From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 81: Extreme man. Stiff knees


Although Kiryu Ryuto has now mastered most of the say in the "Yakuza Group", he has also become the young master and second generation head in the eyes of most people.

But in fact, he is not officially in place, and even if he is in place, many things must be discussed with consultants before he can start doing it. He cannot just talk and take matters into his own hands.

In particular, Fujiki Yoshio, an old advisor, was one of the subordinates who had followed Kazuma Kiryu for the longest time, so Ryuu Dou had to ask for his permission.

So after returning to the "Yakuza Group" headquarters that night, Ryū Dou found Uncle Fujiki and explained his plan to him.

From getting to know two promising young masters, Gao Yuan and Akechi, to hosting the "Rulong Security Company", as well as how to extract money quickly, and so on.

During the narration process, Fujiki Yoshio remained silent and just smoked his native pipe silently.

The gloomy look on his face made it difficult to figure out what this consultant was thinking.

"Uncle Fujiki. What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Long Dou looked at his expression and asked in an uncertain tone.

No matter what, Long Dou must convince Fujiki. Only in this way can this matter proceed smoothly.

A few seconds later, Fujiki sighed deeply, put down the pipe in his hand, and asked in a vicissitudes of tone: "Master Long Dou, what do you think the Yakuza is?"

Long Dou was silent for a while, and then said firmly: "They are a collection of people that cannot be tolerated by today's society."

In Long Dou's view, the "Jikakus" are a group of people who have been exiled from society and can only live in darkness.

"On the contrary." But Fujiki shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that the Yakuza are not tolerated by society, but that people who are not tolerated by society form the Yakuza."

Although the two stated the same fact, their meanings were completely different.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Yakuza are not tolerated by society because they have become Yakuza.

But from the very beginning, it was actually those people who were not tolerated by society and who ran counter to the country who chose to stick together for warmth, which formed the source of the Yakuza.

There are many people who are out of touch with this society and are not allowed to exist by the country, and there are many reasons.

One of the main reasons is that I am disappointed with this country that is rotten to the core.

In the view of Fujiki and other older generation Yakuza, Japan is a country whose backbone has been broken. From the top government to the civil society, they are all a group of dogs with broken spines.

When Fujiki was still very young, something like this happened to him.

At that time, Fujiki took a tram to travel to a certain place. There were several tall and strong white men on the car. They spoke fluent English and shouted unscrupulously.

Unable to bear the noise, Fujiki stepped forward to stop it, but was surrounded by those strong men.

In front of hundreds of people on the bus, those strong men beat Tengmu hard and spit in his face.

But everyone around them just stayed away, not daring to take a breath, let alone help Fujiki.

Originally, he was beaten after being beaten, and his skills were not as good as others, so Fujiki accepted it, but what really made him commit to the extreme path was what happened later.

On the tram returning from the trip, Fujiki saw several other thin and frail young people gathered around and making noise.

However, this group of young people had not been making noise for long before the passengers in the surrounding cars surrounded them, accusing them of breaking social rules, having no morals, having no family education, etc.

From that moment on, Fujiki understood.

The residents of Japan are like a defeated dog with its spine broken.

When meeting people who are weaker than themselves, they like to straighten their backs, stand tall, and follow rules, morals, and talk about what is necessary and what is not, in order to show their identity.

When meeting someone who is stronger than him, he doesn't dare to take a breath, and he doesn't dare to say anything when someone rides on his face to shit. He just lowers his head and pretends that the shit on his head is leftover curry.

This is not a matter of one person, but of the whole society and the whole country.

The brave man is angry and draws his sword at the stronger man.

The coward gets angry and draws his sword at the weaker one.

The mentality of bullying the weak and fearing the strong is engraved in the bones of every Japanese and permeated in their genetic genes.

Therefore, there is a need for the existence of the Yakuza, and the existence of such tough guys who will not compromise with the strong and powerful.

"In this deformed country where everyone else lives on their knees and takes pride in being enslaved by the strong, we, the Yakuza, are the only ones standing because our knees are stiff and we are born unable to kneel down."

Having said this, Fujiki reached out and patted his knees where he was sitting cross-legged.

The standard sitting posture in "Yakuza Group" is always "sitting cross-legged", "sitting on your knees" is not allowed.

Because everyone else in this society is kneeling, so we, the Yakuza, cannot kneel, so we, the Yakuza group, cannot kneel.

From a social perspective, the Yakuza are weak because they don't live long.

But even if he is a weak person, he is a weak person who dies standing up, not a so-called strong person who lives on his knees.

Ikma understands this principle, so does Fujiki, and so do thousands of brothers.

However, at this time, Long Dou said that he wanted the "Ryuugong Team" to do some security work. Isn't this because he wanted to be a dog for a dignitary

It is because they don’t want to kneel down and be like dogs, so they are exiled from society. If the price of making money is to go back to being dogs, then it’s okay not to make money.

Although Fujiki didn't say it clearly, his expression and tone clearly meant this.

After feeling Fujiki's firm will, Ryū Dou didn't know what to say for a moment.

The "Yakuza Group" is a place for standing people who are not accepted by society. Even if they are criticized by everyone, even if they are poor, they must continue to stand like this until the moment of death.

If even the "Yakuza Group" becomes the lackeys of the rich and bureaucrats, then the last remaining traces of humanity in this country will disappear.

Therefore, Fujiki does not support the formation of "Rulong Security Company" and does not want to make this money.

Hmm. What to do

For a moment, Ryuu Dou didn't know how to convince Fujiki. After all, this man's will was relatively firm.

It would be great if Liuli was here. She has a brighter mind. She must have a brighter brain

By the way, you can still do that.

Just as Long Dou was thinking about how to convince the other party, he suddenly thought of the reason why his mind was not working well.

In the final analysis, all of Long Dou's previous actions seemed unpredictable and strategizing, but in fact they were based on a full understanding of the world and other people, and were open-book examinations.

When it comes to the true level of intelligence, Long Dou is currently at the level of "LV1 intelligence. Human crumbs", which is at most the level of the normal public.

So what to do now? Naturally, I need to improve my resourcefulness. Anyway, I just got a righteous fortune not long ago, and my wallet is still relatively well-off.

So Long Dou immediately clicked on the system and entered the familiar attribute improvement interface.

"To upgrade from "LV1 Intelligence" to "LV2 Intelligence" requires "five million yuan", confirm the payment?"

LV1 to LV2 also cost 5 million, but it feels like it’s not worth it, forget it.

After spending five million yuan to upgrade "Wisdom" on the spot, Long Dou's mind suddenly felt a lot brighter as a slight light came.

How should I describe this feeling? It was as if Long Dou's mind was filled with paste before, but now a lot of the paste has been cleared away, and his thoughts have gradually become clearer.

(End of chapter)