
Chapter 75: 075 I am not a vegetarian


Look at how arrogant she is? She thinks she is an international celebrity just because she is with a man who is a little famous and has a little money. I despise such women from the bottom of my heart. Feng Zhenyang said that this circle is like this, if you are with a powerful man, everything is not a big deal, don't take it so seriously. But I like to be serious, especially about this kind of thing.

I am serious, but I usually don't say anything. As long as you don't offend me, I will just pretend I know nothing. In fact, in this circle, most people have this attitude, except for a few who are really good at it. Others also take the attitude of minding their own business and not worrying about other people's problems.

Things were completely different for me. Gao Moxi was obviously showing off, and even mocked me for paying for my boyfriend's house. I understood the mockery, and Shen Shiqi understood it too.

In the past few years, many people have slandered me on the Internet, especially the internet trolls hired by Gao Moxi, who have completely smeared me.

Shen Shiqi was so angry when he saw those disgusting words that he wanted to do a human flesh search and said that he wanted to pick out all those shady guys and beat them up. I told him not to do such a boring thing. With so many people, who could he beat

After thinking deeply, Shen Shiqi thought what I said made sense, so he stopped beating people. He went online to curse people, tearing apart Gao Moxi's opponent's brainless fans, and fighting against the black-hearted water army that surged in from all directions. The most outrageous thing was that they stole Gao Moxi's account and downloaded a bunch of AV and GV, which damaged Gao Moxi's image.

Although Gao Moxi later explained that her account was hacked, no one believed her. To use an unrefined Internet term, it was useless. After that period of time, Gao Moxi was given all kinds of weird nicknames by enthusiastic netizens. From then on, she was always in the dark. If she spoke less on a show, she would be scolded for having a plastic surgery face and dared not speak. Later, she learned her lesson and spoke more, but people said that gossipers are talkative.

After that, it was not until more than a year ago that Gao Moxi was finally cleared of all charges. Sadly, their company spent a long time investigating and trying to find the hacker, but in the end, nothing was done.

Shen Shiqi was so busy that he even used his time to hack accounts, and to tear down the Internet's troll army and brainless fans, so that people avoided him. It can be seen that my brother's "love" for me is very deep.

How could he tolerate Gao Moxi's slander and insults? His face turned black, and he wanted to tear Gao Moxi apart on the spot. Seeing this, Gao Moxi mistakenly thought that Shen Shiqi was angry and embarrassed, and was more certain that Shen Shiqi was my little white face, and continued to sneer: "My dear brother, I see that you have a bad temper. You must treat Jiaying well. After all, she is a divorced woman and is more easily hurt..."

"Hey! Woman, it's fine if you're not disciplined yourself, but what's wrong with you slandering others here? You are a public figure after all. Why are you beating around the bush and making sarcastic remarks? Do you think that others are as stupid as you and can't understand what you are saying? Or have you watched too many palace fighting dramas and put yourself in the shoes of others?" Shen Shiqi interrupted Gao Moxi before she finished speaking, and scolded her without any euphemism. He just exposed the cruel truth.

Gao Moxi's face turned pale and red, and in the end, he said nothing, glared at me fiercely, and stomped away in anger. Shen Shiqi wanted to stop Gao Moxi and tell him that he was my brother, but I stopped him. It's not that I'm so magnanimous, see through the world, or don't care what others say.

Of course, Shen Shiqi thought so. He didn't even look at the house and argued with me angrily: "Sister! What's wrong with you? People are bullying you, but you still don't say a word. And that gossipy woman, if I don't explain it clearly, she will definitely talk nonsense! How will the audience see you then? I say you... you are really getting more and more frustrated!"

Shen Shiqi was even more frustrated than me. He almost called out my name in public. I immediately stopped him and told him to go outside where there were fewer people. I couldn't help but despise his IQ: "Do you think Gao Moxi won't talk nonsense if you explain it clearly? In this era where godfathers, godmothers, and godbrothers are rampant, there is no shortage of godsisters. It's a well-known fact that she and I don't get along. Why are you still explaining it to her? The more you explain, the worse it gets, right?"

"We can't let her talk nonsense!" Shen Shiqi was anxious: "Sister! Don't take it lightly. Do you know that public opinion can kill people?"

"Of course I know! Haven't I suffered enough public opinion?" My younger brother looks quite smart and always gives people the illusion that he is very smart. However, his IQ plummets at critical moments.

As his intelligent sister, how could I watch him continue to decline, so I simply told him what I was thinking: "With Gao Moxi's mouth, no matter how I explain, she will just talk nonsense. I simply won't explain, let her talk nonsense, wait until this news spreads widely, and then post a photo of me when I was a child and a photo of me now, and say something pretentiously about seeing my brother today, and then let the public relations stir up some atmosphere below, saying that she, Gao Moxi, is talking nonsense, insisting on kissing my brother and calling him a gigolo, malicious, ill-intentioned, and mentally retarded! Let's wait and see who will cry then?"

My lengthy explanation left Shen Shiqi dumbfounded. He seemed to be impressed by my high IQ and was in awe of me. His mouth opened as big as an egg, and after a while he was shocked: "Fuck, you are too vicious!"

"Haven't you heard that women are the most vicious?" I raised my eyebrows at him: "Do you think your sister is a vegetarian? Don't be upset, just do what you need to do. This is not the first time I've encountered such a thing, why are you worrying about it?"

Shen Shiqi shook his head, his expression was simply horrifying: "Women are too complicated! I must not offend you in the future, otherwise I will die without knowing how! Too vicious! Too vicious! How could there be such a scheming woman around me! It's so scary! I'm so scared..."

"Shen Shiqi! That's enough!" I interrupted him unable to bear it any longer, and scared him into shutting up immediately with my gloomy and terrifying eyes like a messenger from hell.

Shen Shiqi said that the most unfortunate thing in his life was that he was born my younger brother. He was bullied by me when he was young, and when he grew up, I despised his IQ and threatened him.

In fact, if we didn't have that deep-rooted, indestructible family bond, it would have been great if he didn't threaten me, let alone me. He didn't threaten me, but netizens did.

The next day, when I woke up, I saw a large number of haters and straight male cancer rushing towards me. The haters said that I had problems with my work style, and the straight male cancer said that I was a *. The most ridiculous thing was that they even said that I was a * for raising a little man and that I would be punished by heaven and earth and die a miserable death!

Even if I really did raise a child, it wouldn't be their business! I don't have a boyfriend or a husband, so why can't I raise one? These people are so funny. I used to get angry when I saw such disgusting words, but now I don't feel anything at all. I just think these people are ridiculous and pathetic.

In this world, there are so many single, rich, beautiful women who are in relationships with men younger than them. Can they handle it? Tang Xiaomei thinks they can handle it because they are bored and have nothing to do every day. They are bored and curse others online to gain a sense of existence and a sense of satisfaction accompanied by inferiority.

What's there to be angry about with such a sad person? Of course I'm not angry. Rong Fang was angry. She thought I really had a gigolo. She didn't talk about the serious matter when she called me. She scolded me first.

I despised her bad temper and at the same time I slowly explained the whole story to her. Then I told Rongfang my solution with a gloomy face. Rongfang on the other end of the phone laughed sinisterly and said slyly: "Hey, Shen Jiaying, when did you become so decisive! I tell you, I have disliked Gao Moxi for a long time! You don't know how much this woman is! She is just a loser on the edge of the third-tier, but she still thinks she is a goddess. Recently, she has been even more arrogant because of the scandal with Feng Zhenyang. She even dared to mock our General Manager Gao, insinuating that our General Manager Gao has a hidden rule with her, and she doesn't want to, so General Manager Gao makes things difficult for her! It's obvious that she is the one who is paying for General Manager Gao!"

Rong Fang became more and more excited as she spoke. Whenever someone did something bad to Gao Jin, she would become this excited female man. I was used to this, so I said a few words to her, hung up the phone, and lay on the bed to read Weibo.

Oh my, wow! It's only been a few minutes and there are already tens of thousands of comments. It's really funny. The funniest thing is that Gao Moxi actually forwarded it! How arrogant! With such an IQ, no wonder there is nothing else but scandal! You always want to plot against me, you hire a cyber army to black me! You mock me! I will kill you tomorrow!

The ice is three feet thick, but it didn't freeze overnight. If Gao Moxi hadn't been doing some despicable and shameless things behind my back all day, I wouldn't have wanted to do it so hard. Actually, it's not that hard. I didn't push her to the edge. At most, people would think she was a fighter among idiots. She has really been too much recently. After having an ambiguous relationship with Feng Zhenyang, she has slandered me in various ways! This is intolerable. She is the one who is courting death. You can't blame me.

Silently watching Gao Moxi's repost, I felt like laughing from the bottom of my heart. Shen Jiaying, Shen Jiaying, you are a kind person, you can't laugh! Don't laugh! You have to silently watch Gao Moxi pretending to be cool...

I laughed after all, and I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I hoped that Gao Moxi had learned her lesson this time and would be more well-behaved in the future, and not spend all day doing the things that a gossip woman does instead of doing what an actor should do.

In this world, besides gossipers, there is another annoying creature, the nosy man. He is nosy enough and even called me in the middle of the night. I was half asleep and heard my phone ringing. I picked up the phone and answered it. He said incoherently: "Hello..."

"Shen Jiaying! Are you crazy? You actually found a gigolo as your boyfriend! And you even bought a house for him! Are you out of your head? I'm at your door now! Open the door immediately! I think we really need to have a good talk!" The man on the phone was furious like a lunatic, shouting at the top of his lungs.

This is simply insane! I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes and said weakly, "Who are you?" (To be continued)