Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 53: Getting ready to visit Wei


Since this time, Ling Yaoyao has been insisting on updating an ancient Chinese food teaching video on Weibo every day, and the virtual supplementary food of the new dish is also synchronized on the "Guhuaxia Food House". No one doubts Ling Yaoyao anymore. It's eleven.

Huanuo No. 1 Military Academy BBS originally questioned Ling Yaoyao's "Beijing Roast Duck" plagiarism post on November 11, and the trend has changed a lot. Many people have touched Ling Yaoyao's Weibo and Taoshi platform stores because of that post. Instead, she was fanned by her.

Before she knew it, Ling Yaoyao, who had always been labeled as a "rich family daughter" and "fashion blogger", became the main label in the eyes of the public to be "ancient Chinese food blogger", and even her fans changed from the original one or two. 10,000, turned into 100,000.

Recently, not only the freshmen of the Food Therapy Department of Huanuo First Military Academy like to study ancient Chinese cuisine, but also the younger food assistant therapists in the entire Huanuo Empire have developed the trend of studying ancient Chinese cuisine.

Many freshmen in the Department of Dietetics came to ask Ling Yaoyao if they could use the dishes taught in her teaching videos to participate in the "Freshman Cup"

Of course Ling Yaoyao doesn't mind, since she can make the food practices public, she is looking forward to promoting the ancient Chinese cuisine, in fact, she is very happy.

On Weibo, Ling Yaoyao also publicly stated this point, and said that the teaching videos she has posted are a bit small. You are welcome to try more and learn by analogy. Similar methods can be used for similar ingredients.

Everyone's perception of Ling Yaoyao suddenly improved. They felt that this little girl was not only good at cooking, but also very generous and broad-minded.

Although Ling Yaoyao boasted that even if everyone cooks the same dishes, she should be no worse than the interstellar people who have just started to learn how to cook ancient Chinese cuisine, but no matter what age, there are many talented people who are capable of hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

For example, Ling Yaoyao met Cai Mubai and Ran Ning at the exhibition before.

Cai Mubai, who is about to graduate, is Cai Lao's second direct disciple, and he can also be said to be Cai Lao's right-hand man in the study of supplementary medicinal diets. He spends most of the week in the diet therapy research base.

Ran Ning is an outstanding student in the sophomore dietetics department, and often goes to the dietetic research base to help.

Although Ling Yaoyao was mainly guided by Elder Cai alone, it was impossible for Elder Cai to teach her or keep an eye on her all the time. The main thing was to assign tasks and let her do it by herself. He only glanced at it occasionally; Every time, he would try the food, and pointed out that there were still deficiencies in her supplementary food and areas that needed improvement; Ling Yaoyao could contact him at any time when she encountered difficult problems.

Therefore, I usually learn from each other with Cai Mubai and Ran Ning.

When they were cooking, they did not shy away from watching Ling Yaoyao, and Ling Yaoyao didn't mind them watching while she was cooking, and even learned some of her ancient Chinese cooking methods.

These two people are undoubtedly very talented in the mental power processing of complementary food, but they are too pursuing the effect of complementary treatment, and the taste of the food they make is always a little bad.

Recently influenced by Ling Yaoyao, they began to slowly pursue the best combination of taste and curative effect, rather than blindly pursuing curative effect.

Occasionally when Ling Yaoyao didn't want to cook, Cai Mubai and Ran Ning did, and they would invite her to eat together.

Although the dishes they cooked were not as authentic as Ling Yaoyao's own cooking, they were generally not bad.

While Ling Yaoyao felt relieved, she also felt pressure, she had to work harder! Otherwise, when all the food therapists in this world have learned to make first-hand gourmet food, and there are many better curative effects than hers, her front wave will be shot to death on the beach!

Among the classmates, Zhen Rou, who is Ling Yaoyao's friend and a loyal fan, also cooks supplementary food in the style of ancient Chinese cuisine. Although the supplementary therapy effect is a bit poor, her cooking level is gradually improving, and she can barely reach the level of intelligence. Robots do it to an unpalatable standard.

As for the rest of the class, there were quite a few who learned Ling Yaoyao's style. Although they were not as intelligent as robots, at least they were no longer in the dark.

The learning atmosphere is very harmonious and prosperous!

The freshmen of the Food Therapy Department are confident and gearing up, thinking of showing their skills in this "Freshman Cup" supplementary therapy competition, and changing the impression of outsiders on their food supplementary therapy department's "unpalatable" and "dark dishes"! Boxing medicine supplementary therapy department, kicking music supplementary therapy department…

Ling Yaoyao looked very speechless, but she was also influenced and inspired a bit. The punching medicine department and the kicking sound therapy department were not good enough, but she always had to show some impressive results and change the previous diet therapy department. In the adjuvant therapy competition, he is always at the bottom of the accompany run!

For the preliminary round of the "Newborn Cup" Complementary Therapy Competition, Ling Yaoyao decided to participate in all five types.

Although among the five entries, as long as any one of the entries ranks in the top 1,000 of the audience's vote, it will be considered a pass, but the contestants who pass will be initially ranked according to the total number of votes received by the works entering the second round. The top ones can also win the attention of more audiences and judges.

Ling Yaoyao is also concerned about the issue of attention. Since she once put down her rhetoric, she has to rely on winning the first place in the supplementary food group of the "Newborn Cup" supplementary therapy competition, and become Cai Lao's direct disciple by virtue of her strength, whether it is the preliminary competition. Still in the rematch, she doesn't want anyone to be more popular than herself, she has to go for the first place!

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation that her dishes might not be as good as the latecomers, Ling Yaoyao decided to make dishes that she had never cooked in public before.

After careful consideration and selection, Ling Yaoyao finally settled on the dishes—

The soup is Cordyceps ginseng chicken soup, the main dish is seafood spicy hot pot, the side dish is boiled cabbage, the main dish is claypot rice with preserved meat, and the dessert is Yangzhi nectar.

Cordyceps ginseng chicken soup is a warm and nourishing medicinal diet.

Seafood Spicy Fragrant Pot, a mix of meat and vegetables, is characterized by numbness, spicy, fresh, fragrant, spicy but not dry, fresh but not fishy, fragrant in the entrance, and has a long aftertaste. Among thousands of dishes, the bright color and rich aroma are both It's easy to tick off the viewer's eyes and taste buds to stand out.

The so-called boiled cabbage is not just scalding the cabbage with boiling water. This is a dish that often appears at state banquets. It is tender and slag, and the fragrance is unusual.

The staple food is also considered a separate dish. If you foolishly cook a pot of white rice or clear soup noodles, then basically no one wants to try it. So Ling Yaoyao deliberately chose the claypot rice with preserved meat. Even if she didn't specially accompany it, it was already full of color, flavor, and appetite.

Yangzhi Ganlu is a Hong Kong-style dessert. The mango diced is combined with the fragrance of coconut milk. The Q-bomb sago and the sour and greasy grapefruit have a rich taste, smooth and delicious, and sweet but not greasy.

If the audience trying the above five dishes try it out, it will definitely be a feast for the eyes and tastes!

In order to achieve the best taste and therapeutic effect of these five entries, Ling Yaoyao has practiced repeatedly on Xingwang in the past two days. For this reason, she has also suspended the daily update of the ancient Chinese cuisine teaching video on Weibo, "Guhuaxia Cuisine". ” also stopped updating.

Wei Yuan, Qiao Mingyao, Ye Xi, Xiao Qi and other combat masters were all her test eaters.

The first three are absolutely trustworthy.

As for calling Xiao Qi, it was because of his mental disability, Ling Yaoyao wanted to try her supplementary food for this purpose.

Ling Yaoyao believed that Xiao Qi would not leak her competition dishes to the public in advance, if he wanted to continue eating the supplementary food she made in the future.

Because Ling Yaoyao was busy adjusting the food and didn't want to be alone with Xiao Qi, so she called him when the other three friends were there.

It has been a long time since Xiao Qi had this kind of treatment that he could try on the spot in Ling Yaoyao's dietetic laboratory.

And it was still so delicious, so delicious that he almost wanted to cry!

Xiao Qi heard Ling Yaoyao say "Brother Wei Yuan", and the two of them didn't look like they were close and sticky. Eleven to be your sister?"

Wei Yuan and Xiao Qi also knew each other, but they didn't communicate much.

Xiao Qi, who is talkative and gossip, is a bit too familiar, but he is not a person who can't wink, and his words will not be annoying.

After trying the food a few times together, Wei Yuan's impression of Xiao Qi was a little better.

As long as Xiao Qi doesn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Ling Yaoyao, Wei Yuan feels that he will not reject this guy.

Ling Yaoyao is the daughter of the Wei family, and sooner or later it will be made public, but now is not the most suitable time.

But since Xiao Qi has asked directly, there is no need to hide it, this is not a shameful thing.

Wei Yuan said, "Yaoyao was originally my sister."

Qiao Mingyao drank the Cordyceps Ginseng Chicken Soup and continued, "It's also my younger sister! Oh, sad, my cousin is also a brother, why is Xiao Yaoyao unwilling to call me brother..."

Ling Yaoyao just brought over the newly prepared version of Yang Zhi Ganlu and said helplessly, "Little Qiao Meiren, why can't you keep your mouth shut after eating so much?"

It's not that she refuses to recognize Qiao Mingyao, a cousin who has lost a layer of kinship, but after getting acquainted with him, she finds that this guy is really out of shape, and he doesn't look like a brother at all!

Ye Xi said from the side, "That's right, it would be nice if Xiao Yaoyao didn't call you cousin Xiao Qiao!"

Xiao Qi remembered that Ling Yaoyao was adopted by the Ling family, and then contacted Wei Yuan's attitude and rhetoric. Ling Yaoyao, Qiao Mingyao, and Ye Xi also all tacitly agreed, and immediately understood the relationship: "My God Dare to love Xiao Yaoyao or the daughter of the Wei family who separated?"

Wei Yuan nodded, glanced at Xiao Qi, and said lightly: "Well, my uncle Wei Ling's daughter has already been identified by blood."

This time, Xiao Qi doesn't have to worry about whether the marriage between the Ling family and the Wei family will be too strong... Because there is no need to marry at all, with Ling Yaoyao's appearance, the relationship between the Ling and Wei families will definitely be much closer in the future. If there is a problem on one side, the other side will also watch and help each other.

The Ling family has an SSS-level spiritual power, Ling Xuan, the strongest combat master in the universe, and an undefeated God of War!

There is another SS-level spiritual power, a genius food supplementary therapist Ling Yaoyao, who has an extraordinary talent for auxiliary therapy, and has an exceptionally good curative effect on his mentally deficient situation!

Xiao Qi was still sighing, why did the Ling family spread all the good things

Who knows in a blink of an eye, I found that this good thing still has a share of the Wei family!

This also means that the backers behind Ling Yaoyao are not only the Ling family who raised her, but also the Wei family who has blood relatives!

If Ling Yaoyao was just the adopted daughter of the Ling family, many people in the imperial capital star circle were worthy of it.

But now, there are really few that are worthy of...

Before the prince Xiao Zhen was in front of him, the eldest lady didn't look down on her and didn't dare to force her.

Xiao Qi later became vaguely interested in Ling Yaoyao, and thought that if Ling Yaoyao could cure his incomplete spiritual realm one day and restore his talent to be infinitely close to SSS-level spiritual power, with his talent, appearance and family background , worthy of her status as the adopted daughter of the Ling family, it doesn't count as humiliating her...

He was not in the center of imperial power, even if he and Ling Yaoyao were together, the Ling family would not be involved in the issue of standing in line.

Of course, these are all just secret thoughts in Xiao Qi's heart. Ling Yaoyao was just on a whim, and he didn't tell anyone, and he didn't plan to take action now. After all, he is still only a mentally disabled person. No qualifications.

But now, Xiao Qi has to admit that he is a wealthy idler who wanders outside the center of imperial power and military power, and is really not worthy of the little princess of the two major armies, not to mention Ling Yaoyao is getting more and more dazzling.

Xiao Qi felt a little regretful in his heart. He saw a lot of women in the world, but in his eyes there was no big difference. He finally found a girl who felt "she is different from others" no matter how he looked at it, which aroused his curiosity and friendship. Interest has also given birth to a few thoughts, but before it has time to go further, it has to be snuffed out in the bud.

Xiao Qi became serious and said: "I don't know about this matter. If someone else knows about it one day, it will definitely not be spread from me."

Xiao Qi had to correct his attitude towards the Wei family, who had already joined forces with the Ling family, and Ling Yaoyao, whose status became more and more prominent.

After all, his spiritual domain was incomplete, and he still had to rely on Ling Yaoyao's supplementary food for treatment.

You must know that after this period of time, he insisted on eating the supplementary food produced by Ling Yaoyao's "Guhuaxia Food House" every day, and since the three-dimensional meeting three weeks ago, he has only eaten the supplementary food sent by Ling Yaoyao three times. Spiritual power has been upgraded from the original D level to D plus!

Although the progress is very small, it is also progress. You must know that after his mental domain is disabled, his mental power has stayed at D level for many years!

Xiao Qi can already predict that after this Newborn Cup Complementary Therapy Contest, after more people discover the magic of Ling Yaoyao's supplementary therapy food, her status will become more detached.

Xiao Qi's interesting remarks made Wei Yuan and Ling Yaoyao feel a little better about him.

Ling Yaoyao smiled and said, "I found out that you little guinea pig is not so annoying anymore!"

On the Saturday afternoon of November 2nd, Ling Yaoyao submitted the five complementary therapy foods that she had tested out on the platform of the "Newborn Cup" supplementary therapy competition.

After receiving the successful reply from the intelligent assistant, Ling Yaoyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the deadline was November 3rd, Ling Yaoyao didn't plan to delay until that late. When it was first opened to the audience for tasting, the sooner the entries were submitted, the higher the tasting list would be.

After a period of time, there will be more rankings with the most tastings, the most evaluations, and the most votes.

The audition for the audition will officially start at 0:00 on October 4th, and it will last for ten days.

After submitting the entries, Ling Yaoyao plans to go back to Ling's old house in the evening to have dinner with Mr. Ling.

In addition, Ling Yaoyao also greeted Wei Yuan and the Wei family in advance. On November 3, that is, tomorrow, they will officially visit the Wei family for the first time.

Grandpa Ling hasn't seen his little granddaughter for nearly a month, and he misses him very much. Although he can receive supplementary food from Ling Yaoyao once or twice a week, it is because he feels the feelings of the younger generation that he is able to I'd rather meet people.

What's more, now there is an extra Wei family who is going to grab a granddaughter from their Ling family!

Mr. Ling thought that he had to be nice to the little girl, lest the little girl completely leave the Wei family one day and not run to him.

The Wei family gave the little girl a store, a big red envelope in cash, and a flying car. Old Master Ling thought that he, as a grandfather, had to express something.

So that day after the two of them had dinner, Ling Zhenghai suddenly handed Ling Yaoyao a box containing an electronic chip for the transfer of house rights, with the logo of an official certification agency on the outer box.

Ling Yaoyao was confused and asked inexplicably, "Grandpa, what are you doing for me?"

Old Master Ling stroked his gray beard and said solemnly, "I always ask you to cook for grandpa. Grandpa can't eat you for nothing. This is for food! Come on and see if you like it?"

Ling Yaoyao was funny, grandpa wanted to give her a gift, but he found such a reason to make people laugh or cry.

She took out the electronic chip and inserted it into the chip groove of the communicator, and the information inside was quickly displayed on the light screen projection of her communicator.

In short, this is an electronic document for the transfer of ownership rights of a two-story villa with a small garden in a high-end residential area near the military campus. It takes ten minutes to drive from the Huanuo No. 1 Military Academy.

Ling Zhenghai explained: "When you can live off-campus as a sophomore in the future, you can live here... Of course, you can also go to live on weekends now. The dormitory is relatively small, which is not convenient for you to entertain friends."

The main residence of the Ling family was far from the military campus. Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin were not at home for a long time, and the old house of the Ling family was not near, and he was the only poor old man.

Ling Zhenghai also had a time when he was young, so he naturally knew that young people like to have their own personal space.

Instead of waiting for the Wei family to send it, it is better for him to send it from the Ling family!

Ling Yaoyao, whose inner core comes from the earth in the 21st century, even though she is now a rich little woman with a fortune of tens of millions, she still couldn't help jumping up with excitement when she received a villa as a gift: "Grandpa, you are paying for food. It's too embarrassing! I like it very much! Thank you!"

No matter in which era, the school district housing is super expensive, not to mention the villa given by Grandpa Ling, the condition and environment of the house itself are excellent!

On the surface, this was just a material gift, but Ling Yaoyao knew that it was actually an expression of love by Mr. Ling, who was not good at expressing his feelings.

Ling Yaoyao felt warm in her heart.

Ling's parents and Grandpa Ling treat her, are they really biological, rather than biological!

Thinking of this, Ling Yaoyao felt guilty... She didn't dare to imagine that one day, if Ling's parents and Grandpa Ling knew, what happened between her and Ling Xuan...

What would the reaction be

They definitely can't accept that their own daughter/granddaughter has an affair with their son/grandson...

If Ling's parents and grandpa disagree, how should she deal with herself in this family

Ling Yaoyao barely suppressed the unease in her heart.

For the time being, I dare not think about these issues.

After dinner, Ling Yaoyao went back to the room, made a video chat with Shen Yunjin, listened to her remote guidance, and chose gifts for the elders of the Wei family in the Xingwang mall.

In order to make it easier for Ling Yaoyao and the Wei family to get along better and integrate into the Wei family, the new family with kinship, the Ling family would not accompany her.

In order to show the Wei family's welcome and importance to Ling Yaoyao's visit, Wei Yuan will come to pick her up in person at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

According to Shen Yunjin's instructions, Ling Yaoyao chose beautiful gifts. Interstellar Age express delivery is very fast, and they are fully automatically delivered by intelligent robots. As long as the items are not very rare, they can usually be delivered to the door within three hours. The existence of robots can also receive goods at any time without disturbing the owner's rest.

But these can be bought with money, and the Wei family is definitely not short of it. In order to show sincerity, Ling Yaoyao plans to wake up early tomorrow to make some more exquisite snacks, as well as supplementary food that can be stored for a long time. It should be the most needed for Grandpa Wei.

After the mother and daughter finished talking about business, Shen Yunjin asked Ling Yaoyao tentatively, "Baby Yaoyao, have you been in contact with your brother recently?"

Shen Yunjin knows his son very well. Since Ling Xuan has identified people or things that will never change, even if he is on a mission on the X-312 star, he will definitely miss his younger sister who hasn't caught up yet... There is bound to be action.

Shen Yunjin asked like this, just to see if her daughter's attitude towards that stinky boy had changed

Ling Yaoyao remembered that Ling Xuan had just gone to the X-312 star, and had met her on the star network several times, but now the star network can't be seen, and the daily communication has never been interrupted.

With the completion of her work in the Freshman Cup Complementary Therapy Competition, that person sent several messages to harass her this afternoon—

"Are you going home?"

"I want to go back too."

"I miss you."

Ling Yaoyao looked a little uncomfortable and said, "Cough, I will contact you occasionally."

Shen Yunjin complained: "Yeah, that stinky boy, he never contacted me once after going to X-312 star, I sent him several messages before returning me the word 'oh', indicating that he saw it! You! Why do you say this kind of son is coming? Or my little baby Yaoyao is the best!"

Shen Yunjin actually wanted to express in this euphemistic way - between you and that stinky boy, mother's heart is in favor of you!

It's a pity that Ling Yaoyao didn't understand the meaning at all, she became more and more embarrassed, she didn't dare to look into Shen Yunjin's eyes, she got into the bed like an ostrich, yawned and pretended to be sleepy: "Ah, ten o'clock. It's half time, Mom, I'm going to sleep!"

The communication with Shen Yunjin has just been hung up here, and there are several more harassing messages from Ling Xuan—

"Why didn't you get back to me?"

"Cheng Bin said that I watched the communication device 18 times in one night, please get back to me, or I won't be able to sleep."

Ling Yaoyao almost wanted to roar: "Go back to your sister!"

However, if you think about it, it's his sister... it's only her... =mouth=!