Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 10


He Jiang drank two more sips of mineral water, and knew it would be like this, how could she cook obediently, and it would be good if she didn't poison her.

He Jiang returned to his original heart. What he thought at the beginning was that Shangjing would be fine if he didn't blow up the kitchen. After doing some mental construction in this way, he calmed down.

He calmed down, Shang Jing was about to explode!

To insult his cooking is to insult his personality! He cooks the food with such care, he doesn't act like a monster, he doesn't poison, he carefully arranges the dishes, and he serves him back and forth, so this is the only way to get such an evaluation

"What do dogs not eat?"

"Your tongue is precious, don't you look down on the food made by us ordinary people? Then don't eat at home!" Shang Jing pulled away the chair angrily, grabbed the knife and fork in his hand and squeezed it in his hand, "Don't you eat it? I eat by myself, we are not the same way, and we will eat separately in the future.”

Shang Jing was so angry that he lost his appetite, he just mechanically cut the beef piece by piece with a knife, his movements were rough, and his eyes were sharp, as if this was He Jiang's heart.

He obviously enjoyed eating boiled dumplings before, so why should he be treated like this when cooking.

Change the way to drive him away, right

Shang Jing looked at the shattered foie gras on the white porcelain plate, just like his own shattered self-esteem, being spat into the trash can by He Jiang for nothing.

"Heaven is going to send great wealth to the people, and they must first suffer from their hearts and minds and their bodies." Shang Jing recited a few sentences silently, swallowing the bad breath for a while.

He Jiang asked him to move away, but he didn't want to move. He Jiang said that dogs wouldn't eat this stuff, so he just wanted to finish it.

Seeing that Shang Jing was about to eat all the disgusting things on the table to fight him, He Jiang reached out and held down his knife and fork, "Don't eat it."

With a high salary, Auntie Huang has the complexion that he has cultivated for so long, and he doesn't want Shang Jing to eat any bad food.

If he vomits and loses his complexion, where will he go to settle the claim

Shang Jing said coldly, "You don't care about me, I will finish eating."

He Jiang didn't talk nonsense with him, pulled out the trash can, and dumped all the dishes.

"I ordered takeaway."

When pouring the first dish, Shang Jing held the knife and fork with both hands and didn't realize it. The moment he poured all the dishes, Shang Jing's head exploded with a "buzz".

When he was reading the diary, he just resented himself for licking the dog, and he didn't really feel much about the fact that He Jiang dumped his cooking.

He now finally understands what it feels like.

The anger was in a mess in the internal organs, and I didn't know where to go. The grievances that had to bow their heads because of being under the fence surged up together, like wildfire seeing the wind, growing crazily.

I wanted to cry but couldn't cry, my eyes were red. Shang Jing bit He Jiang's wrist like a trapped animal.

"Hiss..." He Jiang tensed her arm muscles, subconsciously wanted to pull back, looked down and saw the knife and fork in Shang Jing's hand that was constantly clenched because of anger, and the tears that couldn't be contained with her closed eyelids, she just didn't move,

Don't let him bite, what to do if you use a knife.

The pain in his wrist made him suddenly realize what he did wrong.

He only wanted to get rid of these bad foods immediately, and then order a table of takeaways for everyone to eat well, but he ignored one fact.

Shang Jing still doesn't know how unpalatable his cooking is.

Shang Jing let him pour it out without taking a sip.

Shang Xiaogou has not tasted how wonderful the beef and mutton-flavored foie gras he cooked himself.

He Jiang stared at the brick-sized beef in the trash can, and suddenly felt a little big.

You can't pick it up and give Shangjing a taste.

He personally destroyed the evidence, which was unique in He Jiang's past life. He tried to replay the entire cooking process to make Shang Jing realize the problem.

"It's not that I'm making things difficult for you, the taste is really strange."

Shang Jing let go of his mouth suddenly when he heard the words, and shouted loudly: "What's so strange! I neither poisoned nor added any weird things. How unpalatable can good beef be!"

He Jiang was persuasive: "How did you do it? What's the process?"

Shang Jing sneered, and the corners of his eyes were red with anger: "I do it in the normal process, boiling water, boiling water, and adding salt. Isn't it the same for top-level ingredients? That's what the master said! What's wrong? It's still your ingredients Not advanced enough?!"

He Jiang said slowly: "Yes, hairy crabs, you can do this."

Others need to be processed more or less.

After finishing speaking, He Jiang suddenly said: "Why didn't you make crabs?"

Then there is at least one item on the table to boast about.

Shang Jing's glistening eyes suddenly froze, and he thumped in his heart, saying "I dare not catch..." while trotting into the kitchen.

On the kitchen floor, the refrigerator drawers were empty, not a single hairy crab.

Shang Jing crouched next to the drawer, hesitant, hesitant and guilty.

Ah... no wonder there was something rustling behind him all the time. But he was too involved in cooking and didn't take it seriously.

He Jiang wiped the saliva on his wrist, the circle of teeth marks was round and deep, no blood was seen, it was Shang Jing's merciful mouth.

He Jiang followed, saw the empty box, and asked carefully, "Is the crab in the pot?"

Shang Jing's head was pressed even lower, "Flee, run away."

He Jiang subconsciously glanced at the doors of each room, her eyes darkened.

None of the doors were locked tightly.

It's only three things, Shang Jing has already been angry and cried twice today, how can He Jiang dare to say a serious word now.

He took out his mobile phone and called Aunt Huang: "How many hairy crabs did you buy?"

Aunt Huang: "Eight, good luck! Now the crab paste is the fattest, sir, you should eat it in time."

He Jiang: "Okay, thank you, Auntie."

He hung up the phone and rubbed the back of Shang Jing's head: "Look for it."

Fortunately, the bottom of the kitchen cabinet was sealed. He Jiang put on gloves, took a flashlight, and took a photo under the refrigerator to find two.

That meant the other six were hiding in the living room and bedroom.

Under the sofa, under the TV cabinet, behind the vase, all the grounded furniture, all let He Jiang move and lift, looking for the missing crab.

Shang Jing followed He Jiang with a small yellow bucket, seeing He Jiang lying on the ground in embarrassment and driving the crabs out with a broomstick, he suddenly became less angry.

He Jiang squeezed the crab and threw it into the pod, looked at Shang Jing, and said with a smile: "I'm happy after tossing?"

Shang Jing immediately drooped his eyes in embarrassment, and put on a heartbroken gesture.

Seeing his appearance, He Jiang didn't dare to order him to do anything: "Move your feet."

Shang Jing: "Oh."

Shang Jing thought for a while, put the mop on the ground, went to the bathroom and twisted a mop out: "Since the furniture has been moved, let's mop it by the way."

He Jiang: "..." Never, never, let Shang Jing cook and mop the floor, it will be unfortunate.

In the future, Shangjing will still act like a literary youth, watering the flowers is enough.

The green plants in the house are very tenacious.

He Jiang looked for crabs while mopping the floor, and he worked until dark.

The last crab has not been found yet.

He wondered if Shang Jing had already eaten and didn't tell him, so he checked the trash can specially.

After buying this villa for so long, He Jiang has never cleaned it by herself. She always asks for cleaning when work starts.

Thanks to Shang Jing, he learned the ratio of floor disinfectant today.

Shang Jing was tired from crying, and fell asleep on the sofa at some point. He Jiang took a blanket for him and searched for the next crab without complaint.

An hour later, He Jiang found the dying hairy crab under the chassis of the red sports car in the garage, and heaved a sigh of relief.

He ordered takeaway for dinner, went back to the house, took a shower, washed his hair, dried it, and then went out. The business scene had already woken up, and the takeaway had arrived.

There are still six hairy crabs that can be steamed, and they are served with four dishes and one soup from the restaurant, which is barely a hearty meal.

He Jiang had been busy for six hours and was too hungry to talk. The two finished their dinner face to face. The atmosphere was so harmonious that He Jiang felt that it would not be so much trouble if they ordered takeout at noon.

He must have been unable to think about it, so he asked Shang Jing, who grew up in an American boarding school, to cook Chinese food.

"You pack the takeaway box, I'll go to sleep." He Jiang was a little sleepy, and added worriedly, "If you don't want to, just leave it."

Shang Jing had a full meal, and he was very reasonable when he was full. At noon, he was hungry and cooked for He Jiang, and he was disgusted by him when it was over, which really stepped on the thunder.

He put the relatively complete leftovers in the refrigerator, took a big bag, and packed the takeaway boxes on the table bit by bit.

One meal at noon and one meal at night, the trash cans are full.

Shang Jing tied the garbage bag in a knot, changed his shoes and went out to throw out the garbage.

The sky was dark, and the autumn rain was about to pour. Shang Jing looked at the two big bags of garbage in his hand. Instead of putting them in the trash can at the entrance of the villa, he walked two steps to the big green trash can at the corner.

After throwing away the trash, a black bag next to the trash can suddenly trembled.

Shang Jing was startled, took a step back, and looked over carefully. The bag moved again, and he could clearly see the outline of the head and body. They were palm-sized, weak and pitiful, unable to make a sound, and almost blended into the night. .

In the impression of the business scene, some pet owners do not sterilize their cats, and throw away the kittens they give birth to as soon as they are born. Although this is a villa area, there is no guarantee that there will be such a person.

Currently used, it is the most complete and best-used app for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines, over 100 kinds of timbres, and is an artifact that supports offline reading.

Shang Jing, who was kicked out of the house today, is full of sympathy for the little things.

I want to take it home and raise it.

But now he and He Jiang have a simple landlord-tenant relationship, and the landlord may not allow the tenants to keep pets.

Shang Jing stared at the kitten for a while, then gritted his teeth and ran home.

He Jiang might be too sleepy, the door was unlocked, and opened with a twist.

Shang Jing quickly ran to the bed and pushed He Jiang who was under the quilt: "Landlord! Landlord!"

He Jiang remained motionless.

Shang Jing leaned into his ear and whispered, "He Jiang, I want to raise a cat."

He Jiang opened his eyes a little, squinted at Shang Jing for a while, then stretched out his hands to rub his hair, his voice was coaxing and commanding, with a tired hoarseness wrapped in gentleness: "Don't make noise."

After finishing speaking, he turned over and covered his head.

Shang Jing ran to the other side, pushed him repeatedly, and discussed in a low voice, "Landlord, He Jiang!"

There was thunder outside, and seeing that He Jiang couldn't wake up at all, Shang Jing was so anxious that he slapped him on the waist: "Husband!"

He sort of understood that He Jiang might be afraid that he would call Shunzui, and every time he called her husband, his expression was very strange.

It is a good password and should be used frequently at critical moments.

He Jiang: "..."

He sat up, a little angry for getting up, but he didn't dare to attack: "What's the matter?"

Shang Jing raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that it was still useful for his husband, he said in a very sincere tone: "I want to raise a cat."

He Jiang: "Can you take care of yourself?"

Shang Jing: "I fell in love with a cat."

He Jiang: "...then raise it."

Business Scene: "It's next to the trash can now."

He Jiang half-closed her eyes: "So?"

Shang Jing: "Please help me catch it."

He Jiang: "Can't you do it yourself?"

After Shang Jing was afraid: "I dare not catch it, I am afraid it will run away."

He Jiang was silent for two seconds, imagining how reliable the business scene was, and didn't want to go up and down three floors in the middle of the night to find a cat that could run faster than a crab.

"I really owe you." He Jiang got up with a stinky face, put on her coat, "Go find a box."

Shang Jing happily went to the shoe cabinet to get a shoe box, took out He Jiang's high-end leather shoes, and put several layers of paper towels on it, "Let's go."

Under the guidance of Shang Jing, He Jiang saw a trembling black plastic bag beside the trash can. He put on disposable gloves and untied the bag.

A big black mouse on the sticky board!

Standing behind He Jiang, Shang Jing probed: "How is it?"

The veins on He Jiang's forehead were twitching, and she took off her gloves and threw them into the trash can in a second, furious: "Shang Jing! Did you do it on purpose?!!!"

Shang Jing covered his ears and blurted out: "My husband is sorry."

He Jiang: "..." Crazy.