From the Tokyo Villain to the Love Game

Chapter 89: The horror of the secret of technology


There are always more than three elite members of the "Yakuza Group" protecting Ryu Dou.

Although Long Dou has always been skeptical about this group of "elites" who couldn't even find him sneaking out, it is undeniable that these Yakuza members are really good at fighting.

After seeing the three people appear, Long Dou also pointed to the nearest one and ordered: "Come here and punch me hard."

Punch Nidaime hard

"Yes!" Even after receiving such a strange order, the black-clad Yakuza still chose to obey unconditionally.

Judging from this obedience, it is not unreasonable for Fujiki to say that they are the elite members of the "Yakuza Group". They feel a bit like soldiers.

So the tall and powerful Jidao in black clothes quickly moved his body, walked up to Long Dou and raised his fists, clenching his iron-like fists, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The next second, the black suit's right foot turned slightly, kicked the ground violently, used the foot to bring the waist, the belt to the shoulder, and the shoulder to punch, and a very standard right straight punch hit Long Dou's face.

Obviously, he should have practiced boxing seriously for a long time. After all, the movement of this punch was quite standard. The whole body's strength was smooth when the arm was swinging, and there was a faint crisp sound.

Ah. So that’s what happened? I understand.

But the moment the black suit punched, Long Dou's figure almost instinctively made corresponding movements in sync with him.

The young man stepped forward with the soles of his feet, crouched quickly with his right knee, and while sinking his body forward to the right, he whipped out his left arm like a whip, and struck hard on the center line of the black suit's abdomen with a punch!

Well! The moment he was hit by a punch, Hei Fu felt as if the air in his lungs exploded, his breathing stopped on the spot, and the entire body's continuous punching movements also stopped in place in a strange posture.

No. Can't move? What am I

Before Black Clothes could recover from the "stagnation" effect caused by this punch, Long Dou had quickly walked around to the side of his body and placed a "Dragon Tooth Serrated Saber" that he had pulled out from nowhere. At the man's neck.

From the moment the black suit punched until the knife was placed on his neck, at most one second had passed.

For a moment, the fear of being killed enveloped the black-suited body. He didn't even have time to feel the pain of exploding lungs and the pain of being unable to breathe. Only a few drops of cold sweat fell quickly on his forehead.

".How are you? Are you okay?"

After sensing his fear, Long Dou quickly removed his knife, reached out and patted the man in black on the shoulder, and asked with concern.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Immediately, the man in black clothes who had been punched put his hand on his abdomen and took a few deep breaths, and said with admiration: "Nidaime, you are really amazing, my subordinates really admire you."

Although he didn't use all his strength when punching the man in black just now, Long Dou was the same in this regard.

If the two sides really fought, the result would definitely be that the black boxer was beaten to death with a punch, and then ended directly with a saber.

Especially in the eyes of the two stunned Ji Dao on the side, Long Dou's combination of hiding and fighting just now was really wonderful.

Almost at the moment when the opponent punched, his body had already completed the dodge action, and at the same time, he struck with a preemptive punch.

The most frightening thing is that Ryuu Dou's counterattack just now was almost impossible to defend against. This is also one of the three secrets of Gu Mu style, the core skill of "Technology: Tiger Fall".

The essence of "The Secret of the Technique: Tiger's Fall" is to use a short distance and small movement to exert force. At the moment of the enemy's attack, use an inch of force to strike first and hit the opponent's diaphragm.

If the position, angle and strength are all qualified, the hit "diaphragm" will produce a "transient spasm" phenomenon, causing breathing to stagnate instantly, and the body will fall into a rigid state, allowing it to be slaughtered in a short period of time.

Judging from the fact that Long Dou used this "technical secret: tiger fall" for the first time in actual combat just now, he has already mastered the "Gu Mu style martial arts" quite well.

Even though the current proficiency level of this skill is only "21%", this level of proficiency is already considered as an entry-level level that can be used in actual combat.

If you want to slowly cultivate to this point under normal circumstances, it is impossible to achieve it in just a few years, except for a natural geek like Yima.

In this way, for the next hour, Long Dou used these three bodyguards in black to act as helpers.

Or to put it more bluntly, in fact, they have been using "Tiger Drop" to hammer the three of them to the ground in turn.

By using this skill over and over again, Long Dou also quickly mastered the key to this move, and combined with his now quite strong physical fitness, it can produce excellent results.

After improving all the attributes not long ago, the benefits brought by the attribute improvement can be said to be immediate.

"LV3 Courage" can help Long Dou stay calm in any situation, and he remains incredibly calm even in fierce battles.

"LV2 Insight" can have stronger dynamic vision and observation ability, and can see the opponent's movements more clearly, and it is even more powerful when combined with "The Secret of Technique. Tiger Falls".

If you add in the newly acquired skills and the several high-end equipment hidden on your body that can be taken out at any time.

It can be said that today's Ryuuto is at least three to four times stronger than a week ago, and has reached the point where he can truly claim the title of "Yakuza-gumi's second generation member. Kiryu Ryuuto".

As time passed by, the eight o'clock alarm clock sounded as scheduled when I was about to leave for school.

"Huh, it's almost time to get ready for school. Okay, you three go and have a good rest. If you feel uncomfortable, report a work-related injury."

"Yes Yes."

Seeing the Nidaime-sama walking out leisurely, the three men in black clothes who had staggered to the ground responded in a feeble tone, obviously being trained a little miserably.

However, just as Ryuu Dou was about to walk towards the door and get into the car driven by Narumi Otani and rush towards youth as usual, Narumi ran towards this side with heavy steps.

"Nidaime! It's not bad!"

Early in the morning, Otani's tone was very solemn, as if he had seen something that shocked him.

Long Dou also frowned when he saw his expression, "What's going on? Is there an enemy attack?"

"Not an enemy, but there is an expensive-looking car parked in front of our headquarters, and the owner of that car said he is waiting for you to come to school with him."

An expensive car? Are you waiting for me to go to school with you? What the hell

After hearing what Otani said, Long Dou walked out of the door full of doubts and curiosity.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw Senior Yunyan sitting in the black car that looked very special at first glance, waving towards him with a smile.

(End of chapter)