Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path

Chapter 56


In the Pei family's mansion in H City, Mother Pei was flicking her mobile phone to talk to her eldest son, "Pepe will be back in a few days, right?"

The eldest brother of the Pei family said simply: "He came to City H to record a variety show, and he will come home after it is over."

He was halfway through talking when the phone rang.

Mother Pei hasn't seen her youngest son for a long time, she thought she would only see her son during the Chinese New Year, but she didn't expect to come back in two days. For the past two days, she asked her aunt at home to clean up, and when Pei Mingzhan came back, she could move in directly.

"Hot search?" Brother Pei frowned, "Have you found out who did it?"

When Mother Pei heard the words and looked at the eldest son, she would mention that the trending searches were generally about the younger son. Pei Mingzhan has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and she has also learned a lot about the entertainment industry, and she is no stranger to hot searches. She casually clicked into the trending search to check the situation, only to see the trending search for the illegitimate meal.

She handed the phone to her eldest son, "Boss, why is this trending search still on?"

The eldest brother of the Pei family is letting his subordinates deal with it. He thought it was just a matter of simply suppressing it, but he didn't expect that the person who bought the trending search later was still a diehard, so they suppressed it and continued to buy. He simply said: "It's okay, I will suppress it in a while."

Mother Pei scrolled through the hot searches, "Is Pepe okay, is there really an illegitimate fan?"

The eldest brother of the Pei family patiently explained: "It's okay, that person was arrested, and all the things on the Internet are caused by someone deliberately buying trolls."

Mother Pei went to the official blog of the Leisure Program Group, and saw someone mentioning the word 'Hui Hua', and thought of something: "The company behind this program is Xiaoyao's company? I have also noticed it during this time, it seems that they The company is often on the hot search."

"Hot searches are not necessarily bad, but this matter is not easy. I will tell you when the matter has a result." The eldest brother of the Pei family rarely does other things except ask the public relations team to press the hot searches for Pei Mingzhan.

Mother Pei flicked her mobile phone and said worriedly: "I heard about Mrs. Zhao. Xiao Yao just came out of the group. If something happens to him during this period, you can help him a little bit."

She used to be classmates with Zhao Yao's mother, and the house in the suburbs was next to Zhao Yao's grandfather's house. Later, they rarely went back to the suburbs. A few years ago, Zhao Yao's grandfather passed away, and the contact between the two families gradually decreased. , but there are occasional contacts during the holidays.

Brother Pei nodded: "I know."

The subordinates took the order to go to work. Brother Pei and Mother Pei looked at the trending searches, wondering if they should call Pei Mingzhan.

At this time, Brother Pei's cell phone rang again, and Pei Mingzhan's name was displayed on it.

Brother Pei pressed his voice, and before he could speak, he heard Pei Mingzhan's anxious voice—

"Brother, you ask the doctor at home to come over, and I'll send you the address."

Brother Pei and Mother Pei were taken aback when they heard the words, doctor


Zhao Yao has a fever.

After hearing Uncle Wang's explanation, Pei Mingzhan knew that Zhao Yao had a tendency to catch a cold in the afternoon. Uncle Wang boiled ginger water to drive out the cold in time and prepared cold medicine, but he didn't expect that Zhao Yao had just rested for half an hour. It burned up.

"I'll call the doctor at home and it will take about an hour." After calling, Pei Mingzhan said to Uncle Wang, "We'll see the situation later. If the temperature rises, we'll go directly to the hospital."

The program team had an accompanying doctor, but Pei Mingzhan was still a little worried, so he called the doctor at home to come over. He didn't expect that he didn't look at Zhao Yao very much all afternoon, and this person made himself feverish.

Lele knocked on the door, and Pei Mingzhan helped Zhao Yao pull up the quilt before going out.

Pei Mingzhan's cell phone was on silent, and if Brother Lao couldn't get through, he called Pei Mingzhan. After taking Lele's mobile phone, he asked, "what's the matter?"

"Huihua dealt with it in a timely manner, and the navy has already dealt with it." Brother Lao said simply: "Chen Xi told me that this time this incident should be due to Yang's disturbance in the water. Mr. Zhao called earlier I reminded Huihua, so this time it was dealt with in a timely manner without major problems."

Because Huihua had been prepared for a long time, when the marketing account and the navy started to take action, Huihua took a plan to suppress a lot, otherwise the current hot search would not be just as simple as illegitimate meal.

Lao Ge saw the screenshots earlier, those trolls are trying to mislead fans in other directions, the purpose is to stir up conflicts between fans and the program group, at first glance the protagonist of this incident is Pei Mingzhan, but in fact the main point is When it fell on the program group, it was obvious that the people who hired the sailors behind were afraid of Pei Mingzhan and did not dare to do it.

With Pei Mingzhan's back on the Pei family's mountain, many trouble-seekers have suffered through the years of his debut. At most, these people just want to provoke Pei fans to make trouble.

"This is obviously a rivalry. Shi Yang is here for Huihua this time." Brother Lao said a little annoyed, "We have been taken advantage of. It seems to be an illegitimate hot search, but in fact the target is all Pointing to the program group."

"Leave the matter of illegitimate birth to the program team, and we will issue a statement to report safety." Pei Mingzhan said in a deep voice, "As for Shi Yang, we don't have to be polite to them."

Emergency public relations by all parties, here Xiao Xu has been taken away by the police for investigation.

The doctor from Pei's family didn't arrive until after ten o'clock in the evening. When he arrived, he gave Zhao Yao a checkup. He simply said, "Don't worry too much about the fever caused by a cold."

The doctor of the program team had prescribed medicine before, and the doctor from the Pei family also prepared a lot when they came here. Uncle Wang brought the clothes hanger in the room and quickly set up the infusion set. Pei Mingzhan came in after making a phone call. After listening to the doctor's instructions, he planned to stay here to watch the night. He told Uncle Wang, "Go to the next room to rest first."

Uncle Wang was naturally unwilling to leave, so he went downstairs to prepare a lot of things.

Zhao Yao had a fever-reducing sticker on his head, even in his sleep he frowned slightly. Pei Mingzhan put his hand on his arm to test the temperature, and was worried that the infusion would make his hands feel cold, so he paid attention to the quilt from time to time.

Pei Mingzhan sat by the bed, looked at Zhao Yao and said nothing.

When he wakes up, he probably has to worry about other things. Why didn't he discover Zhao Yao's habit of frowning before? He reached out to help smooth his eyebrows, but touched his hot forehead. When he tested his temperature just now, the temperature had not reached 39 degrees, but he always felt that the forehead under his hand was very hot.

Dr. Pei's family was sitting in the downstairs living room of the B&B. Hearing Pei Mingzhan's call, he hurried up to take his temperature, checked again and said, "Second Young Master, don't worry too much. If the temperature doesn't go up, the fever should subside at night."

The discussion on the Internet is still hot. Among Pei Mingzhan's fans, there are many old fans. They have seen the big world in these years, and they will soon come down to help control the field and suppress the rhythm.

[Don't worry too much about this matter, don't you know the working ability of the studio?]

[The most vicious ones jumping under the marketing account are navy soldiers, and they probably came to provoke trouble on purpose.]

[Ham, fan Peipei, I was so relieved that I forgot that this is still the entertainment circle where hype and marketing go hand in hand.]

[Let's wait for the notification, it seems that this matter is more like the program group was messed up.]

[Sisters, don't be used as a knife, it's not too late to scold after the program group makes an announcement.]

The person in charge of the program team successively handled the matter with Huihua's public relations department. In addition to Xiao Xu who entered Pei Mingzhan's room, he also found out a staff member from the team. The staff member was a newly recruited director assistant, and the marketing account had spread the photos from him. When I asked him, he only said that the marketing account asked him to buy the photos at a high price, and didn't ask about other things.

Huihua's processing of the alarm processing, the internal processing of the internal processing.

After these matters were dealt with, the program team posted a Weibo to explain the whole story.

@悠闲:[Long picture of statement]

The long picture of the statement includes the restoration of the whole matter and the alarm handling process, including the details of Xiao Xu and his company, as well as the recruitment of new director assistants in the program group, etc. The statement has no nonsense from the beginning to the end. Everything clarified. However, due to time constraints, some details have to wait for the follow-up investigation results to be announced.

Fans quickly rushed over to start scolding, but after seeing the program group's statement, they turned to other discussions.

[The processing speed is not bad, give it a thumbs up.]

[Compared to the fabricated Weibo of the marketing account, this one finally explained the whole story clearly.]

[Wait, I seem to have found a problem. Aren't the two people who caused the trouble from the same company?]

[I've heard people say that this illegitimate student was caught when he was planning to do something, so basically nothing major happened, and I don't know why it suddenly became so big.]

[The photos posted by the marketing account were sent by the director's assistant, right? The location is in the countryside. It happened just two hours ago. How did the marketing account move so quickly?]

[Is this being done by someone?]

Netizens came to the official blog to read the announcement one after another. Because the details of the announcement were too clear, some sailors wanted to tell the truth, but they were turned back by netizens. There are also other netizens who have different concerns—

[Is there an explanation for the recent popular long pictures?]

[Long pictures are long pictures, the processing speed of this program group is too fast.]

[After looking through the leisurely information, I found that this is still a project invested by Huihua Culture? ? ?]

[Huihua's appearance rate in the past six months is a bit high, how many projects have they invested in?]

[Damn it, this Huihua clarification announcement is still in the same style as before!]

[Hahahahaha, that's true!]

Not only Pei Mingzhan was involved in the recording of the program, but also other artists participated in the recording of the program. In order to prevent other problems from happening, the program team planned to find a time during the day to give a live explanation after discussing with the artists. Compared with these announcements, the most important thing to appease the fans is the artist, and a live broadcast can best solve the follow-up troubles.

After the staff discussed with other artists, the other artists agreed if they felt that there was no problem. This time, the recording cycle of the program group was postponed by one day. Fortunately, other artists have no schedule for the next day and have free time to cooperate.

Pei Mingzhan helped Zhao Yao change the bottle. Zhao Yao's body temperature was still high, but it was better than before. He was about to go out and make a phone call when he saw Zhao Yao opened his eyes.

Only a small light was turned on in the room, not particularly bright.

When Zhao Yao woke up, his body was sore. He knew he had a fever, and he was about to call out to others before he noticed Pei Mingzhan sitting next to him and the infusion bottle on the hanger.

He opened his mouth slightly: "You...why are you here?"

"You have a fever. You are receiving an infusion. Don't move." Pei Mingzhan pulled up the quilt and asked, "Is it still uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable." Zhao Yao's reaction speed was a little slow, and he asked after a while: "How is the program group?"

Pei Mingzhan saw that it might be too much trouble for him to care about the program group when he just woke up, but he knew that even if he didn't say these things, Zhao Yao would be told otherwise, so he had to briefly talk about the situation outside.

After listening to Zhao Yao, he was silent for a while, "It's about the same as I expected. They planned this matter so well, and they have already prepared for it. Even if the guest of this issue is not you, they will probably find a way to attract other people. body, such as Yang Mumu."

It doesn't matter whether Xiao Xu is a fan of Pei Mingzhan, as long as he has entered Pei Mingzhan's room and made some small moves, other things will happen to be true. This kind of routine is also applicable to other stars. No matter who the guests invited by "Leisure" are, they can also prepare a round of drafts behind their backs.

"But this time it almost came true, because Xiao Xu's microblog has been posted for a long time. It doesn't look like a trumpet that was prepared temporarily. It should be my fan." Pei Mingzhan helped him sit up and said: "I I think they didn’t want to be illegitimate, the main problem is that the program crew’s hands are not clean, besides Xiao Xu and a director’s assistant, they have prepared a lot of backup.”

Zhao Yao had a throbbing pain on his forehead, and he felt uncomfortable all over because of the fever, "When Shi Yang does this, I really don't fear that I will do something to them."

"I guess you don't need to do this." Pei Mingzhan heard that his voice was hoarse, so he brought warm water from the side to him.

Zhao Yao originally wanted to take it, but Pei Mingzhan said: "The cup is a little hot, you can just drink it from my hand."

The glass was already in front of him, and Zhao Yao was also a little thirsty. He slightly lowered his head and took a sip, before saying, "What do you mean?"

Pei Mingzhan said softly, "You should rest now."


The lights in the bar box were flickering, Boss Lin was hugging people on the left and right, and many people around were flattering him while drinking.

"Mr. Lin, this Huihua is looking for death when he opposes you. The Zhao family is indeed a big background, but in a place like the entertainment industry, Zhao Yao probably won't know if he is cheated." The man in the suit laughed: "After these two things come to an end If we do something else on these platforms in the later stage, Chen Xi probably won't understand what we want to do. Right, Lao Wang?"

Old Wang raised his head when he heard the words, "Yes... yes."

The man in the suit continued: "What are you afraid of? You have signed the contract. In the later period, people from Timeyang will help you take over your company's affairs. It is not easy to start a small company these years. Don't worry, the people from your company will be there in the future. If Yang comes here, we won't treat them badly."

Lao Wang thought that people from the company had been calling all the time just now, and even Dai Xuan called him to ask him, "I understand, I don't have to worry about the company's affairs."

The man in the suit laughed, and turned to talk to Boss Lin again: "Mr. Lin, you said this time is a coincidence. Xu was originally a fan of Pei Mingzhan, but it turned out that he was the mysterious guest of the "Leisure" program group. Saved a lot of trouble."

"When Huihua is going to be unlucky, God will help me." Boss Lin sneered, "Don't worry about Pei Mingzhan. After all, this matter didn't damage his interests. Maybe his fans will Give us a hand."

"Mr. Lin, I'd like to offer you a toast." The man in the suit smiled.

At this time, Boss Lin's secretary hurried over.

Boss Lin frowned unhappily when he saw him, "What's the matter?"

The secretary hesitated to speak.

Boss Lin said again: "It's fine to just say it directly, and there are no outsiders here."

The secretary was in a dilemma, and finally said: "Boss Lin, our trending search has been withdrawn, and the account of the sailor we hired has also been blocked by the platform. Just now, the person in charge of the marketing account also called and said that they received a warning call."

Boss Lin's expression changed, "What's going on?"

"When we checked on our side, we found that Pei's had intervened on the platform side. As for the marketing account, it seemed that they came through another way. They can't continue here." The secretary's face was very ugly, "Not only that, "Leisurely" has already issued an announcement, the fans did not go in the direction we expected, and Huihua is also preparing before the navy makes a move... "

Boss Lin threw the wine glass on the ground, and the box fell silent for a while.

At this time, Boss Lin's cell phone rang suddenly, and he answered the phone: "Hello?"

Something was said in the conversation, and Boss Lin's face became more and more ugly, "I asked you to handle this matter, how are you handling it now?"

The man in the suit didn't speak any more when he saw this, but Lao Wang became nervous.

Boss Lin was very angry, not to mention the things on the Internet. After Honeymelon TV rejected Huihua's project, instead of following the trap he had set, Huihua turned to discuss cooperation with domestic webcasting platforms. He originally planned to lure Huihua to cooperate with other platforms, and then use the platform relationship to squeeze out the profit, but Huihua gave up the temptation of high profits and did not follow the routine at all.

Originally, the combination of these two incidents would have caused Hui Hua to lose his balance, but he never expected that Chen Xi would not fall into the trap, and the public opinion on the Internet would be suppressed so quickly. It took so much time and energy to lay out the game, but in the end, there was not even a splash. The group of people under him did not succeed enough but failed.

Seeing this situation, Lao Wang looked nervously at the man in the suit, but before the latter could speak, Boss Lin hung up the phone angrily. He calmed down all of a sudden, looking at the other silent people in the box, his heart suddenly lost confidence.


Chen Xi led Huihua and others to make a good public relations, and this time it can be regarded as turning the corner. But he didn't feel relieved. Instead, he called Pei Mingzhan's studio to explain the situation and apologized. Although Shi Yang was behind this incident, the new director assistant recruited from their program group also had problems. There was a mistake in the program group.

Apologies should be made where the apology should be made, and the things that should be explained should not be left behind.

"Yes, now all invitations from other platforms to contact and cooperate are rejected." Chen Xi said simply: "If you lose money, you lose money, and if you lose a little money, you can't let Shi Yang come to share."

He just received the news that the company behind the assistant in the program group had signed a merger agreement with Shi Yang.

This set is obviously aimed at their Huihua, how can the Chen family suffer every time, Mr. Zhao has such high expectations for Huihua, if he can't show some performance, he will be ashamed to see Mr. Zhao.

Isn't Shi Yang going to mess with them

They, Huihua, are not letting themselves be slaughtered.

Chen Xi made a phone call to his friends in the circle, "Yes, it's me, Chen Xi, do you have any material about suppressing Shi Yang..."

This incident was violent, and it was thanks to Huihua's foresight to deal with it in a timely manner that it did not cause a bigger disaster, and Pei Mingzhan's studio didn't need to spend more effort. Brother Lao saw that the public opinion on the Internet was basically under control, and then he received a call from Pei Mingzhan.

Pei Mingzhan didn't say much, but after explaining the matter, he asked him about Shiyang Films.

Brother Lao knew that Shiyang was doing tricks behind this, so he took the time to check, "I checked Shiyang, and they should be mainly preparing for next year's New Year's Eve. Oh, and I heard yesterday that they have a good project just now. Passed the review... "

There is a lot of buzz in this circle, and as soon as these big companies make a move, it basically spreads.

Lao Ge said some scattered things again, and then said that the file would be forwarded to him later.

After hearing this, Pei Mingzhan said, "Really? Just passed the trial?"

Lao Ge asked: "What do you want to do?"

"I'll talk later." Pei Mingzhan heard movement in the room after speaking, so he said, "Hang up first."

Brother Lao was about to ask how to get to the village from the entrance of the village, but before he could say a word, he heard a beeping sound from the opposite side.

The style at night is very big. Brother Lao rushed all the way from the high-speed rail station, pulling his suitcase and standing on the village road, blowing the cold wind. He rushed here in a hurry, and spent a lot of time on the way for him to check things for Pei Mingzhan. In the end, Pei Mingzhan Mingzhan hung up the phone.

"I'm tired." Brother Lao sighed, and looked up to see the moon half covered by dark clouds, "How beautiful is this moon? It's going to rain in this bad weather, right?"

Pei Mingzhan came in from outside the door with a hot water bottle, saw Zhao Yao reaching out to pull out the needle while making a phone call, he hurried over to stop him, and said: "There is still a third, wait."

Zhao Yao glanced at him, and then said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Well, just deal with it as I said."

His throat was uncomfortable, and the more he talked, the more itchy, he coughed twice, "Okay."

At the other end of the conversation is the person in charge of the mother's assets. After he joined the Zhao Group, he handed over the affairs there to his mother's former confidant. Since Shi Yang started from their project this time, don't think too much about it. .

Shiyang Films produces film and television dramas and movies every year. It is not that simple to pass the review of so many projects. Some projects avoid the loopholes in the review and take advantage of the loopholes to pass the review and earn a lot of profit.

If the content of the project complies with the review regulations, then it’s fine, but when he learned that Zhang Qi and Shi Yang had a bad relationship, he entrusted others to investigate the review issue, and found that many projects of Shi Yang passed the review on the sidelines. Originally, it wasn't a big deal for Shiyang Films to avoid them, but that boss Lin insisted on stepping on his line.

Huihua doesn't get along with others, but it doesn't mean he can let others bully him.

Hearing his muffled cough, Pei Mingzhan approached him after the hot water was warmed up, "Drink more water if your throat hurts, and rest early, where do you want to go in such a hurry to pull out the needle?"

Zhao Yao planned to go down to see the situation. He lowered his head slightly and drank water from the cup, and said, "I woke up too, and I don't feel so burned."

"What the patient with fever said is unbelievable." Pei Mingzhan said in a low voice, "You go out to see the wind in this state, do you want me to take you to the hospital later?"

Zhao Yao paused when he heard the words, no one had talked to him like this for many years.

In his previous life, he was surrounded by hypocrisy. In this life, although Uncle Wang and Yao Bai cared, he was occasionally wary. Only Pei Mingzhan spoke to him so severely.

Zhao Yao suddenly coughed twice, and Pei Mingzhan nervously brought over the water glass.

He suddenly said, "Pei Mingzhan, reach out your hand."

"What?" Pei Mingzhan stretched out his hand, but Zhao Yao held it straight.

Holding Pei Mingzhan's wrist with hot hands, Zhao Yao's voice was somewhat serious, "I didn't hold it enough yesterday, please let me hold it well..."

In the middle of the night, Uncle Wang wanted to come up to see the situation, but when he opened the door, he found that the room was very quiet.

He saw that the bedside lamp was dimly on, the needle of the infusion set had already been pulled out, and there were two people lying on the wide bed. He paused for a while, but in the end he didn't go in to bother.

Downstairs in the B&B, Brother Lao, who just arrived at the place, was working late at night, but his voice on the phone was lowered a lot, "Joke, Lao Pei even said that this matter is going to happen, and his surname is Lin."

Uncle Wang enthusiastically prepared a cup of refreshing tea for Brother Lao, who was flattered and took it, then continued to talk to the phone: "What? The Chen family also bought black materials..."


In the early hours of the morning, a lot of time-yang scandals suddenly broke out on the Internet. The management's unspoken rules about artists were exposed by an artist who had retired for many years, and they rushed to the front row of late-night hot searches. Netizens clicked in to check the situation.

Boss Lin just came out of the bar, his expression was not very good.

But the relevant phone call came again, and his voice was slightly angry: "Talk about Huihua tomorrow!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very anxious: "Boss Lin, information about Shi Yang suddenly broke out on the Internet, saying that it was your unspoken rules..."

"Who exploded? Didn't these things have been suppressed by us a long time ago!" Boss Lin was anxious, "How did you do things before?!"

While talking here, the secretary standing beside Boss Lin on the other side answered the phone again, and looked at Boss Lin with a pale face after hanging up.

"Mr. Lin, it's not Huihua's business. The project we gave to the panda platform has been blocked..."