Full-time Boyfriend

Chapter 1: The Way of Heaven is Good Reincarnation①


One day in elementary school, Yan Yu was punished for fighting. My parents hated this son for a long time, so they just shook their heads, sighed, and left without saying anything during the meeting with the teacher.

When Yan Yu was punished by the head teacher to stand in the office for an hour, he thought in his heart, why good academic performance is everything? Isn't he also pretty good at beating the sixth-grade school bully on the ground and begging for mercy

Yan Yu is a typical poor student. His grades start from kindergarten. It is commonplace to be punished for violating discipline. Parents don't expect him to be more promising in the future, and being able to be a small employee in a small company like them doesn't have much expectation, just hope that he won't be in prison.

After the penalty stop time was over, the head teacher pressed Yan Yu, who would rather die to show his masculinity even if his legs were numb, on the chair, sighed, and said, "Is the reflection done?"

Xiao Yanyu bit her lip and said nothing.

The teacher in charge said with earnest heart: "Don't commit the crime next time, you see when the wound on your face will get better."

The head teacher is different from other teachers, and is the only teacher Yan Yu likes. She would not hold onto his grades like other teachers and scold him hard for not studying well.

Every time Yan Yu is scolded, he can always hear the teacher irritate him with the monitor of their class. Squad leader Chen Yifei is both excellent in character and learning, and handsome, no one dislikes him.

Children's hearts are very fragile, and the word "squad leader" has become Yan Yu's nightmare, who is constantly being devastated.

The head teacher touched Yan Yu's head, and in order to encourage him, he smiled gently: "Don't be discouraged. You won't know until you are out of society. Only those who are brave and dare to fight will be successful. Those obedient students are I work for you."

Yan Yu's eyes brightened, and the class teacher's words began to linger in his mind. The first time he heard about it, it turned out that it was not because of good grades.

When he returned to class, Chen Yifei was sitting in his seat doing homework. He was quiet and calm at a young age, out of sync with the noise around him. Yan Yu walked over aggressively, and a group of people around thought he was going to beat the squad leader.

Yan Yu went up and said cruelly: "Chen Yifei! If you have good grades, you will have something to do! I will let you work for me in the future!!! You just wait for me!!!"

Chen Yifei just glanced at him coldly, too lazy to make sense.

Recalling this, Yan Yu, who was sitting on the leather swivel chair, stopped. He threw the files in his hand on the marble conference table, neatly sorted out the expensive tie in the collar, and put the "chairman" on the table. The sign was squared, and he looked at the man with a complicated expression standing at the table.

The file reads "Chen Yifei" in three big characters. As soon as Yan Yu, now the chairman of a large company, saw it, those young and frivolous memories suddenly jumped into his mind—

What a reincarnation of heaven! !

Since Yan Dong and the interviewer in charge had been laughing mysteriously since just now, the interview never started. The other interviewers were sitting on pins and needles, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was dull.

Yan Yu looked at Chen Yifei in a suit and leather shoes with a smile: "Squad leader Chen, do you remember me?"

If it weren't for him to become his boss, Chen Yifei really wanted to roll his 800 eyes at this moment. He couldn't remember the bad boy who had been fighting all the year round and the tail of the crane.

Chen Yifei said solemnly: "I remember."

The corners of Yan Yu's mouth were grinning: "That's great, Squad Leader Chen, we haven't seen each other for almost 20 years."

What Yan Yu wants to do most now is to kneel and kowtow three times to the head teacher who opened the new door of his life. Since then, he has regarded letting good students work for him as the creed of life, and unexpectedly became it by accident. Chairman of a large company.

Seeing Yan Yu's proud look, Chen Yifei felt helpless. Although he didn't take the arrogant boy's words to heart at the beginning, but now he will meet again in this way. He really thanked God for his good fortune. .

The interviewer next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and cautiously said: "Dong Yan, shall we start...? There are several more behind..."

Yan Yu said: "You continue to interview the next few, this person I have to ask separately."

Interviewers: "But..."

"Hurry up."

After waiting for the others to leave the meeting room, Yan Yu took a sigh of relief, and put his feet on the table in an inelegant manner, revealing bright leather shoes, and raised a smile: "Squad leader Chen, only the two of us are left. Close the door and the house is the same. People, just say whatever you want."

Chen Yifei stared at him indifferently, and said slowly: "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

Hearing "you" from Chen Yifei's mouth, Yan Yu was about to fly to the sky. He suppressed a smile and said, "Your previous job was also good. What brought you to me?"

If Chen Yifei knew that the company was always Yan Yu, he might not come, but the tiger’s mouth had already come in and there would be no way: "Because of the money."

Yan Yu laughed: "I thought the pure-hearted leader Chen was not interested in money."

Chen Yifei smiled painlessly: "I'm very interested."

Yan Yu stared at Chen Yifei for a while. Although he said that he used to hate him, but Chen Yifei's faint, charming and steady aura makes people feel anxious. Since elementary school, the girl in the next class will peep. It’s still the same one in a million.

Yan Yu: "Tell me what do you think of me?"

Chen Yifei guessed that Yan Yu didn't plan to let him live at all. Now he was just playing with him. It seems that all the interview preparations he had done before were wasted.

Chen Yifei: "My opinion of you is only in elementary school, so I am not qualified to evaluate you now, but I believe that since you are a business owner, you must have many advantages over ordinary people."

Yan Yu sneered: "You are good at talking, but these kind of polite remarks will be avoided in front of me, Squad Leader Chen."

Chen Yifei stared at him: "I really think so in my heart."

Yan Yu snorted coldly: "Forget it, don't talk nonsense, you should know that this job is not easy? You said you can't evaluate me, but I think you probably know what I am like in your heart. Being my assistant is There is a lot of suffering."

Chen Yifei: "I know."

"Then why are you coming?"

"Because this position is well paid."

Yan Yu: "With this face, any rich woman is willing to take care of you."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yan Yu: "I just want to emphasize once again. My requirement is that the assistant should be at least better than me. And my assistant must not only be good at work, but I also have high requirements in other places. Even if you can pass the interview, If you want to get the job, you have to go through a one-month training and trial period."

Chen Yifei smiled: "I know what you said."

Chen Yifei really wants this job. Recently, the emergency expenses at home have suddenly increased, and the previous job can hardly be sustained.

Yan Yu finally got into the main topic and asked Chen Yifei many professional questions. The interview lasted for almost an hour before Yan Yu let him go.

Chen Yifei let out a sigh of relief in the lounge, one after another, several people like him who came to the interview today came in.

Ten minutes later, a man came in and announced: "Everyone, first of all thank you for your favor to our company. I will announce three people to be confirmed here. These three people will participate in a one-month job training. The final pass will be We are officially hired. We apologize for those who did not read their names, and we will reimburse the expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation during the interview."

The man said three names, and Chen Yifei was among them. He stayed with the other two to wait for Boss Yan to come over and talk, and the atmosphere was very dull.

Yan Yu came soon, and simply informed them of the time and place of the training and where to live this month. At the end, he said: "I only need an assistant, and the remaining two will be assigned to the subordinate department. It depends on who it is. Performance for a month."

After the short meeting, the three need to move their luggage to their new residence. Chen Yifei wanted to take a taxi back to get things by himself, but was suddenly stopped by Yan Yu.

Yan Yu: "Squad leader Chen, I am looking forward to your performance."

Chen Yifei can understand Yan Yu's desire to work for him. After all, he used to point to his nose to utter nonchalant words-now it seems that it is not a nonchalant word: "Thank you."

"After all, I believe the other two are inferior to you in terms of IQ." Yan Yu smiled, "but they have experience as assistants, and you don't, so don't relax."

"Thanks for your concern."

Yan Yu: "Say those Mandarin Chinese, don't tell me, do you want me to send you back?"

Chen Yifei said lightly: "Don't bother you."

Seeing Chen Yifei’s reaction, Yan Yu felt very refreshed. He liked Chen Yifei’s expressions that he couldn’t understand him and couldn’t get rid of his calm expression. He smiled and said, “It’s okay, on the way, anyway, that address on your resume. Not far from my house."

Chen Yifei: "... Okay." Anyway, his family is eager to use money, so he can save a fortune.

The two came to the parking lot. There were a few colorful cars parked not far away. Yan Yu turned the key and smiled: "Which one do you like? Choose."

Chen Yifei can probably guess Yan Yu's actual purpose of sending him home: "...it's red."

"Okay, then it's yellow." Yan Yu opened the door of the yellow car and sat in, and said with a smile: "Come on."

Chen Yifei gave him a smirk, opened the car door and sat down. Yan Yu was in a good mood all the way, the rock music in the car drove to the maximum, Chen Yifei was upset by the noise, and the swaying speed made his head dizzy.

In order to distract, Chen Yifei asked: "What happened to your former assistant?"

"You mean Xiaozheng." Yan Yu said that he seemed to be in a bad mood. "I had high expectations of him, and he was not bad, but he just felt unable to get along. He was too careful and was scolded by me. I dare not look directly at me a few times, and I will tremble when I ask questions. I need someone with a stronger psychological quality."

Chen Yifei felt that he might not get along with people like Yan Yu, but he was still very interested in trying for this attractively high salary.

In addition, Chen Yifei still has a lot of doubts about this position, because the requirement for this assistant in the employment rules is that he must also act as Yan Yu's driver.

"Why do you have to be your assistant as your driver? Can you just hire a few more drivers?"

"My company's departments and personnel are very streamlined. I only want quality and not quantity. And do you know how expensive manpower is now? How can you, a little white who has never worked hard, understand my feelings." Yan Yu said, "I am a person. I don't like wasting manpower. The driver's job is so easy, so it doesn't matter if I take care of it."

If it weren't for Yan Yu's money, Chen Yifei felt that this was purely a squeeze of labor. What's more, the driver not only had to be able to drive basic vehicles, but also to drive yachts. It is said that Yan Dong's personal interest is to go out to sea on a yacht.

Yan Yu asked: "Do you know how to drive a yacht?"

"will not."

"Then you have to study hard this month." Yan Yu smiled, "If you are hired and perform well, it is not impossible to give you a yacht as a year-end award."

Chen Yifei didn't want that stuff, and he couldn't support it even if he got it.

A few minutes later, the car stopped downstairs in the apartment where Chen Yifei lived. Chen Yifei got out of the car and turned around and said, "Thank you."

Yan Yu smiled and said, "Squad leader Chen and I are polite, see you tomorrow."

Seeing the brightly colored sports car flying away, Chen Yifei let out a sigh of relief. He has no confidence that he can have a good relationship with the boss even if he is hired.

On the way back, Yan Yu thought in his heart that fate is sometimes quite strange. When Yan Yu was a child, Chen Yifei regarded Chen Yifei as a goal, but now Chen Yifei is still thinking about how to be hired by himself.

It's been a long time since Yan Yu was as happy as he is now. When he thinks of Chen Yifei's reluctant honorifics and the expressions of obeying him in the future, he feels that this is just too worthy of his hard work over the years.

In fact, Chen Yifei and Yan Yu's home was not on the way at all. Yan Yu made a big circle before returning, and there was a traffic jam on the road.

Yan Yu, who has always been on the road, didn't feel any unhappiness today, and even the driver who overtakes illegally seemed extraordinarily amiable in his eyes.

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