
Chapter 95: 015 Beyond recognition


Zhao Yicheng! I looked at the man who came out of there in shock, and my head exploded! Zhao Yicheng promised me that he would not tell anything, but now... Even if he didn't tell my parents, it would be the same if he told Shen Shiqi.

Shen Shiqi and Feng Zhenyang have a good relationship. They have known each other for more than ten years. It can be said that his relationship with Feng Zhenyang is much better than that with Zhao Yicheng. No matter how good the relationship is, it is not as good as the relationship with his parents.

Shen Shiqi didn't want his parents to be hurt, so how could I want that? Many things were beyond my control, just like the relationship between Feng Zhenyang and me now. For example, I had to hide the truth and dared not tell the truth to Shen Shiqi.

I thought, if Shen Shiqi knew nothing, maybe... I would feel less pain then. Although I had expected this day to come, I didn't expect it to come so soon.

I thought Zhao Yicheng would not tell anyone, since he had agreed, he would not tell anyone. Unfortunately, I was wrong, Zhao Yicheng was not that kind of person at all, maybe he was in the past, but he is definitely not now.

I suddenly felt like I had done something wrong. I suddenly remembered what Feng Zhenyang said about Zhao Yicheng and Feng Yue colluding. If Zhao Yicheng really colluded with Feng Yue, then it would be normal for him to stab me in the back. I was a little confused now. I didn't know whether I should hate Zhao Yicheng or thank him. After all, he had helped me, but now he broke his promise and told Shen Shiqi about my life experience.

If I hadn't had to, I wouldn't have done this. If it wasn't for everyone's safety, I wouldn't have wanted to marry into the Feng family, let alone fake a pregnancy to get promoted. Zhao Yicheng! He stabbed me in the back, and even though he had helped me, I couldn't help but ask angrily, "Zhao Yicheng! Why?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. The Feng family is a hellhole. If you go in, not only will you be deserted by your friends and family, you'll also be torn to pieces." Zhao Yicheng didn't think he was wrong at all. Even though he secretly took a picture of me and gave it to Feng Yue, he still said to me as a matter of course: "Shen Jiaying, I know what the Feng family is like better than you do! You can blame me or hate me for not keeping my promise, but I have to tell you that I'm doing this for your own good."

"It's for my own good! Do you know what's for my own good?" I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

Zhao Yicheng's current behavior is just like the ancient times when an undercover agent was sent to the enemy camp during a war. He then ran to the enemy camp to capture the undercover agent, and then dragged the undercover agent to the general to claim credit and said, "General! I captured this traitor!"

This made me really want to slap Zhao Yicheng to death, but the problem now is that my parents, including Shen Shiqi, now want to slap me to death. If they slap me one by one, how can I have the energy to slap Zhao Yicheng

Before I started to hit Zhao Yicheng, Shen Shiqi hit me first. Seeing me getting angry at Zhao Yicheng, Shen Shiqi's already ugly face became even uglier: "Sister! Can you wake up! If you do this... there will be no result between you and Brother Zhenyang. You must know that once you marry Brother Zhenyang, you and me, as well as Mom and Dad, will no longer have any relationship. Do you understand?"

Shen Shiqi's words made my heart ache. His meaning couldn't be more obvious. If I insisted on marrying Feng Zhenyang, he would also sever the brother-sister relationship with me. If my understanding ability was not a problem, he... That's what he meant. I wanted to explain to him, but I didn't know what to explain when I opened my mouth.

I can't explain this problem now. I can't tell Shen Shiqi the truth. The more he knows, the worse it will be for him. Maybe... breaking off relations with me will be the best for him... for my parents.

"Shiqi, I don't know how to explain it to you now, but one day you will understand it." In the end, I didn't explain, I just said this to Shen Shiqi coldly.

The atmosphere in the room became colder as I became colder. It was already depressing enough, and now it was even more depressing. Shen Shiqi looked at me in disbelief. He thought I was threatening him by breaking off relations, but I was still so stubborn.

Presumably, he must now think that his sister is a selfish woman who disregards other people's feelings and even her own mother's hatred for her own sake. In this world, the most painful thing is not losing love, but being misunderstood by the people you care about. The funny thing is that you can't say it.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." I didn't know if I would be unable to resist telling Shen Shiqi the truth if I continued.

The moment I stepped out of the door, I heard a loud noise from inside, but I didn't look back, nor did I dare to look back. Shen Jiaying, it's just a short year, it's nothing, a year later they will still be your closest family!

I comforted myself over and over in my heart, but I couldn't help crying. When I walked outside, my eyes were completely blurred by tears. I thought my face must be like a calico cat. The makeup on my face must have been mixed with tears. How could it be a calico cat? It's a national treasure! I laughed as I thought about it, and then I cried again.

I cried and laughed all the way, and finally I got home. Fortunately, I didn't get into a car accident. Looking at the empty living room, my heart was also empty, so empty that it seemed as if my heart was hollowed out. It's not just love that can hollow out your heart, but more so family affection.

People say that family love is the most precious thing in this world. When you are hurt outside, your family will give you the warmest embrace when you return home. When you do something wrong, your family will always forgive you unconditionally.

But now, I have lost my embrace and the person who forgave me unconditionally. Although I know that after a year, everything will be back to square one, my heart still hurts.

Night was approaching, and as it fell, my negative emotions completely erupted. Except for the time more than ten years ago when my father forced me to tear up my college acceptance letter, this was the first time I cried for my family, and I cried my heart out.

Just when I was crying the most painfully, Feng Zhenyang called me. I didn't want him to hear that I was crying, so I held back my tears and answered the phone: "Hello!"

"Hey! Shen Jiaying, what's wrong with you? Where did you go so late?" Feng Zhenyang was very angry, so I remembered that I was going to his house, and subconsciously I returned to the villa that Zhao Yicheng and I had worked hard to get.

I reached out to wipe away my tears and answered him with a choked voice: "I'm going home."

"Go home! Shen Jiaying, are you courting death? Don't you know how many reporters are surrounding your house?" Feng Zhenyang was furious when he heard this. He thought I was stupid, so angry that he didn't even notice that I was choking. He started to lecture me: "Can you be any more stupid!"

"There are no reporters outside right now." I lay on the sofa and refuted him very weakly, and then said weakly: "I am very tired today and want to rest early. That's it. We can talk tomorrow if there is anything."

"Wait!" When Feng Zhenyang heard that I was about to hang up, he hurriedly stopped me. Perhaps I had said too much, and he vaguely sensed something. He asked me in a deep voice, "Shen Jiaying, are you crying?"

"I'm fine. Let's talk about it tomorrow." I whispered and hung up the phone without waiting for Feng Zhenyang to speak.

Some people have shoulders you can lean on, but some things may not be able to lean on this shoulder. I am not willing to lean on this shoulder. Even if I have to lean on it now, I still try not to get too close.

Feng Zhenyang understood me. There were some things I didn't want to say, and no matter how much he forced me, I wouldn't say it. So he stopped calling me and just sent me a text message: "Come with me to my home the day after tomorrow. It's not my own home, but the Feng family's. Don't be afraid of my grandfather's 80th birthday party, I'm here."

"Okay." I just replied briefly and didn't say anything else.

The temperature in the morning is the most comfortable in summer, and the air in the Feng family mansion is also very good. From the entrance to the courtyard, it is full of antique style. Such a quiet courtyard is crowded with people and very lively. Some of the people who came were people I knew, some were people I didn't know, some were in the circle, and some were outside the circle.

Unlike me, they were all invited, but I was an uninvited guest. The Feng family did not welcome me, so from the moment I entered the door, I could deeply feel the malice from all sides.

I wore a long blue dress and had my long hair tied up in a loose pile. I looked very fresh today, but I didn't feel fresh at all. I also didn't want to get close to Feng Zhenyang for some reason, so I simply stopped holding his arm and quietly pulled my hand away.

"Shen Jiaying, what are you doing?" I just pulled my hand out, and Feng Zhenyang noticed it immediately, looking at me sideways and said, "If you are acting, you have to do it in full. This is the self-cultivation of an actor!"

I was extremely reluctant, but I had no choice but to hold Feng Zhenyang's arm. Feng Zhenyang had a gentle smile in his eyes and his voice was as soft as jade: "That's right. It's never your style, Shen Jiaying, to retreat because of fear, right? There's nothing to be afraid of. Don't be afraid. Just hold my hand."

"Uh." I nodded, not feeling energetic at all. Even though I knew that I would have to face the Feng family one day, I was still afraid. Maybe Zhao Yicheng said too much. The Feng family was a fire pit, a pit that could shatter me to pieces. Perhaps, it was a pit that changed people beyond recognition, so much so that even their relatives could not recognize them.

As we got closer to the hall, the noise became more and more obvious. The moment we entered the door, almost all the people in the Feng family came into view. Except for Feng Zhenyang's seventh uncle, almost everyone was there. Including Feng Zhenyang's fifth uncle Feng Yue, who was usually busy with work. And today he had an extra female companion by his side. She was a middle-aged woman who looked very comfortable. She was wearing a black Chinese cheongsam and her long hair was tied up in a retro style.

I don't know why, but I felt that this woman looked very familiar, as if I had seen her somewhere before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Driven by curiosity, I whispered to Feng Zhenyang, "Who is the woman next to your fifth uncle? Hasn't he never been married?"

"Consider her my fifth aunt." Feng Zhenyang glanced at the woman and whispered in my ear, "Don't be fooled by her dignified and generous appearance. In fact... she is not mentally normal." (To be continued)