Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 80: The poached rice is full of praise


Three days later, the second round of the supplementary therapy competition diet group officially started!

The rules for participating in the semi-finals are different from the previous preliminary rounds. More than 300 players must participate on the spot. The contestants only need to cook one dish, and the time limit is 4 hours.

Unlike before, where you could only choose your favorite ten dishes, this time all the judges and tasters of the dishes can choose their own scores. The total score of the dishes themselves is 100 points for their delicious taste and efficacy.

If it is ancient Chinese food, add 3 points, if it is insect meat food, add 3 points, and if both are considered, add 10 points. An extra 10 points will be added.

Only the top 100 with the highest total scores will have the opportunity to participate in the final final held in reality.

There are thirty judges, all of them are master-level top dietitians from the Imperial Dietetic Research Center, and their scores account for 60% of the total.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of high-quality tasters selected by the Taoshi platform, because the taste is paid and interested, they have all signed the agreement to follow the fair and just code, and have tasted insect meat in advance, to ensure that They can all accept the smell of worm meat. Their scores accounted for 40%.

The production process of all the participating dishes is translucent to the general audience, and everyone can see the part that the contestants choose and make public in the process of making complementary food.

But for the judges and tasters, the production process is kept secret, they can only eat the final product, but they don't know whose hand these dishes came from. line, the trial qualification will be cancelled.

The results of the competition will be announced on the same day, and the top 100 works will be displayed in the virtual space of the official website of the Complementary Therapy Competition for half a month. As long as the people of Xingwang buy a cheap trial ticket, they can try it at will.

And according to the opinions of the audience in the first round of the competition, if you have a favorite food and want to try it several times, you can pay for it separately.

Although there is no actual curative effect, but one can have a mouth addiction, and can also feel the specific level of different food therapists, so as to choose who they want to support. After all, in reality, the finals do not have the technology of infinite replication in virtual space. Only the organizer and a small number of lucky audiences can choose the final champion. Most of the audience can only watch the excitement through the live broadcast of holographic projection.

Soon, the game started.

Ling Yaoyao chose to make the whole process of making the poached rice public, and treat it as a live teaching!

Under the influence of Ling Yaoyao, many therapists also chose to open it up as a means of attracting popularity.

Of course, there are also some food therapists from five-star celebrity chef families who are reluctant to disclose the core practices of their dishes, which is also normal.

Ling Yaoyao prepared the more complicated and time-consuming ingredients such as roast duck, barbecued pork, and broth in advance. After being reviewed by the Xingwang intelligent system, she made the whole process by herself, so she could bring it to the competition as her own ingredients.

Other ingredients, Ling Yaoyao made at the competition site.

People who saw Ling Yaoyao's poached rice making process were all surprised. These ingredients look complicated and don't look like they can be made into a dish at all? Why do you still prepare so much rice? What are the two lotus leaves that are usually used for viewing

Dice the lean meat and worm meat and fry until fragrant, add in diced mushrooms and seasonings, add broth to boil, thicken with water chestnut powder, then add sesame oil along with roast duck, barbecue pork and egg skin and mix well. As a filling for poached rice.

Wash the rice and add diced pork, steam it over high heat, loosen it up and let it cool, then add the fillings and seasonings, mix well, put it on the washed and cut fresh lotus leaf, fold it into a bag shape, and put it in a basket Steam for six or seven minutes.

In order to ensure that the 30 judges had a small portion, Ling Yaoyao made a lot of it. Thirty-one packages were made, and the extra one was very large, and it was worth five small portions.

The reason why it was thirty-one, of course, was because Ling Yaoyao wanted to eat it herself! She is not like the judges, who have to try hundreds of servings a day, of course, she has to prepare more portions.

As for the simplicity of being wrapped in lotus leaves, will anyone simply skip it and not try it

Ling Yaoyao was not worried at all because she set the smart program to automatically peel off the lotus leaves!

Different from other contestants, he likes to make it several times on the spot, then put it in the food box where time is still, and finally send the version with the best taste, and Ling Yaoyao will submit it after finishing it.

It was only an hour later, Ling Yaoyao was one of the early batches, the judges and tasters were not tired of the so-called "food", and they had probably figured out their own rules for how to rate them.

When the judges and tasters saw the dried lotus leaf dumplings in the middle of the dinner plate, they were all dumbfounded. What the hell is this? Which guy made the dark food

It is said that the theme of this year is food, but the appearance is also very important. Who wants to try this kind of dead leaf dumplings that don't know what the hell is in it!

The judges and tasters were all in denial.

The selected 10,000 viewers can give 0 points for not eating the dishes they don't like, but as judges, they must eat at least a small bite, not completely.

The judges are all beeping dogs in their hearts. Wouldn't some contestants deliberately play pranks and put some unpalatable things in the leaves

However, after the intelligent robot put down the plate and opened the lotus leaf layers of the poached rice according to Ling Yaoyao's preset... The huge contrast made the judges and tasters' eyes widen!

The rice grains are distinct, the meat is shiny and red, the fragrance of lotus leaves is intertwined with the strong fragrance of various meats, the fragrance is overflowing, and the index finger is instantly moved!

They completely forgot the rejection in their hearts the moment before, involuntarily picked up the small spoon on the plate, and couldn't wait to take the first bite...

The rice grains are fragrant and delicious, the meat cubes are salty and delicious, one bite into the stomach, the mouth is fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless! Damn it's delicious!

The deliciousness is just perfect!

The meat ingredients Ling Yaoyao has been treated with mental power, because the meat ingredients are added, it is an ideal environment, and the curative effect is full of third-level superior! This was also because Ling Yaoyao added too few insect meat ingredients, otherwise it would have been a fourth-level superior.

This kind of adjuvant effect is completely shocking for a freshman dietitian! You know, even these master-level therapists can't make a perfect "superior" grade every time!

The effect is also excellent!

The energy contained is also very good!

Compared to the first impression of "this thing must be a dark dish" when I first saw the appearance of the poached rice, the inner core is really amazing!

For the extra points of ancient Chinese food and insect meat food, many food therapists choose the simplest fried insect meat strips for the sake of insurance, which is simple and convenient... Although the taste is not too bad, but the tasters The more they eat, the more they get tired of it!

After finally encountering such a novel and delicious dish with both meals, the judges and audience tasters couldn't help but stretch out their spoons again... It turned out that they had only eaten five or six small spoons, but they were gone! Gone!

It was a bolt from the blue!

Why is the portion so small for something so delicious? !

They can't wait to know which contestant's work this is, and when they go back to the Xingwang virtual space to try it, they will eat enough! It doesn't matter if it costs money!

However, they cannot check the name of the food maker without giving a score.

"It's so delicious, I must give full marks!"

"I just want to hit 82 and give the rest to this contestant in the form of 666!"

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this is probably the work of Ling Yaoyao's children's shoes... She is always like this, bringing us endless surprises!"

"I always feel that 100 points is not enough to express my love for the goddess!"

Because when Taoshi platform selects the test eaters, it selects the test eaters who are more looking forward to and yearn for the insect meat. The insect meat was originally proposed by Ling Yaoyao, which is equivalent to the fact that these 10,000 test eaters are actually Almost all Ling Yaoyao fans...

Especially among the 20 specially invited people who were incapacitated in the spiritual realm, they were definitely Ling Yaoyao's work when they took the first bite!

However, the tasting room they were in was separated from each other, and they did not leak any information to ordinary tasters in advance. Although they did not need to leak it, many people also guessed it.

Even on the jury's seat, many people vaguely guessed that such a delicious and highly curative supplementary food perfectly combined the two themes of ancient Chinese cuisine and insect meat cuisine, and only the one that Cai Lao had ordered a long time ago. Only Ling Yaoyao could do it.

Sure enough, when they submitted their ratings, the contestant's name displayed was Eleven!

After Ling Yaoyao submitted her entry, she teleported it to the lobby of the contestant's common room, found a corner with few people, and opened the pouf she had made to eat.

When she heard her score being announced by the intelligent system in the lobby of the common room, Ling Yaoyao raised her head blankly—what? The score of Contestant Eleven's entry "Pouched Rice" is 120 points? ! Did she not hallucinate

Because this is the highest score at present, and it is also an unprecedented full score. No one can surpass this score again. The mechanical sound of the intelligent system has been broadcast three times!

To know the final total score, it is obtained by multiplying the average score of the 30 judges by 60%, multiplying the score of 10,000 viewers by 40%, and finally adding the extra points...

That is to say, not to mention that Ling Yaoyao got full marks, the judges and the audience have all eaten all the dishes she made and got all the extra points!

Because Ling Yaoyao is now the identity of Eleven, with the avatar on her face that is used by a lot of people, the system defaults to the public face, and she deliberately stayed in the corner of the common room with few people, no one recognized her as her. The Ling Yaoyao who got full marks.

There are not a few people like her who are trying to eat the supplementary food that they have made. After all, some of them have made several versions, just to pick out the best effect, and the effect is not so good and can't be wasted. It is allowed to take away.

They were giving their supplementary food to other therapists to exchange experiences. Someone had come to Ling Yaoyao before, but when they saw the big lotus leaf wrapped in her hand from a distance, they immediately When he turned around and left, he also subconsciously decided that this must be a dark dish. For fear that they would ask Ling Yaoyao to help him try the supplementary food they made, Ling Yaoyao also "reciprocate"...

However, after hearing the intelligent system broadcast a score of 11120 out of 120, the food therapists who have come out were stunned!

You know, besides Ling Yaoyao, the current second place is only 106.5 points! This is still the result of taking two extra points of 10!

Everyone knew that Ling Yaoyao had extraordinary talent, but they didn't expect her to be so monstrous!

They also felt that after Ling Yaoyao taught everyone so many ancient Chinese delicacies and worm meat practices without reservation, as long as they practiced harder, they would not be much worse than Ling Yaoyao. After a little improvement and innovation, maybe even better than her, the creator!

Ling Yaoyao did not shy away from revealing many ancient Chinese food practices, and won the admiration and admiration of many people, but there were also many people who secretly felt that Ling Yaoyao's behavior was stupid, and they were not afraid that the disciples would starve to death for the master!

Who knows, she actually has a novel method that they have never heard of, and she has perfectly conquered all the testers! Got an unprecedented full score!

More importantly, Ling Yaoyao's score came out, which also meant that she was already in the common room! Everyone started looking for Ling Yaoyao in the lounge, and the "pouch meal" that got full marks...

Therefore, the name suggests that there should be rice in this dish

After being stunned, Ling Yaoyao quickly calmed down—although her grades were beyond imagination, the poached rice made with worm meat was really delicious. Who would not think it tasted good when they didn't hate worm meat. , that must be the person's taste problem!

Ling Yaoyao continued to lower her head and started eating the poached meal she made. After a while, she suddenly felt that something was not right around her, and the light seemed to be much darker all of a sudden.

As soon as she raised her head, she was almost taken aback. Damn, when did so many people gather around her? The dark area is full of human heads!

Still looking at her half-eaten poached rice with fiery eyes