Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 12: A perfect meal


Ling Yaoyao didn't go through systematic study, and the virtual supplementary food she made these days was all her own groping.

After many customers' tests, Ling Yaoyao now has a certain understanding of the effect of her virtual supplementary food.

In order not to destroy the main taste of the food itself, she often uses only mental power to process some ingredients. Those ingredients are often medicines at the same time, so they can also be processed by medicine processing.

But this is not certain. For the main ingredients, Ling Yaoyao sometimes uses the method of pharmacy to process a small part, and the ingredients may only be processed according to the method of the ingredients...

All in all, a mix and match!

Apart from the fact that the final product is the output of supplementary food, Ling Yaoyao's production process is completely wild and very unscientific.

The advantage of the food produced in this way is that the taste is very good, and it is a little more delicious than ordinary food made by robots. This is also the origin of the name of Ling Yaoyao's "Ancient Huaxia Food House", and the most important reason for its popularity!

In the section where supplementary food is almost equal to dark cuisine, the cooking skills of a five-star artificial chef restaurant are simply a wonderful flower! Much attention!

After eating the supplementary food prepared by Ling Yaoyao, the first thing that everyone paid attention to was not the effect of the supplementary therapy, but involuntarily exclaimed - FUCK, how could it be so delicious! It turns out that cucumber/tofu... can still be so delicious!

As for the effect of adjuvant therapy, it is relatively random, some are very good, comparable to medicine, some are very general, almost nothing...

The most important thing is that even the supplementary food that she made completely according to the academic method seems to be particularly effective for those who are mentally deficient, but the effect is not as obvious as the supplementary food with the medicinal extract added.

This is also the focus and curiosity of her regular customer "Lao Cai".

Ling Yaoyao had a faint feeling that this might have something to do with the abnormal shape of her mental tentacles, so she didn't want to communicate too much with this "Old Cai" before confirming whether it was credible or not.

Whether Ling Yaoyao was dealing with ingredients or medicinal materials, the tentacles of spiritual power could change at will between round and sharp forms, whichever method was convenient for him to use.

However, in the original text, there was no mention of such an abnormal situation in the original body's mental power.

Ling Yaoyao didn't know if it was related to her Green Star bloodline, or what kind of mutation had happened to her body's mental power after she crossed over.

Cai Youhong is not only the only master-level food assistant therapist in the Huanuo Empire, but also a master-level pharmaceutical assistant therapist. Although his knowledge in pharmacy is slightly lower, he is already very powerful!

Cai Youhong has been researching medicated supplementary foods for a long time, but unfortunately it has little effect over the years.

After reviewing Cai Youhong's public information, Ling Yaoyao immediately hoped to become his disciple, a grandmaster-level food assistant who likes to study pharmacy, this is probably the most suitable teacher for him!

After discovering that Lao Cai's nickname was only displayed to the shopkeeper, and that other passersby saw it as "anonymous", Ling Yaoyao became more and more certain that this Lao Cai was probably Grandmaster Cai Youhong!

Ling Yaoyao is not stupid, after guessing the identity behind "Lao Cai", of course, she must take the initiative to seize the opportunity and try her best to make friends!

In the virtual dialog box, Xiao Qi sent a voice message to remind her several times, but she did not receive a reply from "Eleven", so she sent an application to be sent to her side for an interview in the scene where she was.

Ling Yaoyao didn't want to have too much contact with Xiao Qi, even if Xiao Qi was out of the circle of top geniuses of the younger generation because of his mental disability, his surname was Xiao.

She rejected Xiao Qi's request for an interview, and only replied in a low voice: "Well, I will participate in this competition. In the future, if I can make supplementary food in reality, I can send you a copy, of course, there is a fee. of."

Xiao Qi kept staring at her like this, and asked the Taoshi platform to recommend her a spot. Isn't that what it was for

However, it is absolutely impossible for her to be his exclusive food assistant therapist.

"I still have work to do, so let's do it first."

After speaking, Ling Yaoyao turned off the communication system.

Xiao Qi on the other side: ... This girl named Eleven really has a personality!

At the level of eleven, it is definitely not a problem to enter the second stage of the real game.

At that time, what he cared about was not just whether the supplementary food she made in reality would be as delicious and magical as the one on Xingwang. He became more and more curious about what "Eleven" himself looked like.

In the past few days, Ling Yaoyao has been busy making a lot of virtual supplementary food, most of which are ordinary home-cooked dishes and small snacks made from the simplest first-class ingredients.

In the next two days, she wants to cook a "big meal" for Lao Cai!

If Lao Cai is not the master Cai Youhong, then her meal should be regarded as thanks to him for giving her many useful suggestions in the comment area these days.

Although those were all mistakes she made without systematic study and lack of common sense. If Lao Cai didn't mention it, she would realize it by herself sooner or later, but at least Lao Cai's comments helped her to avoid a lot of detours in the process of her own exploration. Save time.

If Lao Cai is Cai Youhong, then this feast will definitely make him pay more attention to her in the future!

Ling Yaoyao did not intend to take this opportunity to contact Lao Cai and seek apprenticeship.

What Lao Cai revealed in the comment area was probably just that she felt that she had good aptitude and a little talent, and that she cherished her talents and didn't want her to be buried. It doesn't mean how much he values her, and it's even less likely that he will teach her personally. If he accepts her, he will probably just leave her to one of his assistants to take with him.

Many master-level therapists bring disciples into the room, using this model, letting the intermediate and advanced disciples and assistants who first enter the room help guide the disciples who enter the room later.

Only the direct disciples that they value very much will bring them with their own hands from the very beginning!

Only after the assistant therapist has reached the master level can he officially accept his disciples. The disciples who entered the room may receive one or two every year, but there are only a few disciples who are passed down in a lifetime, and the essence is not much expensive.

And what Ling Yaoyao has to do now is to make Lao Cai value her, and even beg her to be his direct disciple!

Ling Yaoyao set this goal, not without basis.

In terms of knowledge reserve, she certainly did not have this background to impress Lao Cai.

In terms of spiritual talent, she should be regarded as the top, but there are many geniuses with high talent these days, and in the end, there are not many auxiliary therapists who can truly enter the master level. Talent is important, but so are savvy, hard work, and opportunity.

Ling Yaoyao carefully studied Lao Cai's message and found that he was an old glutton! Still a savage master.

In addition to paying close attention to why her supplementary food is particularly effective for the mentally disabled, he also carefully evaluates the color, aroma and taste of the food, and is very interested in her ancient Chinese cuisine.

These days, there are different factions and different formulas among pharmacists and food therapists. If it is not for relatives and direct disciples, many special pharmacy and food formulas will not be spread.

Even the chefs of ordinary food, the recipes that they constantly explored and researched to suit the taste and physique of the people of the interstellar era would not be made public, and they would only be passed on to their descendants.

Because the number of chefs is getting rarer and rarer, it has led to the situation where robots make daily food according to general simplified recipes.

Lao Cai was very curious about how she made these ancient Chinese dishes, but she couldn't ask directly, so she could only guess what ingredients she used from the finished food, and was amazed - it turns out that these ingredients can be matched and made like this! And it's so delicious!

And what Ling Yaoyao wants to do now is to make a table of complicated ancient Chinese food feasts, just want to be delicious! Regardless of the effect of adjuvant therapy! In short, first evoke Lao Cai's greed!

In order to achieve the best results, Ling Yaoyao removed more than ten kinds of food prepared for the "Gu Huaxia Food House" before, leaving only the plain porridge and side dishes.

This also led to the fact that the type and quantity of food in "Guhuaxia Food House" shrunk by more than half in the next month...

After careful research and consideration, Ling Yaoyao chose a menu specially customized for Lao Cai, all of which are classic dishes that are spicy and delicious—

Spicy Chicken, Bandit Duck, Spicy Shrimp, Chopped Pepper Fish Head, Boiled Beef, Griddled Fat Sausage, Sauce Fragrant Pork Knuckle (with Spicy Version), Hot and Sour Chicken, Tiger Skin Green Pepper, Shredded Cabbage!

Made a perfect one!

There were many high-grade ingredients in it, Ling Yaoyao couldn't use his mental power to process it yet, so he only worked on the ingredients. Anyway, even if he added some mentally processed chili essence, it could be regarded as a supplementary food.

By the time these ten dishes are finished and the best color, aroma, and flavor combinations are made, it will be the evening of August 30th.

Ling Yaoyao sent these ten exquisite delicacies to Lao Cai in the form of private gifts, with only one sentence: "Thank you for your comments in the comment area these days, this is a thank you!"

As for Lao Cai's reaction and mood after tasting this intense feast of sight and taste, but in the next month, she can only face the limited supply of clear porridge and side dishes in her store...

It's not what Ling Yaoyao cares about now.

What she is most concerned about now is how she can survive the full month of military training after entering school with her weak physique of D-rank

I hope the instructors I meet will not be too perverted!

August 31, the day Ling Yaoyao entered school.

Shen Yunjin deliberately took a leave of absence to return from the military star and sent her to school in person.

On the military plane, Shen's mother pinched her daughter's pink and tender face, and said with a smile, "I didn't send your brother to college back then! Look how good your mother is to you!"

Ling Yaoyao liked this super-young mother very much, but she just couldn't respect her, she couldn't help complaining, "It's my brother, don't give it to you!"

Ms. Shen was suddenly choked up, who told Ling Yaoyao to be right!

"Hey, don't pay attention to the details!"

Ms. Shen ate the cranberry biscuits made by her daughter, accompanied by the fragrant rose tea. The taste was great. I really don't know how the little girl learned this good cooking skill.

However, she is not at home all the year round, Ling Yaoyao likes to hang out on Xingwang a lot lately, most of the time she studied online.

Shen Yunjin said happily: "You have left a lot of snacks at home. I'll go home again later and bring them to the military star to eat."

Ling Yaoyao couldn't help protesting: "That's what I left for my brother! He'll be back tomorrow... Besides, didn't I give you two big boxes!"

Ms. Shen: "What's the matter, your brother doesn't like sweets! It's a waste to keep it at home!"

Ling Yaoyao was very tired, she really didn't know how such a silly and sweet mother Shen gave birth to a son with Ling Xuan's character.

But she didn't know that Ling Xuan didn't like sweets? No wonder last time she made him a snack to eat on the road, and he was so reluctant to accept it!

But before it was fried pumpkin balls and mung bean paste, Ling Xuan obviously ate a lot.

"...Then how much do you save some for my brother!" Maybe because she made it so delicious, Ling Xuan likes to eat it now!

Shen's mother pretended not to hear it, and continued to speak in a very gossip and calm tone: "Baby Yaoyao, I know who you like, it's the second prince Xiao Ming, right? Mom said to you, this Xiao Ming, you hold it. I can't stop. Mom has a best friend's son, who is the same age as you, and the mecha department. The young man is so handsome! Later, when the enrollment is over, Mom will take you to meet him! You will definitely like it!"

"Wait, Mom, it's really not what you think!"

However, no matter how Ling Yaoyao explained it, Mother Shen just didn't believe that she didn't like Xiao Ming anymore, and felt that she finally found the reason why her daughter didn't go out this summer vacation. It turned out to be a lovelorn!

Ling Yaoyao looked unlovable, she was only eighteen years old, and she was about to start a blind date? !

Ling Yaoyao struggled to the death, and moved out of Ling Xuan to save the scene: "Mom, did you forget that I promised my brother not to fall in love during college? He also said that if I dared to talk secretly, he would beat the other party to him. I don't even know my mother! This will affect your relationship with your best friend!"

Shen's mother seemed to be a little persuaded: "... uh, yes! Xiao Xuan has always kept his word, and I'm afraid if he gets angry!"