From Sword to Slaughter: Evolution

Chapter 878: Rock giants, sand snakes


Everyone felt the ground shaking beneath their feet and kept backing away.

Ye Fan used his 360-degree vision and saw that only the old magician Norman was in the field. He was alone and attracted countless violent earth elements.

For a moment, an ochre-colored light surrounded his body, and the tides of elements surged.

Norman's slightly gray hair fluttered in the wind, and his eyes were bright and emitting a very strong magical light.


The sound of the earth shaking was heard.

The earth trembled and broke apart.

A huge magical creature shaped like a pangolin emerged from under the ground.

There are sharp claws on all four limbs, all touching the ground.

It is three meters high and seven or eight meters long.

The whole body is earthy yellow and covered with dense and hard scales.

There are two scarlet eyes on the narrow head that looks like a lizard.

His eyes were shaped like hexagonal magic crystals, without any emotion contained in them.

It was long, purple-red, with a forked tongue at the tip, like a snake, which was constantly coming out of its mouth.

After Norman summoned this magical creature, he took out ten first-grade source stones from his storage ring.

This khaki-colored magical creature, with its long tongue whooshing, shot out towards me.

Just as Mond was about to move, Norman said, "It's okay, sir, it's eating!"

Only then did Mond stop.

The magical creature's long tongue shot out like a sharp arrow, and with a swoop, it rolled all the ten first-grade source stones in Norman's hand into its big mouth.

When the mouth opened, everyone realized that the mouth of this magical creature actually occupied most of its head, looking extremely ferocious.

There are very sharp and dense teeth inside.

The hard, first-grade source stone that contained extremely rich source power was like candy beans in the mouth of this magical creature. After being chewed in two or three bites, it was swallowed.

After eating the Originium, the scales of this earth-yellow magical creature suddenly glowed with elemental light.

Norman immediately gave orders and began to dig a wide and deep moat around the camp.


The two hind paws of this magical creature grasped the ground tightly, and its front paws were like sharp knives, piercing into the ground in an instant.

The hard ground seemed as fragile as tofu under its sharp claws.

After a few diggings, a very large deep hole was dug.

Norman used his mental power to control it quickly.

Another thirty people were arranged to go to the nearby jungle and cut down ten large trees, which could then be made into a suspension bridge.

The remaining seventy people began to widen and dig along the deep pits and holes dug by the magical creatures.

With this sharp magical creature, the progress of the moat is very fast.

After the construction of the moat was completed, Norman began to chant mysterious magic spells.

The divine light and the elemental tides began to surge around him again.

With the mysterious spells and hand seals, everything is ready.

Two deep holes appeared beside Norman.

Two rock giants made of solid rock crawled out of the deep pit.

The rock giant has a grayish-white appearance.

It is all made up of hard soil and rocks.

He is very tall.

It is about six or seven meters tall, with long arms and legs.

Norman also fed each of the two rock giants ten pieces of first-grade source stone.

With the replenishment of Originium, the two Originium giants quickly began to join in the work of thickening and raising the wall.

At the end of the day, the moat was dug and densely packed with sharp wooden stakes were inserted into it.

Norman also used magic to reinforce the suspension bridge and completed the construction.

The two-meter-and-a-half-meter-high wall was raised to three-meter-and-a-half meters.

The thickness is also increased by about half.

The camp now looked a little defensive.

Mond began to train his soldiers on the formation of the army.

First, practice the defensive circular formation and the charging arrow formation until you have mastered it.

The war is imminent and time is limited.

These two formations ensure the most basic maximization of the warriors' combat effectiveness.

The defensive circle was composed of the barbarians who served as heavy infantry standing outside with shields, and the savage warriors who stood inside with bows and sabers.

The wolf riders stood outside hunting.

This formation is used for defense.

The Fengshi formation is used for charging attacks.

Two formations are enough to deal with most of the situations we need at present.

As for other formations, or more subtle changes, only those soldiers who survived this war could talk about improvement.

Mond also arranged for Norman to spend all the remaining 20,000 first-grade source stones.

All of them were used to buy powerful bows and arrows.

In addition, two crossbows were purchased.

Although these two crossbows were disassembled from second-hand goods, they are still in very new condition.

The crossbow body is also well preserved.

I bought thirty crossbow arrows, each of which was as thick as an adult's arm and about three meters long.

An arrow shot out is simply a powerful weapon.

After all the Originium was used up, Mond and Norman trained the troops and strengthened the camp's defense facilities.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

The camp's walls have been made twice as thick.

The height also increased from the original two and a half meters to six meters.

The higher you go, the harder it is to build.

A height of six meters is basically the limit of this foundation.

The two crossbows were like two sharp teeth, biting on both sides of the top of the camp gate wall.

Five wild people warriors were assigned to operate each unit.

Three draw the bow, one loads the arrow, and one aims and shoots.

The moat has also been completely dug.

There was no water inside, but instead there were tightly arranged wooden stakes and earth spikes with extremely sharp tips.

Moreover, in the deep ravines, there are many sand snakes scattered around.

This venomous snake with a yellowish-brown body is a very common species in blood-soaked lands.

Just look around in the wilderness or turn over the soil and you can dig out several of them.

Their snake bodies are not thick.

But it is highly toxic.

If a first-rank warrior is bitten without precaution, he will be seriously injured and will die immediately if there is no antidote for the snake venom within a day.

Although a second-rank warrior might not die, he would inevitably be seriously injured.

Only a third-grade warrior can be immune to the venom of the sand snake.

However, these sand snakes are generally very lazy and like to stay underground without moving.

It will only come out once every ten days or half a month when it is hungry to look for some small snacks or food.

There is basically no human presence in the menu.

This is why there are so few cases of death from poisoning by sand snakes.

But now, the old magician is experienced. He dug these poisonous snakes out of the ground and threw them into the moat, forming a more stringent defense.