
Chapter 64: 064 Familiar faces


I have known Feng Zhenyang for more than ten years, and I have rarely seen him show such an expression, and I have never seen him cry. Even if he was deceived by his fifth uncle, he would never be as decadent as he is now? It's not his fault, and it's not my fault. Who could have predicted what happened in the previous generation? If everything in this world could be predicted in advance, then Feng Zhenyang and I would not have met and fallen in love.

I knew it in my heart, but after verifying the truth, I... couldn't face Feng's mother, let alone Feng Zhenyang. I don't know how to face them? Enemy? Impossible. It doesn’t matter if I have no conscience or is unfilial. I have always had no feelings for my biological mother. Do I still want bloody revenge

But I am unwilling to do so. Why should the criminal who killed someone get away with it? My mother is dead, how can they still live well? Shouldn't murder be paid with life? I used to respect and love Mama Feng, and perhaps it was because of this respect that now the truth has come out, I can’t believe it, and I also feel a little bit hateful.

What can I do? Litigation? Reopen old scores from more than thirty years ago, or kill Feng’s mother? None of this is possible. At this moment, I suddenly felt so powerless. I knew everything but could do nothing.

"Feng Zhenyang, I have nothing to be sorry for. This is not your fault." When I was talking to Feng Zhenyang at this moment, my heart was very entangled. I hid my heartache with the tenderness I had felt and said coldly: "That's it, never contact me again. ”

Forever, how far is that? For life? Eternal life? How old is it? The sea is in ruins? What a romantic word…

In the darkness, Feng Zhenyang and I looked at each other. A few cold words came out of our mouths, and the atmosphere became even more depressing. This time Feng Zhenyang is not as stubborn or playful as before. None of us can laugh at this kind of thing.

There was silence for a long time, I don't know how long. Feng Zhenyang's gentle and sad voice sounded in his ears: "Okay, I will never contact you again, I promise you."

"Shen Jiaying, let me send you one last time. Anyway, we won't contact you again, so you don't mind this last time, right?" I could see that Feng Zhenyang deliberately put away his emotions. Unless he had to, he always didn't like others to see him vulnerable.

Now that we are saying goodbye, let’s say goodbye properly. After all, we have known each other for more than ten years. Just like a story has to end, it can't end unfinished, right? So I found a reason for myself and agreed to let Feng Zhenyang take me home. The night was hazy and we were silent along the way.

"Shen Jiaying, I love you." These were the last words Feng Zhenyang said to me when we parted. That night Feng Zhenyang drove me home in my car. I don't know how he got home. I think that was the last time I saw the warmest and most real Feng Zhenyang.

When we met again later, he seemed to be a completely different person, and I almost didn't recognize him anymore.

After that day, I buried everything in my heart. Except for not seeing the Feng family again, my life remained the same as before. The fast-paced life in the imperial capital and the complex and luxurious entertainment circle.

With the arrival of early spring, the imperial capital became warmer, and contact with Feng Zhenyang was completely severed. But my life still cannot be as calm as a puddle of water. The second week after I didn't see Feng Zhenyang, Li Nan called me.

At that time, I was discussing things with Rong Fang in the company. Rong Fang said that there was a costume fantasy movie recently, which was a good opportunity to go to the big screen. If I win the opportunity to be the heroine this time, then I won’t have to make too many movies in the future. Long TV series. The focus of the entire acting industry can be turned to film festivals, and it will not be a problem to enter Hollywood in the future.

"Jiaying, you have to seize this opportunity. Perform well during the audition and don't be nervous." Rong Fang reminded me tirelessly while handing me the script for the audition. Although I have been acting for more than ten years, it is still difficult to make a movie. First time. Therefore, Rong Fang couldn't help but worry.

I took the script, nodded to Rong Fang and said, "I know, I will perform well next Wednesday."

To be honest, I was a little nervous, after all, it was my first time filming a movie. The movie seems to be no different from the TV series, but there is still a difference. I can't tell where the difference is specifically. The only director who can make this movie is not very easy to get along with. In Rong Fang's words, he is no longer a director, let alone an actor. He has basically become an artist now.

He turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window and only focused on making good movies. This is Zhu Jingye, the most famous king of dry humor in China. His works are well-known in the circle, and his weird temper is also well-known in the circle.

Even my biological father, Li Nan, was scolded by him back then. My biological father's character was really not very good. After Zhu Jingye became famous in a movie, he repaid his favor and said in public how good Zhu Jingye's character was. However, more than thirty years later, Zhu Jingye has established a firm foothold in the film industry and has become an irreplaceable old artist in the film industry, highly respected by everyone.

However, Li Nan was ruined because of the incident of cheating on his wife and killing his wife. He has disappeared since then. To put it more selfishly, if possible, I really don’t want to see Li Nan again. In my heart, my only father is Shen Tian.

But if I don’t want to see him, he has to come to me. I was putting the script into my bag when my phone suddenly rang. I took it out of my bag slowly. Wei Wei glanced at the flashing screen, which showed a person I really didn't want to see - Li Nan.

I didn't want Rong Fang to know these complicated things, so I got up and walked outside, my tone not feeling cold: "Is something wrong?"

"Jiaying, how are you doing recently?" Li Nan's vicissitudes of voice flowed into my ears through the mobile phone.

I really didn't want to hear his voice, but no matter what I said, I couldn't change the fact that he was my biological father, so I tried my best to be patient: "It's okay, I still have something to do. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Wait!" Li Nan heard that I was about to hang up the phone and hurriedly stopped him. Then he stammered: "Jia Ying, dad has encountered some difficulties recently... Money is a bit tight..."

Dad, it’s difficult, money is a little tight? Doesn’t this just mean asking me for money? Ah! I see! I suddenly realized that whatever I said about not wanting to see me in pain was all false. The most important thing was that you wanted to get to know me and ask for money from me!

According to management, such people are usually like a bottomless pit. I don't know if Li Nan is a bottomless pit. Yes or no, it doesn't matter. He is my biological father, I can help him, but I will never be stupid and let him take away everything.

My attitude towards Li Nan has always been cold: "What's the difficulty?"

"Your sister... uh... is my adopted daughter. She is seriously ill... and was only diagnosed a week ago! I... I really have no choice!" Li Nan's voice was choked with sobs.

He also has an adopted daughter? Does he care if I ask for money because of this adopted daughter? As a woman with a weak willpower, I was dubious: "Adopt a daughter? What's the disease? How much does it cost?"

"Lung cancer, it's all my fault! If it weren't for my incompetence, she would have had sequelae after giving her a bad cold! She wouldn't be like this now, she is only in her twenties!" Li Nan's voice had a thick nasal sound, heavy And compassion.

Lung cancer! Isn't this a terminal illness? My heart skipped a beat and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Li Nan's tone didn't sound like he was being fake. Even if this kind of thing happens to a stranger, I will help whenever I can. What's more, she is my biological father's adopted daughter. I don’t know why, but when I heard this news, I felt inexplicably heavy. Maybe it was pity for this young man in his twenties. It was also pity that Li Nan had lost his dependent daughter. To him, that girl could be said to be his daughter.

And I... am actually just a stranger who is related to him by blood, at least to me. So my tone was much better than before: "Don't blame yourself too much. It's useless to blame yourself at this time. Which hospital are you in? When do you want the money?"

As a father, a father who has feelings for his daughter, no matter how corrupt he is, I believe he will not make fun of his daughter's health. I have a prejudice against Li Nan, but when it comes to human life, I believe he won't talk nonsense.

"At the city hospital, the doctor said that she needs an operation, otherwise she will not live for two months. The operation will be performed the day after tomorrow..." Li Nan's tone was filled with worry and guilt: "If there was no way, I wouldn't come to you. , I know you don’t want to see me as your father..."

"I will bring money here tomorrow. How much will it cost?" I interrupted his self-blame and said very seriously, "I will contact you tomorrow morning and tell me which ward it is."

"It takes about 200,000 yuan..." The number Li Nan said shocked me. In my impression, a lung cancer surgery cost only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Of course, that was in Qinghe City. For other cancers, the number of late-stage cancers is around 100,000.

I'm not sure about the prices in Beijing, but the prices in major hospitals are pretty much the same. If it's more serious, it's probably more than 100,000. But even with more than 100,000 yuan, the operation may not be successful. Why is human life so fragile

Maybe it's because I'm getting older, I've become more and more sentimental, and I can't help but sigh when facing the death of others.

Early the next morning, I took the money and went to the hospital, bought some fruit and went to the ward that Li Nan mentioned. People with lung disease cannot smell flowers, and I couldn't buy flowers, so I could only buy some fruit.

I don’t know what kind of girl she is, she’s only in her twenties. Hey, if she can’t survive this test, I’m afraid her life will be stuck in her twenties forever. Now that I think about it, although I have encountered many setbacks, compared with this girl, I am very lucky. At least I am in good health. I had illnesses and pains when I was young, and I never suffered from any diseases due to lack of money. Son.

"Do you still have a conscience! When I was alive, you used me as a cash cow! I am almost dead now! You are still using me to trick your own daughter!" The soundproofing effect of the ward is not very good. I just left. When I got to the door, I heard the girl gasping and screaming, almost dying. Why does this voice sound so familiar to me

However, the owner of this voice is indeed familiar to me. The moment I opened the door, I saw an extremely familiar face—Han Xiaoxiao. (To be continued)