From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 102: Special competition. Prop battle


What is the most unbearable pain in the world

Generally speaking, medicine divides the pain that humans can bear into "twelve levels", and the highest level is the pain that women endure during childbirth.

However, most men will silently shake their heads to express disapproval of this conclusion after hearing it, because in their opinion, there are more painful experiences than childbirth.

And this kind of encounter is... broken eggs.

At this moment, in this arena, Park Renyong was fortunate enough to enjoy the ultimate human pain, "the pain of a broken egg."

For this Taekwondo master from South Korea, his psychological changes in a moment are quite complicated.

When his right foot successfully kicked Long Dou's arm, the first thing that appeared in Park Renyong's heart was secret joy.

This idiot actually used his arm to block my kick. Wouldn't this directly destroy one of his hands

But when the kick did hit and obvious feedback came from there, Park Renyong felt something wrong again.

what happened? Why are his arms as hard as steel? Instead, my foot was almost broken by the shock

Before his right leg hit the target, the shock and pain hit Park Renyong's nerves.

Long Dou's fist landed on his crotch with all its strength without hesitation.

The moment he was hit by a punch in his lower body, Park Renyong knew that he was finished and could no longer fight.

From being hit until the pain comes, there is a short period of vacuum, which is like a repentance time for humans to repent.

When these fleeting seconds passed, an indescribable pain spread from his lower body to Park Renyong's brain.

pain! pain! It hurts!

If it weren't for the fear of being criticized, Park Renyong would have had more than a hundred "ahs" floating in his mind at this time, but this was not enough to describe the super severe pain he felt.

Plop! Park Renyong fell to the ground after being punched.

He suddenly covered his crotch with both hands, and his strong body quickly twisted like a cooked shrimp.

Because the pain was too much, Park Renyong opened his mouth and wanted to shout.

But because the pain was too severe, even if Park Renyong opened his mouth, he couldn't shout anything because of the pain. He could only open and close it like a fish out of the water.

It's over. Although Park Renyong is still conscious, as long as he is a man, he knows that the game is over.

The vital parts were hit directly and seemed to be completely torn apart. It was impossible for any tough guy to continue fighting in this situation.

Of course, in Long Dou's view, Park Renyong is just asking for trouble and death.

You said you're just kicking your legs properly, why do you have to jump up all over

Moreover, this idiot had to spread his legs carelessly while jumping so high, for fear that others would miss his vital parts.

If you really want to play like this, you must at least be equipped with some secret magical skills such as "golden bell and iron crotch", but Park Renyong has not worked hard in this area, so the result can only be a mess.

But he was really strong this time. I almost didn't stop him.

He walked up and gave Park Renyong a kick, knocking him unconscious.

Long Dou casually shook his left arm that he had just used to block. He felt that his arm was still somewhat numb and painful.

In the eyes of ordinary people, if Long Dou used such a thin arm to resist the kick that he had just put all his strength into, he would definitely end up with a crack and his bones would be cracked as if he had been hit by a car.

But it's a pity that Long Dou has two krypton gold passives, "The Ultimate Will of Copper Skin" and "The Ultimate Will of Iron Bone", which can provide him with strong resistance to attacks.

Although the proficiency of these two skills is not enough for him to withstand all the damage, it is not a problem to withstand this kick.

"The game is over! The winner of the second game is the "Legendary Son" Kiryu Ryūto!"

Seeing Park Renyong fainted, the host decisively signaled the end of the game.

While announcing the end of the game, the host secretly covered his lower body, as if he sympathized with Park Renyong's experience.

Looking carefully, in addition to the host, all the men in the surrounding audience also reached out to cover their lower bodies or clamped their legs.

This kind of collective similar actions that appear unexpectedly is called the "egg-shattering consensus phenomenon" by Long Dou.

The so-called "egg breaking synchronicity phenomenon".

It means that when someone's balls are smashed, all the men who see the scene or hear the sound can't help but react, either by clamping their legs or reaching out to cover it, without exception.

Of course, for female viewers like Yun Yan, such a scene seems a bit embarrassing.

Seeing Pu Renyong being carried down like a salted fish and unable to get up again, Yun Yan couldn't help but murmured: "Is this considered a battle?"

In Yunyan's mind, fighting should be a game where both sides fight each other with fists, a passionate collision of body, technology and soul, showing their strongest sides in sweat and blood.

But Long Dou’s style of play just now was a bit despicable to be honest

However, Komaki Sotaro nodded with a smile and said with a smile: "Fighting is a dirty thing. As long as you can win, nothing is too much."

"Even if we attack there?"

"What do you think? This is how real fighting is. In the past, samurai fighting sounded grand, but in fact, when they got anxious, they dropped their swords and bit each other with their teeth, buttoned each other's eyeballs, and took out each other's eggs. It's just that in later generations, It just beautifies the profession of samurai, and there is no difference between them and gangsters to put it bluntly."

Biting each other with teeth and buttoning each other's eyes

When he heard such an impactful speech, Yunyan was stunned for a moment, as if he had never expected that there would be such a terrifying scene in the world.

But being down or up is not important to a fighter. Whether he walks out of the ring standing or lying down on his side is the most important thing.

As the second game ended, the following third game was even more based on Sotaro Furumaki's statement.

When Long Dou continued to kill his second opponent in seconds, the third game did not start immediately.

Under the arrangement of the host, some staff members came to the ring with some messy things and began to arrange them around the ring.

"What does that mean? Why are you putting things on the ring?"

Yunyan looked at the staff above with confusion, seemingly puzzled by this sudden change.

"This is the "prop battle" which is one of the special competition rules."

"Props. Prop battle? Does that mean you can use props?"

"Well, the last game of each "promotion match" must be a special match. The "prop battle" means that many props other than normal weapons will be placed on the ring to see who can make better use of these props. .”

Looking at the increasing number of props on the ring, the old man showed a solemn expression.

(End of chapter)