Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 77: Be a lover's kiss


Generally speaking, in this kind of situation where they have just communicated with each other and are officially together, one of them asks the other party to close their eyes, which is mostly to express "hold back, I want to kiss you"!

Even in the interstellar era, this kind of routine is enduring, and even Ling Xuan, who has never watched video dramas such as love, has heard of it.

Ling Xuan's stern, firm and handsome face showed a faint and soft smile, which was very beautiful.

His serene, star-like eyes flashed with anticipation and joy, and he took a deep look at Ling Yaoyao, until he saw that the little girl Xingwang's avatar's sweet and charming face was dyed with red, then he smiled. , closed his eyes obediently.

"Bad girl, don't let me down."

Ling Xuan thought about it in his heart, but didn't say it. He was afraid that he would break it. The thin-skinned little girl might become angry and use the offline method to escape.

Of course Ling Yaoyao was not the kind of person who just said nothing.

She really wanted to take the initiative to kiss Ling Xuan—

One is to avenge the last time he kissed her without her consent, and she will always get the debt back!

Also, Ling Xuan later, in order to make her feel at ease, promised that he would never touch her finger without her consent. In the previous relationship, he did indeed do it.

Although he would occasionally play a little trick to get her to take the initiative to contact him, the formal hand-holding and hugging were carried out after she started first and got the hint of "lifting the ban".

So is kissing.

In the end, it was Ling Yaoyao's indescribable thought, that she is now on the Star Online, using the appearance of her previous life.

Her rhetoric to Ling Xuan, Wei Yuan, Qiao Mingyao and others was in order not to reveal her true identity on the mecha battle platform, and she didn't want to use the system face.

Only Ling Yaoyao knew that this was the most authentic appearance in the depths of her soul.

If Ling Xuan could not resist her kiss like this, she would feel that he also really accepted her, not just attracted by her beautiful skin in reality.

Ling Yaoyao can't help worrying and thinking lately sometimes, when she completely changes the fate of herself and the Ling family, deviates from the original track, and after all the dust settles, will she, a "foreigner" from another world, will not be? disappear? Will Ling Yaoyao's body that took over this world eventually have to be returned

This may just be an unfounded idea, but it is not impossible.

Therefore, Ling Yaoyao decided not to hesitate any longer. Since she likes it, she should have a good relationship with this person and seize the moment.

Falling in love is to give each other the opportunity to get to know each other better.

When their relationship and trust are deep enough, she will even take the initiative to confess her origins with Ling Xuan, and let him decide whether they should continue to deepen their relationship, such as direct spiritual counseling for him, such as... marriage.

But these are still far away, and now, she just wants to give him a kiss.

However, Ling Yaoyao encountered a technical problem...

That is, her height in the star network is the same as in reality, only 168cm, while Ling Xuan is 195cm... a height difference of 27cm!

What's more, even if she stood on tiptoe, she couldn't reach it!

Ling Yaoyao tried her best to raise her head... In the end, she could only kiss Ling Xuan's perfectly curved chin...

This is so embarrassing!

The little girl embarrassed herself and buried her little face in Ling Xuan's chest, and muttered angrily, "What are you doing so tall!"

Ling Xuan closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but only felt a soft touch on his chin, and then it was gone... gone.

Although this is far from what was expected, the little girl still took the initiative to kiss him! It's not because she didn't want to kiss her, it's just because she can't reach...

Ling Xuan couldn't help laughing, why is his baby girl so cute

Ling Xuan picked up Ling Yaoyao and walked two steps, sat on the main driver's seat in the cockpit, and let someone sit on his lap.

Ling Yaoyao was so embarrassed that she was nestled in Ling Xuan's arms and refused to come out, but Ling Xuanluo's rough fingers pinched her fair and delicate chin, forcing her to look up at him, the man was deep and deep. The burning eyes stared at her face intently.

This is not what Ling Yaoyao looks like in reality, but Ling Xuan is more and more pleasing to the eye, thinking that such a little girl is also very beautiful and cute, and even more delicate and cute.

When their eyes met, Ling Yaoyao was almost shocked by the eagerness and desire in Ling Xuan's eyes, but she was not allowed to dodge, the next moment, Ling Yaoyao's slightly parted rosy cherry lips were suddenly kissed by the man leaning over. The hand that was holding her chin was also released, and it was changed to hold the back of her head, not allowing her to retreat.

At first, Ling Xuan just tentatively pressed his soft lips and rubbed it, but he didn't notice Ling Yaoyao's resistance, on the contrary, a pair of slender white arms wrapped around his neck, so Ling Xuan was reluctant to let go. , and kissed more wantonly.

The little girl didn't know whether to live or die, she mischievously stretched out her lilac tongue and licked the man's thin pink lips...

For a while, Ling Xuan's breathing became a little heavier, and without hesitation, he reached into the sandalwood's mouth, hooking the lilac tongue, forcing her to dance with him.

Her lips were so soft and sweet, it made him addicted, and he couldn't help craving for more. He could not wait to eat her into his belly and kiss every inch of her skin...

However, Ling Xuan knew that his secret and passionate desires could not be shown, otherwise, the little girl would only be frightened and wanted to escape.

All unspeakable desires can only be transformed into this kiss, lingering, stirring, sad, and tossing.

With this kiss, it also announced the relationship between the two, from brother and sister to officially lovers and lovers.

In the cramped space of the cockpit, the two lovers kissed inseparably.

The cockpit, which was separated from the main body of the mecha, floated slowly in the starry sky. The meteorite nearby and the starlight in the distance could not attract the attention of the two in the cockpit.

Because there is no need to consider breathing and lung capacity in Xingwang, the kiss seemed to be endless, Ling Yaoyao's lips were red and swollen from the kiss, and her clear eyes were stained with water vapor, making her look even more charming and attractive.

She was holding her breath, thinking that she couldn't admit defeat, why only he could kiss her, and she would kiss her back! However, every time the man got a little response from her, he seemed to be encouraged and kissed harder.

Ling Xuan used to look at Duo Tie Xue coldly and abstain from sex, but the more sullen the man, the more frightening the eruption!

Ling Yaoyao couldn't stand being kissed anymore, sobbing and protesting inarticulately: "If you kiss again, I'll be offline!"

Ling Xuancai ended the kiss reluctantly, and gently kissed her lips in a soothing manner, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's all my fault that you are so delicious, and you've been hungry for so long... If you dare to give me a sudden Off the assembly line, I'll go upstairs and dig you out of the room."

Ling Yaoyao: "..."

The older brother became a male friend, and the style of painting suddenly changed from a veteran cadre to a horny wolf!

If there is any difference between the two after they are together, it is probably that when the two are alone, Ling Xuan seems to have a hunger and thirst, and has to stick to her almost all the time.

It's a pity that there are not many days when we can live under the same roof.

Tomorrow, Ling Xuan will report to the military star where Ling Tianyue and Shen Yunjin are located, take over a new mission, and make more thorough preparations for the possible insect wave on the imperial capital star.

As for Ling Yaoyao, she also had to live back to the Huanuo No. 1 Military Academy to continue her studies and participate in the second round of the supplementary therapy competition.

During the non-fighting period, Ling Xuan could also take two days off normally a week, but just after confirming the relationship, he was about to separate, Ling Xuan was extremely reluctant.

Military affairs are the most important thing, so Ling Xuan can only make an appointment with Ling Yaoyao to go to Xingxing every night to "date".

There is also a good deal with Wei Yuan and Qiao Mingyao, and let them help keep it a secret.

This is what Ling Yaoyao meant, she was not ready yet, how to deal with her family.

Her relationship with Ling Xuan is not yet profound, and the Wei family's opinion is nothing more than that. After all, she hasn't been with them for a long time. Although she will value their opinions and hope to get their blessings, if they object, she will will not obey.

If Ling's parents and grandpa Ling strongly object, Ling Yaoyao doesn't know if she can hold on and never give up Ling Xuan... Although she likes this person very much, she doesn't want to make her and Ling Xuan's relatives sad and disappointed. .

Ling Xuan showed some disappointment, but still chose to respect Ling Yaoyao's opinion.

He thought about it for a while, but for the time being, he didn't say what his parents had already known about his thoughts.

Since Yaoyao cared about their opinions, he would first get his parents and grandpa completely sorted out before telling her.

When he and her officially open their relationship in front of their parents and elders, it's not just about getting the consent of the family, but about negotiating the marriage!

Although the identity of a boyfriend sounds a bit happy to Ling Xuan, it also arouses more dissatisfaction. Boyfriends can be changed at any time, but if they can evolve into a fiancé, it will be different!

If it wasn't for Ling Yaoyao who was still in school, an interstellar citizen would have to get a guardian's signature before getting married before he turned 25. He even thought it would be good to get married directly.

Ling Yaoyao, who had just decided on a relationship and was just planning to have a small relationship, had no idea that her eldest brother and boyfriend had planned so far ahead, and was already thinking about how to put her in her own name. Down.

The next day, when Ling Yaoyao went to school, she first went to the classroom to take a course on dietary therapy theory.

As soon as she stepped into the classroom dedicated to the first-year freshmen of the Department of Dietetics, Ling Yaoyao received an unprecedented warm welcome—

"Boss Yaoyao, you are amazing! The wingworm meat is super delicious!"

"After those fighters tried the worm meat, all of them took the initiative to chat with us enthusiastically. Our dietetics department is going to become popular from now on, thank you boss Yaoyao for taking us to fly together!"

"I'm not afraid of the Zerg at all now, and I am even a little darkly looking forward to a few Zerg coming to us every now and then to deliver meat to us..."

"Boss Yaoyao, have you seen that, wingworm meat is listed as one of the high-level virtual ingredients of Xingwang. The official website of the supplementary therapy competition has just announced the theme of the second round of the diet group competition - Huaxia Cuisine or Insect Delicacy, both of which are Choose one! Delicacy has become a more important criterion than efficacy! The slogan is to make everyone fall in love with complementary food and reject dark dishes!”

"There are only three days of preparation time for the second round of the competition, and we have to do live production on the virtual site of Star Online. I'm so nervous! Boss Yaoyao, can you teach us a few more ways to make worm meat?"

Not only the students of the Department of Dietetics were lively and rejoicing.

The combat divisions who were fortunate enough to participate in the tasting conference yesterday were completely overwhelmed by the deliciousness of the worm meat, especially those battle divisions who were mentally deficient and damaged, and knew the value of the winged worm meat.

After they went back to publicize it, the other fighters who couldn't try it were very envious, jealous, and hated, completely forgetting the fear when they heard that the Wingworms could actually make ingredients, and even thought it was a very trendy and cool thing.

So many bigwigs came to the VIP room on the top floor of the Huanuo First Military Academy Dietetic Research Base Building to try it out. Although this matter was not made public, it was not deliberately concealed. Many people who were close to the bigwigs knew about it. Others Seeing the military flying cars and luxury flying cars from a distance, I guessed it to some extent.

This made the quality of the wingworm meat much higher, and the combat divisions who were selected to try it became the lucky ones that everyone admired!

However, the meat of the wingworms is limited, and I don't know when such a good thing will come to them

The combat division always pays attention to the troubles of the diet therapy circle. The wingworm meat can become one of the virtual ingredients of Xingwang so quickly, and the support and promotion of those big guys must be behind it!

For the second round of the Freshman Cup Auxiliary Therapy Competition, the insect meat food was also used as one of the main subjects. The most happy thing is not the dietetic department, but the combat divisions!

They are very much looking forward to this, ooh, ooh, soon they will have the opportunity to try the delicious worm meat! Even if it's only in Star Network, at least you can feel the legendary wingworm meat, how delicious is it? Is it really not that those who have tried it are exaggerating

Even for those who really can't accept insect meat, it is worth looking forward to another theme of Chinese cuisine in the supplementary therapy competition diet group!