Futuristic Gourmet’s Spoiled Marriage

Chapter 94: The rise of dietetics


Mala Tang is not a delicacy, the ingredients are very common, and the method looks very simple. But it has its unique charm, which makes people who have eaten it remember it and want to eat it.

If it weren't for the actual final scene, the members of the jury would have to try many dishes, and everyone could not wait to eat enough at once.

Fortunately, because of the rise of ancient Chinese cuisine, it has been two weeks since the insect wave. After the selection of the food-themed Star Network rematch, the contestants who can enter the finals are all very strong and made. Complementary foods at least will not be dark dishes, and they also have some novelties.

Jiang Yanqiao's innovation is very high - eating raw insect meat slices!

She selects the tenderest part of the wingworm meat, soaks it in salt water to remove the fishy smell and quick-freezes it, and then dips it in mustard and vinegar to eat it raw. The method and taste are very similar to sashimi.

This method retains the original flavor of the insect meat to the greatest extent, and has been recognized by a large number of people, especially sashimi lovers. But most people still can't accept this way of eating, so the overall score is not particularly high.

Zhen Rou's method is - charcoal grilled, from the imitation of roast beef and mutton directly on skewers, then sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, or like grilled oyster scallops, with garlic and chili in the shell Baked again. The taste is also very good! But because barbecue has been enduring in the interstellar era, many people other than her have thought of this practice, so the score for innovation is not very high.

When the final results came out, Ling Yaoyao deservedly took the first place, Zhen Rou took the second and Jiang Yanqiao took the eighth...

Ling Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and finally lived up to the title of Gu Huaxia Gourmet Assistant Healer that everyone gave her.

Zhen Rou was very surprised and pleasantly surprised that she actually won the second place. She bluntly said that she was able to get such a good ranking thanks to her friend Ling Yaoyao's generous advice!

Jiang Yanqiao is now able to calm down about her ranking and seriously reflect on her own shortcomings.

At noon, after the jury's tasting was over, she even went directly to Ling Yaoyao's tasting room and asked her if she could try the Mala Tang that everyone said was delicious

This girl had hacked Ling Yaoyao in the preliminary round of the supplementary therapy competition, and then was convinced by Ling Yaoyao's purse meal in the rematch... Now she has become one of Ling Yaoyao's food fans.

Ling Yaoyao felt that it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, the most important thing is that after you make a mistake, you must be able to know, admit and correct it.

Ling Yaoyao smiled: "Of course!"

Then he quickly made a big bowl of Mala Tang for Jiang Yanqiao, and put a bunch of each ingredient in it, and added the spicy taste to ensure that this girl couldn't stop eating it with tears in her eyes!

Others in Zhen Rou's dietetic freshmen class came a little later. Seeing this scene, they all hurriedly shouted that they wanted to eat too!

Ling Yaoyao's experience of being watched by onlookers during the rematch on Star Online, plus she promised the younger brothers and sisters in the class a long time ago that her final work would also be reserved for them.

For this reason, Ling Yaoyao had already made preparations. She directly took out several fresh-keeping food boxes that she had prepared a long time ago from the space button, which were filled with various skewers of normal-sized ingredients.

Ling Yaoyao waved her little hand: "Eat it! Enough!"

And asked Zhen Rou to help her with two or three other classmates.

The jury team has taken several medicines to promote digestion and energy consumption, and they all feel sick from eating, but most of the contestants are still hungry.

Although their entries are well prepared, they are already tired of eating during the usual practice process. Who would be willing to eat their own

The competition is over, of course, we have to exchange works happily, and it will be fun to eat together!

The spectators who thought that the game was over, there would not be much to watch, looked at the tasting room where Ling Yaoyao was, and it was crowded with all kinds of tasters. Eat up!

The holographic image also simulates the aroma of various foods very realistically, making the audience drool!

God, is this really the final of the diet group of the Freshmen Cup Complementary Therapy Competition? It's a food show from a newspaper! It's so reluctant to turn it off!

The Mala Tang that Ling Yaoyao made, they also wanted a bowl!

For a time, the comment area of the live broadcast platform, the official website of the supplementary therapy competition, and Ling Yaoyao's Weibo were full of messages asking Ling Yaoyao to open a Mala Tang chain store.

Ling Yaoyao saw it as a big deal, she really did not lack this money, but in order to save the taste of the interstellar people, it is not impossible to open a chain store of Mala Tang... Anyway, she only needs to invest.

However, the base of the interstellar people is too large, and the demand is also large. Where can she supply it alone

In order to give everyone a chance to eat Mala Tang, a national snack that spread all over the streets in the 21st century, Ling Yaoyao still published the recipes of several commonly used Mala Tang soup bases.

Ling Yaoyao did not hide her secrets at all, and many therapists followed suit. They published their food research experience, communicated and discussed with each other, and made progress together.

The Freshmen Cup Complementary Therapy Contest was a complete success and officially came to an end!

Since then, supplementary foods have completely gotten rid of the name of dark cuisine, supplementary foods have emerged in an endless stream, and their social status has skyrocketed. Even the talented dietetics have become very popular.

The rise of diet therapy has greatly improved the happiness of the interstellar people, especially the mentally disabled/collapsed people. I feel that there is hope for the whole life!

After eating the SS grade and other grades of worm meat made by Ling Yaoyao for a long time, Mr. Ling's original mental domain collapsed, and now he has recovered to a mental domain defect, his mental power has also become a D grade, and the headache symptoms have been relieved a lot.

In addition, Ling Zhenghai's voice in the army has improved a lot. After all, if this trend continues, perhaps in less than a year, Mr. Ling's spiritual level will be fully restored to the original SS level!

And Mr. Wei's mental domain is incomplete, and he has recovered from S-level to SS-level. It only takes a short period of time to restore his SS-level at his peak! Grandma Wei's genetic disease has also improved a lot, and her health has improved recently.

Xiao Qi is also one of the long-term test eaters of Ling Yaoyao's supplementary food. The incompleteness of the spiritual domain has been restored from the original D-level to the current B-level!

Other mentally disabled/collapsed people who take high-grade insect meat for a long time, because the absorption effect of supplementary food made by other dietetics is not so good, the recovery speed is not so fast, but they also have good curative effect.

For a time, the whole people have great enthusiasm for the endless variety of complementary therapeutic food, there are treatments for mental problems, and those who do not have it will be crowned! There is quite a bit of a trend of "people take food as their heaven"!

After the supplementary therapy competition, Ling Yaoyao went to visit the second elder of the Wei family, and by the way, she stayed for one night in the sea-view villa assigned to her. The house had been decorated according to her favorite style.

The second elder of the Wei family sighed that Ling Yaoyao was simply their lucky star!

Not to mention that their mental domains and bodies have improved, even Wei Ling and Qian Yao, who have been missing for many years, finally have news!

Mr. Wei's mental realm has recovered seven to eighty-eight. He does not plan to recuperate in the Imperial City for a long time, and decides to return to the forefront of the battlefield in person.

This is to prepare for the rescue of Wei Ling in the future.

Although the Ling family sent a message to Old Master Wei in private, saying that they would never sit back and watch when it came to rescuing Wei Ling, Old Master Wei knew very well that it was all for the sake of his granddaughter Ling Yaoyao.

Wei Ling is his son, the intended heir of the Thorns Army, how can he be saved by outsiders? The Legion of Thorns must also contribute.

That kid Ling Xuan has gone to the turbulent Frontier Star, it's time for their Thorns Legion to exercise their muscles and bones!

As long as Wei Ling can be retrieved, with Wei Ling's SS-leveled mental power and SS-plus physique, it's not much worse than Ling Xuan's. In the future, the status of the Thorns Legion will no longer be at the bottom of the six major legions!

I heard from Grandpa Wei that he is going to the Frontier Star, and I hope she can help prepare more SS-grade worm meat that has been processed in advance. I also indirectly learned that Ling Xuan has gone to the Frontier Star for a while...

Ling Yaoyao's whole person is dazed!

These days, she was busy preparing for the finals of the supplementary therapy competition, and because the communication device had been monitored by Xiao Ming's people, Ling Yaoyao didn't even think about contacting Ling Xuan.

Although I will miss him a bit, I always feel that he is not too far away, and will come back when things are done.

Who would have guessed that guy had gone to the border star silently! Still hiding from her!

Seeing Ling Yaoyao's reaction, Mr. Wei realized that Ling Yaoyao didn't know about it at first. He felt a little resentment for Ling Xuan, the stinky boy who kidnapped his granddaughter, but overall he was very appreciative and satisfied, especially In the matter of Weiling, Ling Xuan was not only the information provider, but also actively contributed.

Ling Xuan's concealment, Wei Chongshan can understand very well, he must be afraid of Ling Yaoyao's worry, if the Tower Worm Star Alliance is so easy to deal with, Wei Ling himself, as an SS enhanced powerhouse, will not be trapped there for a dozen or so. Years can't come back.

Mr. Wei coughed and comforted his granddaughter: "Don't worry, grandpa will go out in person, and he will definitely bring your parents, little... brother back to you in good condition!"

Mr. Wei originally wanted to say "little lover", but thought that Yaoyao didn't know that they already knew about her and Ling Xuan's relationship, so he changed his words.

Not objecting is one thing, to get the consent of their Wei family, Ling Xuan must show more sincerity.

Where can Ling Yaoyao feel at ease? But she also knew that Ling Xuan and Grandpa Wei had to do it.

In his position, how can he covet comfort

Ling Yaoyao had to put down all her worries and smiled again: "Grandpa, I'll prepare some supplementary food for you, you can help me to Brother Ling Xuan... and hand over a copy as well."

It seemed that was all she could do.

All I can do is pray silently that they will all be safe.

Ling Yaoyao planned for the worst, in case something happened...

From now on, she may focus on practicing mecha control skills. In addition to being an auxiliary therapist, she is also a combat division. Maybe when will it really come in handy