From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 111: A handsome killer on the streets late at night


Have you ever experienced being hit directly from the side by a construction dump truck

Does it feel like the car you are riding in rolls continuously on the ground and finally falls to the ground with a roar

If not, congratulations, your life is very normal.

If so, congratulations to you, your life in another world must be very exciting.

It's just that Long Dou didn't fly to another world at this time. After all, he couldn't die even if he didn't spend all the money.

Me. What happened to me

When Long Dou woke up after a series of flying and bumps, he only felt as if his body was falling apart.

My ears were ringing, the things I saw were shaky, and my nose was filled with the smell of gasoline.

After being in a daze for a few seconds in this situation, the things in front of Long Dou gradually became clear.

First, all he could see was a bloody street.

Today's night is darker and the moonlight is not so bright, but the blood stains on the ground are still very conspicuous.

Then, next to the blood stains, there was Narumi Otani lying on the ground in a twisted posture like a puppet with its strings cut off.

Yes, it was Narumi Otani, the same subordinate who was chatting happily with Ryuto just a few seconds ago.

But at this time, Narumi was obviously speechless.

Because his neck, hands and feet and other joints were twisted at weird angles, and his body was covered in blood.

Next to Narumi, who was obviously in a dead state, the car had "Mark of the Dragon" printed on the front hood. The black car that had just carried two people was still in a rollover position like a pile of junk.

The car's windows were shattered all over the place, and a huge sunken damage mark could be seen on the side.

Obviously, what is happening to Long Dou right now is called a "traffic accident."

If he remembered correctly, the reason was that a huge earth-moving construction truck suddenly rushed out of nowhere in the dark night and knocked the car Long Dou was riding in completely.

Because Ryuu Dou had strong physical fitness and had two passive skills, he did not die in the car accident, but Narumi Otani in the front seat did not die so well.

"What the hell, bastard."

When Long Dou dragged his numb body from pain to stand up with difficulty holding on to the car, he immediately looked towards the dark road behind him to see where the dump truck that hit him was.

This road is a remote road heading towards the "Kamurocho" area. The road is quite narrow, and there are very few pedestrians and vehicles on the road at this late night.

But even so, a dump truck suddenly rushed out in the middle of the night and knocked him and the car away. This could hardly be considered a normal accident.

Was it an accident? No, it's not like an accident. Could it be that someone thought...

"You're so unlucky that you're still alive."

Before Long Dou could react, words that sounded as cold as the frost in the North floated into his ears from behind.

later? etc? Is there anyone behind me? How did he

Although he didn't know when the opponent got around to the back, Long Dou immediately made a decisive move and pounced forward! Quickly distanced themselves.

It was at the moment he flew out that a piano wire whose trajectory was almost invisible in the night took away a bunch of hair on Long Dou's head.

Of course, if he hadn't swooped forward in time just now, it wouldn't just be his hair that would have been taken away.

Is this guy a professional killer

As Long Dou quickly landed on the ground in front of him and stood up despite the pain in his body, a man who looked quite beautiful in the moonlight appeared not far away.

It's hard to imagine that a man would use the word "beautiful" to describe him.

He has a handsome face with sharp edges like a classical statue, a pair of tender blue pupils, fair skin and long golden hair that is more dazzling than gold.

Such a charming appearance, coupled with the extraordinarily slender body set against the elegant suit, made this man look as handsome as if he had stepped out of an oil painting.

If you just look at his appearance, I am afraid that anyone would regard this man as a model or a star.

But it is a pity that this man named Kai Zhuo does not have such a glamorous career.

Because he is a professional killer, and he is also the leader among professional killers.

When he saw this man, the "rogue analysis mirror" in Long Dou's eyes quickly fed back information about his attributes.

Name: Georgi Mikhailovich Kedro

Age: thirty years old

Attributes: Intelligence LV3, Physique LV3, Courage LV4, Insight LV3, Charm LV3

If you look at the attributes of this killer named Kaizhuo, he can be regarded as the top powerhouse among the enemies Long Dou has encountered, second only to the monster Yong Ji.

All attributes are quite average, with almost no shortcomings in all aspects.

The most important thing is that judging from the faintly cold piano wires during his operation and the "accident" just now, this man named Kai Zhuo is obviously a veteran of murder.

The feeling of a real professional killer is not comparable to that of the villain Mike in the underground arena.

Although the villain Mike is huge and looks extremely intimidating, it is probably not much more difficult for Kaedro to kill him than to kill a pig.

From a certain point of view, it is not much more difficult for him to kill the current Long Dou than to kill a pig.

"If you had died in the car accident just now, you wouldn't have had to die in my hands. It's such a pity."

While Long Dou was sizing up the killer from the land of ice and snow, Kai Zhuo shook his head and said in a slightly sad tone.

Huh. But Long Dou didn't reply, but quickly checked his physical condition.

There were at least dozens of fractures in his legs, arms, and body, and he felt severe pain in his abdomen whenever he exerted force. He couldn't even open his hands. No, there was no way he could fight in this situation.

Seeing Kai Zhuo getting closer and closer to him, Long Dou slowly backed away while thinking about whether there was any way to survive.

If it was in good condition, he wouldn't mind gesticulating with this killer named Kai Zhuo.

But for a person who had just experienced a serious car accident, let alone gestures, it was considered his ability not to lie down on the spot.

Although there was a gun in the equipment slot, his severely fractured hands and arms were unable to hold the gun and aim. He could barely hold the gun to scare people, but it was completely useless against professional killers.

So from all angles, this is an absolute dead end, with no chance of escape at all.

If you want to die, then let's die, but you have to get some information before you die.

So after thinking for a second or two, Long Dou sat down on the same spot and said to Kai Zhuo: "You win, but you can make me die clearly before killing me."

"I reject."

Originally, Long Dou wanted to say, "Before I die, can you tell me who wants to kill me?"

But halfway through the words, with a cold "I refuse", a thin piano wire was wrapped around Long Dou's neck.

Then the vision flew upwards, and then fell into darkness.

(End of chapter)