Full-time Boyfriend

Chapter 4: Employment relationshipâ‘ 


Attorney Lin is a friend of Yan Yu's cooperation for many years. Recently, Yan Yu encountered some labor contract disputes. Attorney Lin is very good at this aspect and has helped Yan Yu a lot.

After the meeting, Lawyer Lin warmly invited Yan Yu and his assistant to have lunch at his home. The hospitality was overwhelming, so Yan Yu agreed. Attorney Lin's wife is very skilled and has made a big table.

Several people were eating and chatting. Both the couple were very interested in Yan Yuxin's assistant. Attorney Lin curiously asked, "Xiao Chen, are you married?"


Yan Yu smiled and said, "This man was just dumped by his girlfriend."

"Yo, really? That's a shame."

Chen Yifei glanced at Yan Yu helplessly. Why did Yan Yu like to expose him so much.

Lawyer Lin laughed: "Yan Yu is not an assistant, right? As far as I know, you are already the sixth or seventh. This guy is very critical."

Although Chen Yifei really thinks so from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want to say anything about Yan Yu in front of others. What if the boss gets upset and the salary goes down again, cleverly said: "I can do the job."

Yan Yu gave him a look of approval and smiled: "Don't worry, as long as he doesn't resign, I won't kick him."

Mrs. Lin scooped up a scoop of fragrant fried shrimp and placed it in Yan Yu and Chen Yifei's bowls: "Come on, you two must try it. I am the best."

Yan Yu quickly took the bowl with a smile on his face.

However, when the couple got closer to talk, Yan Yu quickly picked all his fried shrimp into Chen Yifei's bowl, and Chen Yifei was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"I'm allergic to shrimp, you can help me eat it."

"Just tell them no."

"It's rare for people to do so exquisitely, don't be disappointed."

"I can't eat so much."

"Eat one for fifty, can you eat it?"

Chen Yifei raised his eyebrows: "Of course you can eat it, you can eat the whole plate."

Chen Yifei said that he would eat as he pleased. To finish the big plate of fried shrimp and rice, he added two bowls. In the end, he was a little greasy, and he swallowed very uncomfortably. Yan Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

Yan Yu whispered: "Don't eat anymore, I'll give you the number of sticks left." It would be embarrassing if Chen Yifei accidentally vomited for a while.

Mrs. Lin was pleasantly surprised: "Oh, Xiao Chen loves shrimp so much, should I make another plate?"

Yan Yu: "No, no, no, it's too much trouble for you."

After the separation, the two got into the car. Chen Yifei felt a little discomfort in his stomach. He lay on the steering wheel and took a breath, and slowly said, "There should be more than thirty."

Yan Yu: "Damn, do you need it? You can count... Give it, give you two thousand, don't need to look for it, you are so short of money..."

Chen Yifei also didn't refuse, and of course he had to accept what the boss gave.

On the way back to the company, Yan Yu received an unfamiliar call to his public number. Yan Yu picked it up. The man on the other side spoke with an unfamiliar accent and called out Yan Yu's nickname when he was in elementary school.

Yan Yu was stunned for a long time, trying to search through his vague memory, and said suspiciously: "... Guo Shengxing?"

"It's me! You fucking remember me?! I thought you were developed and forgot all of your brothers!"

If Guo Shengxing was second to last in the class at that time, Yan Yu was the only one who dared to take first.

Yan Yu smiled and said: "How can you forget? You are the only one who calls me that way, how did you find my number?"

"Yeah, Dong Yan is a big name now. It's not easy to find a number. I know you will develop."

Yan Yu: "Where are you now?"

"I'm still in the original place, and opened a small restaurant." Guo Shengxing said, "My son is two years old, have you gotten a family?"

"No, no, it's early." Yan Yu said, "A few brothers haven't seen each other in 20 years? Why don't you find a time to come out and get together?"

"Actually, I called you today just to tell you about this." Guo Shengxing said, "Recently, several old classmates are organizing to find people and want to open an elementary school classmate meeting. Everyone hasn't seen each other for decades. Meal, drinking, reminiscing about the past."

"Okay, you can find me anytime, on call, how many are you looking for now?"

"It's almost twenty." Guo Shengxing counted the names of a few people, and most of Yan Yu still had an impression, "There are still people among us together. Who can expect things after we separate?"


"Isn't that? It would be great if you could come." Guo Shengxing said, "There are still some people who haven't contacted yet, like class flower Liu Xiaoli, Chen Yifei, squad leader Chen..."

"Squad leader Chen..." Yan Yu smiled and looked at the man who helped him drive, and in exchange for Chen Yifei's weird look, "I do have his contact information."

Guo Shengxing was taken aback: "You two are still in touch?!!!"

"Yes, and I often contact him. I can invite him for you."

"That's great, I'll leave this to you."

After narrating a few words, Yan Yu hung up the phone and was in a good mood. Chen Yifei looked at him from the side, "What's the matter?"

"Elementary school classmates reunion." Yan Yu said, "Do you want to attend?"

Thinking of the current situation, Chen Yifei was a little reluctant. After all, this is a great opportunity for Yan Yu to laugh at him in front of everyone, but Chen Yifei is not a person who cares about face: "I am your driver now, why don't you go? ?"

"That's true."

The two came to the custom suit shop that Yan Yu often went to, and re-measured Chen Yifei's size. Yan Yu was holding a tie next to him, and turned around to see Chen Yifei changed into a new one. The clothes fit perfectly, with wide shoulders and narrow shoulders. The waist and the legs came out in one shot.

Yan Yu tied the selected tie to Chen Yifei and flicked his collar: "This is my assistant. I really want to take you to the class meeting now."

The shopping guide on the side smiled and said, "Mr. Yan, you are like taking your handsome husband out to show off."

The unintentional joke made by the shopping guide made the atmosphere a little awkward. The shopping guide seemed to realize that what he said was not appropriate, and suddenly looked at the manager aside with some helplessness.

When the manager was about to ease the atmosphere, Yan Yu didn't want to embarrass the shopping guide lady, so he said first: "Hahaha, let's just show off my husband, can't I show off if I have such an excellent assistant?"

The manager breathed a sigh of relief and quickly continued to introduce other suit styles to Yan Yu. Once down, Yan Yu visited several stores and bought a lot of ties and belts for Chen Yifei. He admired himself, who didn't like shopping very much.

After returning to the company, the free Yan Yu and Guo Shengxing started chattering, saying that Mr. Chen agreed to attend the class reunion. This high efficiency made Guo Shengxing amazed.

The classmates decided on a weekend half a month later, that day Yan Yu specially asked Chen Yifei to drive his most expensive car to the big restaurant in the center of the city.

When the two arrived, the sky was already dark, the nearby snack street had just become lively, the restaurant was noisy, and the gate was full of vehicles.

Chen Yifei and Yan Yu got out of the car and just walked to the door when they heard a surprise shout: "Yan Yu!!!"

Yan Yu looked back and gave a warm hug to Guo Shengxing, who was running towards him. Guo Shengxing was wearing sportswear, still the same careless look of the year, but he was a bit Mediterranean at a young age, and he excitedly hugged Yan Yu for a long time.

Guo Shengxing: "Why do you grow so tall? Back then you were a head shorter than me."

"Of course it's because of work." Yan Yu smiled. "You didn't bring your wife and son?"

"Today is our man's time!!"

Guo Shengxing turned his eyes and saw Chen Yifei behind Yan Yu. Chen Yifei's temperament was different from those of them, but he was still a little daunting.

Guo Shengxing remembered the fear shrouded in the shadow of the monitor in elementary school, and smiled dryly at Chen Yifei.

"Squad leader Chen, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Yan Yu: "What are you counseling? Chen Yifei won't eat you again."

Guo Shengxing lowered Yan Yu's shoulders: "When did you two start contacting each other? What's the matter?"

"Actually we are in a company now."

Guo Shengxing was stunned, and said in surprise: "Aren't you the boss?"

Yan Yu smiled and said, "So he is my employee."

Guo Shengxing was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. He took a breath of cold breath for a long time and gave Yan Yu a thumbs up: "It's awesome, it's really awesome."

Guo Shengxing smiled at Chen Yifei and led the two to the private room. There are already a dozen classmates sitting in the private room, all happily drinking wine and reminiscing about the past. When Yan Yu and Chen Yifei came in, the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

From the tail of the crane to the present boss, Yan Yu's change was unexpected. As for Chen Yifei, there are not many people in the class who dare to call him brother Chen, most people think he is a god.

Soon, the atmosphere in the box became warm again. Everyone gathered to chat about the hard work and life of these years, and many people began to show off their husbands, wives and children.

Chen Yifei also chatted lightly with a few friends who were close at the time, with a rare gentleness on his face.

Before eating, everyone was planning to build a WeChat group, but Yan Yu didn't find his mobile phone for a long time, and he remembered that he was in the car.

Yan Yu probed Chen Yifei, who was sitting in the corner chatting with a few people, and said, "Chen Yifei, I didn't have my mobile phone."

Chen Yifei stood up: "I'll go and see."

At this time, the eyes of everyone in the box became a little strange. Many people asked when Yan Yu was so close to the squad leader of the god Chen. Yan Yu only said that the two have been in contact, and did not mention Chen Yifei as his assistant. The matter, winked at Guo Shengxing.

Chen Yifei came to the parking lot alone, opened the door, and saw Yan Yu's cell phone dropped on the seat. He took it out and locked the car, and a surprised voice sounded behind him: "Chen Yifei?"

Chen Yifei looked back and saw that Liu Xiaoli, who was the class flower of the year, was standing on the steps wearing a hip skirt. She had to say that she was still a very charming beauty.

Liu Xiaoli was surprised: "Is it Chen Yifei?"

Chen Yifei: "It's me."

Liu Xiaoli smiled: "Remember me?"

"Liu Xiaoli."

Liu Xiaoli smiled in surprise. She didn't understand anything when she was young. She regarded the handsome squad leader Chen as an idol. The girls in the get out of class liked to ask him questions after class, and she was one of them.

But now it seems that Chen Yifei is still a man full of charm.

Liu Xiaoli looked at the luxury car behind Chen Yifei: "That's your car? Isn't it a good job?"

"No, I'm just coming down to help with something."

Chen Yifei came back with his mobile phone, and Liu Xiaoli was with him. Everyone knew how Liu Xiaoli liked Chen Yifei. When they saw a handsome man and a beautiful girl getting together, everyone in the box started to chuckle.

Yan Yu and Liu Xiaoli said hello, the latter just smiled politely, his eyes clearly on Chen Yifei. Upon seeing this, Yan Yu curled his lips.

Chen Yifei handed the phone to Yan Yu and sat next to him. After everyone arrived, the wine glasses touched each other to celebrate the reunion of the deceased. The dishes are slowly coming up, and they are all old dishes in my hometown.

A pot of porridge was brought up, and a bowl was served in front of one person. Chen Yifei took a sip, and suddenly remembered something, and stretched out his hand to cover the bowl of Yan Yu who was about to take a bite.

Yan Yu was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yifei took his bowl and used Yan Yu's spoon to pick out all the small river prawns in it: "There are prawns in it. I'll pick it for you. You can drink less."

Yan Yu stared blankly at the bowl of thick porridge with no shrimp left in front of him again, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Yan Yu: "Thank you."


Yan Yu drank the porridge in the bowl and couldn't help but want to raise Chen Yifei's salary again.

Guo Shengxing opened a few bottles for nothing, and anyone who could drink had a full glass. Chen Yifei still had to drive a while, drinking apple cider vinegar, while Yan Yu and the others drank glass after glass, blushing, and singing with the microphone when he was happy.

Chen Yifei looked at Yan Yu singing drunkly on stage and couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Chen Yifei's pocket rang. Chen Yifei took it out and took a look, his expression changed slightly, and it turned out to be his predecessor's number on the screen.

Chen Yifei hesitated, but quietly got up to the balcony and picked it up.

Although the feelings faded, but it didn't take long for Chen Yifei to break up. Chen Yifei's tone was not indifferent: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Where are you now?"

"classmate reunion."

"I'm sorry to bother you now. I didn't find my passport. It may be in your house. I will use it tomorrow. I will find it at your house after get off work. Can you come over and open the door for me?"

"Don't you have the key?"

The other party was silent for a few seconds: "I threw it."

"... Okay, I'll go there when I'm over."

"How long is there? I'm a little anxious."

Chen Yifei looked back at Yan Yu, who was playing happily, paused, and said: "Then I will go back now. You don't use it anymore. I found it and sent it directly to you."

The other party thanked him and hung up the phone.

Chen Yifei returned to the house and secretly pulled Yan Yu off the stage, and said, "I am a little bit urgent and want to leave. I drove away and will return soon. If it is over, you will wait here."

Yan Yu was a little drunk, nodded blankly, and continued to go on stage to get drunk. Chen Yifei was a little worried about him, and asked Guo Shengxing, who was still sober, to leave in a hurry.

Chen Yifei went home directly, searched for a while at the home he hadn't lived in for almost two months, and found the passport in the cracks of the sofa. Chen Yifei came to the place where his ex lived and knocked on the other's door.

A man in pajamas opened the door, took the passport handed by Chen Yifei, and said, "Thank you, and trouble you."

Chen Yifei and his ex-boyfriend have not seen each other for a few months. I thought that there would still be some regrets in my heart when they saw each other. I didn't expect that when they were actually facing each other, they would still be calm.

The ex-boyfriend asked: "Would you like to drink saliva?"

Chen Yifei smiled faintly, and replied: "No, my boss is waiting for me."