From Sword to Slaughter: Evolution

Chapter 888: The old magician showed his power


The destructive power caused by Norman's meteor shower after falling was simply incomparable to the previous wind blade storm.

Moreover, each huge explosive fireball will explode with very strong flame aftermath and air waves.

These air waves alone are enough to blow away the earth lizard.


One after another, powerful fireballs fell from the scarlet magic cloud!

The extremely powerful magic force caused the ground to shake.

The explosion of each fireball will create a deep crater, as well as a cloud of dust and air waves.

Ye Fan saw the full power of the meteor shower spell, and instantly realized that this time the magic directly killed and injured more than 300 werewolf cavalry.

The entire area covered by the magic cloud was empty.

The ground ahead of the charge was in a mess, with pools of blood and broken bodies everywhere.

The extremely shrill wails broke out uncontrollably, and above the battlefield, there were constant wails and screams.

Mond was delighted when he saw the power of Norman's magic. He smiled and said, "Well done, old man. You are really good at it!"

Norman gave a slightly arrogant smile.

At this time, Bart, who had protected his body with divine light and smashed three fireballs with his saber, shouted loudly, looking a little dusty: "Arm your troops, don't stop, charge with me!"

"As long as we get to the wall, these clowns will be our prey!"


Bart roared angrily. The deaths and injuries of more than 300 of his elite men made him feel heavy and gloomy.

Moreover, the powerful magic force of smashing three explosive fireballs in a row also caused Bart to suffer some minor injuries.

He reorganized the team and quickly gathered all his men together again.

This time, Bart learned his lesson and spread out his Werewolf Earth Cavalry over a wide distance.

They formed a porous formation like a big net and charged towards the camp.

The vast distance between the werewolf cavalry reduced the power of Norman's magic to the minimum.

During the following charge, Norman released two more meteor showers, but the damage caused was not great.

The two attacks combined killed and wounded more than a hundred gnoll cavalrymen.

After being covered by waves of magical attacks, there were only more than 1,600 of the 2,000 elite werewolf cavalry led by Bart left, and they still rushed towards the camp wall with an astonishing momentum.

The distance is closing rapidly!

The old magician Norman launched too many magical attacks at once, and he was out of energy and needed to slow down.

Mond asked him to retreat to the rear first.

He roared loudly and began to give orders.

"Wolf cavalry, get ready, start shooting!"

Four hundred meters!

At this distance, they were already within the shooting range of the werewolf warriors.

Under Mond's roar, sharp arrows broke through the air and shot out!

The wolf riders' arm strength and skills are stronger than those of the wild people's warriors, and the divine power attached to their arrows is even more violent!

Two hundred wolf cavalrymen lined up in two rows and fired at each other, sending out rain of arrows very quickly!

Pouring out a curtain of death arrows!

When they were three hundred steps away, Mond roared again: "Warriors of the wilderness, fire in a staggered manner!"

The wild people warriors drew their bows and arrows, lined up in two rows with the wolf cavalry, and fired at each other in an alternating manner.

They mixed in with the wolf cavalry's rain of arrows, bringing down an even denser rain of arrows!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh—

Sharp arrows intertwined to form a dense arrow curtain, falling on the heads of the werewolf cavalry!

At the beginning, these ferocious-looking foreign warriors were able to use their sabers to deflect the rain of arrows and resist!

Behind them, the rain of arrows became more and more dense. Even if they raised their shields, they still shot the sitting earth lizards to death and killed them as well!

Under the rain of arrows, Bart suffered more than 300 casualties among the wolf cavalry and finally reached the bottom of the wall.

The remaining 1,300 cavalrymen crossed the wooden bridge and climbed up the wall.

Mond was not panicked at all: "Throw kerosene and fire rockets!"

Boom boom boom—

A series of crisp and clear sounds rang out from under the camp wall.

Cans of kerosene were quickly thrown down.

Rockets were ignited at the same time.

The blazing flames spread instantly, turning the area under the wall into a sea of fire.

Bart saw the sea of fire rising up in front of him and yelled angrily, "Fuck you, be careful, get out of my way!"

No matter how loudly Bart shouted or how harshly he spoke, it was still of no use.

The Werewolf Earth Cavalry who had already rushed to the bottom of the camp wall seemed as powerless as insects stuck in a spider web.

Cans of kerosene exploded on the bodies of the werewolf warriors and the earth lizards.

The kerosene covered their heads and faces.

The rocket that followed instantly ignited it.

The rising blazing flames cannot be avoided just by wanting to.

They struggled to hold up their divine power, but the blazing flames burned through it, turning all the gnolls and earth lizards into charred corpses and torches.

The intense and fierce flames rolled in waves, devouring the lives of more and more werewolf cavalrymen.

In just a few seconds, the area under the camp wall became a sea of fire, directly claiming the lives of more than 200 gnoll cavalry and earth lizards.

The extremely red flames were reflected in Bart's beast pupils, and it seemed that there was only this rolling sea of red fire in his eyes.

The remaining 1,100-odd gnoll cavalry retreated in disgrace.

Every person rushing in the front was surrounded by a cloud of dust, and many people, even if they did not die, were injured to varying degrees.

Bart's eyes were filled with anger.

In his combat career, he had fought numerous battles, big and small, but this was the first time he had felt so frustrated.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little regretful and crushed all of Mervyn's barbarian cavalry.

If it were now, it would be just right to let these cannon fodder attack the city, which would more or less consume some of the arrows and kerosene of those bastards defending the city.

Of course, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

Even in the Holy Land of Taichu, for a third-grade high-level sub-god like Bart, the laws of time and space such as the flow of time are mysterious and untouchable.

Bart's hawk-like gaze fell on the wall.

He saw Mond's tall, strong, and conspicuous figure.

Bart sat upright on the earth lizard, looking directly at Mond with a fierce look in his eyes. He stretched out the thumb of his right hand and slowly stroked it across his neck.

Make such a fatal gesture!