
Chapter 39: 039 Bringing up old matters again


Feng Zhenyang's attitude left me confused. I originally thought that our friendship of more than ten years would completely disappear due to the deterioration, but now Feng Zhenyang's attitude does not seem to be that he wants to sever ties with me.

Take the matter of him replacing Lu Feng for example. Not only did he not have any intention of severing his relationship with him, but it became even more ambiguous.

In fact, sometimes, ambiguity is caused by ourselves. If I hadn't been avoiding Feng Zhenyang's questions, this embarrassing situation today would probably not have happened.

"What's there to ask? Don't you just suddenly want to act in a serious drama?" The funny thing is that until now, I still can't respond directly and have to avoid it again and again.

Feng Zhenyang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but saw Tang Xiaomei and his assistant Zheng Dongjing rushing over.

The busy day started again. I was very glad that Tang Xiaomei and Zheng Dongjing showed up. Otherwise, I really didn't know how to deal with Feng Zhenyang's various questions. I was totally unprepared for how to face him.

I have reminded myself countless times not to bring my emotions into work, but I, who have always been dedicated to my work, was completely absent-minded this time because the male lead was Feng Zhenyang. The scene that could have been filmed by five o'clock was dragged until almost ten o'clock.

Feng Zhenyang and I had the same idea. Although he bought this role with money, he was also a talented actor and fully capable of handling the role. There wasn't a single problem throughout the day. All the problems were with me. I either forgot my lines or made the wrong moves. The most outrageous thing was that there was a problem with my acting skills.

To quote Feng Zhenyang, my smile was uglier than my cry, just like constipation. In the end, my face really looked like constipation, and I felt really sorry for everyone. Several actors were very dissatisfied with this, but probably because of Feng Zhenyang, no one said anything.

No one else said anything, but I was in a mess. I went back to the hotel and lay there from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock, but I couldn't sleep at all. My mind was full of Feng Zhenyang, Qi Xiaoyu, and Feng Zhenyang's complicated family background.

So I stared at the dark ceiling and counted sheep in my mind, trying to make myself fall asleep in this way.

Ding-ling... In the middle of the night, someone suddenly rang the doorbell. I was really scared and then felt very annoyed. It was very cold to get out of the quilt in this kind of weather. Who would be so rude as to come and knock on my door in the middle of the night

Could it be Rong Fang? Rong Fang, that woman, looks pretty strong, but she's not normal sometimes. She always says she's scared to sleep alone, and she insists on sleeping next to me. Is she scared again

I reached out and turned on the light, then stood up and walked slowly to the door. Looking through the peephole, what caught my eye was not Rong Fang's face, but... Feng Zhenyang!

What did he want to do with me in the middle of the night? Talk about life? Or tell ghost stories? According to Feng Zhenyang's temper, if I don't open the door for him today, I don't know what he will do to me tomorrow. But if I open the door, who knows if he will go crazy and say something like "I love you" to me... I dare not listen to him, especially after knowing his identity, I became more inexplicably restrained.

I couldn't open it, and I couldn't not open it! Finally, I saw Feng Zhenyang trying to break down the door through the peephole, and I was so scared that I opened the door immediately. His violent way of breaking the door would probably attract the director.

Feng Zhenyang was indeed a violent guy. As soon as I opened the door, he immediately squeezed in and slammed the door shut. I stood there, half a beat slow as always, and before I could react, he hugged me in his arms.

It was not until Feng Zhenyang's warm lips touched my neck that I remembered to resist. I panicked and tried my best to push him away. God knows what will happen next!

The development of the matter was totally out of my expectation, especially Feng Zhenyang's sudden crazy behavior. He kissed from my neck to my lips, and finally pushed me down on the bed. My mind was blank, and I grabbed Feng Zhenyang's hand fiercely. I wanted to scold him but couldn't open my mouth. I just felt like I was suffocating...

After about two minutes, he slowly let me go. My first reaction after breaking free was to slap him hard. The slap was very loud, especially in the quiet night, and I could hear it clearly.

Fear and anger surged up at the same time. I was trembling all over and staring at Feng Zhenyang. I could hardly believe that he would do such a thing.

I really couldn't believe it. At that moment, I was almost dumbfounded. I grabbed the phone next to me and threw it at Feng Zhenyang. When he approached me again, I angrily said, "Feng Zhenyang! Are you fucking crazy? If you want to be horny, go find your girlfriend. Why are you here to be horny?"

"Except for you, I really don't want to go crazy on anyone else!" Feng Zhenyang said without changing his expression. It was really laughable.

"Feng Zhenyang! Do you have to do this?" I was so angry that I almost vomited blood, and I swung my fist directly at his face.

But before I could throw my fist, it was already in his hand. I was anxious and angry, afraid that Feng Zhenyang would do something else. Finally, with a face full of anger, he brought up the past: "Feng Zhenyang, you were the one who rejected me in high school. I knew long ago that you looked down on me and didn't like me! You are the son of Li & Fung Group, and I am a poor loser, so I chose to be friends with you. Now, what do you want? Do you want to play with me? Or do you have a special fetish and like divorced women!"

I was just mad and scared by Feng Zhenyang, so I was talking nonsense, but what I said at this time was often the most true, although I was reluctant to admit it. But I have to admit that I used to mind being rejected by Feng Zhenyang and it hurt me.

But the pain didn't last long, because I knew my own situation well. It was a very common thing for a loser girl to be rejected by her idol.

Feng Zhenyang held my hand tighter, and a bitter smile appeared on his handsome face: "Shen Jiaying, I like you, from the first day we sat at the same table. But do you know why I rejected you in high school? Later you told me that you were married, do you know how hurt I was?" (To be continued)