
Chapter 41: 041 Killing with a borrowed knife


To be honest, I was really scared by him. My feet felt like they were rooted to the ground and I couldn't move. It was not until Feng Zhenyang spoke that I stood up immediately in panic. I felt flustered and embarrassed. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't fight him anymore. I turned around and sat back in my chair. My cheeks were burning. I didn't need to think about how red my face was.

Sitting on the chair, I dared not move, staring blankly at the sky, not daring to look at Feng Zhenyang. Sometimes, it is not easy to hide a secret, especially in this situation.

Being with Feng Zhenyang every day, his endless pestering and shameless saying of strange things, I would fall into the trap sooner or later. Then Feng Zhenyang and I would play out a story of prince and Cinderella. Reality and fairy tales often run counter to each other, so according to the normal development route, I would be killed by his family next, or caught and beaten.

"Shen Jiaying, why did you reject me? You obviously like me." Feng Zhenyang was like a ball of fire, once it started burning, it was out of control.

I thought he would never mention this matter again after last night, but I didn't know that it was just the beginning. Some people seem destined to meet each other from birth, and perhaps Feng Zhenyang and I are just like this. From birth to our meeting, and then to more than ten years after graduating from high school, Feng Zhenyang has been in my life.

I wonder if my mother had not chosen to give birth to me, the ending would have been different. But she chose to give birth to me, and then I met Feng Zhenyang, and I got entangled with him in unexpected circumstances.

When he said that I obviously liked him, I felt guilty, but I still denied it: "Feng Zhenyang, why are you acting crazy so early in the morning? Who likes you?"

"You don't like me, why are you blushing?" Feng Zhenyang was famous for his glib talk, and naturally he was also famous for his specious arguments.

Look at what he said. Does blushing mean I like him? As a woman, falling into a man's arms without any precautions, it would be strange if I didn't blush! Although... I do like him, but this doesn't mean that blushing means I like him!

Maybe… I was a little angry, I rolled my eyes at him, and said with great disdain: "Blushing means he likes you? He also blushes when he drinks too much! Cao Yan's face gets red and his neck gets thick every time he drinks with you, why don't you say he likes you? The monkey's butt is as red as his drunken face, why don't you say the monkey's butt likes you too?"

I am not a person who is not good at talking. After spending a long time with Feng Zhenyang, who likes to make specious arguments, my ability to confuse right and wrong and confuse logic is no less than his.

But I forgot that he was the originator of specious arguments. He pulled his clothes, stood up and said, "Yes! Monkey butt likes me too, Monkey butt! The shooting is about to start, let's go!"

Monkey butt? What monkey butt! Damn it! He called me a monkey butt! The reaction arc can circle the earth. After I reacted, Feng Zhenyang had already walked a long way. I wanted to chase him and beat him up, but I was afraid that I would fall down in ancient costume.

In the end, I gnashed my teeth in anger, thinking about stepping on his clothes and making him fall to the ground when the filming started. I was also very puzzled at the same time. I pretended to be so cautious and acted like a woman with the most vicious heart. How did he... think that I liked him? Could it be that Feng Zhenyang had been suppressed for a long time and suffered from mental illness! He was also a masochist! He liked people to reject him, and then chased after him endlessly.

I have heard Shen Shiqi talk about this disease before. It is said that this disease has a professional term, called... being a jerk!

Feng Zhenyang often says that I am a cheapskate. Until now, I have realized that no matter how proud a person is, they are prone to being cheapskate and even humble when they encounter love.

Maybe it was because of the quarrel with Feng Zhenyang, all the entanglements of last night basically disappeared when the filming started, and today's filming went surprisingly smoothly. I can't say why, but... When I am with Feng Zhenyang, whether we are arguing or filming, I feel extremely relaxed. Even though he did that kind of thing to me like a madman last night, I didn't blame him at all.

Instead, I made up a ridiculous excuse for him. I told myself that Feng Zhenyang had too many things on his mind and he had been holding it in for too long. Before that, I treated him like a stranger, so he exploded. Indeed... Feng Zhenyang had been holding it in for too long...

It is said that people tend to get hungry after an explosion. Just after we finished filming, Feng Zhenyang was clamoring to eat something. I hated what he said about my monkey butt, so I blurted out on the spot: "Eat shit, it suits you best! One meal will keep you full for ten days!"

“Wow… I thought you were so well-mannered, but it turns out Queen Shen Jiaying has this kind of quality…” Just as I finished speaking, a female voice suddenly came from the door of the empty lounge.

I have seen many people scolding me, but this is the first time that I have been scolded in front of my face, except for Zhao Yicheng who is wearing a sexy outfit. Following the voice, a woman in blue walked in from the door. In the meantime, I just thought it was an extra who was dissatisfied with me, or a Feng Zhenyang illegitimate fan who broke into the filming site, or a Zhao Yicheng crazy fan.

However, when I saw the young face that often appeared on the TV screen and Feng Zhenyang's astonished eyes, I suddenly realized that maybe... Feng Zhenyang really had something with her. I knew that Feng Zhenyang and I would have no future, and I told myself not to like Feng like this, but I still felt uncomfortable.

I was not uncomfortable because Qi Xiaoyu scolded me when she came in, but because of Feng Zhenyang's eyes. His eyes clearly showed that he had something to do with Qi Xiaoyu. And he didn't say anything. Normally, if someone dared to say that to me, he would either slap them or make sarcastic remarks, making the other person speechless, regardless of whether it was a man or a woman.

However, at this moment, he just looked at Qi Xiaoyu in shock, almost speechless. After Qi Xiaoyu scolded me, she walked straight to Feng Zhenyang, and pulled Feng Zhenyang's arm as if nothing had happened, saying coquettishly: "Brother Zhenyang, I heard that you came to Zhejiang to film, so I rushed over early. Are you very touched?"

"Yes, he was very touched. He was so moved that he was laughing the whole night! He was so touched that he was liked by such a pretty girl with a clean mouth!" It's funny to say, normally I can't tolerate anything, but today I made a 20-year-old girl so angry that she said nonsense.

Sure enough, as soon as I said this, Qi Xiaoyu's expression changed immediately. Her eyes acted as if I was the mistress and she was the legal wife, and I had destroyed her marriage.

In fact, I regretted it when I said this, so I made amends with another round of sarcasm, and took the opportunity to test Qi Xiaoyu and sow discord between them: "Uh, don't get me wrong, we didn't do anything. Yesterday, a madman ran to the set and said... Take 20 million and let me leave Feng Zhenyang, otherwise he would kill me! Miss Qi, tell me, is this guy crazy? Aren't Feng Zhenyang and I friends? Just this friendship can make people spend 20 million!"

"Tell me quickly, are you rich people all so bored that you like to throw money around?" I made up a story and moved closer and closer, becoming more and more aggressive.

After all, I have been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. Even if Qi Xiaoyu is the daughter of Jingrun Group, she is still no match for me. Of course, if she brings up her father and brother, I will be dead. But I don't think she dares, because Feng Zhenyang won't let her do that.

Thinking of this, I secretly felt that I was too shameless, but I didn't regret it at all. I continued to shamelessly say: "Feng Zhenyang, keep a close eye on your girlfriend and don't let her curse people casually, otherwise I will mistakenly think that the lunatic who threw money at people was sent by her..."

Seeing Feng Zhenyang's face becoming increasingly ugly and Qi Xiaoyu's face full of panic, I stepped out of the lounge with satisfaction, imagining a hundred exciting scenes of the two of them fighting in my mind.

So I didn't leave either. I stood not far from the door. After a while, I saw Qi Xiaoyu coming out from inside with tears in her eyes, running all the way. It was obvious that she thought she was the heroine of a TV series and thought Feng Zhenyang would chase her out.

However, the fact is that Feng Zhenyang sat in the rest room with a gloomy face and did not move an inch. As his friend and the driver who caused the accident, I walked in slowly and asked the most important question with great concern: "Feng Zhenyang, why don't you chase him?"

"Come on, Shen Jiaying, don't you just want me to scold her?" Feng Zhenyang looked up at me, which made me feel guilty.

I was hypocritical when I felt guilty, so I put on a fake smile and pretended to be confused: "What are you talking about? I'm such a simple person, I'm too embarrassed to fight back when I'm scolded, how could I instigate you to scold a little girl! Right!"

I really don't know when I became such a bitch, probably... it was after I divorced Zhao Yicheng. I found this excuse for myself, and I felt more justified: "If you want to get mad at someone, just say it directly. Why blame me? Do you have any shame?"

There were only Feng Zhenyang and I in the small lounge. When Feng Zhenyang and I were together, Rong Fang and Tang Xiaomei never worried. As my agent and assistant, I didn't know where these two people went.

This gave me a reason to avoid Feng Zhenyang. After despising Feng Zhenyang, I immediately stood up and said, "Take a good look in the mirror and see how thick your skin is. I'm going to find Rong Fang..."

"Shen Jiaying, do you really think I'm a fool? Can't you even tell if you're lying?" I just took two steps when I heard Feng Zhenyang's voice with a bitter smile from behind: "Although Qi Xiaoyu is a little stupid, she is considered... a rare flower among the daughters of wealthy families, but she would never do such a thing as threatening others. I have known you for more than ten years, how can I not know what you are thinking? You just like to instigate people and kill people with borrowed knives. Anyway, you have used this knife of mine countless times, so I don't care about one or two times... (To be continued)