From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 39: The second generation headed to school majestically


That night, a lot of things happened.

For example, Long Dou finally got his wish and registered his name on the "Yakuza Group" list and became a glorious stinker.

For example, the "Yakuza Team" and the "Sakata Team" have once again merged into one, with 99% of the team members returning.

For example, the entire "Kamurocho" knew about Kiryu Ryuto's majestic deeds, and even almost regarded him as a god descending to earth or something.

That's right, I really almost thought I was a god descending to earth, or I was almost blown away that I was a god descending to earth.

On this late night, a group of young men had planned to have the "last fight of their lives" with all their strength, but unexpectedly, they accidentally watched the ultimate drama in which "the young man single-handedly captured the rebels as if they were searching for something."

So this group of excited "Yakuza" members occupied almost the entire "Kamurocho" like a tornado.

It feels like the door of the canteen where the bell has just rang.

They walked proudly on the street, holding various brands of drinks in their hands, and bragging about the miracles of their eldest young master to everyone they met.

In this world, it's normal to have a drink and brag about something, not to mention that it's not exactly bragging.

After all, Long Dou almost single-handedly stopped this war, and his achievements in resolving a rebellion were real, and they couldn't exaggerate them.

What's more, two team members who were relatively sharp-tongued and had learned a little bit of "manzai (Japanese-style cross talk)" even built a shed and started performing at the entrance of "Kamurocho".

The cross talk they performed was called "Secret Notes of the Ultimate Way. Castle of Darkness. Record of Ryuu Kiryu's Fighting for the Righteousness".

"Hey! When Master Long Dou rushed into the enemy formation, he shouted, "Old thief! You dare to fight me to the death! "Thousands of people around were shocked by the thunderous roar. They didn't even dare to make any movement, and even couldn't help but want to kneel on the spot!"

"Awesome! Then what!"

"The old thief Sakata saw that the situation was not good and turned around and ran away. Young Master Long Dou carried a big flag behind his back, stepped forward and chased him. When the old thief saw the young master chasing after him, he was frightened and was helplessly stopped by him. , I have to bite the bullet and prepare to fight!"

"What an old thief!"

Douchi suddenly raised his voice and said loudly: "He is wearing bulletproof armor, holding a heavy machine gun, and has seven or eight bombs on his waist. He is armed to the teeth, and he is carrying Amerikan soldiers piled up with money!"

"Shameless! Fuck Amerikan!"

"But Young Master Long Dou didn't panic at all. He rushed forward like lightning to dodge the machine gun fire, and kicked the bulletproof armor into pieces. He held down the old thief and gave him a good beating! He beat the old man to pieces. , blood burst out, the edges of the eyes were cracked, yellow and red flowed all over the floor!"


After listening to this story, the gangsters and passers-by all around couldn't help but applaud, and they all paid their respects to the brave, resourceful, affectionate and righteous young master of the "Rulong Group".

Just tonight, similar praise and mythical descriptions can be said to be filled with the entire "Kamurocho".

If Long Dou himself was not the protagonist, many of them were so vivid and vivid that even he himself would almost believe them.

Yes, he almost believed that he was wearing a crotch cloth and rushed towards the heavily armed Sakata. He also dodged machine gun bullets with his bare hands, kicked his body armor to pieces, and easily took away the enemy general's head from the crowd of thousands of people. , this is the power of rumors.

But no matter how nonsense you talk, no matter how lively the night is, it will eventually pass.

Early the next morning, Long Dou woke up in a manly pink room, turned on his phone and looked at the time on it.

Sunday, Monday, 7:35 in the morning.

After Long Dou got up from the bed, he put on clean clothes that still smelled of sunshine. After washing, he opened the courtyard door.

The sun is shining brightly today and it is a clear morning.

Of course, it would have been better if there weren't a bunch of strong men with bandages and black sunglasses kneeling outside the courtyard to greet him.

"Nidaime-sama! Good morning!"

When Long Dou appeared, the members of the "Ryuu Group" who had already been kneeling outside the courtyard immediately lowered their heads and said in unison.

Before Ryuu Dou could say anything, they embraced the second-generation team leader and walked outside, singing and dancing along the way, which was quite noisy.

This feeling is really not refreshing at all.

From Ryuu Dou's perspective, this strange situation was like waking up early in the morning and being surrounded by a bunch of greasy sumo wrestlers, each one rubbing their grease-covered bodies against Ryuu Dou's body.

Outside the headquarters of the "Yakuza Group", there was already an exclusive car waiting for him.

The person driving the car was Narumi Otani. He was promoted to Ryuu Dou's assistant last night because of his early defection, and his status soared.

"Nidaime-sama! I wish you good luck in martial arts! Drink!"

While loading Long Dou into the car, the members of this group acted like "the wind is rustling and the water is cold" for some reason. Some were even moved to tears.

However, Long Dou went out early this morning just to go to school.

Yes, that's school.

Today is Monday, and I, Ryūto Kiryu, am a student at "Metropolitan First High School", so it is normal for me to go to school.

It's just that because of last night's heroic deeds, Long Dou's body is now covered with a layer of sacred aura, which leads to the appearance of such a grand "school ceremony".

Phew. Actually, I just want to go to school in an ordinary way.

As he rode in a car from the "Kamurocho" area toward the "Minato Ward", Ryuu Dou looked at the scenery outside the window and didn't know how to describe his complicated mood.

The "Metropolitan No. 1 High School" where Ryūto studied is located in the center of "Tokyo. Minato-ku" and is the most famous high school in the city.

This college has a strong teaching staff, and there are even many talents who were born in wealthy and famous families and will surely bear the fate of the country in the future.

Of course, Kiryu Ryūto was not supposed to be included.

After all, the original Yakuza master couldn't even recognize the twenty-nine letters of the English alphabet, and he was somewhere between an illiterate and an idiot.

The reason why Ryuuto was able to enter this high school was mainly due to the favor of his father, Kazuma Kiryu.

It is said that the principal of the "Metropolitan No. 1 High School" had a dispute with the Yakuza while dancing in a nightclub, and was almost beaten to death on the spot. However, a passing horse saved him.

As the vehicle slowly advanced, there were more and more men and women in uniform on the surrounding streets.

When he saw the familiar school uniforms and familiar streets, Long Dou couldn't help but smile happily (arrogantly).

In "Red Album 2: No Survival", "Metropolitan No. 1 High School" is the most important game location, and at least 60% of the events occur in the school.

The most important thing is that two of the three heroines studied here, and the third heroine later transferred here. It can be said to be the holy land of love games.

"Metropolitan No. 1 High School", here I come!

The moment he got off the car, Long Dou stood in front of the familiar school gate and looked up at the familiar school badge at the front door.

However, what he didn't know was that his sudden stop caused a queue of people to form on the street behind him.

(End of chapter)