
Chapter 109: 029 The nail pricked my foot


For the first time in my life, I felt like I was blind. The man in front of me used all kinds of dirty tricks. And I was still foolish enough to think he was a good person. I would be grateful to him if he treated me a little better. The deeper my love was, the more heartbroken I felt at this moment. The slap was so heavy that a bright red slap mark immediately appeared on Feng Zhenyang's face.

The dining room was suddenly silent. Apart from the sound of our breathing, no other sound could be heard. I stared at Feng Zhenyang. He looked at me in disbelief. Tears were faintly visible in his beautiful eyes, desolate and powerless: "I have no heart? I am hypocritical? Shen Jiaying! If I had no heart, would I help you? If I were hypocritical, Zhao Yicheng would not only be like this today, he would be truly desperate!"

He touched the red half of his face that I hit him on, and stopped trying to make excuses. His expression looked like he was crying and laughing at the same time: "Yes! I admit that I drank a little at the time, and I did that kind of thing on impulse, which led to misunderstandings between you and Zhao Yicheng. Afterwards, I regretted it very much. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't dare to say it. Do you know how entangled I was at the time? I was afraid that after I told you, we wouldn't even be friends. I was afraid that our relationship of more than ten years would come to an end. So... I never dared to tell you!"

"But later, I also used other channels to let Zhao Yicheng know that we were not together that day. What about him! How did he treat you! He knew it was a misunderstanding, but he... He almost hit you for Han Xiaoxiao!" Feng Zhenyang knew me too well, he knew what I wanted to ask.

Before I could ask, he said angrily, "Think about it carefully. If he really thought you had betrayed him! Does he really not know the truth? If he didn't know the truth, how could he be willing to divorce you and leave the house with nothing? Shen Jiaying, you have lived with Zhao Yicheng for ten years. Do you think he would leave the house with nothing if he didn't know the truth and if he really thought you had betrayed him? Haha, you say I'm hypocritical, you say I have no heart. We have known each other for how many years, and this is how you see me?"

Feng Zhenyang was smiling, but tears were rolling down his eyes. Men don't cry easily, and Feng Zhenyang is someone who never wants to admit defeat. But he cried, and I cried too. We were both in our thirties, but we cried like two children because of a quarrel.

I didn't say anything else. My beating heart seemed to be pierced with holes, and then sprinkled with salt and poured with wine. I didn't know what to say to Feng Zhenyang, because he was right. With Zhao Yicheng's personality, if Feng Zhenyang didn't let him know the truth later, he would never have left the house with nothing.

So should I not blame Feng Zhenyang? But I can't help but blame him. If he hadn't been impulsive, or if he had told me the truth, maybe my life would be different now. Maybe I would still be Shen Jiaying, who has a happy family and doesn't have to worry about it all the time.

Sometimes, just because of an impulsive mistake, a person's life trajectory can be changed. I can understand Feng Zhenyang's fear at that time, but what's the use of understanding? What can understanding change? Maybe it's not his fault, nor Zhao Yicheng's fault, but all of this is God's fault.

I can't face Feng Zhenyang now, let alone live with him day and night. Once, I asked Feng Zhenyang why people have to live such a complicated and tiring life. Feng Zhenyang said that some people are born to like to calculate, while others have to calculate. So what about Feng Zhenyang? Which type does he belong to? And me, what am I

I was at a loss, I didn't know what to do in the future, I sat on the bed and tears fell uncontrollably. I thought if the Feng family saw me like this, they would definitely be suspicious, but fortunately, there weren't many people coming and going in the yard where Feng Zhenyang and I lived, and even if there were people coming and going, his family wouldn't come and hang out so early in the morning.

Shen Jiaying, you have to calm down and stop showing any emotion, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. I closed my eyes, wiped away my tears, calmed down, and then slowly walked out of the room.

The living room was empty, and there was an unfinished breakfast on the dining table. Where did Feng Zhenyang go? I looked outside the door but didn't see him. Did he go to the company? Or did he have a fight with me and was in a bad mood, so he went out? Nothing would happen to him, would it? No, Feng Zhenyang is not a three-year-old child. He has seen a lot of storms. How could he get into trouble just because of a fight with me

Although I comforted myself over and over again, I couldn't help but worry. I walked to the yard with my phone in my hand, and hesitated whether to call him. I was worried that something might happen to him, but I didn't want to hear his voice. After thinking it over, I decided to go out and look for him to see where he was.

The Feng family mansion is very big, big enough to accommodate their entire family, from Feng Zhenyang's grandfather to his cousins, and some relatives from other branches. Depending on their status, they live in different places. The place where Feng Zhenyang and I live is pretty good, at least not as terrible as where some of his cousins live.

In this family, there are those who work hard to climb up, and there are those who muddle through and shamelessly become parasites. Parasites are divided into different levels, some live like princes and princesses, and some live like ants. Living under someone else's roof is not easy, especially for those who are ants.

I don't want to be part of this ant group, so I will try my best to find ways to make myself work.

After the quarrel with Feng Zhenyang, I was as unlucky as a drowned dog. I went out to look for him, but as soon as I walked out of the yard, I stepped on a foreign object, and a piercing pain spread from the sole of my foot to my whole body. I almost screamed in pain, but I held it back.

I just lifted my foot tremblingly, and a nail pierced through the soft sole of my shoe and stabbed my foot. How could there be a nail in this place! And... it was right at the door. In addition to the pain, some very bad thoughts flashed through my mind. I remembered what Feng Zhenyang said. He said that everyone in the Feng family thought I was really pregnant, and some people wanted to kill me! Living in this house is still okay, but living outside is more likely to be killed.

Now! Am I considered to have been attacked in his so-called safe zone? I have to go to the hospital, otherwise if it gets infected, it is possible that my foot will be crippled. I have been injured while filming before, but I have never been as scared and uneasy as I am now.

I clearly felt that some of Feng Zhenyang's behaviors were terrible, but it was ridiculous that he was the only person I could think of when I was in danger. In the Feng family, apart from him, I couldn't find anyone else to help me. In my condition, I couldn't move at all without help. The blood kept flowing from my feet. I endured the pain and slowly moved a few steps, leaning one hand on the wall and dialing Feng Zhenyang's cell phone number with the other hand.

Beep, beep, beep... I was in so much pain that I was sweating all over, but Feng Zhenyang's phone was still unanswered. When I called him for the dozenth time, he simply hung up and finally turned off his phone.

Oh, I don't want to see Feng Zhenyang, and he doesn't want to see me either. It's the same reason. Why should I bother to beat him? But... what can I do now? Call 120, or call Shen Shiqi or Tang Xiaomei! They can't get in! Call Shen Shiqi! Try it out!

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with your foot?" I was about to call Shen Shiqi when a man's voice suddenly sounded nearby.

I was in so much pain that I couldn't even stand up, so I didn't care who the other person was. I just let him support me. After I stood up, I looked up and thanked him: "Thank you."

When I looked up, I realized that the man who was supporting me was the young man who had come to Feng Zhenyang's house with Grandpa Feng Zhenyang that day. No! It should be said that he was a young boy. He looked to be at most 25 or 26 years old, even younger than Shen Shiqi.

However, I could see a kind of deepness in his eyes that was not in line with his age. I didn't just have this feeling now. From the first time I saw him, I felt that this young man was not simple. But now I don't have time to think about whether he is simple or complicated. I just feel that if I don't go to the hospital, my leg may be disabled. I might become a cripple if the tendon is injured.

The young man was very gentle and good-looking, but unlike the other members of the Feng family, who all had similarities, the man in front of him was completely different from the others in terms of temperament and appearance. He looked very gentle and spoke very gently: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to be polite to me. I didn't have time to introduce myself to you twice before. My name is Feng Zhenqing, and I'm Brother Zhenyang's cousin. You can just call me Zhenqing."

"Um, OK, thank you Zhenqing." Even though he said you're welcome, I still had to be polite. Now that I've calmed down a little, I feel a little uneasy. This Feng Zhenqing went to Feng Zhenyang's house with Feng Zhenyang's grandfather before. It's not clear whether he's a friend or an enemy. The only thing that can be seen is that this Feng Zhenqing is liked by the old man of the Feng family and is a low-key person.

But I still felt uneasy, and this uneasiness gradually dissipated until I arrived at the hospital and my foot was bandaged. Although Feng Zhenqing was young, he was well versed in worldly affairs. He saw my uneasiness early in the morning, but he didn't say anything until we left the hospital, then he smiled and said kindly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have already called Brother Zhenyang, I think he will be here soon."

"Well, thank you." I nodded, not knowing what to say except thank you.

Feng Zhenqing sat on a stool beside the bed, his every move exuding a scholarly air. Even his smile was extremely elegant, revealing his white teeth. "Sister-in-law, you really don't have to be so polite to me. However, you have to be polite to others. Did you offend the guy from Nanyuan before? You got pricked by a nail when you first arrived."

"The one from Nanyuan? What... are you talking about?" I was confused. I didn't even know what Nanyuan was, so how could I have offended someone there

My answer confused Feng Zhenqing: "No one can do such a thing as putting nails in the ground except the ancestor in Nanyuan."

"The ancestor of Nanyuan? I don't know any ancestor of Nanyuan? I don't even know what Nanyuan is!" I was even more puzzled.

Feng Zhenqing spread his hands, feeling quite helpless: "Maybe Nanyuan's ancestor suddenly went crazy, OK! The ancestor is here!"

Following Feng Zhenqing's gaze, I saw Feng Zhenyang and a girl who looked about the same age as Feng Zhenqing walked in together. The girl looked unhappy. (To be continued)