
Chapter 61: 061 Reveal the past


Maybe it's my misunderstanding, but I always feel that something is wrong when Shen Shiqi talks about this matter. I didn't want him to notice anything, so I said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, just asking."

"Really?" Shen Shiqi obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything more. There seemed to be a hint of worry in his eyebrows. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Sister, don't think too much, go to bed early! Let's go to bed early." I’m only going home once during the Chinese New Year, so don’t worry my parents.”

"I know! You should go to bed quickly! By the way, aren't you sleeping with Zhao Yicheng? You should help me check him out and see why he is so shameless and relying on our family!" I said while gritting my teeth: "Is it true that our family has hidden gold ingots? He wants to steal our gold ingots!!"

The last words were obviously a ridiculous joke that I deliberately pulled out to reassure Shen Shiqi. Shen Shiqi looked at me in disbelief for a moment and couldn't help laughing: "Where did our family get the gold ingot? We are the only living treasures in our family!"

"Sister, I don't think Zhao Yicheng is pretending! Since there is no possibility with Brother Zhenyang, you might as well consider it. Anyway, my parents have always liked Zhao Yicheng. You are already in your thirties, so you can't keep wasting it." Shen Shiqi paused, and then said this to me seriously, as if I couldn't find a man other than Zhao Yicheng.

This is not the point. The point is that he also said that I am already in my thirties. What happened to me when I was in my thirties? I swear, I was hurt a thousand times inside. I grabbed the cushion on the chair and punched Shen Shiqi in the face, and then I immediately counterattacked him: "What's wrong with me being in my thirties? I have to get married as soon as I'm in my thirties? You're not much younger than me, either. You’re only three years younger than me, and you’re already twenty-eight, okay? You’re not even married yet!”

"I'm a man! Can I be the same? Haven't you heard? Men stand up when they are thirty, and women are old women at thirty!" Shen Shiqi, who was planning to leave, heard me say that he was already twenty-eight years old and still unmarried. , at that time, he turned around and said in a serious tone: "I am thirty years old and I am a golden bachelor. What about you? You are a leftover woman! Besides, you are a woman, you should always find someone to rely on! Yes! no?"

"Okay, okay! Hurry up and go to bed!" I was really speechless. I really shouldn't say more to him. This truth is very important. He really regards himself as his brother!

After arguing noisily with Shen Shiqi for more than ten minutes, the heavy stone in my heart seemed to lighten a lot. Shen Jiaying, stop thinking so wildly. How could that Li Nan be your father? Your father is Shen Tian. How could you doubt your blood relationship with your parents just because of a stranger's words? It's really unfilial!

I told myself over and over again that the middle-aged man that night was a liar. Maybe he just looked like Li Nan. Li Nan has retired from the entertainment industry for so many years. Who knows what he looks like now. Maybe that person just looks a little like him, and he happens to know that Shen Yue is Li Nan's wife. And I, who is often active on the big screen recently, She looked similar to Shen Yue, so the man had evil thoughts.

Although I tried my best to deny it and denied it from the bottom of my heart, I still did something unfilial. The day I returned to the Imperial Capital, I took the hair Li Nan gave me and my own hair to do a paternity test.

For the next week, I was terrified every day, especially on the day I got the results. Holding the kraft paper portfolio, my hands couldn't help but tremble. I had a very bad feeling. I was afraid that the brown paper bag contained not the answer I wanted.

Sitting on the sofa at home, I hesitated for more than ten minutes before opening the portfolio uneasily. I pulled out the thin piece of paper tremblingly, and 100%... I couldn't help but feel shocked. Even though I was mentally prepared, when I actually revealed the answer, it was still hard to accept.

Why... why is this happening? This was the first time in my life that I felt so helpless. After receiving such an answer, I should have called my parents and asked them, but I couldn't. Over the years, they have hidden it from me with good intentions, don’t they just want me to get hurt? Maybe... they want to keep it a secret. Why should I expose it

After hesitating for a long time, I dialed Li Nan's mobile phone number. I still couldn't call this middle-aged man, whom I had almost never met, my father.

The moment I saw where I belonged, I was slightly shocked. This number was Beijing. Does it mean that Li Nan has been in the imperial capital these years, at least in the past two years? So how did he know about my current situation

Beep beep beep... After a few beeps, the slightly aged voice of a middle-aged man came from the phone: "Hello..."

"Let's meet. I want to know what all this is about." I didn't mince words, I didn't say any polite words, and got straight to the point. I can't say any polite words to such an emotionless biological father.

Li Nan may have realized this, and agreed simply: "Okay, you can decide the location."

As a star that once shone in the film industry, even if it is like a shooting star, its glory time condenses for a moment, just like a flash in the pan. But Li Nan still knows the rules of the game in this circle better than me. If people see me meeting him, I don't know what trouble will happen.

The weather has gotten a little warmer after the new year, but it is still cold, so I am bundled up and walking among the crowd without attracting attention. Perhaps it was because of the cold weather that the business of the small teahouse was slightly sluggish compared to last summer. Li Nan's appearance was much cleaner than when they first met, and his clothes were not so tattered.

I didn't ask the reason for this, and I didn't want to ask. I took off the red scarf wrapped around my neck, smoothed my long black hair that had changed from explosive curls to noodle straight, and started talking: "What on earth is going on with all this?"

I have no feelings for this biological father, and I have an extremely bad impression of him. The bad feeling stems from the affair of Li Nan that caused a sensation in the entertainment industry many years ago. It is said that Li Nan, who was successful at the time, had an extramarital affair with a wealthy daughter while his wife Shen Yue was pregnant. The wife secretly assassinated him, resulting in the death of his pregnant wife and two others.

Rumors are still rumors after all, and although they are somewhat credible, they may not be entirely true. If it's really one corpse and two lives, where did I come from

"Hey, this is all my fault! If I hadn't done anything sorry for your mother at that time, maybe the outcome today would be very different." Li Nan's wrinkled face showed regret, and I couldn't see it Whether he is really regretful or fake, but the only thing that can be proved is that he did cheat in the past, and indeed... he may not be a good person.

This is what I thought in my heart, but I didn't say much. My eyes were fixed on Li Nan's vicissitudes of face, and I continued to listen to what he said.

Speaking of the past, Li Nan couldn't help sighing, frowning, and then continued: "I think you must have heard of the incident of Li Nan cheating and killing his wife that shocked the entertainment industry more than 30 years ago. , I... didn't kill your mother. After she found out, she was very emotional. I promised her not to associate with that woman anymore. After all, we already have a child, but... I really didn't expect that woman to do it. Something evil like that happened!"

vicious? How vicious? If he didn't provoke others, how could he cause those unprovoked disasters. In the final analysis, it was all his fault. Even after hearing so much from him, I still couldn't change my mind about him, but the idea of cheating on my wife while she was pregnant was enough to disgust me for several years. Even if he is my biological father, it doesn't mean I don't hate him.

I thought maybe he even hated himself for this matter. He paused for a moment, took a sip of the tea in front of him, and said with a bit of hatred: "The second day after I broke up with that woman. Months, two weeks before your mother was about to give birth, that woman came to your mother, lied that she was pregnant, and asked your mother to divorce me. How could your mother agree to such a ridiculous thing? She would not agree. She has been pampered since she was a child. Perhaps in her opinion, as long as she likes something, she must get it. So, that woman teamed up with her sister to... kill your mother! "

Speaking of past injuries, Li Nan couldn't help but have tears in his eyes, with a painful look on his face: "They bribed the doctor who treated your mother, causing her to die of dystocia! That day... I was tricked by that woman and couldn't get there. The hospital, when I got there... your mother was already dead! Your uncle... well, your adoptive father, he thought I had killed your mother, so I heard that he took you away that day. The woman and her sister were taken to court, but because the woman’s family was powerful, nothing came of it.”

"And because of your mother's death, I couldn't continue to survive in the entertainment industry. During that time, I couldn't even eat, let alone seek justice for your mother. When I got better, , but your uncle disappeared completely with you. If you weren’t active on the big screen, I think I might never find you in this life!”

After listening to these old memories, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. I was a little sad, but I can’t say how sad it was. If I say it’s not difficult to get over, it’s still very sad. But... what he said next not only made me sad, but almost made me suffocate.

Li Nan's tearful eyes narrowed slightly, and he was immersed in memories: "What's funny is that that woman and her sister are still alive and well. They are obviously murderers, but they act as if nothing has happened and are unscrupulous!"

"Jiaying, do you know why Feng Zhenyang went back on his word and said those words to you?" Li Nan suddenly raised his head, with a voice that seemed to be filled with a bitter smile mixed with unexplainable hatred: "Because that woman's sister is Feng Zhenyang’s mother! She had tricked your mother countless times before I got married! Unexpectedly…” (To be continued)