Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path

Chapter 60


The Jajangmyeon platform is online. At this time, it happened to be a live interview of a domestic webcast program. The media in charge of the interview was a well-known 2D media on Weibo. The interviewee of the new issue was a well-known CV in the circle. Just as the fans who stayed on CV Weibo saw that the time was on time, CV greatly sent out a link to the live broadcast.

[Hey, wait, why isn't it the previous live broadcast?]

Fans know that generally Weibo live broadcasts will default to a certain platform, or they will choose the top two domestic platforms. Such a mediocre new platform really makes fans feel very troublesome. Fans originally planned to quit to find out if there were links to other platforms, but seeing the layout of the live broadcast room, they suddenly felt that the interface design in the login status of tourists was quite simple.

[This new platform doesn't have so many bells and whistles.]

[This tone also looks comfortable. I originally wanted to quit and change to the lemon platform, but now it looks okay.]

[Visitor login status is OK, is this a new platform?]

Soon into the interview, the fans felt itchy when they saw the CV's big answer. When the host said that they would collect lucky viewers, the loyal fans who only chose tourists to log in registered one after another. Only then did they find that the live broadcast interface after registration was also Concise and generous, there are no redundant advertisements, and a series of functions such as rewards and comments are clear and clear.

Here comes the most critical issue, the clarity and fluency are absolutely unparalleled.

When they finished watching the live broadcast and were about to quit, the host said at the end of the live broadcast that the platform would give fans benefits, and would send 10 random gifts to netizens after the live broadcast ended, including CV’s autograph and limited dolls.

fan:! ! !

Fans who haven't registered and logged in hurriedly took advantage of this time to register to catch up with the benefits in the live broadcast room, while other fans who were not interested had already opted out of the platform.

When you log out, this web page pops up to download the client, and reminds you of the huge benefits in small print.

Netizen: Huh? And benefits?

Netizens who are a little interested in this platform and often watch live broadcasts can click in and download to see the situation.

The launch of the Zhajiangmian platform was not publicized, but through the promotion of this live broadcast in cooperation with other circles, the first wave of user circles was unknowingly expanded. There are not many other old platforms that pay attention to the Jajiangmian platform, including an old platform pencil platform that accounts for a lot of traffic. Seeing that the live broadcast circle is dominated by the lemon platform, and the live broadcast circle has less traffic and less money-making opportunities, a circle of suppressing new platforms has also formed unknowingly.

Boss Wang of the Pencil platform saw that the traffic of the Zhajiangmian platform was not bad on the first day, so he thought of using the old method to suppress the new platform, lest it develop later and affect the traffic of the Pencil platform. After calling other bosses, he ordered the platform management: "You let the platform do some new activities in the past few days."

Internal activities and competitions on the platform can promote the enthusiasm of anchors to live broadcast, while external activities can attract a large number of users to watch the live broadcast.

The development of the Zhajiangmian platform is the most important stage. He does not believe that the Zhajiangnian platform can still be established under such a situation of encirclement and suppression.

At the same time, a new live broadcast of the United Fried Noodles platform was launched in different circles. Gu Sui stood in the newly moved office of the studio and looked at the data screens that the technicians were operating. Then he said to others: "This is Whether the first wave of traffic can keep people depends on whether the content launched by our platform meets their wishes."

The supervisor asked: "Mr. Gu, you asked us to pay attention to other platforms. Just now, someone from the bottom came with some internal news, saying that several platforms, led by the Pencil platform, are already planning an event, and it is estimated that it will be launched tomorrow... Do you see this? "

Gu Sui has known for a long time that old platforms are suppressing new platforms in this circle, and he has already prepared for it. "Our platform's early content and promotional activities will be done first. It may not be a good thing for Pencil platform to hold traffic from us."


The place where Zhao Yao and Pei Mingzhan made a new date is a farmhouse on the outskirts of S City.

After this period of time, Pei Mingzhan inquired with Uncle Wang intentionally or unintentionally, and knew that Zhao Yao's interest in farm food had increased a lot since he came back from H City, so he chose to come here to eat farm food when making an appointment.

After separating from Zhao Yao in H City, he went to a professional doctor to inquire about Zhao Yao's medication. After asking a few questions, the doctor told him that this medication would only be used when the insomnia treatment was late. Under normal circumstances, the average insomniac would not prescribe such an overpowering drug.

The doctor said: "If your friend is in the condition you mentioned, it is generally not serious enough to prescribe this level of medicine. Our profession has clear professional standards. I believe that doctor will choose to prescribe this medicine. It should be Your friend's situation is not as easy as it appears."

This made Pei Mingzhan nervous.

In his impression, Zhao Yao did suffer from insomnia. It was a bit serious when he was hospitalized at first, but it has eased during this time, and he can sleep well several nights in a row. Why does the doctor still say that?

It was a little early to come to the farmhouse, and the owner of the farmhouse suggested to go for a walk in the nearby countryside.

The field path under the farmhouse is only wide enough for one person, and the two cannot walk side by side, they can only go forward and backward. When we reached the small stream with water, the road under our feet was a bit muddy. Zhao Yao was about to slow down, but Pei Mingzhan, who was standing in front of him, held him, "Use my strength to walk down, the stone road here is a bit slippery."

Zhao Yao stared at Pei Mingzhan's hand with complicated eyes, and then stepped over with his strength.

After crossing the creek, the road widens a lot. But Pei Mingzhan didn't intend to let go, so he led Zhao Yao forward.

"The Zhajiangmian platform was just launched last week, and the drainage effect on the first day was pretty good. Gu Sui called to announce the good news earlier." Pei Mingzhan continued: "The rest depends on how he makes the content of the platform."

"If you want to be simple, just dig two big anchors, but I don't think Gu Sui's arrangement should be so simple." Zhao Yao spoke slowly, and accidentally tripped over a raised stone. It is estimated that he will stumble again, "He can take care of the business."

Pei Mingzhan noticed that Zhao Yao was absent-minded, so he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhao Yao read a lot of posts in the forum these days, and found that the situation between him and Pei Mingzhan did not match the content of the posts. At the beginning, he thought that it might be because he and Pei Mingzhan had a good relationship, and he wanted to discuss the details of the relationship, so he asked the netizens about the situation, but was rejected by the netizen who said, He also said that he came to show his affection on purpose.

'No matter how bald you are, your wife still hurts you' said: Brother, you are not the first to show your affection in the name of consulting. Not to mention, I suggest getting a certificate.

He didn't realize it, is he and Pei Mingzhan showing affection

The netizen said again: What do you think? Don't tell me about the practical experience. Normal friends still hold hands when watching movies and playgrounds? Is the next step just to hug and hit the base

As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Yao couldn't focus on other conditions. He would always compare the strategies and requirements put forward by netizens with Pei Mingzhan. The more comparisons, the more appropriate.

All the unnecessary or embarrassing actions he thought were unnecessary or embarrassing suddenly became a matter of course on Pei Mingzhan. He had never thought about this aspect before, probably because he was too close to Pei Mingzhan and Pei Mingzhan's attitude was also very Frankly, but once he thought of Pei Mingzhan, Zhao Yao belatedly realized that Pei Mingzhan was a suitable love partner.

Does he have feelings for Pei Mingzhan

When Zhao Yao thought of this question, he was still a little confused.

"Do you have any plans for the future?" Zhao Yao asked suddenly.

Pei Mingzhan didn't expect his topic to jump so fast: "How about the plan?"

"In addition to your company's affairs, you are also busy with actors' affairs. You probably have a plan too?" Zhao Yao asked a little unnaturally: "In addition to career, other plans."

"I haven't thought of going there yet." Pei Mingzhan has long-term plans, but most of them are related to his career.

Zhao Yao frowned slightly, "Oh."

He thought to himself, if there is no other plan, would there be any idea of falling in love

Zhao Yao was about to ask a few more questions, but was suddenly interrupted by a distant voice.

In the distance is a group of boys, shoulder to shoulder, playing in a flat area, and there are even cameras shooting at them. Pei Mingzhan scanned the flag next to it, which looked like a certain logo, which looked familiar.

"It doesn't seem like an outdoor filming?" Zhao Yao originally thought it was an outdoor filming for a certain show, but looking at the simple camera lineup and the boy's general appearance, he looked like an ordinary person.

The two stood on a high place and watched for a while, and Pei Mingzhan guessed: "Maybe they are here for team building."

Team building? Zhao Yao is no stranger to this word, but seeing that among the group of boys, only one looked old, and more boys looked like teenage boys. It is not so much about unity as it is about being organized by college students. You Wan, "Should it be a university club?"

"Hey two brothers over there, can you do me a favor?" One of the boys suddenly looked over here and shouted loudly: "We don't have enough people, just do a little favor."

The boy below climbed up the small slope and ran up, because Pei Mingzhan and Zhao Yao were both wearing hats and masks, so they didn't react for a while. He smiled apologetically, and said embarrassedly: "Excuse me, it's like this. Our XXD team came out to record a video and wanted to take a collective shot. The range of the tripod is not so full. Can I delay you for a few minutes? ?”

Zhao Yao didn't care, he and Pei Mingzhan exchanged glances, and finally Pei Mingzhan took the initiative.

The boy who asked for help was about the same height as Pei Mingzhan. Seeing that Pei Mingzhan agreed, he foolishly said thank you, and said as he walked, "Brother, you are so kind and handsome, Pei Mingzhan, City S!"

Zhao Yao tilted his head slightly, and couldn't help laughing, why didn't this man realize that the person standing beside him was Pei Mingzhan himself

Pei Mingzhan also said, "Really?"

The boy laughed and praised a few more words. Seeing that they didn't know his team well, he briefly introduced their situation while talking.

It turns out that they are currently a small team in the most popular e-sports game league. They belong to the lowest-ranked team that has been at the bottom every time and stabilized their rankings. In addition, the e-sports industry is becoming more and more popular now, and many people have also started playing youth training. Poaching newcomers to form an excellent team, a small team like theirs is not high enough to be successful, and because the boss withdraws capital, it is about to be disbanded.

This time I came out to record a video, which is a commemorative video for the dissolution.

"Hey, don't mention these sad things, would you do this?" The boy was a little worried when he saw Pei Mingzhan playing with the camera. After all, they rented this thing at a high price, so don't make any trouble, "Just turn the camera around , Just shoot us in. Please trouble brother.”

"Well, it's okay, you go there." Pei Mingzhan adjusted the camera and fine-tuned the data.

Zhao Yao stood by and watched, watching Pei Mingzhan shoot skillfully, and said unexpectedly: "You know a lot."

"It's okay." Pei Mingzhan didn't take his eyes off, but asked, "What did you want to tell me just now?"

Zhao Yao paused, "No."

He looked at the young people who were having fun not far away, and said, "Now the e-sports industry is also very popular."

"Children in this industry have a youth meal, which is no easier than filming. I met a colleague who invested in a team before, and I heard from him that these children usually train hard, and often work desperately for more than ten hours." Pei Mingzhan thought Liao thought about it: "There is no industry that is easy now. Some occupations seem to be beautiful, but in fact there are many problems caused by overwork and injuries. It is not easy."

"En." Zhao Yao responded lightly.

The shot was finished quickly, and the boy who was the leader came over to thank him.

The kids from the same team kept staring at those two, and asked if there was actor Pei Mingzhan among them just now

The boy paused when he heard the words: "No way, how could Emperor Pei come to such a small place?"

As soon as the two passers-by left, the boy walked over to watch the shooting, and the previously joyous atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

A child said, "Brother, there is something I need to tell you. My mother called me and asked me to go back to high school and try to get into a good university."

The boy heard the words and said, "Isn't this good? Study hard."

The other children looked at each other and said something.

"My mother called too..."

"I might watch Internet cafes at home."

"It's also good to study. Now I think it's good to go back to study."

The child who spoke first asked, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

He still remembered that the captain had been offered an olive branch by several teams before, but he didn't choose to go.

Jiang Xiaoqi is the current captain of the XXD team. The management of the team is very loose. Since their team owner withdrew their capital, he has basically been coordinating these things. Because the rent was due to be taken back, they brought their belongings to his house to play games.

In fact, what I just said to these two friends was full of bragging. As early as last year, their XXD team name did not exist. Now it is not even considered a low-level team. The talented people in the team have long been poached. , and the rest are ordinary seedlings. Jiang Xiaoqi struggled for a year, but the team's performance was getting worse and worse, so it was reduced to the situation where he had to shoot a video of the team as a final commemoration.

Jiang Xiaoqi knew that these children were worried about him, so he said: "I don't have any plans, I play games when I have time, and help my parents take care of the farmhouse when I don't have time."


Today's weather is not bad. Not long after Zhao Yao and Pei Mingzhan left, Pei Mingzhan received a call.

The call was from Gu Sui, so Pei Mingzhan didn't avoid Zhao Yao, and directly turned on the speaker.

"Hi, old Pei."

Pei Mingzhan paused slightly when he heard the words, "What's the matter?"

Gu Sui: "Are you in City S, come over to discuss something?"

The two stopped at the small pavilion outside the farmhouse to rest. Gu Sui's voice was very energetic. It seemed that the launch of the Zajiangmian platform would not be too bad. Zhao Yao heard Gu Sui say this, so he asked, "Why?"

Gu Sui on the other end of the phone heard the voice and responded after a while before saying, "Mr. Zhao is here too?"

Zhao Yao replied: "Well, come to eat farmhouse fun with Pei Mingzhan."

Gu Sui enviously said: "Then you all eat really well, I'm still eating lunch here."

"If you have anything to say on the phone, I won't be able to go to your side today." Pei Mingzhan sat beside Zhao Yao, "Aren't you sure about the platform?"

"I don't dare to play this package of tickets for the time being. Aren't you planning to talk to you?" Gu Sui didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "We have been friends for so many years, so don't let your fat water go to other people's fields, I heard The last time you put aside the live show, you don’t know how to attract business for your own platform.”

After hearing it, Pei Mingzhan realized that Gu Sui was talking about the last "Leisure" live broadcast, "The platform was not online at that time, so it depends on the situation to attract business."

It was windy on the side of the pavilion, and the two of them were sitting in the leeward position.

Pei Mingzhan sat sideways, looking at Zhao Yao who was sitting directly in front of him while talking.

Zhao Yao didn't speak, but his eyes scanned Pei Mingzhan up and down, and finally stayed on Pei Mingzhan's fingers, feeling a little itchy.

In the past, I just thought Pei Mingzhan's hand was pretty, but now when I see this hand, I always think of the feeling of holding it.

"Then I don't care about this matter. The effect of your live broadcast last time was pretty good. It doesn't matter if your male live broadcast didn't give us a platform. It just so happens that you and Mr. Zhao are both here. Why don't you start a live broadcast and give us a platform for fried noodles?" Popularity or something?"

Gu Sui originally wanted to find a suitable day for Pei Mingzhan to do an indoor live broadcast, but now he changed his mind when he heard that Zhao Yao and Pei Mingzhan were together. People under him pay attention to the entertainment industry, and they also I found a lot of economic companies to cooperate with live broadcasting activities.

One of the bosses of the Zajiangmian platform is the topic of walking. It is a pity that such a reputation is not used for advertising. What's more, he also heard that Mr. Zhao also has many fans on the Internet. If these two people come to advertise, the platform can save a lot of advertising fees.

Pei Mingzhan smiled and said, "You think well?"

Gu Sui: "Isn't that right?"

Zhao Yao listened to Pei Mingzhan talking to Gu Sui the whole time. Pei Mingzhan's traffic was really nothing to say. He heard from Chen Xi that because of Pei Mingzhan, the broadcast volume of "Leisurely" doubled and brought a large number of new viewers.

And judging from Gu Sui's current situation, this platform is most likely to be suppressed by competitors at the initial stage, so he has to reassure himself and save up chips. He will call Pei Mingzhan to discuss, obviously other platforms Pressure is on.

Gu Suile said: "Is Mr. Zhao also here? I said that the two of you will start a live broadcast together. Is your own platform open for half an hour?"

"Live broadcast?" Zhao Yao was suddenly cueed, looked away from Pei Mingzhan's hand, and said simply: "This place is not good for live broadcast."

Without stable equipment and shooting environment, he and Pei Mingzhan did not prepare in advance.

"As far as the live broadcast on a mobile phone is concerned, Lao Pei's mobile phone should have software." Gu Sui laughed out loud when he said this: "Mr. made?"

Besides, Zajiangmian has spent so many years painstakingly studying the technology, and hiring those technicians with high salaries, isn't it just to make a stable live broadcast platform

"Want to try?" Pei Mingzhan asked Zhao Yao.

Gu Sui continued: "Why hesitate?"

Zhao Yao frowned slightly, but Gu Sui is also a good person, and the Zhajiangmian platform really has the confidence to grind patience with netizens.

In his previous life, he had seen the information on the live broadcast platform. Gu Sui's strength is more than that. The Zhajiangmian platform has accumulated several years of research and development of technology and solutions. The most powerful point is the stability of the platform. Under normal circumstances, this kind of temporary outdoor live broadcast has many technical problems, the most important one is the live broadcast problem. Zhao Yao doesn't understand technology, but he knows that this problem was solved by the team led by Gu Sui in his previous life.

To be honest, Zhao Yao is still a little curious about the current technical level of the Zhajiangmian platform. Although he learned about it when he read the information some time ago, the internal information is relatively obscure. He knows the approximate progress, but can it be achieved under the actual environment? It is hard to say that it has reached the same level as the test environment.


In Pei Mingzhan's studio, brother Lao doesn't like to run with Pei Mingzhan recently, he has already recognized Pei Mingzhan's character. Back then, he still laughed at other colleagues in the industry for suppressing gossip every day, and other artists kept their love affairs hidden, fearing that they would lose popularity if they made it public. But Pei Mingzhan, the old fox, did the opposite. He knew how to cover up at the beginning, but now he's getting worse and wants to show the concern of the two of them.

Pei Mingzhan first came to the circle to pursue his dreams. Now that he has enjoyed the show and won an award, now he is determined to start a career. Others are afraid of losing his popularity if he is exposed. Get out of the circle. Brother Lao is exhausted, the master is so profligate, what else can he do

Lele said: "Brother Lao, Brother Pei just sent a text message saying to report to you..."

"Didn't you say it two days ago? Go to the farmhouse with Mr. Zhao." Brother Lao spread out on the sofa, waved his hand and said, "Let them go..." There are few people at the farmhouse, and the weather is cold Everyone also wears a lot, so maybe no one can recognize these two.

Hey, it doesn't matter even if you recognize him, let's just say that it was Yingying Pei who was having farmhouse fun with friends outside the circle.

Yes, that is, an ordinary "friend outside the circle".

After all, Pei Mingzhan hasn't caught up with anyone yet, as long as there are no pictures of moths kissing, the sky will not fall.

"Ah?" Lele was confused: "Doesn't the outdoor live broadcast also report?"

"Hey, isn't it just a..." Brother Lao shivered, and sat up from the sofa: "Outdoor live broadcast??? Pei Mingzhan is going to heaven, isn't he?"

Eat a farmhouse and live broadcast outdoors. Is this an addiction to live broadcast with Mr. Zhao in "Leisure"? ?

Today happened to be the weekend, and Pei fans were surfing Weibo when they suddenly noticed a certain fan software reminding Pei Mingzhan to go online, and they immediately became alert. Based on Pei Fan's understanding of Pei Mingzhan, this master has never been on Weibo easily. Once on Weibo, there are other things to announce, either to advertise business cooperation, or to post one or two daily Weibo.

But the former is mostly the case.

Pei Fan has no desires and desires, knowing that Pei Mingzhan is now half-retired from the circle, even if it is a commercial advertisement, it is still a new material, it is better than no food, it does not matter if there is no new work, there will be new shots when there is an advertisement, Once the wives in the circle edit it, it can be regarded as a new work even if it is rounded up.

So they waited for a long time, and Pei Mingzhan finally posted a new Weibo.

It's not an advertisement or a daily routine, it's a live link.

Pei Fan:? ! !

The author has something to say: Lao Ge: hello

Satisfied, Gu Sui hung up the phone: Don't ask, Pei Mingzhan wasted money.