Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 109: Meat Peach Insect King


Because the Zerg attack and attack is now the layout of the tower Zerg people, so before Ling Xuan deliberately set up a lot of Zerg on the battlefield, so that he can't get away, intends to use the resources of the entire planet of Yilan Xing And manpower, to nurture the SSS-level insect emperor that they spent endless resources to cultivate, so that it can grow from infancy to adulthood as soon as possible, so that Ling Xuan, the SSS-level genius, can be completely gone.

The Ling family is now too prestige, the power is high, and the royal family has long been afraid. No matter which prince sits on the throne, he will never like to have to look at the face of the Ling family.

Only when Ling Xuan, the most powerful young genius in the Huanuo Empire, died, Xiao Ming could usher in the day when he truly showed his prominence, and when he sat on the throne in the future, he would be able to sit in a more comfortable position.

On the miniature battleship, Ling Yaoyao felt a little helpless after trying to understand this. Even though she had already foreseen many things, she still could not prevent these predetermined things from happening.

Even if she did not provoke Xiao Ming to disgust him after crossing over, and the Ling family had never done anything to bully others, Xiao Ming and the Insect Star Alliance still wanted to get rid of Ling Xuan and defeat the Ling family!

No, the Tower Worm Star Alliance is really plotting the entire Huanuo Empire. If they don't get rid of Ling Xuan as soon as possible, Ling Xuan will definitely become the biggest obstacle for them to occupy the Huanuo Empire in the future.

Although the SSS-level Insect King still appeared and caused a lot of damage in Ilan Star, the casualties were not too many. The strength of SSS-level has not yet grown into a terrifying existence of SSS plus level!

Ling Yaoyao quickly ate the supplementary food that she usually prepared for easy storage, such as worm meat pie, worm meat jerky, medicinal soup, supplementary therapy drinks, etc., which quickly replenished her lost mental and physical strength. Fortunately, this diet is the mildest, and there are no side effects, because the energy is high, and it does not need to eat much.

Wei Yuan and Zhao Qingyun are also gulps of supplementary food. They clearly know that they are temporarily safe, but they still can't forget the experience of losing SS-level worms several times before, so they don't care about tasting it. I want to regain my strength as soon as possible.

The only consolation is that these complementary therapeutic foods and concentrated medicinal soups are not as hot and fragrant as the freshly baked ones, but they are also very delicious, making them feel the most gentle and comfortable soothing for their exhausted body and mind.

Even Blood Vine 012 used the only three tentacles left to devour the blood nourishing medicinal soup that Ling Yaoyao had prepared for it, waiting for the power of the void in the body to be supplemented a little, and spawning new tentacles. .

While eating, 012 cried out in his consciousness for comfort and praise: "I'm exhausted baby! But fortunately, master, you are all right! Master, am I very good today?"

Ling Yaoyao reached out and touched the top of its fallen branches and felt distressed: "012 is the best! You eat more, eat well and rest for a while."

Now 012 is not only injured by the branches and leaves, but the vitality. Because it sacrificed the blood essence in the body to forcibly spawned the rattan to entangle the SS-level giant shell worm, the loss was huge, but fortunately the time was not long, otherwise it would not be impossible to fall back to the fourth level.

This time, 012 has tried his best to fight the enemy. The experience of forcibly breaking through the shackles of his own level in battle has also benefited 012 a lot. If the supplementary resources are sufficient, 012 may be able to break through the level and rise to six. level, which is equivalent to SS level.

But Ling Yaoyao didn't have much time now, so he was slowly adjusting for 012 and had to wait for this wave of insects to pass.

Because of the timely arrival of the Blue Wolf Legion, the three major cities that encountered the worm tide now have the strong assistance of the special forces of the Blue Wolf Legion, and the situation has improved rapidly.

Although it is true that a small number of people were killed by the Zerg, the number is not large.

The worst-case scenario that had been expected - the elimination of all combat divisions on the ground and the rations of civilians in emergency shelters underground - was never going to happen.

Wei Yuan's previous plans were no longer useful.

Wei Yuan planned to send all the wounded in the battleship to Yunyi City, and then take a long-term plan.

But Ling Yaoyao had another plan, but before her adventurous plan was implemented, she also needed to go back to Yunyi City to rest for a while, and then use the SS-grade worm meat she just got to quickly do some of the most efficient adjuvant therapy. Food comes out.

In the rest cabin, Ding Cheng, who ate the supplementary medicinal meal that Ling Yaoyao had given before, had now recovered 50-60% of his strength and was helping to take care of the wounded.

Seeing Ling Yaoyao and Wei Yuan coming out of the cockpit, Ding Cheng looked at her with some joy: "Ling, Ling!"

Ling Yaoyao took out some mid-to-high-grade supplementary foods that she had intentionally kept, such as dried worm meat, worm meat slices, worm meat pie, concentrated medicinal soup, flower tea, etc. Most of them were suitable for A-grade physique, and put them on the table next to them. He said to Ding Cheng: "Thank you again, you saved me in a crisis before. There may be wars to come. These should be useful to you. Although it is not as fast as the adjuvant medicine, it is fortunate that there are no side effects and it is also Please take it."

Ding Cheng hurriedly rejected: "No, no, classmate Ling, you should keep it for yourself... Even if I didn't do that at the time, you wouldn't necessarily be in danger. You have saved me now, otherwise I will stay there with the extent of my injuries. , and sooner or later he will die.”

Ling Yaoyao was not good at pushing and pushing, so she had to look at Wei Yuan for help.

Wei Yuan said gently: "Please don't refuse. This is just a little thank you from my sister. If you don't accept it, the little sister will feel uneasy."

Having said this, Ding Cheng no longer refused and put everything away.

Ling Yaoyao took out the few remaining medium and high-grade insect meat medicinal soup again, and asked Ding Cheng to help the wounded with mental damage to take it, so as to prevent the mental realm from falling into the root of the disease and difficult to recover in the future.

As for those who were only severely injured, the medical cabin could be used to treat them. It wasn't a medicated soup, and Ling Yaoyao didn't favor one over the other. Everyone was given at least one supplementary drink with a slightly weaker curative effect.

For this, everyone is grateful and grateful.

A young combat division who looked like a student couldn't help but asked, "Student Ling, aren't you a dietitian, why are you still driving mechas?"

Someone else asked strangely, "I heard that this girl is Ling Xuan's younger sister of the God of War, why does Young Master Wei call her sister too?"

Now that she is on the battlefield, Ling Yaoyao's combat power has been honed very well, and there is no need for her to keep secrets about her dual cultivation.

As for Ling Yaoyao being the daughter of the Wei family, it was no longer a secret in the upper-class circle of the Imperial City, and it was only a matter of time before it was announced to the public.

Wei Yuan said warmly, "Ling Xuan is Yaoyao's adopted brother, and I am her own cousin. Yaoyao has a high-level Green Star ancient bloodline, and the dual cultivation of war and auxiliary is due to the awakening of bloodline talent, and learning mecha technology is also for self-confidence. Bao. Today, the situation forced Yaoyao to play as a last resort. Her physical strength is not good, and her combat power is not comparable to that of a real combat division. Today, thanks to the help of Ding Cheng, Yaoyao was able to escape from the worm's mouth. Please don't take it too seriously. promote."

To be precise, it was the Royal Family of the Green Stars, but the Green Star Alliance was no longer ruled by a royal family and changed to a democratic and legal system, so it would be more appropriate to rename it the Ancient Family.

Although there is no need to cover up, but the title of "stronger than many combat divisions" is put on, Ling Yaoyao's life will definitely not be safe, and there may be many competitive battle divisions who want to compete with Yaoyao. That's why Wei Yuan emphasized Ling Yaoyao's physical strength.

Everyone praised that Ling Yaoyao was born with a very delicate and delicate background. In addition to her own talent, they also admired her as a weak physical assistant therapist, but her mecha fighting skills were still so powerful!

However, everyone could not be jealous, let alone feel that Ling Yaoyao's achievement was purely dependent on her family's protection. Her efforts are obvious to all. As a therapist, she is willing to follow the combat master to this most dangerous Iraq. Blue Star came to experience hardships.

In addition, they all boarded Wei Yuan's battleship and ate Ling Yaoyao's supplementary food, which was a life-saving grace. Naturally, they would not say anything bad about Ling Yaoyao.

Everyone agreed to Wei Yuan's request.

When they arrived at Yunyi City, Ling Yaoyao found that this place was not peaceful, and had also been invaded by the Zerg, but fortunately, the number of Zerg was not large, and the source of the Zerg had been intercepted by the Blue Wolf Legion, and the number of Zerg was insufficient. Now that the battle is coming to an end, the clean-up phase begins.

Wei Yuan found a place near the hospital and put down the combat divisions who had basically recovered their mobility.

Ding Cheng looked at Ling Yaoyao, with a little handsome face blushing and said goodbye: "Ling classmate, take care of yourself, there will be a future!"

Ling Yaoyao smiled and nodded: "You also take care. If you need help in the future, you can go to a food therapy shop to find me."

Seeing that Ding Cheng and the combat divisions were far away, Zhao Qingyun said very unhappily: "It's a fart! Did he think that he helped Yaoyao with ease, what other opportunities could he have!"

The implication is that the grandson of the grand marshal, the grandson of the grand marshal, the S-level spiritual power, and the SS-level physique, have no chance!

The communication signal of Yunyi City is normal. Qiao Mingyao received their communication, and immediately drove out the speeder to meet them, and stated that on the way to Yunyi City, they encountered an SS-level giant winged insect, and Ye Xi was attacked by the giant winged insect's mental power. The attack, and now the mental domain is severely damaged, and he is recuperating in the Ye family.

Saying that, Qiao Mingyao looked at Ling Yaoyao with eager eyes: "Sister Yao, do you still have medicinal soup and supplementary food?"

In Ling Yaoyao's space button, there were only ten concentrated medicated soups of the fifth-grade high-grade spiritual power. It was very difficult to make and had to cooperate with Su Qinghe. And it doesn't apply to Ye Xi's current situation.

Ling Yaoyao shook her head and said, "No more for now, I'll go make a batch. I need to borrow the Ye family's kitchen, please lead the way quickly."

In this way, the Shuai Xingchen team went to the Ye family's resident villa in Yunyi City together.

The black market boss Ye Shaoqing is not at home, but busy outside, directing and mobilizing the industries and forces under his name, striving to minimize losses in this insect wave, and trying to see if he can collect more insect meat.

Also, be prepared to move immediately with his wife, children, and competent subordinates in case the Nighthawks of the Blue Wolf Legion can't handle the SSS-rank Insect King.

Besides, the SS-level giant winged worm that Qiao Mingyao and Ye Xi encountered was very powerful and could fly. With the cooperation of the two, Qiao Mingyao barely cut off one of the SS-level giant winged insect's wings.

But it also angered the giant winged insect, and used the most powerful mental attack wave to hurt Ye Xi. Qiao Mingyao saw that Ye Xi was injured, and had no intention of fighting, and fled with Ye Xi all the way.

Fortunately, the giant winged worm lacked a wing, and although the newly spawned fleshy wings were barely usable, their power was greatly reduced and could not catch up.

Qiao Mingyao said bitterly, "I brought back its wings. They are seven or eight meters long. Sister Yao, you will make the wings of this giant winged insect for Ye Xi to eat later."

Although the curative effect may not be better than that of the SS rank giant shell worm in Ling Yaoyao's hands, but it's a good idea to eat it!

Wei Yuan said suspiciously: "Didn't I tell you to go at full speed, so good, why do you want to provoke that giant winged worm? Could it be that you want to eat it yourself?"

Qiao Mingyao said with a guilty conscience: "I, didn't I think about our grandmother and Ye Xi's mother who need SS-grade worm meat... I can't kill one, I can always cut some meat from it..."

Ling Yaoyao didn't care about making fun of Qiao Mingyao's treatment of Ye Xi. Everyone knew that, but he was careful not to admit it. He took the space button with the SS-level giant winged worm from Qiao Mingyao's hand and went straight to Ye Xi. home kitchen.

Xia Shu and Ye Hui were guarding Ye Xi in the medical room, and when they heard the movement, they hurried out to entertain the guests.

If it was an ordinary guest, Xia Shu would naturally have no intention of entertaining her at this time, but they were all Ye Xi's friends, and even Ling Yaoyao, who had prepared highly curative supplementary food for her to recuperate her body, came here, and In Ye Xi's words of comfort, the supplementary food Ling Yaoyao made can even cure the damage, mutilation, and collapse of the mental domain. How could Xia Shu not be excited and happy

Unlike Ye Xi who is more handsome than boys, Xia Shu looks like a very gentle beauty, and her temperament is also very weak, but Ye Hui's facial features are more like her.

Thinking that Ye Xi should look more like her father.

Afraid of hindering Ling Yaoyao's preparation of supplementary food, Xia Shu did not go to the kitchen to disturb her. She first met Wei Yuan and others, and then took them to visit Ye Xi.

While Ling Yaoyao was in the kitchen, she found that one of the wings of the giant winged insect that Qiao Mingyao gave her, except that it had no hair, there was actually blood inside, and the meat was more like birds.

Compared with the SS-class giant shell bug that she had to simmer for a long time, it was much easier and more efficient to make.

Ling Yaoyao took a large section of it, used a cutter to divide it into smaller sections, and collected all the blood that had flowed out. These were great supplements for Blood Vine 012.

Ling Yaoyao made a lot of convenient foods such as fried worm wings, roasted worm wings, braised worm wings, etc. In order to maximize the curative effect of SS-grade worm meat, he also stewed a large pot of worm wings, wild ginseng and Cordyceps soup. Faster herbal soup.

The medicinal soup with SS-grade giant shell insects as the main ingredient was also boiled.

In addition, Ling Yaoyao also made a large pot of worm blood vermicelli soup. There was not much time to boil the broth, and the soup base was added with Ling Yaoyao's previous homemade thick soup. Only a small part of this dish was for the little friends. It is the staple food with the Ye family, but most of it is reserved for the blood vine 012. There are no fans in it, but all kinds of worm meat.

Except for the herbal soup, which took a long time to simmer, everything else was ready in less than an hour. Ling Yaoyao asked the intelligent robot to deliver it to her friends. Because she intentionally made more portions, the rest was packed in food boxes.

She herself was too busy to eat, so she hurriedly prepared a large number of concentrated supplementary drinks. Although the curative effect was not so good, it was fast and convenient. When it was done, let the intelligent robot help her pack it in a tube. .

After at least two hours of simmering the worm wing, wild ginseng, and cordyceps soup, Ling Yaoyao took out a small half of it, quickly cooled it to a slightly warm level, and instructed the robot to put it into the hose, and she was able to quickly empty it. Ate a small bowl of insect blood vermicelli soup.

After finishing all this, Ling Yaoyao left the kitchen three hours later.

After eating the supplementary food made by Ling Yaoyao, Ye Xi's condition is much better now.

As for Wei Yuan, Qiao Mingyao, and Zhao Qingyun, after eating and resting for a while, the three of them went out together again. It is said that they were hunting the remaining Zerg in Yunyi City outside.

He also left a message for Xia Shu to convey on his behalf, to let Ling Yaoyao have a good rest and not to go to them.

Ye Hui whispered: "Obviously I went to the wild to hunt that SS-level giant winged worm..."

Xia Shu patted Ye Hui's head, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

Ye Hui said eloquently: "I didn't promise them not to tell them! Sister Yaoyao has the right to know! It's good intentions for them to let Sister Yaoyao stay and rest, but they shouldn't hide it."

Having said all that, Xia Shu had to comfort Ling Yaoyao: "Miss Ling, don't worry, I also sent four S-rank combat divisions with them to deal with a wounded SS-rank giant winged worm. With miniature warships, there shouldn't be any danger."

Ling Yaoyao had planned for a long time, she planned to hide it from everyone, but after listening to Ye Hui's words, she decided not to hide it anymore. He said directly: "It stands to reason that I shouldn't take risks, but if I don't go, I feel uneasy. I have a very important person who is on an adventure at the moment, and his life is in danger at any time. I have to help him."

Xia Shu has been very well protected by her husband over the years, and she doesn't see outsiders very often, but as the wife of a black market boss, her thinking is not slow. She thinks of Ling Yaoyao's identity - the adopted daughter of the Ling family, Ling Xuan's adopted sister cum... lovers...

Xia Shu's eyes widened, and she quickly discouraged: "Miss Ling, you must not! The place where Major General Ling is located is the lair of the SSS-level insect king, which is very dangerous..."

Ling Yaoyao smiled slightly and said, "I'm fortunate enough to hear about Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye from Ye Xi. At the time of the Ilan Star nuclear accident, Mr. Ye couldn't accompany him, and I regret it to this day. I don't want him to come out. In the event of an accident, I can only regret it for the rest of my life, and I may not even have the chance to make amends.

Don't worry, I'm not killing myself. In addition to being a therapist, I am also an SS-level fighter. I also have a few herbal soups on my body that can temporarily increase the level of my spiritual power. It is always okay to protect myself along the way. "

Ling Yaoyao's words had come to an end, and she had already made up her mind that she would not change. Xia Shu couldn't stop her, so she had to force her a SS-level energy defense ring that she always carried with her.

The one with the highest energy defense ring can only reach the S level. This SS level is extremely rare, and it was made by Ye Shaoqing for her.

Ling Yaoyao refused to take it, but Xia Shu insisted that even Ye Xi, who had improved a little, came out of the room and asked Ling Yaoyao to accept it, so Ling Yaoyao put it on.

In addition, he also told Ling Yaoyao the exact location of the Insect Emperor that the Ye family forces had discovered from afar, so that she would not spend more unnecessary effort in finding it.

After completing these preparations, Ling Yaoyao summoned Lingbo, a mecha that had almost repaired itself, and brought 012, who was not willing to stay with her in life and death, and flew towards the SSS-level insect king.

In the depths of the SSS-level insect emperor's lair, Ling Xuan had already directly confronted the insect emperor.

The legendary SSS-level insect king is now only stuck in the depths of the cave and cannot be moved... The huge peach-shaped meat mountain, leaning on the top of the tip, has nine small black eyeballs that can be rotated at will, and the insect meat At the bottom, there are many slender white worm silk.

The huge meat peach worm was white and tender, and there was a pink circle under the eyes that seemed to be on the cheeks. It looked strangely cute.

Ling Xuan was driving Ling Yun, and was constantly entangled by thousands of worm threads. He finally broke free and fired a cannon at the huge mountain of worm meat, but he couldn't even break the opponent's defense, leaving only a slightly charred black. 's imprint.

Occasionally I can get close to it, and I can barely chop off a layer of flesh on its body with a laser blade. However, the scary thing is that the chopped flesh will soon be picked up by it with worm silk and sent into its own mouth to eat, and then The wound healed in an instant. Even if Ling Xuan tried his best to destroy the cut worm meat, the worm emperor could extend its worm silk infinitely, and use the tiny contact disc to absorb the SS-level zerg subordinates thousands of meters away to make up for himself. .

What's even more terrifying is that the SSS-level insect emperor still cried and sent a message of thought to Ling Xuan with a mental wave: "Hey, it hurts, you little human bug is good or bad, and they didn't do anything wrong. , I just want to be full... Why are you hitting me?... Woohoo, it hurts so much, I'm going to eat you!"

Ling Xuan: …