Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 18


Shang Jing was a little embarrassed by this call, pretending to fiddle with the documents on the table, and said, "I have a friend who likes Cen Feinuo and wants to partner with Teacher Cen."

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He Jiang's first reaction was to ask, "Who is that friend of yours?"

Shang Jing didn't expose the group, and whispered: "A female celebrity I met online, she said that she doesn't need money."

He Jiang: "..." Could it be an Internet celebrity

Many people are willing to pay for this kind of variety show configuration. After the program group put down the names of He Jiang and others, they expressed their willingness to increase the investment capital.

He Jiang: "Unfortunately, Cen Feinuo just talked to me on the phone, he has his own ideas."

Shang Jing asked: "Who is it?"

He has a girlfriend and brings others on the show, his conscience is very bad. When the time comes, the mysterious girlfriend will watch Cen Fei Nuo pretending to be a couple with someone else on TV, and learn about marriage, so she won't have to cry at home.

He Jiang: "It seems that he is an actor in the same crew as him. It can be regarded as supporting the younger generation, plus promoting the TV series."

Before the TV movie is released, it is already a common method for the leading actors of the crew to promote various variety shows.

Shang Jing reluctantly accepted this reason and asked, "What about Yang Yue?"

Now that you have a fiancée, you can't find someone else, right

He Jiang: "He is the host."

In the eyes of fans, Yang Yue is a big boy who is destined to be single, so it is inappropriate to arrange an intern couple for him.

Shang Jing sighed, people really can't be compared, in comparison, He Jiang has a lot of beautiful features, at least she dares to disclose her daughter-in-law.

Within a day, many of He Jiang's girlfriend fans shouted and lost their fans, but He Jiang himself did not rely on his girlfriend fans for a living, so the influence was not particularly great.

After the blockbuster news of the variety show was released, these fans were actually retained.

Girlfriend fan: "I'll just see what kind of wife you've found, and leave after reading."

Other fans: "The cruel thing is, when you say this, you have become a mother-in-law fan."

"Family, my mentality has turned into a joke, what's the matter with falling in love?"

"Career fans, don't worry. You see, He Jiang had such an awesome variety show with Cen Feinuo and Yang Yue just after he made it public. It shows that he still has the ambition of career!"

"The beauty of my career is still there, and my wife is virtuous and low-key, so I can still be a fan!"

"He Jiang has never been on a reality show. If she invests in herself for the object, a fool would think that Xiao Jing will keep a low profile, right? Just deceive yourself and others, I really sympathize after watching it."

"If you dare to be a monster, I will scold him until he weeps bitterly and promise that he will never show up again."

"He Jiang and his wife are separated, we are fans of He Jiang but not his wife, what are we afraid of?"

"I think you guys will be so sweet. He Jiang's wife's fingers are really beautiful, and I love them so much."

"The voice is nice, the hands are pretty, and the face must be normal."

Shangjing didn't know that there were 80 million more mother-in-laws on the Internet, and he thought that after going on variety shows, he would be considered a half-public figure, and he should not be watched when he went out. Before the recording of the first episode, he had to go shopping in the supermarket.

"Going out?" He Jiang came out of the study, saw Shang Jing and asked.

Business scene: "Go to the supermarket."

He Jiang: "Let's sign a few contracts first."

Recently, Shangjing has experienced the feeling of being soft when signing a contract, such as variety show revenue, interstitial advertisement revenue, and studio large and small brokerage contracts.

Shang Jing pulled the contract and frowned: "Why is there personal accident insurance?"

He quickly flipped to the end, wanting to see who the beneficiary was. If it was He Jiang, hey, that was the prelude to social news.

He Jiang: "Every outdoor reality show must be signed."

Shang Jing saw that the beneficiary was himself, so he signed it decisively.

Shang Jing's fingers are slender and fair, and he has practiced the piano all the year round so he doesn't look weak. He is healthy and beautiful, making people want to hold them in his hands and take care of them.

He Jiang's Adam's apple twitched, and he looked away: "I'll insure your hand as well."

Shang Jing raised his hand and looked, "Oh, it seems to be okay."

"The signing is over. I went to the supermarket. Do you have anything to buy?"

"No, go early..." He Jiang swallowed the rest of the words, and changed her words, "Take a stroll, you have to wear a hat when you go out."

Shang Jing had a little savings in his hand, so he didn't need to beg He Jiang for payment when he entered the supermarket, and happily rushed into the food area pushing the trolley.

The previous few times I went to the supermarket and failed to buy what I liked, Shang Jing went in row by row, and kindly bought five barrels of instant noodles for He Jiang.

In the future, if He Jiang upsets him or calls him an idiot, she will not be allowed to eat his dumplings, but go eat instant noodles instead.

Before he knew it, near dusk, Shang Jing came out of the supermarket, carrying a bag of things in one hand, which was so heavy that he took two steps to rest.

He should still be asked to be the driver.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and Shang Jing hurriedly put down the shopping bag, took it out and saw that it was indeed He Jiang who sent him the message.

- He Jiang: Where is it? Post a location.

The corner of Shang Jing's lips twitched, and he immediately sent the location. He was in a good mood, so he took another picture of the background and sent it with words.

- Husband (●′w`●), I am here, come and pick me up.

After sending, Shang Jing looked at the intermittent "the other party is typing" above He Jiang's head, and bent his eyes.

Thirty seconds later.

- He Jiang: I can't go away, find a place to sit for a while, and wait for me for half an hour.

half an hour? He got home by bus in half an hour. Shang Jing immediately withdrew the phrase "Husband picks me up" and kicked the instant noodles in the shopping bag, you can eat this tonight.

He bent down and picked up the shopping bag, well, it was still too heavy.

There is a hexagonal pavilion next to it, and Shang Jing moved over with a grunt.

What he saw from the online "Marriage Life Experience" is that when he should order his husband, he must let him do the dishes even if he washes the dishes for half an hour.

First, it can cultivate the habit and sense of responsibility of the other party to do housework, and second, if the husband is too free, he may go to help other women with work.

Shang Jing himself has no experience, so he regards these life wisdoms as his standard.

Isn't it just half an hour, wait for him.

He Jiang looked at the news that Shang Jing had withdrawn from his mobile phone, raised his eyebrows, and was quite angry. He clicked on the location and said to the people around him: "Let's go, he is in Wuyi Square."

Shang Jing sat in the booth for a while and opened a bag of potato chips. After a while, a young man came in slowly with a heavy shopping bag and sat opposite Shang Jing to rest.

Shang Jing saw that his shopping bag was full of daily necessities such as toothbrushes and towels. He had nothing to eat and was panting all the time. He took a bottle of white peach flavored soda from his bag and asked, "Drink?"

Jiang Wen said in English, "Thank you, I bought it from you", then smiled, and said, "I'm sorry, I just came back from the United States, so it's easy to say, thank you."

Shang Jing: "It's okay, I can understand, no need to pay."

He swiped back and forth on the phone interface, waiting for He Jiang to send him a message, and then tapped his fingers back and forth on the game app.

Oh, it's so boring. I want to play games, but I don't want to lose sleep. It's all because He Jiang didn't come to pick him up.

Jiang Wen intentionally used "America is back" to get close, but Shang Jing didn't expect to accept the trick. He unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of soda water: "Huh? You are also playing this game. I just got started recently, and I happen to be sitting here Rest for a while, do you want to play a game?"

His voice was unhurried, and his tone and tone sounded particularly comfortable, almost like a demon whispering in his ears to induce people to play games.

Shang Jing bit his lip and refused with great difficulty: "No, I will suffer from insomnia when I play games."

Jiang Wen raised his eyebrows: "If you engage in intense gunfight games for a long time before going to bed, there is a certain probability that it will affect your sleep quality."

A sudden shot from any corner, coupled with the screaming sound effect of the character when dying, may make the heartbeat of a nervous breakdown speed up in the middle of the night.

Shang Jing felt that this person spoke professionally, and said, "Then what if you suffer from insomnia while playing during the day? Is there any way to improve it?"

Jiang Wen pondered for a while: "I haven't seen this kind of situation, there should be other influencing factors."

This He Jiang's little boyfriend is obviously very cooperative, I really don't know how He Jiang asked.

Jiang Wen: "Find out this factor, solve it, and it won't happen in the future. This kind of situation is usually related to past experiences, that is, psychological barriers, and it is actually not difficult to overcome."

Shang Jing was a little moved: "Then if a person forgets this psychological factor, but still suffers from insomnia, is there any help?"

A trace of puzzlement flashed across Jiang Wen's eyes, did he not want to say it or did he really forget

Shang Jing's mental disorder, He Jiang told him everything he knew, and it was related to a school shooting case when he was a child, it's not something hard to say.

Jiang Wen: "If you don't break, you can't build. If you really don't want to talk about it, you can ask your family to help you talk about it first. You cooperate with the treatment, and then slowly express your thoughts."

"Are you married? You can let your partner accompany you."

Shang Jing quickly shook his head: "This is not good, we can't find him."

Looking at his reaction, Jiang Wen seemed to understand that Shang Jing was not resisting the treatment, but was refusing to be accompanied by He Jiang.

He smiled and said, "Actually, I am a psychiatrist. Thank you for the soda water. If you want, you can chat with me without charge."

Shang Jing couldn't help asking: "Are you good?"

Jiang Wen said modestly, "That's Stanford's Ph.D. in Psychology."

"That must be very powerful!" Shang Jing looked at him adoringly, "You psychiatrists can keep it secret, right?"

Jiang Wen looked at He Jiang behind the green belt and said, "Of course."

Shang Jing: "Actually, I don't remember the past, and I don't know how this psychological disorder came about. Can you cure it like this?"

Jiang Wen was stunned, this was a completely unexpected development, he looked over there from the corner of his eye, and He Jiang also looked shocked.

"How much did you cover before this?"

Shang Jing: "I don't even remember after the car accident."

Jiang Wen: "Then your family..."

Shang Jing: "Oh, yes, I have a husband."

Jiang Wen knew that He Jiang was not married, and he, a psychiatrist, was almost weakened by Shang Jing's words.

"Your husband is..."

Shang Jing: "That can't be said."

Jiang Wen felt that if he didn't ask clearly, He Jiang's anger might ignite the green belt. He said, "How can you be sure that you are married if you lose your memory?"

Shang Jing: "I have my husband's phone number in my phone!"

Jiang Wen deeply felt that this situation was not something he, a psychiatrist, could handle. The front has become a battlefield, and outsiders need to dodge.

Just as Shang Jing was about to say that you had to keep it a secret, someone grabbed his wrist suddenly, and when he turned his head and saw He Jiang, his face turned pale.

He Jiang held Shang Jing's wrist tightly, her eyes were obscure, and she said word by word: "Have you lost your memory?"