you. If your husband is qualified, , our institute will contact you.”

"Stop lying! I submitted the application a month ago! No one paid any attention to it! My husband is about to die! You still make me wait! Do you want to wait to die?"

"Madam, please calm down. If your husband is not selected, it may be that your husband's condition is not suitable for the institute's new drug, which is still in the clinical trial stage."

"You are lying! What is not suitable! It must be because we have no money, so you refuse to give us medicine! You all gave the medicine to those rich people!"

The woman refused to listen to the security guard and insisted that the institute did not give her medicine because they could not afford the money.

The security guard looked helpless: "That's not true. If your husband doesn't meet the requirements, the institute can't give him random medication."

Who would have thought that the woman suddenly lay down on the ground and said, "I'm risking my life today. You either give me medicine or I die at the door of your research institute! Let everyone see, you black-hearted businessmen who only care about money." How did you kill people?"

The security guard had no choice but to let the woman lie on the ground.

He had seen enough people who came to the institute to beg for help, so he reacted calmly.

Jian Yiling avoided the woman on the ground and walked towards the door.

The security guard stepped forward and stopped Jian Yiling: "Little girl, go to school well and don't bother with your mother."

The security guard misunderstood the relationship between Jian Yiling and the woman.