From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 56: Soul-tearing malice


I have to say that because Yong Ji is extremely beautiful, she looks quite good when she shows such a subtle expression at this time.

It's just that in the game, whenever Yong Ji shows such an expression, someone will definitely die.

After understanding this, Long Douzhan asked tremblingly: "Well, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You just stated what you were going to use to deal with me. Aren't you just going to use this as an excuse to cover up the fear you felt when you saw me?"

The corners of Yong Ji's mouth rose wider and wider. She slowly walked out from behind the table and walked towards Long Dou with brisk steps.

Her slender white feet were wearing slender high heels. When the heels hit the carpet, they would not make any sound, but it seemed as if every foot stepped on Long Dou's heart.

Before Long Dou could react, Yong Ji leaned her head over and asked in a tone that contained excitement and joy: "This is 100% your first time seeing me, why do you feel so scared? What on earth did you just see?"

Yong Ji was sure that this was the first time Long Dou saw her.

Even though many people in the dark world know the name "Tenmu Yongji", there are not many living people who have actually seen her.

At the same time, due to Yong Ji's strict management, it is impossible for her photos to appear on the Internet and in the media.

But Long Dou obviously knew who she was, and he immediately looked nervous as if he had seen a ghost, which made Yong Ji very curious.

So she walked towards Long Dou, further increasing the pressure on him.

This was the first time that Long Dou got so close to this woman.

Their faces were almost close to each other, and Yong Ji's flawless face was so close to his eyes that he could even smell her alluring poppy-flower-like breath of death with just one breath.

But the current situation made Long Dou unable to help but tremble.

The "Courage" of "LV3. Professional Master" level was enough to keep him calm when he was kidnapped by a group of professional mercenaries.

However, such mental endurance was so fragile in front of Yongji, so vulnerable, as fragile as a cheap condom that could kill someone at any time.


"Didi, Didi, you answered too slowly, now we are entering the punishment phase."

Click! Long Dou originally wanted to reply, but the moment he said the word "I", there was a crisp sound from the little finger of his left hand!

Long Dou looked down and saw that his little finger, which was originally straighter than a steel bar, had been bent quickly, forming a ninety-degree angle with the other four fingers!


Severe pain, the severe pain of having his finger broken suddenly rushed into his brain, and Long Dou almost couldn't help shouting.

But he didn't. Long Dou used his strength to endure the pain that was enough to make people faint, and looked up at Yong Ji, whose expression was as usual.

Breaking off the fingers of someone you just met was as natural to Yong Ji as breathing. She didn't even look at Long Dou's hands.

Then, the beauty smiled and said in a gentle tone: "From now on, you only have five seconds to answer each of my questions. If you exceed it, one of your fingers will be cut off. Do you have any objection?"

If you have any, just say it. I am very generous and everything is easy to discuss.

Yongji's eyes seemed to reveal such information, as if she had no intention of forcing others.

Moreover, a stopwatch appeared on her hand at some point, ready to press the timing button at any time.

Knowing that this woman would never make a joke, Long Dou immediately replied wisely: "No objection."

"Very good, first question, how did you know about my existence?"

I.I am from.

When Yong Ji asked this question, Long Dou's brain started to work rapidly.

The thinking time is only five seconds. If you exceed it, you will be punished. Having your fingers broken is no joke.

But how should this question be answered

It is impossible for Long Dou to directly say that I am a time traveler. I only got to know you after playing "Red Album 2: No Survival".

If he said that, it would be okay if Yongji didn't believe it. If he did, she probably wouldn't have caught him on the spot and cut him alive for study.

But if he knew of her existence through other means, what was that way

Oops, it's almost five seconds, I have to answer quickly, otherwise

When she reacted, the stopwatch on Yong Ji's hand had reached the three-second time period.

At the same time, the second burst of clicking sounds came from the ring finger of Long Dou's left hand!


this! Is there any mistake? Didn’t we agree on five seconds

Long Dou, who bent over due to severe pain, took a deep breath and looked at Yong Ji who quietly pressed the stopwatch button.

At this time, the time displayed on the stopwatch was exactly three seconds.

This is not even the promised time! Then why did you cut off my finger

Under Long Dou's angry gaze, Yong Ji chuckled and said: "I suddenly felt that five seconds was too long, so I temporarily changed it to three seconds. Don't you think this is a small and considerate change? ?”

When Yong Ji laughed happily, Long Dou realized that he was wrong.

Originally, Long Dou always thought that Yong Ji was a wanton psychopath, just like what was shown in the game.

But in fact, Yong Ji in the real world is a million times more insane than she appears in the game! It’s simply a cosmic psychosis!

Stimulated by the severe pain, Long Dou took a few steps back without leaving a trace, and said in as calm a tone as possible: "You don't care at all how I learned about your existence, you actually just want to torture me, right? ?”

"Hey, you actually discovered this. You are such a smart kid. Applause."

Like a mother who sees her child growing up, Yong Ji smiled and reached out to pat her, which was a very cute gesture.

The smile on her face was as kind as the reincarnation of the Virgin, but unfortunately the chaos in her eyes only increased.

Being with her is like being with a manic menopausal gorilla. If you continue, you will be played to death by her.

There is no other way, I can only die

"In this situation, you are going to die anyway, so you can only fight to the death. Plan to pull out some kind of weapon from somewhere to deal with me, because you can't win with your bare hands. Come on, I'm looking forward to it."

As if she had seen through Long Dou's inner activities, Yong Ji once again expressed his thoughts into words, even with an expectant expression on his face.

Are you mistaken? This guy is a beast!

Although Yong Ji saw through his heart again, Long Dou could only take out the pistol hidden in the system equipment slot from behind his back and pointed the black muzzle at the woman.

(End of chapter)