From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 13: The biggest and worst misunderstanding in history


As for Izayoi Mai, although she is nominally Miss Ruri's martial attendant, she actually treats her like a younger sister.

So when Liuli was kidnapped, Wuyi was in the most nervous and excited mood.

Especially after knowing that the person who kidnapped Liuli might be the bastard young master from the "Yakuza Group", Wu Yi became obviously more anxious.

Because she had to protect her personally, Wu Yi also studied at the "Capital No. 1 High School" and was classmates with Ruri.

The students of the entire "Metropolitan First High School" knew two things clearly.

The first thing: Kiryu Ryuto likes Kamishiro Ruri very much and has always coveted her.

The second thing: Kiryu Ryuto is a cunning bastard who can do anything.

When such a bastard young master kidnaps the beautiful woman he wants, it is not difficult to think of what he will do to Liuli.

Therefore, Wu Yi has been praying that that kind of thing will never happen.

No, never, how could the eldest lady be defiled by that bastard

boom! As her slender right foot wearing special leather shoes kicked out, the door of the warehouse was kicked open for an unknown number of times.

However, in the dim light inside, Wu Yi saw a scene that almost caused her cardiac arrest.

The first thing she saw was the man, the man who made Wu Yi want to tear him into six pieces.

At this time, Kiryu Ryuto was only wearing a shirt that was quite thin compared to the weather, and the clothes looked a little messy.

And he was holding a familiar figure in his arms. You could tell who it was just by looking at his hair and dance clothes.

The most terrifying thing is that Miss Liuli, who is being held in Long Dou’s arms, is actually wearing a male school uniform that is obviously not the right size!

In the shoujo comics that Mai likes to read, she has seen similar descriptions many times.

As long as a woman wears men's clothes that don't fit, there is a high probability that there is something wrong with her own clothes, such as being torn or stained.

So, why are Miss Liuli’s clothes rotten or dirty? The answer should be self-explanatory.

Such a conjecture, coupled with Liuli's groggy and weak state at this time, really made people think of the worst possibility.

In an instant, Wu Yi's red phoenix eyes that exuded a heroic temperament suddenly tightened, and then her whole body exuded a murderous aura like a hell demon.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

If you want to kill that guy, you must kill that guy.

No, we can’t kill him directly. We must make him suffer all the tortures in the world and taste the worst suffering in the world before he dies!

There is no doubt that Wu Yi is furious now, not just furious, she can be said to be crazy.

What's worse is that she has been trained by the most elite martial arts since she was a child, and her fighting power with bare hands is stronger than Yamamoto's.

It certainly wasn't a good feeling to have such a beautiful lady in a crazy state staring at him with murderous eyes.

Long Dou naturally felt this surging murderous intent, but he didn't seem to react for a while at first.

etc? Why is Wu Yi so angry? I didn't do anything? Liuli, this is okay.

Thinking of this, Long Dou looked down at Liuli, who was leaning in his arms.

At this time, Liuli was drowsy due to hypoglycemia and her hands and feet were weak.

She was wearing an ill-fitting male uniform, and there were traces of blood flowing on her white thighs under the hem of the skirt.

Of course, the main reason why Liuli was in bad condition was because she didn't eat dinner.

She already had mild hypoglycemia, and starving herself at night could cause dizziness at any time.

As for the blood on the legs, it was fish blood that accidentally dripped everywhere when I used it on my body.

But even Long Dou has to admit that the current situation seems really easy to get people thinking wrongly.

Especially when his identity is still that of a bad criminal who coveted Miss Liuli and kidnapped her.

"Um, Miss? Can you get up and say a few words?"

Just when the fierce murderous aura quickly swept through the warehouse, Long Dou gently shook Liuli in his arms, hoping that she would raise her head and explain.

But Liuli was in a dizzy state due to hypoglycemia. Although she heard Long Dou's words, she couldn't react normally.

In desperation, Liuli could only stretch out her hand weakly, pointed at Long Dou and said, "Wu Yi... he... um."

He is not a kidnapper, so don't do anything.

God is my witness, Liuli really planned to explain it this way.

However, mid-sentence, Liuli became even more dizzy from forcing herself to speak, and had to breathe heavily.

But after she finished speaking and then pointed, the scene obviously got worse.

"Beast. How dare you treat the eldest lady?"

Listening to the eldest lady's "painful" breathing and weak fingers, Wu Yi simply couldn't imagine what terrible things Long Dou had done to her.

And at this moment, Wu Yi's eyes turned slightly, and she happened to see the three Southeast Asian killers on the ground who were tied into a "tortoise shell" shape with leather whips!

Whip? Tortoise shell binding? Could it be that!

Although she knew that Ryuuto Kiryu was a scumbag, Mai didn't expect that he was still a pervert and yet he was okay with this!

What's even more outrageous is that he actually used these obscene tricks to torture the eldest lady like this! Even dying a hundred trillion times is not enough to offset the sin!

etc? Is there something wrong with my current situation

When he felt the red murderous intent in Wu Yi's eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Long Dou quickly raised his hands and performed a French military salute to show that he meant no harm, and at the same time shouted: "Wait! I really didn't do anything! Calm down first!"

Although he had a gun in his hand, Long Dou didn't dare to take it out. Taking it out would be suicide.

He only has a gun for himself now, and the group of bodyguards of the Kamishiro family in front of him may have several guns for each person. It's okay if everyone doesn't draw a gun, but they will definitely not survive if they pay for it.

good chance!

Just when Long Dou raised his hands, Wu Yi's figure suddenly rushed towards this direction at a speed comparable to that of a 100-meter sprinter!

The distance between the two sides was only about three meters at most, and Wu Yi arrived in front of Long Dou in almost the blink of an eye with this incredibly fast dash.

At the same time as he got closer, the right hand with deliberately sharpened nails swung, and it was like a blade slashing towards Long Dou's eyes!

There is no doubt that Wu Yi has received professional training in actual combat.

Instead of poking the eyeball with two fingers, you can more definitely cause damage by swiping your fingertips towards the eyeball.

The most important thing is that almost everyone will instinctively retreat when faced with this move, and Long Dou is certainly no exception.

Oops! When he couldn't help but take two steps back, Long Dou knew that he was in big trouble.

Because taking advantage of this short emptiness, Wu Yi had already snatched the drowsy Liuli back.

This series of actions is so smooth, it's even better than an action movie.

It's a pity that Long Dou has no intention to appreciate it at all. After all, he seems to be about to become the villain in the action movie who gets beaten to pieces.

(End of chapter)