Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 44: Brother Xuan leads Yaoyao mecha to fight


Watching the stars and horses... It seems that it is indeed a common method used by male protagonists to seduce girls in romance novels or idol dramas...

However, people only see real stars, but they are not like Ling Xuan, who invites his sister to "see the stars" in the mecha battle space simulation scene...

In the space simulation scene in the star net, in addition to the beautiful and gorgeous galaxy in the edge area, there are more kinds of black meteorites that are deliberately set up as obstacles in the battle scene, big and small, and pitted...

It's not surprising at all, it's almost scary!

Ling Yaoyao was so angry that she wanted to kick Ling Xuan away, and she was afraid that she would accidentally hit a space meteorite. Although it wouldn't be a real dog leash, the pain was still very real.

Ling Yaoyao almost hung on Ling Xuan's arm and said softly, "Brother Ling Xuan, let's talk in another place..."

Ling Xuan enjoyed the long-lost feeling of being depended on by a little girl, and was a little disappointed, doesn't Yaoyao like "watching the stars"

But when he heard the phrase "Brother Ling Xuan", he softened his heart and said, "Okay."

Then the scene turned around again, and the scene where the two were located changed from the vast starry sky to the mecha training lounge.

No way, Ling Xuan did not go to Xingxing for fun, but for mecha training. There are thousands of interesting places on Xingwang, but there are only a handful of places he has been to.

In his opinion, the best place to be able to have mecha and Ling Yaoyao.

Ling Yaoyao kept her feet on the ground again, threw off Ling Xuan's arm, and immediately turned her face and complained, "Are you the one to lead people to watch the stars? Thanks to my good heart, you would have scared me out of my heart attack!"

In the interstellar era, heart disease was just a minor illness, take a small part of the heart cells, grow a new heart, and do a heart transplant... Ling Xuan couldn't understand the point of Ling Yaoyao's anger at all, with a question mark on his face.

He pursed his lips, looked a little aggrieved, and tried to explain a little: "You said that I am dull and uninteresting..."

What Ling Xuan didn't say is that he deliberately downloaded "36 Strategies for Flirting Girls" and "One Hundred and Eight Types of Love" from Xingwang and studied it carefully. However, because he and Ling Yaoyao are now in two different places, his identity also restricts him from adopting those high-profile ways to show his love, and even the old-fashioned Major General can't say it...

After several weighings, Ling Xuan came up with the idea of "seeing the stars" in the space simulation scene of Xingwang. At first, he thought he was very witty!

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have the expected effect, and Yaoyao didn't seem to be cheering.

However, after letting her take the initiative to hold his arm again, it doesn't seem like she got nothing... Ling Xuan thought.

Ling Yaoyao was only angry for three minutes this time. After she finished complaining, she put it behind her head. She looked at Ling Xuan's special mecha training lounge. The virtual version of "Ling Yun" stood in the center of the lounge, silver-black. Steel giant, sharp and graceful, tall, cold and silent...

This was Ling Yaoyao's first time watching the mecha from close range, she couldn't help but sigh: "How handsome! If only I could sit inside and feel it!"

Ling Xuan didn't expect that he was hitting right, but he leaned on Ling Yun to mention Ling Yaoyao's interest.

For every mech warrior, a mecha is a life-and-death combat partner, and is called "little wife" by many warriors and "closer than my wife".

The cockpit is the private territory of the mecha warrior, and if it is not a very close and trusted person, it will never let others enter.

Even comrades rescued from the battlefield have special "rescue capsules" that can stay temporarily.

Because driving mecha is a thing that requires full attention, if you are distracted a little on the battlefield, you may be in danger because of it.

The concept of many mecha warriors is that the co-pilot seat in the cockpit of the mecha cabin is only for the real wife, and it has to be in a safe environment.

On the Star Network, this condition has been relaxed a lot because there is no threat of life and death.

A lot of people also like to take the assistant therapist on the co-pilot and play the mech game when there are interference obstacles. In this way, it can also win, and it can show the level of the mecha warriors.

But Ling Xuan's co-pilot has never been seated, whether it is reality or Xingwang.

Now, to have the first one.

Ling Xuan's eyes were a little deep and he said, "If you want, of course you can."

The Major General thought in a sullen heart, "You are sitting in my mecha, so you want to be my wife."

Ling Yaoyao, who didn't know anything about this, was overjoyed: "Really? That's great! Then take me to a mecha battle and try?"

Ling Xuan: "…"

Little girl, what kind of strange hobby is this? Don't like watching the stars, like fighting

However, Ling Xuan still agreed, it was rare for her to be interested in anything.

Moreover, Yaoyao's mental strength tentacles are rounded and sharp at the end. In reality, the little girl's physique is not enough, and at most she can only drive a B-class mecha. It is different on the Star Online. Speaking of which, she can even drive an SS-class mech!

Ling Yaoyao also seemed to remember her own talent, so her next sentence became: "Brother, can you teach me how to learn mechas? I should be able to drive mechas on the Star Network!"

The little girl's eyes are bright and full of excitement and anticipation!

It's just hard to resist!

Besides, what Ling Yaoyao wants to do, even if he doesn't agree, since she has this idea, she will probably try to learn by herself and find someone else to teach her... It would be better for him to teach her in person.

Ling Xuan then nodded: "... um."

The Mecha Lingyun not only looks cold and domineering on the outside, but the interior of the cockpit is also low-key and luxurious, looking very tall.

Ling Yaoyao didn't understand those complicated structures at all, she only knew that according to Ling Xuan's instructions, she sat down in the driver's seat beside him and fastened the safety belt.

Because Ling Yaoyao was still a rookie, Ling Xuan chose the mode of not giving the co-pilot the driving authority at all. The little girl was sitting next to him, which made him easily distracted. If she made random orders from time to time, it was his face that was lost when she lost.

Relying on the first SSS-level mental power in the stars, Ling Xuan has not lost in the Star Net mecha battlefield for many years, and he has never worried that he will lose, but now he is worried after a long absence.

Because he doesn't come up often, Ling Xuan's points on the mecha battle platform are not very high, but with an extremely high win rate of 99.999%, he is still qualified to directly challenge the top 100 players in the standings.

Ling Xuan randomly selected the fifth online and idle "Famous in the World", and soon the other party accepted his invitation to fight.

Ling Yaoyao in the passenger seat looked at the nickname "Famous in the World" and thought about it. This seems to be the original male protagonist Xiao Ming's ID on Xingwang

Don't look at "Famous in the World" is only the fifth place in the total standings. The first four are all much older than him. Among the students, he is already considered the most powerful in the Huanuo Empire, but in reality he has always been Very low-key, everyone thinks that he is more outstanding is the battle command talent.

Ling Yaoyao suddenly became excited, she cheered Ling Xuan: "We must win this game!"

Even with Ling Xuan's strength, defeating Xiao Ming would still be invincible, Ling Yaoyao was also happy, anyway, he must not lose to him!

When Ling Yaoyao was chasing the article, she didn't have much affection for Xiao Ming, the male protagonist. For the sake of the throne, playing with power and doing whatever it takes was the primary culprit in persecuting the Ling family in the original article.

Ling Yaoyao lived a new life, and only wanted the stability of herself and her family. She would not fight against the plot line of the whole world to prevent Xiao Ming from sitting on the throne, so as not to be greedy enough to swallow an elephant and suffer instead.

But if there is a chance to make Xiao Ming upset, she will never let it go!

While the mecha was introduced into the battle scene, Ling Xuan turned to ask Ling Yaoyao, "If you win, are there any rewards?"

Ling Yaoyao thought for a while and said, "I will make you a late-night snack on Xingwang?"

Ling Xuan shook his head: "Although I like eating what you make, I prefer... you."

Ling Yaoyao: ... Wait, what does the pause in the middle of you mean

Ling Xuan stopped talking, and gave her a look of "comprehension".

Soon, the mecha battle between the two sides began, but the scene was not as Ling Yaoyao imagined. Ling Xuan took her to kill the Quartet together, cool and handsome.

Ling Xuan, who originally planned to win so as not to lose face in front of the little girl, knew that Ling Yaoyao really wanted to win, but instead he fought passively. Facing the opponent's "famous" attack, most of them just dodged and did not take the initiative. attack.

Ling Yaoyao was in it, so it was hard not to take the place of Ling Xuan, she was extremely aggrieved and couldn't help but say, "If you beat him, I'll kiss you..."

Ling Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked over, his eyes were shining brightly!

Ling Yaoyao faced Ling Xuan's fiery gaze and said the remaining two words with difficulty: "... the face!"

The corners of Ling Xuan's lips tickled, but he didn't care.

It's just that his whole person's aura immediately changed from being careless and lazy just now, to being ruthless and domineering, like a sharp sword unsheathed!

Due to Ling Xuan's distraction just now, Ling Yun was already in a state of being pressed and beaten by the "famous world" mecha, and the damage was increased by 30%.

Because "Famous World" is a well-known star net mecha master, every time he plays, many fans and fans choose to pay to watch, the winning side can get 80% of the income, and the remaining 10% is lost. Fang, 10% goes to the mecha battle platform.

In the onlookers, the audience sighed a little with little interest—

"Hey, our famous god is going to win again! This so-called ancient master named 'Xuan', his 99.999% winning rate should not be written on the black mecha battle platform!"

"If you win the ancient masters, you will be able to enter the fourth place in the points of the famous gods, which is great!"

"Although Mingshen's opponent is not very good this time, in order to witness the promotion of Mingshen's ranking, I still opened a video!"

No one is optimistic about "Xuan" at all, but it doesn't matter, because the lion, who was still in the mood just now, has begun to get serious at this moment!

Ling Yaoyao doesn't know what "Thomas slaughtered" and "Ludd's three-step slide"... She only knew that the serious Ling Xuan's profile was so handsome that people couldn't close their legs! The continuous and violent attacks are so cool and fierce that "Famous in the World" can't stand it at all!

Jedi counterattack! It only happened in just thirty seconds!

Before all kinds of evasion, the mecha Lingyun with a loss of 30% was beaten, and a wave of counterattacks hit the "famous world" with a loss of 90% of the mecha, which was directly scrapped and could no longer fight...

When the mechanical sound of the system referee in the mecha battle scene came - "This game lasted 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and the winner is 'Xuan', because 'Xuan' also brought an auxiliary therapist in the co-pilot seat of the mecha, Ben The points earned in the game have doubled, congratulations!"

All the audience in the audience were dumbfounded, and they were still immersed in the fast, beautiful, and terrifying counterattack of "Xuan" just now, but they couldn't get back to their senses!

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! How can there be such a non-human level of mecha operation

Hang it up! This is it!

Li Xuan's performance in the first five minutes can only be said to have been flawless, and his dodging skills are very good. When he was knocked down by "Famous World" to knock down 30% of the loss, it can be said that he made a very low-level mistake... and in the end Those 30 seconds can be regarded as an amazing performance, and it doesn't match at all!

Wait, the system broadcasts, that person named "Xuan" actually brought a co-pilot with an auxiliary therapist? In the first five minutes, wouldn't it be "Xuan" who asked the assistant therapist and co-pilot to manually operate the mecha...

Seeing that the co-pilot was bullied by "Famous World", so he went into battle in person... 99.999% winning rate is really well-deserved!

In the interstellar era, it is important to respect the strong, and many people have changed from "Famous God Fans" to "Xuan" passers-by fans because of Ling Xuan's last wave of counterattacks!

Many people began to go to the forums of the mecha battle platform to find the heroic achievements of the master named "Xuan".

A small part of the dead fans who still pay attention to the "famous world" are all this style of painting-

"Hahahaha, asking for the psychological shadow area of God!"

"Don't cry, stand up and lick!"

"It's not wrong for Mingshen to lose, after all, the difference in strength is obvious to all! It's okay, Mingshen is still young, just practice more!"

On the other hand, after Ling Xuan won, he couldn't wait to choose to quit the battle scene, ignoring the temporary dialogue application sent by his opponent "Famous World".

As for the friend request, he has already closed it.

Back in the mecha training lounge, the sharp and cold aura on Ling Xuan's body suddenly subsided, he relaxed and turned his head, his eyes were dark and looking at Ling Yaoyao, the expectation in his eyes was unspoken. metaphor.

Ling Yaoyao didn't know why, her heart was beating fast.

She never found out that Ling Xuan was so handsome, so cool, so... unstoppable!

She leaned over, approached Ling Xuan very slowly, and laughed and teased: "This time, you are not allowed to play hooligans, and suddenly turned around!"

Ling Xuan replied obediently, "... um."

The girl's soft petal-like lips finally stick to the man's stern and handsome face. The star net feels very realistic, but it is not as real as reality. Ling Yaoyao's current image is only the public face of the system that comes with Xingwang, not the one that makes him miss him so deeply that he will start to miss him after a day's absence.

But he didn't want the little girl to change her image. He was afraid that too many people would discover her beauty. In reality, she is destined to be outstanding and dazzling, and she no longer knows how many boys she will provoke. It is still safer to wear a system face on Xingwang.

Ling Xuan touched the place where he had been kissed, still staring at Ling Yaoyao and refusing to look away, satisfied and regretful, "I should wait until I get home before letting you kiss."

Ling Yaoyao was very embarrassed to be seen, she always felt that from the moment she willingly took the initiative to kiss, the atmosphere between the two became a little different.

But she didn't want Ling Xuan to find out too quickly that she seemed to be starting to like him slowly.

In addition to the fact that she needs more time to determine her intentions, she also enjoys the feeling of being deliberately "pursued" by Ling Xuan.

She hugged her chest and pretended to be fierce and said: "Don't say that there are some of these, you have said it, you want to teach me mecha!"

Ling Xuan raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch her head. Thinking about it without her consent, he withdrew his hand and said softly, "It's a little late tonight, didn't you say you were sleepy? Eight o'clock tomorrow night. let's start."

It was only then that Ling Yaoyao realized that it was very late. After saying goodnight to Ling Xuan, she got off the star network.

Drowsiness surged up all of a sudden, Ling Yaoyao climbed onto the bed after washing up.

Tonight's dream, a little sweet.

As for Ling Xuan on Xingwang, he used his identity privilege and started to check the identity of "famous in the world", but found that the other party was also an SS-level identity privilege, and he could only find the most basic information. Male, in his early twenties, living in The Imperial City... In addition, there is a golden crown emblem that can only be seen by the core executives of the six major legions, representing the royal status.

In the royal family, only the second prince Xiao Ming could make Ling Yaoyao mind so much and his age was just right.

Unexpectedly, this second prince's strength is hidden, but as a combat command system, he has such a strong mecha combat ability!

"Famous in the World" seems to be very careful to protect personal privacy on Xingwang, but Yaoyao looks like she has long known that this is Xiao Ming, how did she know

If Ling Yaoyao had a look on Weibo or the school BBS before going to bed, she would definitely find that the teaching video of "scrambled eggs with tomatoes" that she uploaded on Weibo became a hot search on Weibo and became the hottest BBS in school. issue.

And the voice that originally suspected that Ling Yaoyao was not "Eleven" at all became much smaller.

Although scrambled eggs with tomatoes is not difficult, since Ling Yaoyao dares to directly prove herself by cooking, it shows that she must have some strength!

These were all expected by Ling Yaoyao, and this was just the beginning.

The video of tomato scrambled eggs has been edited and is very simple, only ten minutes!

He also taught three ways to make "scrambled eggs with tomatoes"!

One is the most mainstream - after washing the tomato, draw a cross on the upper part, scald it with boiling water, peel it, remove the stem and cut into hob pieces; break up the eggs, beat the eggs well, put a little salt, cooking wine, a tablespoon of water, and remove the fishy smell. ; Heat the pot over high heat, when the oil is slightly smoking, spread the egg mixture, fry it well and serve it for later use, then heat the base oil in the pot over medium heat, add the tomato cubes and stir fry until the tomatoes become soft and juicy , add the scrambled eggs.

Another is that the tomatoes are cut into small pieces and fried into tomato sauce, and then the egg liquid is added. The fried tomato scrambled eggs are very suitable for bibimbap and noodles!

The third is half a tomato with three eggs, the tomato is finely chopped into small pieces, and the egg liquid is added with some flour and stirred together... Tomato-flavored egg cake, sprinkle some chopped green onion before serving, it's perfect!

Ling Yaoyao felt that she had already explained it very clearly, and she had demonstrated everything.

However, there are a lot of people in the food supplement therapy class group @ her, posting their own tomato scrambled eggs, but most of them are a pile of black lumps mixed with red lumps of strange things...

Ling Yaoyao didn't want to watch it at first, but who made her cold image no longer scare people, as soon as the get out of class is over, there will be a bunch of people around her "seeking advice"!

Few of them were made a little better, and they were also brought to the classroom in a heat preservation food box, wanting her to taste and express her opinion.

It made her even have a hard time eating snacks between classes!

The third time after class, someone came to ask, Ling Yao, who was so hungry, got angry, patted the table, stood up, and said, "I'm not a teacher, and if you want to learn how to cook with me, see for yourself. Video, figure it out for yourself! I'm not your guinea pig, is it delicious, can't you taste it yourself? Don't ask me! If you disturb me again, I won't record teaching videos in the future!"

Fang Xue, who was on the side, first interjected: "Wow, Yaoyao, will you continue to make teaching videos? That's great!"

The boy in the back row: "So handsome! I feel like classmate Yaoyao is actually quite capable to be our teacher!"

The boy in the front row: "Boss Yaoyao is so domineering! We'll mess with you in the future!"

Even Zhen Rou, who was beside Ling Yaoyao, whispered, "Cough, I applied to be your number one younger brother!"

"Bah, no, the number one younger brother should be me, okay, I'm so strong..."

After losing her temper, Ling Yaoyao, who was finally confronted with her opinion, found that she was running in another direction that she couldn't stop at all...

In the next class, when the teacher said that they would choose the monitor, the whole class unanimously chose Ling Yaoyao.

Ling Yaoyao had to recognize it, it seemed that being a big sister was not bad! At least when she called Jing Jing, no one would dare to quarrel beside her!

This evening, Ling Yaoyao was going to record an instructional video—how to make a cucumber with hands!

Don't look at this simple, but it is a practical supplementary food. You must know that cucumber is one of the ingredients that Ling Yaoyao is best at mentally processing!

The video is only one minute short, very perfunctory! Because Ling Yaoyao has other things to do - learn mecha on the star network...