
Chapter 115: 035 Identity Mystery


What? There was a fire in Aunt Feng Zhenyang’s yard? Although I had no feelings for her, I was still very anxious when I heard that there was a fire in her yard and sat up from the bed in a hurry. The first reaction was to ask about Shen Yue's condition: "Is he okay?"

"The fifth aunt may still be inside, but no one responded to her calls." Feng Zhenyang's voice became smaller and smaller, his brows furrowed: "Don't worry, the firefighters are already here, and everyone at home is also trying their best to put out the fire."

No one responded! My head exploded. I haven’t told her yet, but I actually know that she is my biological mother? I didn't tell her that my parents had come to the imperial capital. If she wanted to meet, they could meet at any time. She wouldn't be as pessimistic as she thought and would never be able to meet again in her lifetime.

I got up from the bed in a panic. Feng Zhenyang went to the market and took a black coat and put it on me. Then he knelt down and said, "I'll carry you out. It's late at night and you can easily fall."

Tang Xiaomei said that Feng Zhenyang is simply the perfect male god who came out of the comics. But she also said, that is for you, Shen Jiaying. He is never like this to others. He cares for you but is indifferent to others. He is really the perfect boyfriend!

So what now? Is he the perfect husband? The matter has been settled for a long time. There seems to be no point in trying to distance myself from Feng Zhenyang. Besides, if I don’t let him carry me now, with my legs and feet, I am afraid that the wound on my foot will split before I even reach the yard. .

So I no longer rejected Feng Zhenyang and leaned down on his back. His back is kind of warm and generous, and Feng Zhenyang is also very strong. Even though he is carrying me on his back, it still does not affect his speed.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the courtyard where Feng Yue and Shen Yue lived. The fire in the courtyard had been put out. A lot of people from the Feng family were there, including Feng Zhenqing, Lin Ruoxue and Feng Nan. Only Feng Yue was missing, and... missing. Shen Yue.

The fire has been put out. Isn't it time for Shen Yue to be rescued? Why is she also missing? I wanted to ask, but I didn't dare to ask. After all, I look very similar to Shen Yue when I was young. No one else asked, but I asked first, which really aroused suspicion.

I know very well that I can't ask. If I ask, Shen Yue's identity will be exposed, and the person who originally intended to harm her will have more reasons. So I could only hold it in and quietly look at the small foreign-style building that was still smoking. Firefighters dressed in orange clothes came out one after another with fire extinguishing equipment.

I stared at the gate intently, not daring to blink, for fear that I would miss something if I blinked just once.

"Where are the people inside? There are people inside!" I was anxious, but Feng Zhenqing was even more anxious than me. You can't pretend to be anxious like that. You can deceive people with anything, but your eyes can't deceive you.

Feng Zhenyang said that Feng Zhenqing was not a good person, but now it seems that he does not seem to be a bad person. So how should I explain the fact that I was pierced by a nail on the sole of my foot? My head was in a state of confusion.

On the one hand, it was chaos because of Shen Yue, and on the other hand, it was chaos because of Feng Zhenqing. Where did this person come from? I can't figure out his path. He is young but has a deep mind. Hehe, I can’t even figure out Feng Zhenyang, whom I’ve known for more than ten years. It’s strange that I can figure out Feng Zhenqing clearly.

Now I just want to find out where this fire came from and whether Shen Yue is in it. She is in a bad mental state. Could she be hiding somewhere without being discovered? The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, so I whispered in Feng Zhenyang's ear: "Well, let me down quickly and ask if there is anyone else among them? You..."

"Don't worry. If she is really in there, the firefighters will rescue her." In the noisy crowd, Feng Zhenyang gently put me down and whispered comfort in my ear: "We can't find anyone now. Probably the best."

"Okay, don't worry, I've already called Uncle Wu." Feng Zhenyang said as he pulled the coat around me: "It's cold now, let's go back first, there's no use worrying here now, right? ?”

"Why is there no one? Aren't you here to save people? Where on earth has my fifth aunt gone? Are you people just doing it for a living?" It's not just me who is worried, but also Feng Zhenqing. He is not only worried, he He worked so hard that he was on fire. He completely lost his usual politeness and manners. He grabbed the firefighter by the collar and called him a freeloader!

"Zhenqing, what are you doing?" The tall sexy beauty standing next to her hurriedly grabbed Feng Zhenqing, her beautiful face showing a hint of worry: "Don't do this."

Probably realizing his gaffe, Feng Zhenqing slowly let go of the innocent firefighter. The firefighter's face also looked very ugly. He tried his best to put out the fire, only to be scolded, and no one's face would look good.

"Madam! Madam! You are finally back. Where have you been?" All the people were searching for Shen Yue in the courtyard. Suddenly they heard the old lady's voice coming from the door of the courtyard. What was that old lady's name? I I can’t remember clearly, but I know she was the old nanny who served Shen Yue.

Then her wife is Shen Yue! I immediately turned back and looked in the direction of the courtyard entrance. A thin figure stood there, who could it be if it wasn't Shen Yue? Her eyes looked very empty, and her mental state was far different from when I first met her. It seemed that she suddenly fell ill and ran out secretly when the old lady wasn't paying attention.

Fortunately, she ran out. If she had taken a rest early as usual, she would have died alive inside, either burned to death or choked to death. Seeing Shen Yue standing there unscathed, I finally felt relieved.

But then, I worried about where she was going. Feng Zhenyang said that he had already called Feng Yue, so it is possible that someone deliberately set the fire while Feng Yue was away, with the intention of taking Shen Yue's life! But Shen Yue is a mentally disturbed person, who would deliberately want to harm her? Logically speaking, who can't she hinder? Could it be that there is still Feng Yue's old sweetheart, his cousin, in this Feng family mansion

Now when I talk about my harmful old sweetheart, the first thing that pops up in my mind is cousin. What Lin Ruoxue said made me have to think about it. Feng Zhenyang said that I was just thinking wildly, but I didn't think so myself. Lin Ruoxue had a problem with Feng Zhenyang.

What she said to me didn't sound like she was talking to her cousin, but she was clearly provoking a love rival. Maybe their family's strange traits are all genetic! Apart from that, I really can’t think of anyone who would harm a mentally disturbed person, and what benefits would be gained from harming her

But I couldn't ask anything, so I could only watch quietly. I couldn't even go up to ask about the situation. Compared to Feng Zhenqing and Lin Ruoxue, Shen Yue and I are basically strangers. If I rush up there like Feng Zhenqing did, I'm afraid I'll cause trouble again.

The internal battles within the Feng family mansion and the struggle for power within the Li & Fung Group are as exciting as the sons of ancient emperors vying for the throne. There is an unofficial crown prince, a powerful and unfavored brother, and a turtle grandson with ulterior motives. right! That turtle grandson with ulterior motives is Feng Zhenyang.

I am Feng Zhenyang’s wife, so naturally I can’t cause him any trouble. At home, I can argue with him violently, even to the point of being unreasonable, but when I go outside, I must give him face, and I must not cause him any trouble for no reason. .

So I resisted going up to ask questions, and just watched quietly as Feng Zhenqing and the sexy beauty took Shen Yue away. When they were leaving, Feng Zhenqing looked at the old woman with a very ugly look on her face, as if she wanted to take her out and whip her out. The rhythm of a meal.

Seeing everyone dispersed, Feng Zhenyang and I also walked back. The night was hazy and the cold wind was blowing. I lay on Feng Zhenyang's back and couldn't help but worry about Shen Yue who was leaving with Feng Zhenqing: "Feng Zhenyang, didn't you say that Feng Zhenqing was not a good person? He took me away... Mom, could it be... "

"No, he has a good relationship with my fifth uncle." Feng Zhenyang said calmly: "Besides, he can't do anything with Gu Qing here. He doesn't want Gu Qing to think that he is a vicious bastard. ”

"Who is Gu Qing?" While asking Feng Zhenyang, I also started to speculate in my mind. What came to mind was the tall and sexy beauty. That woman looked very elegant. She should be about the same age as Feng Zhenqing, around 25 or 26 years old.

Feng Zhenyang said that I still need to understand the complicated relationships of the Feng family, so he patiently said to me: "Gu Qing, the one who just attracted Feng Zhenqing. She used to be Feng Zhenqing's girlfriend, but for some reason, she suddenly She was married to my cousin, and within a few days of marrying her, my cousin died! My cousin's children refused to let Gu Qing remarry, and they couldn't marry Feng Zhenqing. . I don’t think Feng Zhenqing has any intention of marrying again. The old man has mentioned it many times and has been on blind dates countless times, but Feng Zhenqing doesn’t like anyone..."

"Well, let's put it this way, he is quite infatuated!" Out of curiosity as a woman, after praising Feng Zhenqing's infatuation, I continued the gossip: "Then the two of them are spending time like this? And, what do you mean? Feng Zhenqing is not a good person, but he doesn’t look like a bad person to me! Maybe he just stopped by that day. I think he is a good person..."

Feng Zhenyang is prejudiced against people. Before I could finish my words, he suddenly interrupted me as if he was crazy: "What a fart! Shen Jiaying, are you a nymphomaniac? When you see a good-looking man, you will I think he is a good person! If you do this again, I will leave you here alone! I tell you, believe it or not!"

"You throw me away, you throw me away!" I knew very well that Feng Zhenyang couldn't really leave me behind, so I became extremely arrogant.

So Feng Zhenyang nagged me all the way with a face full of resentment, and finally carried me back. In fact, it was just the two of us arguing and bickering with each other. There was nothing bad about this day, but it was just that such days always flew by.

It took two weeks for my foot injury to completely heal. The foot injury had just healed, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Before Feng Zhenyang came back from get off work, I hurried to Shen Shiqi's studio alone. Staying in the Feng family's cage, I was afraid of being overheard even if I made a phone call, let alone discussing matters with Shen Shiqi.

When I came to Shen Shiqi's studio, I had to be sneaky and disguise myself like a high school student. I thought about calling him in the corridor outside the studio.

I was sneaky and tiptoeing, watching for any paparazzi following me along the way. Seeing that no one was following me, I walked into the elevator. There was a person standing in the elevator, which made me very uneasy. I lowered my head and then turned my head away, just to prevent the other person from seeing my face, praying in my heart that he would arrive quickly.

"Shen Jiaying, you are dressed like a high school student. Why are you pretending to be young with a peaked cap?" I was trying my best to pretend, but a familiar male voice came from behind: "I asked you, why is your ability to disguise still as bad as ever? ? Why hide? We have lived together for more than ten years, and I can recognize you even if you dress up as a square dancer!" (To be continued)