From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 116: The executor and the father are righteous and the son is filial


After a period of construction and renovation.

Today's "Rulong Security Company" is no longer the same as the previous "Berry Conscience Financial".

With the help of the first start-up capital contributed by Gao Yuan.

He occupied an entire floor of this office building and planned it in an orderly manner.

What should be done in each room and who should do it, all the work is neat and orderly.

So when Ryuu Dou stepped onto the floor where "Yakuza Security Company" was located.

Standing at the door to greet guests and escorts, members of the "Yakuza Group" wearing black suits, sunglasses and crew cuts immediately bowed to him.

According to Gao Yuan, there are now more than 100 security guards in the "Rulong Security Company", and most of them are still receiving professional training from professional instructors at the suburban base.

It’s just that judging from the way these security guards have shaved heads, black suits, and sunglasses, it’s probably hard for the instructors to recognize who they are.

After a while, Ryuu Dou saw Akechi in the manager's office.

At this time, he was looking down at the information on his hand with big dark circles under his eyes.

Originally, Long Dou was a little annoyed with Akechi for interrupting his intimacy with Yunyan-senpai, but when he saw the dark circles under his eyes, he knew that Akechi had probably stayed up all night and was worthy of admiration.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Ryuu Dou handed over the instant coffee he bought downstairs and said to Akechi who was sitting behind the desk.

".not too good."

Akechi shook his head and said with a wry smile: "But compared to what happened this time, my situation couldn't be better."

"Is it so scary? Who is that guy named Kai Zhuo?"

"Well, to put it simply, he is a member of an organization called "The Enforcer"."

When he mentioned the words "executor", Akechi's body seemed to tremble slightly, and Long Dou also noticed this small detail.

"Executors", although Long Dou had never heard of this organization Akechi mentioned, it was not difficult to guess what kind of guys they were from the name.

"The organization is the so-called professional killer group."

"Yes, but it is not an ordinary professional killer group, but a group of monsters that are very famous in the industry. I have fought against them several times and almost died in their hands."

What? Ryuu Dou couldn't help but frown when he heard Akechi's words.

A wise career is a cyber detective, and he often handles various cases that cannot be handled through normal channels.

Therefore, it is natural that he would have entanglements with the executioner's killers.

But according to what Long Dou knew, Akechi never revealed his true identity. How did the enforcers almost kill him? Can you still beat him along the network cable

Hey, don’t tell me, it’s really okay.

"A year ago, when I was investigating a murder case committed by "executors" and was about to catch them, I was suddenly followed by a series of counter-trackings on the Internet, and they almost touched my address."

Although a year had passed, Akechi still felt a chill running down his spine after thinking about the accident that nearly killed him.

Using the "executor" method, if they really touch the wise address.

Even if Akechi lives in the Metropolitan Police Department every day, he has to finish it. After all, those killers have even successfully assassinated the president of a country. The Metropolitan Police Department is no more complicated than walking in the garden.

In addition to the glorious deeds of assassinating the president, this group of people has also had countless "successful cases" in the past. It can be said that they have achieved numerous results and provided considerate services.

"According to my investigation, there are a total of five core members of the "Executor", and the guy named Kai Zhuo you met is the code name "NO.5" among them."

"I see. I guess he has some ability."

When thinking of Kai Zhuo, Long Dou remembered the sudden assassination last night.

If he didn't have a resurrection retrospection system, Kai Zhuo's assassination would have been 100% successful.

And the most important thing is that such a powerful professional killer is only the "NO.5" in the organization, and there are four stronger monsters in front of him.

From an employer's perspective, the "executor" is indeed a master in the assassination world and very trustworthy.

However, even though Kai Zhuo's identity was figured out, there was still another issue that Long Dou urgently needed to understand.

That is, he needs to know which bastard hired the "Enforcer" to cause trouble for him.

"The issue about Kaizhuo's employer is probably clear. Anyway, you'd better watch this video."

Having said this, Akechi turned the computer screen on the desktop and played the surveillance video that made him want to vomit.

"This is."

"I stole the internal surveillance video of "Tokyo Imperial Hotel" at noon yesterday from their database."

"Tokyo Imperial Hotel" is a very famous five-star hotel in the Tokyo area. The protective facilities inside are naturally extremely strict, but in Akechi's eyes, it is like a cesspool in his house, so he can enter whenever he wants.

In the video, a very quaint-looking classic car was parked in an underground parking lot as if there was no one around, and a well-dressed middle-aged gentleman stepped out of the car.

Is this guy Kai Zhuo

Although his appearance was different, because he had seen Kaizhuo with his own eyes, Long Dou could tell from his figure and walking posture that this was the "executor" killer No. 5.

However, Kaizhuo came to this hotel at noon yesterday not to check in, because he walked directly into the executive VIP room on the top floor.

Because there couldn't be a surveillance camera in the "Executive VIP Room", Akechi couldn't see who was talking to him inside or what they were talking about inside.

However, as Akechi moved the time of this video forward for a while, the person who first walked into this VIP room became clear at a glance.

They were two men, one old and one young.

The older one looked about fifty years old, and he looked quite humane, but his eyes were full of cunning and insidiousness, and he was obviously not a good person.

The young man next to him is somewhat similar in appearance. Although he looks like he is only in his early twenties, his face is pale and bloodless. He is even a little out of breath after walking a few steps. It seems that he has been exhausted by wine and sex early on. The playboy.

These two guys are them!

After seeing these two bastards, old and young, Long Dou's eyes changed quickly, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After discovering the change in Long Dou, Mingzhi smiled bitterly and said, "I don't think I need to introduce them to you, right? You should know them."

"Of course I know them. Kamishiro Yoshiyuki and Kamishiro Takayuki are actually these two bitches, so I probably know what's going on."

When mentioning these two names that have been cast aside by players for a long time in "Red Album 2: No Survival", Long Dou raised the corner of his mouth and his tone was full of murderous intent.

(End of chapter)