Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 31: go to bed?


For some reason, facing the Ling family parents, Ling Yaoyao felt that things were not so difficult to talk about.

Maybe she cares too much about Ling Xuan's emotions, for fear that Ling Xuan thinks she values Wei Yuan's brother more than him.

Ling Yaoyao had a serious face, and said the most important thing first: "Wei Yuan said, I'm probably his younger sister who was kidnapped by the star thieves eighteen years ago, and the daughter of his younger uncle Wei Ling. …”

Hearing Ling Yaoyao's words, both Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin had a huge reaction!

Especially Shen Yunjin, who immediately rushed over and hugged her shoulder: "How could this be? I don't care, you are our daughter! The one I raised so hard is our family!"

Ling Tianyue's face also became solemn, and he said solemnly: "Is this matter sure? Don't make a mistake!"

Ling Yaoyao then picked out the most important conversations between her and Wei Yuan.

Especially her thoughts and attitudes—raising kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness, she will not go back with the Wei family.

At the end, Ling Yaoyao carefully continued: "As long as you don't dislike my daughter, her temper is not very good, and she spends a lot of money... I will try my best to repay you parents in the future! I have always treated you as my own father. Mom, it will be the same in the future!"

The parents of the Ling family saw Ling Yaoyao's cautious attitude towards them and knew that this daughter was not raised in vain.

The adopted daughter would have the possibility of being found by her real relatives. There was nothing wrong with Ling Yaoyao.

The trouble is, I didn't expect Yaoyao to be the daughter of the Wei family...

Naturally, the Ling family knew the situation of the Wei family very well.

Because Shen Yunjin and Wei Yan are best friends, the relationship between the Ling Wei family has always been good.

Otherwise, Shen Yunjin would never have wanted to marry the Qiao family, who belonged to the Wei family's camp...

Who would have guessed that Ling Yaoyao was actually the daughter of the Wei family by mistake!

The Wei family has a low-key style nowadays, which is when there is a shortage of young talented children, especially in the area of assistant therapists.

Especially in this military training, Ling Yaoyao also made a very eye-catching supplementary food, it is said that the effect is very good, and it is strangely able to take into account the taste.

Yaoyao said that she would not go back with the Wei family, but the Wei family would not necessarily think so, and would definitely hope that Ling Yaoyao would recognize her ancestors and return to the clan.

Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin were not only worried that their daughter would be taken away, but also worried that if Ling Yaoyao recognized the Wei family, they would have to bear the expectations and burdens of the Wei family.

She has never enjoyed the family affection and resource cultivation of the Wei family, so why should she shoulder such a responsibility

Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin could think of something more profound. Fortunately, Yaoyao told them about it in advance. When the Wei family really came to the door to recognize their daughter, they were also mentally prepared.

After the matter was settled, Ling Yaoyao found that the acceptance of the Ling family's parents seemed to be alright, so she was a little relieved.

Shen Yunjin touched her daughter's head: "I will discuss this matter with your father. Even if you recognize the relative of the Wei family, you can still live as you should in the future, don't think too much."

Ling Tianyue asked, "Have you told your brother about this?"

Ling Yaoyao shook her head and said, "Not yet, I just found out... On a battleship, it's not very convenient to say."

Ling Tianyue nodded and said, "Well, I'll tell him later."

After a pause, Ling Tianyue said again: "You can go to Xingwang later to see... That grandmaster-level food aid therapist Cai Youhong contacted me through the principal of Huanuo First Military Academy, and he saw you in the wild. The performance of the training, I also said that I have a relationship with you on Xingwang, and I want to accept you as a disciple."

Only then did Ling Yaoyao remember the "good thing" she had done on Xingwang before she entered school. It seems that her customer named "Lao Cai" is really Cai Youhong!

Ling Tianyue looked at Ling Yaoyao scrutinizingly and asked, "Where did you learn your ancient Chinese cooking style?"

Regarding this, Ling Yaoyao had done her homework research on Xing.com for a long time. She said, "There are many research forums on ancient Chinese cuisine recipes on Xing.com, and some of them are just by myself, just figuring out how to match them."

There is indeed such a hobby forum on Xingwang, which shares many common ancient Chinese recipes, but because many kinds of ingredients are no longer available, and some tastes have changed, the weight of certain ingredients is often written as "appropriate amount" , I can't figure out exactly how much to put. And most importantly, most of them simply list the ingredients, and do not carefully list how each ingredient should be handled.

Most of the recipes that people make from those recipes are still very weird and very rare.

There are professional chefs who are more successful, and they will not openly announce the details, but they are regarded as the ability to press the bottom of the box.

This still has to come down to whether he has talent in this area, it is obvious that Ling Yaoyao is gifted.

Ling Yaoyao also explained to Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin the fact that the ends of her mental tentacles can be rounded and sharp.

The shape of the mental strength tentacles is so special, which may be the reason why the supplementary food she made is particularly effective for the mentally handicapped.

In the end, Ling Yaoyao also said that she would go back to the old house in a few days, and wanted to give her grandpa a try of supplementary food.

Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin originally thought that Ling Yaoyao's choice of the food supplement therapy department was just an excuse to move out of her grandfather.

Now let her try it at home for a few days. If it does work, then go and try it for Mr. Ling.

Regarding the mental tentacles that can transform into a fighting form, Ling Tianyue also allows her to use it at will when she encounters an emergency.

It is best to investigate again in front of Mr. Cai. If the other party is willing to accept her as a direct disciple, it will not be too late to reveal it.

Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin exchanged glances at Ling Yaoyao's talent that can be said to be against the sky.

The better the daughter, the more worried they are—how could the Wei family allow such a gifted child to live abroad

But these things are left to their parents to worry about. The little girl trusts and relies on them with all their hearts, and they will protect her as if they were their own.

Shen Yunjin pinched her daughter's tender face and proudly said, "Our Yaoyao is awesome! The supplementary food was made so quickly, and the master-level supplementary therapist has taken a fancy to you! But in terms of supplementary food, you Don't work too hard, but don't tire yourself out, you should have fun during the holidays!"

The parents of other families can't relax and study even when they are urging vacations. She is completely the other way around.

Ling Yaoyao laughed: "Mom, you are so kind!"

Saying that, the little girl put a smack on her face sweetly.

Until Shen Yunjin couldn't stand her tiredness, she started rushing people: "You just came back from military training and you are tired, go back to your room and rest first!"

After three days of field survival training, I couldn't take a good bath, so I could only simply wipe my body and spray freshener. Ling Yaoyao, who loves cleanliness, was suffocated and hurried back to the room to wash up.

After taking a comfortable incense oil bath, Ling Yaoyao went to the long-lost Star Network.

At the beginning, in order to attract the attention of "Old Cai", who was probably the master of Cai Youhong, Ling Yaoyao cooked him a perfect ancient Chinese food, which was very spicy and delicious, just in line with Cai's taste.

Then she only served some lighter dishes and dim sum in her "Guhuaxia Food House" on Taoshi platform, in order to whet Lao Cai's appetite.

It made him want to eat, but he couldn't, and his heart was itching, and he was eager to see.

Unexpectedly, Lao Cai is really Cai Youhong, and he has already noticed her!

Because the freshmen's military training of Huanuo's major military academies is not open to everyone, only the teachers inside the major military academies can watch, so at present, she can be picked up from her unique handling of ingredients and ancient Chinese dishes that can be combined at will. There is only one Cai Youhong in the vest.

As soon as Ling Yaoyao logged into her "Eleven" account, the smart assistant reminded her that she had received a friend request from Lao Cai, an S-class citizen user who used privileges.

In order to keep her quiet, Ling Yaoyao set up a friend request to block ordinary people. Her own citizenship level is A, and only those whose citizenship level exceeds her have the right to send her a friend request.

This kind of privilege based on high status is not unlimited, it seems that there are only three opportunities per year.

In addition, it was Xiao Qi who sent her many messages, urging her to serve new dishes, complaining that there were too few dishes in her store, or making various compliments on the food in her store... Obviously the front desk has a normal comment function , this guy has to brush his presence again in the friend dialog box.

The latest information was sent by Xiao Qi only an hour ago. This guy is as expected: "Hey, sister paper, you should have just returned from military training now? Make me some new fancy food. , your previous ones are good or not, but the taste is too bland! My mouth is fading out of a bird!"

Ling Yaoyao was too lazy to deal with this ridiculous talk, and agreed to Lao Cai's friend request.

Then I just kept the previously hidden and private food, and put the supplementary food with heavy taste into the small store, and still set a relatively high price.

The time limit for the food made on Xingwang is two months, and if she doesn't sell it, it will expire soon.

She is not short of money, but no one thinks that there is too much money. High prices represent high quality and high style, which is more in line with her current personality as a noble and glamorous young lady!

She likes the way those customers scold her that the supplementary food is so expensive, but she still begs her to make more, and she has to buy, buy, buy, even endure the pain!

Small profits but quick turnover? Still being forced by life, the grass-roots heroine Su Qinghe, who worked hard to earn living expenses on her own, did exactly that. Later, she once became the new-generation assistant pharmacist with the number one sales on the Taoyao platform.

Ling Yaoyao didn't try to snatch characters from her.

She runs the "Guhuaxia Food House" purely to find the guinea pigs who have tested the best effect of supplementary food. In the future, she can also make supplementary food, as well as Wei Yuan, Qiao Mingyao, Ye Xi, Xiao Qi, etc. People voluntarily try to eat, and Xingwang will come up and practice their hands occasionally when they need it.

Ling Yaoyao's self-willed approach has made her more and more attractive among the new generation of food assistant therapists on Taoshi platform. Now she is considered a little famous, and she is called "ancient Chinese food assistant therapist". It's just that she doesn't pay attention at all.

As soon as the leftover food was put up in the store, Lao Cai went online and immediately sent an application for a dialogue in the same scene.

Ling Yaoyao chose to agree.

The next moment, a handsome uncle who looked to be in his forties, with a particularly refined and academic school, appeared in Ling Yaoyao's apprentice laboratory for both medicine and food.

Ling Yaoyao stared and asked, "You are Lao Cai? Why are you so young!"

She thought it would be an old man... and this person doesn't look like a gluttonous old man, but a scholar full of poetry and books.

However, human lifespans in the interstellar era are generally very long. Cai Youhong looked like he was in his forties when he was on the ancient earth, but in fact he was over two hundred years old. It would not be too much to call him Old Cai.

Cai Lao is actually a handsome uncle who likes to be smug. Before coming to see Ling Yaoyao this time, he deliberately modified his Xingwang image into the most perfect state. He changed his usual sloppy appearance in life and looked more like a master.

... Otherwise, how can you pretend to be a master and kidnap your disciples? !

Cai Youhong asked back with great interest: "You come from a military family, and you can hide a pretty little girl who is so pretty, so I should be a sloppy old man?"

Ling Yaoyao was embarrassed, and was a little embarrassed to be praised: "Nothing-"

After Cai Youhong finished his praise, he couldn't help complaining: "You little girl is also very talented in food supplement therapy, and her ideas are very novel. It's just making me so bitter! I have eaten your spicy meal a month ago. Feast, this month, I just don't want to eat and eat, and everything I eat lacks a little taste! I also deliberately put some light food in the store, what a bad girl! I don't care, you must do it three times … No, ten times, with such a sumptuous meal before, I can only consider accepting you as an inmate disciple…”

Ling Yaoyao put on a systemic face with a smile and continued, "Then, let me be your exclusive chef for three to five months, so that your stomach will be comforted, and then you will consider whether to accept me as a direct disciple. ?"

Cai Youhong nodded approvingly, feeling that this little girl was very enlightened: "Yes—that's right!"

He can already foresee that he will have apprentices serving him every day in the future, and he will enjoy a delicious life with delicious food!

Except for the way of handling ingredients and medicinal materials, the little girl is too unfamiliar and can't guarantee the useful essence ingredients, so the effect of adjuvant therapy is relatively random, but the taste is strangely preserved very well, which is basically conducive to the deliciousness of the finished food. Efforts to increase the degree.

It would be best if he could guide her better so that she could improve the effect of supplementary therapy.

Also, Cai Youhong couldn't figure out why the supplementary food she made was especially effective for people with mental disabilities? If it was the supplementary food she made in reality, would it be especially useful for people with mental breakdowns

In addition, some of the ancient Chinese dishes that Ling Yaoyao cooks, although there are shared recipes on Xing.com, her method is still slightly different from those public recipes.

From the video of the freshman military training field survival training, it can be seen that her cooking habits are very casual, and she often comes with unexpected combinations, but the final taste is very good!

This little girl is like a treasure, there are countless secrets waiting for him to unearth, if it is not for her strong background, she is actually the adopted daughter of the Ling family, the head of the military family, he simply wants to go directly to the door to grab people, the sooner you start Take her the better!

Good seedlings, of course, you must start first and be strong! He can't wait for the "Freshman Cup" adjuvant therapy competition after the Harvest Festival!

As for the various levels he mentioned, it is nothing more than wanting to observe her existing food processing methods from the little girl, and teach them according to her aptitude. If you can learn one or two apprentices' ancient Chinese dishes in turn... Cough, then Can't be better!

Of course, he would definitely ask the little girl to agree first.

And of course, for the sake of my own appetite...

He also ate a lot of food made by chefs in five-star restaurants these days, and some of them tasted good, but none of the ones made by the little girl were very "homely" and never got tired of eating them.

Even the supplementary food he made himself, in order to pursue the best supplementary therapy effect, can only barely guarantee that it is "not unpalatable".

Cai Youhong has a hunch that this little girl will definitely not be lower than him in the future, or even higher than him, just because of the name of "Ancient Chinese Food Auxiliary Therapist" who is just beginning to emerge!

Just when Cai Youhong felt that Ling Yaoyao was already his prospective disciple and was waiting for the little girl to come to pay her respects wisely, Ling Yaoyao yawned lazily: "Oh, I think it's pretty good to be self-taught. Okay! As a dignified master, the supplementary food you make is not as delicious as mine! As for pharmacy, my own mother is a master pharmacist and supplementary therapist, and it is not necessary to pay special attention to a teacher. Do you think If you eat the food I make, please go to the Taoshi platform to buy it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Yaoyao started to push him out of the laboratory door, as if he had ordered to evict him!

Cai Youhong was immediately shocked: "You, you... Do you know how many people are begging to be my disciples?"

This girl is actually not grateful to Dade, even if she is grateful, she still pushes him out the door? ! It just doesn't make sense!

Ling Yaoyao tilted her head and looked at him slyly with her hard eyes, "I learn food supplement therapy, I just learn it casually, it is enough to have a school teacher teach me. I didn't think about becoming a master or a grandmaster. ... Besides, a foodie like you can become a master-level food therapist, and I'm sure there is no problem!"

Ling Yaoyao only had a system face on her face, but Cai Youhong couldn't help but think of the pretty girl in the video of the new life in the wild, where the beautiful girl was petite, but the queen commanded the three talented and powerful combat divisions with vigour. The spinning screen.

It is obvious that she is an eldest young lady who will not suffer losses, let alone be shriveled!

It just so happens that she does this very confidently, and it's not annoying at all...

Cai Youhong wiped his face, he seemed to have met a little fox!

Grandmaster Cai's noble temperament suddenly disappeared, and he held on to the doorknob and refused to go out: "How can you be willing to cook for me... ah no, you are my direct disciple?"

Ling Yaoyao didn't expect to achieve her original goal so quickly, she was a little distressed: "Well, I'll be a disciple first, you can cook for me three times, ah no, ten times, I'll take a good look at it and see you Do you have the strength to be my direct teacher?"

Cai Youhong: ... This seems a bit familiar!

Really... outrageous! ! !

Seeing that Cai Youhong's face was flushed, and he looked like he was about to explode with anger, Ling Yaoyao took it as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly invited Cai Youhong to sit at the dining table in the laboratory, and said to please, "Hey, don't be angry, I'm kidding you, Mr. Cai! Do you think I'm such a beautiful cook, like someone who has to go through the back door to become a teacher? Just wait until I win the first prize in the "Newborn Cup" Complementary Therapy Contest , again justifiably respect you as a teacher!

At that time, you are not allowed to accept a bunch of other disciples at the same time, anyway, you can only take me one of them this year. If you want to take me in the door and throw it to an assistant or a senior student, then I might as well not be a teacher! I don't like to rob a teacher with a lot of people, it's like a New Oriental chef training class..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yaoyao also took out an extra serving from the storage space of Xingwang when she prepared an extra serving for Cai Youhong when she prepared a feast of perfect spicy flavors. Because the amount of the various ingredients and essences was not consistent, the taste was not the same as the first one. It's a little bit different, but overall it's pretty good.

This is completely knocking a few big clubs, and then taking out a table full of irresistible sweet dates!

Cai Youhong looked at a row of virtual supplementary food presentation panels that appeared in front of him. The ancient Chinese delicacies on it were very familiar. Isn't this the spicy feast that made him think about it for a month? Suddenly I couldn't help but subconsciously press the "Accept" button...

After doing this, he couldn't even get angry, as the so-called "soft hands and short mouths"!

Cai Youhong was really dumbfounded by this girl, and he lost the slightest temper.

Ling Yaoyao was the third direct disciple he wanted to accept, and probably the last.

He knocked Ling Yaoyao on the head angrily: "If I accept you as a disciple, I will take you personally! What are you thinking about? You bad girl! Even the future master dares to make fun of you! "Newborn Cup" you If you can't get the first place, I won't open the back door for you again! Who did the New Oriental chef training class you were talking about? How did I not hear it being said… "

Ling Yaoyao said embarrassedly, "No, what I'm talking about is the meaning of the chef training class."

Ling Yaoyao dared to be so indifferent to Cai Youhong. It was only after contacting a real person that he found out that he was not the serious old man he imagined, but a handsome uncle who had a childish temperament, so he dared to joke with him like this.

It not only implicitly expressed that if she was a teacher, that is, she hoped that the other party would take her well, and it also brought the teacher-student relationship closer.

When dealing with foodies, if there is something that makes the other party unhappy, as long as it is not a matter of principle, treat him to a big meal he likes!

Well, if one meal doesn't work... then two!

Cai Youhong said: "You can't teach supplementary food like that, each student's mental state is different..."

Speaking of which, maybe it was to prove that although "cooking skills are not very good", he still has a lot of research on complementary food, Cai Youhong forced Ling Yaoyao to tell him a lot of knowledge about complementary food.

She also ate the spicy feast that she had just paid tribute on the spot, and analyzed each of her supplementary foods for Ling Yaoyao on the spot.

Cai Youhong discovered that this girl was just groping on her own and didn't understand many basic things. This makes the complementary foods she made very novel and diverse, but also made a lot of misunderstandings.

Ling Yaoyao also listened very humbly, knowing that Cai Youhong actually started to treat her as a disciple, so he took so much trouble to guide her.

Her attitude towards Cai Youhong became more and more respectful.

Seeing that the little girl suddenly turned into an obedient student, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but Cai Youhong was not used to it: "You don't "you" ah "you", don't use honorific titles when you are alone. Make me a few decades older! I'd rather you talk to me! Speaking of which, you have a lot to learn from this little girl. As the saying goes, the master is a teacher, but I can't be too old to call you a teacher. Let's discuss and learn from each other!"

As a master-level figure, and the only master-level food therapist in the Huanuo Empire, Cai Youhong has been in this position for a long time, and he will feel a little lonely. He knows that he still has a lot of room for improvement, but he keeps looking for him. Not in the right direction of progress.

Until he met Ling Yaoyao, he thought he had found it.

Although the two are very different in age, in terms of "eating", they have endless topics to talk about, which means that they are friends with each other.

Here, Ling Yaoyao and Cai Lao discussed it very late, and by the time she was offline, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Ling Yaoyao asked the intelligent system in the room, and asked if Ling Xuan was back

The electronic voice replied, "Miss Hui, the eldest young master just returned to the room ten minutes ago."

Ling Yaoyao was thinking about the earrings and wanted to go to Ling Xuan to ask.

If she didn't ask clearly, she was afraid that she would not be able to sleep tonight.

Ling Yaoyao found the small black box with earrings from the space button, and wanted to go out, but when she reached the door of the room, she suddenly remembered something, ran back to the room, and opened the hidden wardrobe on the wall—

To my loose nightdress, I added a cute pink suspender style with an inner pad...

Ling Yaoyao grabbed the earring box and walked out of her room lightly, for fear of being heard by her parents on the second floor, like a thief with a guilty conscience.

When walking down the stairs, Ling Yaoyao couldn't help but recall the embarrassing experience she had last time looking for Ling Xuan... She accidentally hugged the mighty and majestic third-legged horse of her eldest brother, the God of War...

Later, she has to pay attention to keeping a distance to avoid this embarrassment from happening again.

Going up to the fourth floor, Ling Yaoyao found out that Ling Xuan's door was half open and not locked at all!

The lighting in the room is a dim mode suitable for sleeping.

She was afraid that she would break in rashly and see something she shouldn't see. So I stood at the door very carefully, raised my voice, but didn't dare to ask too loudly: "Brother, are you there? Can I come in?"

The room was silent until Ling Yaoyao asked again, and Ling Xuan's somewhat vague voice could be heard from inside, which seemed to be not far from the door: "Come in!"

Does your brother sound a little wrong

Ling Yaoyao squeezed the small black box in her hand and walked in slowly—she didn't know what she was afraid of.

Ling Yaoyao had just entered the door when she saw Ling Xuan—he was lying on the carpet not far from the door, as if he had already fallen asleep, even his military uniform was only taken off his jacket, and his shirt was casually unbuttoned. Open two or three buttons.

In my impression, Ling Xuan has always been very strict, never like this!

Ling Yaoyao hurriedly approached, a little scared, but also a little worried and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

However, without Ling Yaoyao asking, she could smell the very strong alcohol smell on Ling Xuan's body when she got close!

Ling Xuan is drunk

Ling Yaoyao casually put the box in her hand on the carpet beside her, hugged Ling Xuan's arm, trying to help him up: "Brother, you can't sleep here, go to bed—"

It was just when she tried to wake Ling Xuan up, she found that Ling Xuan, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes at some point, a pair of dark, dark eyes staring straight at her, and the man's voice was hoarse. , and clearly repeated the last three words she just said: "Go to bed?"

Ling Yaoyao intuitively felt that Ling Xuan's current state was not right, she let go of his hand and wanted to get up and call the intelligent robot over...

The next moment, Ling Xuan grabbed her by the arm, the world was spinning, and she stumbled onto him unexpectedly!