Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path

Chapter 35


Some things were mentioned by Pei Mingzhan, like a fog that was blown away, and a vague impression gradually emerged.

In S city, he really didn't have any playmates, but when he was a child, when he went to play with his grandfather during vacations, a neighbor's elder brother would come occasionally. When he was a child, he didn't have any friends of the same age in H City, so his grandfather suggested that he go play with his brother next door. He said that his brother was actually a primary school student three or four years older, but for Zhao Yao, who was four or five years old, for Zhao Yao The big brother is always full of longing.

However, older children hate children being around. Every time he went, no one took him to play. He could only sit by and watch them play several times. Finally, he ran home angrily to find his grandfather, saying that his brothers were wrong. play with him.

At that time, there was a child leader among the group of children. Others called him "Brother Pepe". All the children listened to him. Originally, the older children would not bring the younger ones to play games. Stumbling and stumbling were a lot of trouble , it's not fun to play. Until one time when Zhao Yao ran home crying, Peipei was called back by her parents to reprimand her, and the next day she obediently came to apologize with snacks.

Zhao Yao mostly listened to childhood anecdotes told by his mother. He himself didn't remember why he ran home crying, but when he mentioned his playmates, he would always think of the old man who was standing at the gate of the yard with two bags of snacks to apologize. child.

"What's the matter?" Pei Mingzhan saw that Zhao Yao didn't speak, so he asked, "I'm absent-minded."

Zhao Yao came back to his senses: "Think of something."

Pei Mingzhan was about to ask him what he was thinking of, but the speed of the roller coaster suddenly increased, the whistling wind covered each other's voices, and the screams of the tourists in front resounded through the sky.

Zhao Yao's mood was quickly blown away by the fast-running roller coaster, and the feeling of weightlessness at high altitude made him unable to think. He didn't come to his senses until the roller coaster reached the end. The safety device was turned on, and Zhao Yao stood with a pale face while supporting the seat.

After Pei Mingzhan went to the staff to take back his hat, he saw that he hadn't been relieved, and immediately ran over worriedly: "Are you all right?"

Zhao Yao put his shoulders on his shoulders and stood up, "It's okay, I'm just not used to it, so I haven't slowed down."

He was careless. Riding roller coasters in his previous life was something he did when he was a child, and when he got older, he was even more wary of such high-altitude facilities. He thought he was fine, but when the roller coaster was driving fast, his physical reaction couldn't be faked.

Pei Mingzhan helped him to sit down on the other side, and put the hat on him casually, "Slow down, let's go."

Zhao Yao agreed too quickly when he proposed to ride the roller coaster just now, he never thought that Zhao Yao would be afraid of heights.

There were several people sitting in the rest area next to the roller coaster at this time. Many people didn't recover after getting off, and there were four or five people sitting scattered. Some parents took their children to ride the roller coaster, but they didn't slow down and vomited on the garbage bag. The two young guys came to the rest area and really attracted the attention of others.

An older father with a baby immediately suggested to Pei Mingzhan: "Brother, you get a bag for your friend, just spit it out."

The kind young boy ran over with a bag and handed it to Pei Mingzhan.

Pei Mingzhan took the bag, "Thank you, kid."

"You're welcome, brother." The child ran away after finishing speaking.

Zhao Yao lowered his hat and said firmly, "No need."

Pei Mingzhan squatted beside him, both distressed and funny, so he had to wait for him to recover.

The two originally planned to run away after getting off the roller coaster, but now they can't. Fortunately, the staff who just recognized Pei Mingzhan didn't say anything. Seeing that Zhao Yao's condition is not good, they walked over silently and handed a cup of hot water, "Brother Pei , is your friend okay?"

"Thank you." Pei Mingzhan took the hot water, "Don't tell others that I'm here, please."

The staff nodded seriously.

Pei Mingzhan sat next to Zhao Yao and talked to him, "Why didn't you refuse when I said I was going on a roller coaster?"

"I haven't sat down for a long time, I didn't expect it." Zhao Yao's voice was a little muffled, "I won't go to the big pendulum later."

"I won't go." Pei Mingzhan said, "Let's go to the aquarium later, and just take a walk."


Zhao's old house.

Zhao Ruihong looked at the buzzing gossip on the phone, and ate the fruit on the side, "It's not me, this Huihua culture really has a hot search physique, and artists have to be scolded with it when they have accidents. "

Zhao Changshuo who was sitting on the other side of the sofa looking at the documents looked at her, "What's wrong with Huihua?"

Why didn't he hear other people mention it.

"Oh, it's okay. Two days ago, a little star named Ji Heyu in Huihua was hacked and searched." After returning to China, Zhao Ruihong was keen to watch all kinds of gossip news in China. She ate a lot of melons these days. "It seems that there is a variety show. It was a show operation, and then netizens poured dirty water on the little star, but it seems that there are other companies operating in it."

Zhao Changshuo was thoughtful: "Ji Heyu?"

"You know him?" Zhao Ruihong became interested, "No way, it is said on the Internet that he is Zhao Yao's bastard, is it true or not?"

Zhao Changshuo looked at Zhao Ruihong whose eyes were glowing, and chose to avoid it: "Do you believe this too?"

But he did see the child at Zhao Yao's house.

Zhao Ruihong saw that he didn't say anything, so she didn't bother to ask, but said: "However, Zhao Yao's people are pretty good, they are patient enough, and they are very decisive in their actions. The second episode of "Sound" was just broadcast. Turn around, and still keep the back trick."

When Zhao Changshuo heard what Zhao Ruihong said, he knew that the matter should have been resolved, "You are so interested in Huihua, why don't you go to see Zhao Yao after you come back?"

"Me?" Zhao Ruihong turned her beautiful eyes: "It will be a while, it will be a while."

Zhao Changshuo looked away: "You had a good relationship with him when you were young."

"It's boring to talk about the things when I was a child." Zhao Ruihong hooked his hands: "Besides, he is not working in the group now. He is an idle person like me. It should be said that we are in the same camp. But you and Zhao Yao The relationship has become so good, can you tell me the reason?"

Huihua Culture quickly re-issued a statement, saving the evidence of the dirty water of various public opinions on the Internet in the past two days, and said that the false rumors that have affected the artist's reputation will be investigated one by one. The long pictures posted included the most popular marketing accounts and the dirty Internet keyboard man. Many fans who saw the situation came to Weibo to applaud.

[Actually, among other things, Hui Hua is very timely in maintaining artists every time.]

[That's a new boss, you don't know what kind of ghost Huihua used to be, and he just pretended to be dead.]

[Making crazy calls for Mr. Zhao, to be honest, almost as soon as the news on the Internet came out, the official blog was on the way to refute the rumors.]

[Official blog: I refuted the rumor, but you all don't believe it.]

[Happy, I saw the IDs of several stinky marketing accounts, I hope Huihua doesn't just verbalize the lawyer's letter, and sues people directly if he has the ability.]

[Hahaha I laughed so hard, have you forgotten about the film crew a while ago? How many people have Huihua and other employers sued.]

[Don't tell me, I don't know what happened to Huihua in the past, but now Huihua just sues.]

The marketing account and netizens who were named immediately deleted the Weibo, but there are still many screenshots circulating on the Internet, which were collected by Huihua's legal department as evidence and ready to be submitted for processing.

Many of them have marketing accounts raised by some companies. Huihua almost knows the rival companies involved in these two days. Even so, they are not afraid to confront these companies head-on. The losses suffered will be discussed together.

Chen Xi was sitting in the office. Just after hanging up the phone, another call came in, "Hello, Mr. Li."

"You're talking about the Internet? My boss's idea, let's discuss this matter?" Chen Xi paused for a while, "How about this, Mr. Li, I have a meeting here, and I'll contact you later for a drink Tea and chat... ”

After Chen Xi finished speaking, he hung up the phone and cursed casually.

This morning, Huihua started to go through the old accounts. The marketing account is still a trivial matter, and the projects that have intersected with these companies in the past are also involved. What Zhao Yao meant was to give him full power to deal with it. In fact, it meant that he didn't have to worry about the faces of other companies, and he had to settle the accounts clearly. Compromising too easily would only make these people feel that they are weak and deceitful.

"Think that a group of people can get rid of us and leave?" Chen Xi sneered, "Then don't you see that Huihua is still the same as before?"

Zhao Yao invested, and high-level executives left one after another, but fortunately, these people have already left, otherwise there would be no chance to clean up all the mess left by the previous management.

The secretary came in and knocked on the door: "Mr. Chen, Manager Zhang made an appointment with you, saying that it was about the previous "Li Meng" project."

"Let's just say I'm busy these days. Let's talk about "Li Meng" later." Chen Xi waved his hand. The manager's attitude was so arrogant before. This time, the company behind him was also involved in the dirty water. He, Chen Xike, can see everything, and the current "Li Meng" does not need their meddling.

"You still say that "Li Meng" can't be filmed by Huihua?" Chen Xi looked at the secretary: "How is the crew of "Li Meng" doing now, are you ready for the audition?"

The secretary said: "I'm ready, the crew said it's an audition this afternoon."

Chen Xi thought of someone: "Did Zhang Qi go too?"

"Go, Brother Liu took it with me." The secretary said.

After Chen Xi confirmed, he habitually picked up his mobile phone and wanted to report the project situation to Zhao Yao, and then thought of Mr. Zhao's indifferent voice at today's meeting, and suddenly felt guilty, so he had to send him a vx.


S City Playground.

Zhao Yao was browsing the e-book "Complete Explanation of Amusement Park" when he received the project report from Chen Department. He roughly scanned the registration document sent by Chen Department, and sent him an [ok] after confirming that there was no problem. System expression.

The two had just come out of the aquarium, and their legs were a little sore from the long walk. Pei Mingzhan was going to buy a drink now, so he sat in the rest place and flipped through the e-book, planning to complete the rest of the place.

"Haunted house...?" Zhao Yao looked at the e-book and explained: It is suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere and promoting physical contact between couples, thereby catalyzing the development of feelings.

The environment in the haunted house is dark, and it does have a movie theater atmosphere. Thinking of this, Zhao Yao fell into deep thought again. Is it possible that this kind of holy land for couples is planning to go to a dark place

He took the map casually, and the haunted house facilities in the amusement park were not far away in the amusement area.

When Pei Mingzhan came over with hot milk, Zhao Yao's gaze was still on the map. He thought Zhao Yao was looking for the carousel again, so he said, "What are you looking at? Are you really going to ride the carousel?"

Zhao Yao suddenly said: "Almost forgot, we haven't gone to the carousel yet."

Pei Mingzhan shot himself in the foot with a rock: "I don't recommend going now. There are more couples and children on the carousel, especially during the daytime. There are basically children there, and I couldn't experience anything in the past."

"Are there many couples at night?" Zhao Yao asked.

Pei Mingzhan was taken aback: "Yes."

He suddenly thought of the messy reference books at Zhao Yao's house and his weird behavior in the movie theater some time ago, "Zhao Yao, don't you come here because you want to watch other couples ride on the merry-go-round?"

"It's not observation this time, I plan to experience it myself." Zhao Yao understands the importance of practice after going through the movie theater, and he can't understand anything from observation. "Of course I don't ask you to come with me. When the time comes, you will stand Wait for me outside the carousel."

Zhao Yao felt a little weird when he read the statement in the book. The book said that when you sit on the merry-go-round and look at the other half waiting outside, your heart is sweet and warm. This statement is a bit mysterious and romantic, but he is also very curious about what it feels like to sit on it and look out.

Pei Mingzhan didn't understand what Zhao Yao meant, "Then you want to go now?"

"The carousel is a bit far away." Zhao Yao pushed the map in front of Pei Mingzhan: "Let's go to the haunted house first."

Pei Mingzhan thought that Zhao Yao was still a child at heart and wanted to come to play, but now that he came here because of his strange love theory, he was a little curious: "What is the reason for this? Is the atmosphere in the haunted house good?"

Zhao Yao took a look at Pei Mingzhan, and then pushed the phone in front of Pei Mingzhan, "Simply put, this is the truth, I just don't know how the haunted house in this playground is, so I have to go in and take a look."

Pei Mingzhan nodded: "Send me a copy of this?"

"Are you interested?" Zhao Yao laughed: "I thought you would think it was strange for me to practice like this."

"That's okay, I think it's a stereotype." Pei Mingzhan swiped his phone, "And you still have a lot of places where you haven't checked in. You don't need to explain to me next time if you send me a copy. Just cooperate."

"Isn't it because of the company that you quit the circle?" Zhao Yao asked suspiciously when he heard this: "Why do you feel that you don't have to manage the company?"

Pei Mingzhan clicked to share with his friends, and then said: "It's okay, no matter how busy you are at work, you have to rest on weekends."

After sharing, he handed the phone to Zhao Yao: "Do you understand that these are really intended to prepare for a future relationship?"

"If I meet someone in love." Zhao Yao picked up the drink that Pei Mingzhan had just sent over, and felt the warmth in his hand.

hot? Amusement parks have places to serve drinks, but most of them are room temperature or cold drinks. Things like hot drinks have to go far to find them. It turned out that he had been away for so long just now, and he ran to buy this.

"Thank you." Zhao Yao said.

Pei Mingzhan looked down at the phone, didn't hear Zhao Yao's words at first, raised his head and asked, "What did you just say?"

Zhao Yao didn't mention it anymore, "It's okay, let's go there now."

The location of the haunted house is not far from where they just rested, just a few minutes' walk away. Zhao Yao noticed that Pei Mingzhan was not walking fast, as if he was taking care of his leg injury.

"For a haunted house, this is a real NPC." Pei Mingzhan was a little serious: "Maybe I'm going back to the front to scare you. It's not so convenient to walk around in a dark environment. Your leg injury is just right, or we won't go."

Zhao Yao: "It's okay, I just don't run away."

Pei Mingzhan saw that Zhao Yao had made up his mind, so he couldn't stop him. When he arrived at the haunted house, Pei Mingzhan carefully looked at the scene rules outside, and confirmed with the staff that the npc would not attack tourists before taking Zhao Yao to buy a ticket to go in.

There are not many people queuing here, so Pei Mingzhan took the time to explain: "I just saw the thumbnail over there, you will stand on my right then, try to stand behind me." Most of the scary things are in the aisle Come out on both sides, stand on the right side at least the left leg is on the inside to avoid the bumps of other props.

Soon there were two people in line. After Zhao Yao entered the door, he habitually began to observe the surrounding furnishings. The theme was more retro, and even the furnishings inside were a kind of weird ancestral hall style. His gaze was quickly placed on the air outlets on both sides. In order to create a gloomy atmosphere, low air-conditioning and smoke were used here.

The tourists who walked a few steps ahead of them had already encountered their first shock, and screams filled the interior of the building. Zhao Yao frowned slightly, "The sound insulation here is quite poor."

"On the one hand, it is also to create a sense of fear for tourists." Pei Mingzhan came into contact with acting. Many props here will be used when they shoot special effects scenes. In addition, they know that NPCs are pretending to be people, so they are not too afraid of these, and they have patience. He carefully explained to Zhao Yao the usefulness of some equipment.

The two quickly walked to the area where the NPC was hiding. Just as they were talking about the time for the special effects makeup to last, a woman in red suddenly crawled out from under the table on the right. The pale makeup set off.

Zhao Yao paused and asked Pei Mingzhan: "Is the lighting effect also important?"

"Let's step back a little." Pei Mingzhan glanced at the woman in red who came out, and continued after making sure that her long nails were not stretched out: "Special effect makeup can sometimes get twice the result with half the effort by relying on the light."

The woman in red threatened again.

Zhao Yao nodded to her, "Thank you."

The woman in red:? ? ?

The two continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, not afraid of the NPC behind them looking at them. It was only then that Pei Mingzhan was convinced that Zhao Yao was not afraid of this thing, so the two talked while walking, and even talked about a sci-fi scene that Pei Mingzhan had filmed before.

Several NPCs appeared from behind, and even one of them appeared directly in front of Zhao Yao and made a face-to-face attack. He thought it would scare the traveler to the ground, but he didn't expect that the traveler was just stunned for a moment, and then acted like The leader inspector generally nodded.

The NPC stopped involuntarily, and made a few threats again.

Zhao Yao saw that this NPC didn't go away like the previous ones, but stood in front of him as if he was pestered by him, so he asked, "Your makeup is quite realistic, how long have you been wearing it?"

NPC: "...?"

He asked incredulously, "No way, buddy, are you talking to me now? My boss knew that he was going to deduct money."

"No, I'm just curious." Zhao Yao said, "The makeup on your face is a bit more complicated along the way."

"Oh." The NPC said: "Our makeup brothers are skilled workers, very fast."

The two chatted for a while, and another passenger came from behind, and the NPC brothers ran to the corner just now to cat.

Zhao Yao had no choice but to follow Pei Mingzhan through the haunted house. When he went out, his mind was full of special effects scenes, and he didn't even feel the thrill of the haunted house mentioned in the book. He said that the dark environment can create an excellent atmosphere for couples to get along with each other. He thought to himself that there is no time to talk about love with those npcs.

Pei Mingzhan asked, "Where shall we go next?"

"Leave another line." Zhao Yao frowned and said, "Just now I was talking to you, but I didn't feel the atmosphere of the haunted house mentioned in the book."

Haunted house vibe? Pei Mingzhan flipped through the e-book on his phone, and found the explanation about the haunted house, "Then I have an idea, I saw a place in it just now..."

Zhao Yao looked at him suspiciously.

The two teamed up again, and when they entered the haunted house and met the girl in red, the girl was too scary. After a closer look, she turned out to be an acquaintance, wondering why these two people came in again? ?

She wasn't scary at all, and just shrank back under the table.

Zhao Yao: "..."

"Come here." Pei Mingzhan took Zhao Yao's hand and led him forward.

Zhao Yao walked along Pei Mingzhan, and the two soon walked to the aisle between the red ancestral hall and the next scene. This was where they had just stopped, and there seemed to be a fork in the road. He followed Pei Mingzhan into the fork, and the next moment he was pulled into a small space.

There is indeed no road at the fork, but there is a small space with a curtain hanging, which seems to be a small space for NPCs to hide.

Zhao Yao was pulled into that space, and the next moment Pei Mingzhan stood next to him, his loud voice blocked the red light coming from outside, and he could only vaguely see his sharp profile.


There were screams from outside, the sound of tourists panicking after being threatened by NPCs, the sound of table props colliding, the strange sound of wind chimes, etc. All the sounds came together in this not-so-sound-proof space, and Zhao Yao’s heart surged. Out of a strange feeling.

It seems excited and curious, and more of a feeling of being in a room with others.

Pei Mingzhan stood outside him, surrounded by him, as if in a book, couples were frightened in a dark atmosphere, and one party had a sense of security under the protection of the other.

Zhao Yao didn't seem to feel that sense of security. He slightly grabbed Pei Mingzhan's coat and made a very capricious request: "Come closer."

The author has something to say: In the dark,

Lao Pei: Stand in a small corner for a while.

Brother Yao: Stand closer. (pull hand)
