From Sword to Slaughter: Evolution

Chapter 905: Destroy the Blood Knife branch in Stone Oasis


Mond looked at his soldiers behind him, who were full of energy and had bright eyes, and a strong desire to fight also appeared in his eyes.

He mounted the Blood-Pupil Black Tiger, pointed the Soul-Slaying Sword in his hand at the Broken Stone Oasis, and shouted loudly: "All warriors, listen up, point your swords at the Broken Stone Oasis, the Blood Knife Merchant Corps's headquarters!"

"Follow me, kill!"

After Mond finished speaking, a blood-red light immediately appeared on the Soul-Slaying Sword.

An incomparably powerful force spread out from the Soul-Slaying Sword.

At this moment, all the warriors were united with Mond, feeling the invincible and killing momentum, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

Mond stepped on the blood-eyed black tiger and jumped out instantly.

All the soldiers behind him followed closely.

In the gravel oasis.

The Blood Knife Merchant Corps’ local branch.

The person in charge of this branch is a young and strong werewolf leader named Kurt.

At this moment, Kurt was in the spacious branch office, listening to reports from his subordinates.

Kurt naturally participated in the last ambush of Mond and others.

But the loss of 500 elite soldiers still makes him feel painful when he thinks about it.

These were very important warriors from his tribe, but they were all wiped out in that ambush.

Kurt was also shocked when he saw the landscape standing in the wilderness.

After returning to the Gravel Oasis, he ordered all the caravans to merge together and engage in traveling trade.

Make sure Mond doesn't launch a sneak attack.

Moreover, sufficient guards were sent to provide protection.

Kurt sent out his most powerful men to lead the caravan and ensure its safety.

Moreover, messages were sent from the Desert Eagles every day, and they informed each other of daily news and progress.

News came today that there was no attack.

This made Kurt feel very satisfied.

He personally selected the goods this time and prepared them very thoroughly. As long as each item could be delivered safely, he could make four or five times the profit.

As long as this trip is completed successfully, we can return to the tribe and recruit more warriors and buy more barbarian slaves.

However, the fighting power of the barbarians is still too weak.

Kurt felt very good when he thought about it.

After the subordinate finished reporting, he left.

Just as Kurt was about to relax, he suddenly saw the cup on the table and started to move.

His eyes narrowed.

The pair of animal pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Looking at the shaking cup, Kurt thought of a very bad situation.

This situation will only occur when a large number of cavalry start to charge together.

But where did the cavalry come from in the gravel oasis at this time

At this moment, there was a sudden bang from the front, and an extremely loud sound came from the front.

It was as if something suddenly exploded.

And it began to spread along with a huge shaking and trembling sound.

Hearing this voice, Kurt was stunned for a moment.


The door was opened rudely and impolitely.

A gnoll guard came crawling in.

And Kurt didn't blame him for his disrespect at all.

The next words from the werewolf guard made his body begin to tremble and he almost lost his balance.

The guard came to Kurt with his hands and feet, and said anxiously: "Sir, there is... there is a large group of cavalry coming to kill... kill us!"

Kurt's eyes froze for a moment, and he shouted angrily: "Where did this large group of cavalry come from!"

"Why is there a large group of cavalry?"

He grabbed the guard's collar in great anger, lifted him up and started yelling.

But the soldier had no answer at all.

Kurt dropped the cavalry and headed for the front door in a rage.

In addition to endless anger, his heart also contained waves of guilt.

At this moment, there was not much guarding force in the entire Gravel Oasis branch.

If... If that person really came to kill me!

Then, it is very likely that from today on, the entire Gravel Oasis will no longer exist.

With this in mind, Kurt strode to the front door.

As soon as he saw the scene at the front gate, his heart skipped a beat.

That huge, bloody black tiger.

And the extremely burly man holding a bloody sword in his hand.

It was exactly the same as Mond in the intelligence.

Behind Mond, there are also a large number of warriors of various races.

He was extremely tall and strong, holding a sub-artifact battle axe, riding an earth lizard, and killing barbarian warriors who were roaring continuously.

A wolf cavalry warrior holding a light saber and equipped with a strong bow and sharp arrows.

There are also the barbarian warriors who would hug their enemies and die together before dying.

Some of these warriors are powerful, some are agile and cunning, and some are brave and fearless.

In Kurt's opinion, they were definitely elite warriors who had fought through blood and fire.

Just when he was slightly stunned, suddenly, he sensed an extremely strong magical fluctuation.

Kurt's eyes quickly turned to a figure in the middle of the queue, who was wearing a gray robe and had slightly gray hair and beard.

The figure's clothes began to rustle as if blown by a strong wind.

Beside him, there was a very violent and surging magical fluctuation that suddenly appeared.

Kurt suddenly realized something and shouted, "Get down, magician!"

"Second-grade high-level magician, damn it!"

All the gnoll guards who heard Kurt's voice fell to the ground.

Soon, more than a dozen meteor boulders wrapped in thick flames fell from the sky.

The fire meteor wrapped in red flames pierced through the air directly, and with the strong wind and waves, it crashed into the Gravel Oasis branch of the Blood Knife Merchant Group.


A huge roar and a loud noise broke out madly.

The blazing flame shot up into the sky like a torch.

The debris flew everywhere, creating scattered shallow pits on the ground and walls.

There were wounded and scratched wolf guards everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for these people to stand up, Mond's men began to wield their knives.

As for Mond himself, he had already set his sights on Kurt, the person who had just given the orders.

The blood-eyed black tiger, with Mond's sturdy figure, leaped over a distance of five or six meters and arrived in front of Kurt after three steps.

When Kurt saw Mond rushing towards him, his eyes were filled with horror.

His level of divine power was that of the third grade, while the power that Mond unleashed was that of the fourth grade, the primary grade.

Moreover, the deep red sword light contained something unusual, which made Kurt's eyelids tremble and his heart tremble.