
Chapter 59: 059 The first signs appear


"Feng Zhenyang! You've acted so much that you can't tell the difference between reality and TV dramas!" Before Feng Zhenyang could finish his words, I slapped him hard on his already red face.

I think this is probably the fastest reaction I have ever had in my life. Some people say that what people say when they are drunk should not be taken seriously, but I believe that the truth comes out when they are drunk. I was really scared by Feng Zhenyang. He said that he fell in love with his fifth uncle's daughter! But his fifth uncle Feng Yue was not married at all, so where did his daughter come from? He told me that he would choose the future instead of the choice. Could it be that it was not because he really chose Li & Fung Group, but because... he fell in love with his fifth uncle's daughter, an illegitimate daughter or something

No, no! What is this? Feng Zhenyang is not that kind of person. If he likes someone, he will never cheat on her. When we are together, I sometimes doubt him, but the fact is that he has never done anything wrong. Even if he is mentally unfaithful, it is impossible not to feel it, not to mention that the person is...his...his cousin!

I thought about it and thought that this guy must have been drunk and made it up! Feng Zhenyang once said that he wanted to be a screenwriter and write a story about himself, a young love story to commemorate his lost youth. There would be no abortion or bad men in this story, only pure young love.

He said this, but who knows how many ridiculous and clichéd plots he had hidden in his heart! So I was even more certain that he was making up stories! He was so obsessed with it! He even put himself in the role.

After I slapped him, he immediately shut up, let go of me, and stood there looking at me stupidly for half a second, speaking clearly, "My fifth uncle's daughter is Shen Jiaying!"

Damn it! This guy really drank too much and his brain cells were damaged! I am his fifth uncle's daughter? If I were his fifth uncle's daughter, then his fifth uncle would have taken me back to arrange some family marriage, or trained me to be a socialite. Isn't his fifth uncle such a black-hearted businessman? Oh, I am really impressed by Feng Zhenyang's imagination. Breaking up is breaking up. He pursues his wealth and glory, and I pursue my peaceful life. He even made up such a weird reason for himself! I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. For a moment, I didn't know what to say!

"Shen Jiaying, I think Feng Zhenyang has really gone crazy? Do you think his girlfriend knew that he would have a fit, so she ran away! She left him to us on purpose!" After Zhao Xiaoya was shocked by Feng Zhenyang for half a second, her face was full of suspicion. From time to time, she stole a glance at Feng Zhenyang, who was lowering his head and muttering to himself, and she blurted out this sentence nervously.

Lin Fei, who was standing next to her, also agreed: "I think so! How could a woman be so calm when she saw her boyfriend saying "I love you" to another woman? She must have expected it! Who knows, she might have wanted to get rid of Feng Zhenyang a long time ago! But she couldn't find a reason, so she just took advantage of Jiaying today! Her intentions are so vicious!"

"How can you say he's vicious! This... Feng Zhenyang's madness, no one can stand it!" Zhou Lina, who had been silent all this time, also interrupted, speaking as if it were true, and her face was full of sympathy after she finished speaking: "Hey! You said, Feng Zhenyang usually looks like he has money and talent. When he was in high school, he was the idol of the girls in our school! How... how could he have a delusion!"

Uh… Women’s imaginations are indeed rich. They even imagined Feng Zhenyang’s delusion. Amazing! It’s really amazing! I don’t know if it’s because they are too amazing or because my willpower is not strong enough, but I also vaguely feel that Feng Zhenyang has delusion. Could it be that he deliberately said those things to me because he has delusion, so that I can break up with him!

He knows my personality. If he imitates the sickly male protagonists in TV dramas and finds a woman to act with and then dumps me, I won’t believe it. So he told me that he had to marry Qi Xiaoyu for his future and asked me to break up with him! In fact, he was afraid of getting in trouble because of his paranoia! Otherwise, why would he go back to Qinghe City? He should be in the capital to accompany his grandfather! At least he should wait until after the New Year to go back to Qinghe City to see his parents, or the whole family should go to the capital...

No, no! This is impossible! I think his brain is normal, he is clearly not suffering from delusions! He has already brought Qi Xiaoyu back to Qinghe City, and it is ridiculous to say that he broke up with me because of acting. Facts have proved that I am the one suffering from delusions. Feng Zhenyang was really confused. I actually had such a ridiculous idea.

Forget it, whether he is delusional or I am mentally ill, now is not the time to think about this. I glanced at Feng Zhenyang and saw that he was not crazy, but just silently chanting the spell to tighten the hoop. My heart finally settled down, and I calmed down and said to Zhao Xiaoya and the others in a serious tone: "You guys watch him first, I'll go call his girlfriend in!"

"Okay, okay! Go quickly and take this guy away! He's too scary!" Lin Fei's face was full of disgust, and she wanted to kick Feng Zhenyang out so that she could pretend she didn't see him.

After all, they and Feng Zhenyang were high school classmates, and Feng Zhenyang and I were recognized as best friends. It would not be good if we really ignored him. If we wanted to take care of him, where could we go! I want to go home. Lin Fei is divorced and lives with her mother and daughter. Zhao Xiaoya lives with her boyfriend, and Zhou Lina lives with her parents. She goes home late at night, but if she dares to bring a man home in the middle of the night, the consequences will probably be the same as mine, and her parents will break her legs.

So we unanimously decided to quickly find Feng Zhenyang's girlfriend, even if she wasn't his girlfriend! In short, we had to get rid of this trouble! I... wanted to completely get rid of that unclear, tangled and ambiguous relationship! Damn it! I would never go to a place where Feng Zhenyang might appear in the future.

I walked out of the bar feeling depressed. On the cold and windy road, Qi Xiaoyu's figure in blue was very conspicuous. She was wearing a coat and her long hair was messy in the wind. Combined with the night view of Qinghe City, it outlined a beautiful picture of youth.

Twenty years old... or twenty-one? In short, she was very young. The impression Qi Xiaoyu left on me was always that of a domineering rich girl who ordered Han Xiaoxiao to threaten me and spoke in a veiled manner.

Today, her reaction and her back really surprised me and puzzled me. From her back, she looked not like a 20-year-old girl, but like an old man with vicissitudes of life. But it was only for a moment. That vicissitude did not come from experience, but from a kind of melancholy and some kind of thinking. I don't know how to describe it. In short, I feel that this girl is not what she looks like on the surface.

I approached Qi Xiaoyu step by step, but she was completely unaware and I didn't know what she was thinking. The first time we met, we had a heated argument, and I even provoked Feng Zhenyang to scold her. The second time we met, she called me and begged me to let Feng Zhenyang marry her, saying that it would not affect our relationship.

I didn't expect that the third time we met would be under such circumstances. I was caught off guard and never thought that I could talk to Qi Xiaoyu so calmly.

"Feng Zhenyang has drunk too much. You should take him away quickly." I tried my best to act natural, but when I said it in the end, it was still stiff and awkward.

"Brother Zhenyang likes you. Although I don't know why he made that decision, I can see that he loves you, and no one can replace him!" Qi Xiaoyu did not respond. She turned around, with a wry smile on her pretty and gentle face: "I don't deny that I like Brother Zhenyang, but I know that he only has you in his heart. I knew it when I was a child, and I knew it when I was in junior high school. He loves you and has never changed. Even if Brother Zhenyang and I get married, we are only husband and wife in name only..."

"Ms. Qi, you should hurry up and take Feng Zhenyang away while he is calm." I reminded her again, feeling helpless. Maybe they got married due to family pressure or other reasons, but I still couldn't accept it. Besides, she made it clear that she liked Feng Zhenyang and she had known him since childhood.

Who can predict the future? I am no longer the innocent Shen Jiaying of high school. I have already given my love to the wrong person once, wasted more than ten years of my youth, and ended up with scars all over my body. I can't stand the destruction of another decade. My past experiences do not allow me to be unrealistic.

Compared to me, Qi Xiaoyu and Feng Zhenyang always think too much about the matter. At this moment, Qi Xiaoyu still tried to persuade me: "If I hadn't had to, I wouldn't want to get in between you, but I have no choice. Brother Zhenyang is my only way out."

She paused, and had no intention of going in to take Feng Zhenyang away. A bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "In fact, I don't understand why Brother Zhenyang suddenly agreed to marry me. Before this, I tried to commit suicide, cried and made a scene. He didn't take it seriously. He just kept accusing me of not being brave enough and saying that I deserved it! But not long ago, he suddenly said he wanted to marry me. I thought he had figured it out, but who knew... You can see that he has been like this for a long time."

Feng Zhenyang has been like this for a long time? Is it because of me? He clearly chose this path himself, why not live a good life and drink! I admit that I was heartbroken to hear that Feng Zhenyang was not doing well, but this heartache has not overwhelmed my rationality.

"Okay, let's take him away quickly and stop saying these useless things." I was confused and turned to go home after I said that. I didn't want to see Feng Zhenyang again, so I called Zhao Xiaoya and the others to tell them that I was leaving first.

Go home, what can I do? Go home and listen to Zhao Yicheng telling me that I am not worthy of Feng Zhenyang, and listen to him saying that he has really changed his mind? Thinking of this, I don't want to go home anymore, and walk aimlessly on the street. Maybe it's because of my bad mood, the street illuminated by street lights has a bit more horror atmosphere.

"Jiaying..." Terrible things are often likely to happen in a terrifying atmosphere. I had just taken a few steps when I suddenly heard a middle-aged man's voice, which seemed to come from the sidewalk next to me.

I subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, and what caught my eye was a middle-aged man in ragged clothes. As he approached, I was sure he was calling me. I stared at him, unconsciously clenched my palms, and stammered, "What do you want to do?"

"Jiaying, Daddy finally found you!" As the middle-aged man approached, I saw a familiar face. Although he had aged, I still recognized him. He was Li Nan, the popular movie star more than 30 years ago, and also Shen Yue's husband. (To be continued)