Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 19


He Jiang stared at Shang Jing closely, as if this little thing would run away in the blink of an eye. I just wanted Jiang Wen to approach Shang Jing from the perspective of a friend, so that he could let go of his defenses and receive treatment, but he unexpectedly revealed a shocking secret.

Didn't he know how to run? Shang Jing didn't appear in front of him with a plan at all, but by mistake. If something unexpected happens, Shang Puppy doesn't know where to go with his amnesiac brain.

He Jiang felt a fear of suffocation, and in this windy and cold day, she held Shang Jing's wrist like a straw.

Shang Xiaojing lost his memory.

No wonder her personality is unpredictable, sometimes clingy to call her husband, and sometimes bossy and domineering, it turns out that she can't grasp the character set in front of her, and her performance varies from high to low.

He thought that Shang Jing called him husband, it was yin and yang, or cheaply thought that these two words could exchange for something from him.

Unexpectedly, she really regarded him as her husband.

Shang Jing actually noted him as "husband", obviously he didn't let go no matter how much he coaxed him before.

He should be glad that he didn't change his phone number.

When Lin Lin caught his assistant selling private information to fans and suggested that he change his phone number, He Jiang hesitated, risking being harassed and bombed, unrealistically expecting that Shangjing would contact him someday in the future.

Shang Jing really contacted him. A month ago, he lost his memory and sent himself to the door sillyly.

Fortunately, Shang Xiaogou still knows how to post pictures. He went that day, if he didn't go... the consequences would be disastrous.

Shang Jing looked at He Jiang with a pale face, then at Jiang Wen, and suddenly understood: "Okay! He Jiang, you asked a psychiatrist to trick me?!"

He Jiang: "No—"

Shang Jing felt that it was over, his secret had been discovered, and He Jiang would definitely stop going to variety shows with him, his brain couldn't be cured, and his father's house couldn't be bought back.

He is lonely again, he has no memory, no relatives, and no home. He doesn't even have an eye-catching husband.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

His eyes turned red instantly, Shang Jing raised his hand and wiped away his tears, pushed He Jiang away, and rushed out of the green belt.

"Business scene!"

He Jiang felt as if a wild cat jumped out of his arms, and he couldn't catch it too fast. He stepped on his long legs and immediately chased after it.

Regardless of whether the voice would be recognized by others, He Jiang chased and said, "Shang Jing! I didn't talk to you."

Taking advantage of her legs being a few centimeters longer, He Jiang caught Shang Jing with red eyes around the corner, "Why are you running!"

A few steps ahead is the parking lot, and it’s hard to explain in a public place. He Jiang half-dragged and half-hugged Shang Jing into the co-driver: "If you don't want to attract crowds, be quiet!"

He Jiang quickly walked around the front of the car, opened the door and got in the driver's seat. Shang Jing pursed his lips, turned his head and put his hands in his hands, just not looking at him, avoiding communication.

This look is really pitiful and funny, those who don't know thought they dumped him at the beginning.

He Jiang laughed at herself, thinking that Shang Jing's small, suggestive actions were to get back together, but it turned out not to be. Shang Jing just mistook him for her husband. After all, they are not a real husband and wife. It has been three years since they broke up, and the strangeness in their hearts cannot be faked.

So on the one hand, Shang Jing relied on him, but on the other hand, he didn't trust him. He didn't trust him so much that he dared not tell him about his amnesia, and would rather tell it to random strangers he met on the street.

He Jiang thought about her past performance, and it was true that she did not do anything to give Shang Jing a sense of security.

He even yelled at Shang Jing on the first day of Shang Jing's car accident.

Regret and self-blame welled up in her throat. He Jiang pressed her swollen nose and explained in a slow voice: "I asked you before if you would like to undergo psychological treatment, but you avoided it. I thought you resisted the consultation room, so I wanted to Ask a psychiatrist to guide you as a friend."

Shang Jing's ears moved, and he gave He Jiang a little bit of alms: "Really?"

He Jiang: "Otherwise? I don't know that you have amnesia, why do you want to talk?"

Shang Jing calmed down, thinking about it: "You didn't talk to me?"

"Of course." He Jiang looked at Shang Jing, his eyes darkened, "But to be honest, I'm very angry that you didn't tell me when you lost your memory."

"As your... husband, I feel sad."

During the few seconds of chasing Shang Jing, He Jiang's brain was unprecedentedly clear, and he made a clear decision-making Shang Jing continue to misunderstand.

With Shang Jing's face, if he knew that even his "husband" was an oolong, and that the husband he bullied was his ex-boyfriend, he would definitely buy a standing ticket overnight and leave S city.

But Shang Jing still has amnesia, and he has no other relatives in the country, who dares to let this little idiot out to be bullied by others

It's okay to bully and bully yourself... Besides, He Jiang took a deep breath.

He wanted to give himself and Shangjing another chance. Is it possible that they start over this time

When Shang Jing is cured and his memory is restored, he is willing to accept... the trial.

He Jiang stepped on the accelerator: "Fasten your seat belt."

Shang Jing took a look and found that it was not the way home, so he tightened his heart: "This is going to the Civil Affairs Bureau? Do you want to divorce me?!"

He Jiang choked for a moment, and didn't know whether Shang Jing cared so much about marriage, should he be happy or worried: "What are you leaving? The variety show contract has been signed."

"Yes, I've already signed the contract!" Shang Jing immediately revived with full blood, writing in black and white, the official announcement is over, the money is equivalent to in his pocket, and even He Jiang can't break the contract.

He leaned comfortably on the back of the leather chair, and felt that He Jiang was a good driver and drove very steadily: "Where are we going?"

He Jiang: "Go and show you your brain."

He Jiang hadn't paid much attention to Shang Jing's injury before, so he believed everything he said, thinking it was just an ordinary trauma, how serious would it be to completely lose his memory

If Shang Jing hadn't been taken to the hospital for a head-to-toe checkup, he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Thinking back to the last time he saw Shang Jing at the brain hospital, he was there to seek medical treatment, and he actually believed the nonsense that Shang Jing was following him!

Three years ago, he was also very popular, but Shang Jing never asked him for anything because of this, and even broke up altogether. It is impossible for his conduct to change because of amnesia.

Shangjing wants money, probably because he has no money for medical treatment. Huayue is a private hospital, and there is a certain threshold fee.

The last time he went to visit his aunt in the hospital, he didn't know that his wife was also miserable in the hospital alone.

Substituting Shang Jing for a moment, He Jiang's heart suddenly throbbed.

"Oh." The merchant nodded, and suddenly remembered something, "Ah, the snacks I bought are still in the gazebo!"

He Jiang handed him the phone: "Open WeChat, the one named Jiang Wen, send a message for him to take it."

"Okay." Shang Jing lowered his head and edited the text message.

Jiang Wen, who watched the source of contradiction leave the scene, looked at the heavy bag of "props" he bought, and then looked at the two big bags of Shangjing, "Why don't I turn on the heating in the office and become a psychologist, but come to work as a coolie?" Woolen cloth?"

The car drove all the way to Huayue Hospital, He Jiang unbuckled his seat belt, and leaned over to hold Shang Jing who was about to get off the car.

"When I see the doctor later, don't hide it, and answer whatever you ask."

"Understood, I'm not a three-year-old child, and I have to be coaxed to go to the hospital. I came here by myself last time, and you are still chasing me in the hospital!"

He Jiang raised her hand in surrender: "All right, all right, it's my fault, I will accompany you from now on."

Shang Jing seemed to have a stove in his heart, it was hot, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he put it down restrainedly: "You said it yourself."

In fact, he envied his aunt. He Jiang came to see her sick to pick her up and was discharged from the hospital because she was out of her mind. Why didn't he get this kind of treatment

"It's so late, are the doctors off work?"

He Jiang: "Expensive fees naturally come with expensive services."

Shang Jing was taken to the director's office of the Brain Department, and a long list of various examinations was made.

He Jiang took the list and sent Shang Jing to various instrument rooms for inspection. After tossing and turning for two hours, he returned to the director's office.

Director Zhang asked, "Can I see the results of your last inspection?"

He remembered the young man's medical records, but the other party asked to keep it secret, and if he wanted to call it out, he had to ask for his opinion.

Shang Jing: "Yes."

So, in front of He Jiang, Director Zhang took out a medical record from a stack of documents, which belonged to Shang Jing.

He carefully compared for half an hour, frowned and said: "In comparison, there is indeed a slight change in one part."

He Jiang's expression changed.

Director Zhang reassured: "Based on my experience, this is going in a good direction. Have you thought of anything recently?"

Shang Jing squeezed his ears: "I remembered some things about my parents when I was young, just some conversations."

Director Zhang: "Is it a meaningless conversation, or a conversation that is important to you?"

Shang Jing paused: "Important, what my dad said to me when we moved made me very happy. After my dad passed away, my mother sold the house, and I was very sad."

He Jiang rubbed Shang Jing's head when he heard the words.

Director Zhang: "Is there a triggering scene?"

Shang Jing: "I sat at the wrong station and saw the previous house."

Director Zhang wrote down, "Is there any more?"

Shang Jing hesitated for a moment, his thin face flushed slightly.

He Jiang lowered her eyes and reminded lightly: "Didn't you promise me to tell everything?"

Director Zhang looked at the two of them, recalled the recent news, and said calmly: "You don't need to talk about the husband and wife."

He Jiang: "..."

Shang Jing's cheeks turned red like tomatoes, wishing he could shrink behind He Jiang, he hadn't even thought about that aspect yet.

"No, no, there are, some small fragments."

"What segment?"

Shang Jing lowered his head and said embarrassedly: "I played games and he called me an idiot."

Director Zhang: "..."

He Jiang: "..."

Based on the importance of the last two clips, Director Zhang speculated: "You scolded very hard?"

Shang Jing: "Yes."

Director Zhang: "I often scold you?"

Shang Jing: "Yes."

Director Zhang's eyes on He Jiang changed.

He Jiang wanted to defend herself with a few words, but she paused, and then closed her mouth.

Director Zhang asked He Jiang: "Did you often play games together?"

He Jiang: "Well, we can be regarded as an acquaintance in the game."

Hearing He Jiang mentioning the past, Shang Jing pricked up his ears. It turned out that he met through playing games. Hey, no wonder he, an ordinary fan, can know a big star. It must be his outstanding technical success that caught He Jiang's attention.

Director Zhang: "I think of this clip, is there a trigger scene?"

Shang Jing: "I thought of it last time when I almost rear-ended."

Director Zhang finished asking, and said: "The overall situation is still optimistic. If there are triggering scenes, he will be able to recall the past one after another. Mr. He, if you know more about his past, you can often talk to him about it."

He Jiang: "Okay."

Director Zhang paused, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes, and he said to He Jiang meaningfully: "Be careful not to over-beautify and affect the effect."

He Jiang: "..."

He admitted that when he first met Shang Jing, he had a bad temper, who let Shang Puppy play games to piss people off.

Have you ever seen a parent who was mad at helping their children with homework? he is the one.

When I drove out of the hospital, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and there was a piano shop not far away. He Jiang remembered that Shang Jing once asked him for a piano, but he blocked him back with sarcasm, so he parked in front of the piano store, "Go in and pick one."

Shang Jing rubbed his hands, he was impolite, to tell the truth, he had actually taken a fancy to one last time.

The shopping guide was the same one from last time, with a very good memory. When he saw Shang Jing coming to buy a piano, he was happy for him: "Are you divorced?"

Shang Jing: "Not yet, let's not leave."

But someone might feel guilty about his amnesia and give him a piano.

Shang Jing made a bold guess, did he get into a car accident that day to go out to buy vegetables and cook for He Jiang

After the shopping guide finished speaking, he realized that the person who came with Shang Jing this time was not the assistant from last time, but Shang Jing's husband.

The other party was wearing a mask and hat, and looked familiar.

The shopping guide realized that he had said something wrong, and was a little embarrassed, for fear that the business would not be completed.

He Jiang lowered her voice: "Is it fixed? Just this one?"

Shang Jing: "Yes."


More than one million yuan, He Jiang signed the bill without blinking, and left the address for the staff to deliver it tomorrow.

The shopping guide took the order and was elated, thinking that this young couple is so sweet, they are obviously a beautiful artist and his domineering husband.

Shang Jing climbed into the car, and after the amnesia was revealed, he had many things to ask, "What did I do on the day of the car accident? Did I go shopping or look for a job?"

When he woke up, he had a part-time job flyer for the day's date in his pocket.

This question stopped He Jiang, who knew where to go.

It is impossible to cook and buy vegetables. Shang Jing has just returned to China, and there is a high probability that he will find a job.

"I don't know, you didn't tell me."

Shang Jing squinted his eyes. Sure enough, he was secretly looking for a part-time job and didn't dare to tell He Jiang.

"Then I..."

He Jiang interrupted him: "It's my turn to ask you, my note on your phone is husband?"

After returning to China, I changed my mobile phone number, saved my own number, and noted my husband.

This is simply the biggest good news today, and you can wake up beautifully from your dreams.

Being exposed face-to-face as a dog licking, obviously not allowed to call her husband, and secretly making notes, Shang Jing couldn't hold back, and said fiercely: "Can't you!"

He Jiang smiled: "Okay."

Shang Jing: "What did I do before?"

He Jiang: "I studied music in the United States and graduated."

Shang Jing snorted, such a talented music student, to do the laundry and cooking for He Jiang's hidden daughter-in-law, was this the way he used to be

How ugly is it to play the piano with rough fingers

He forced Lai Lai in his heart, but he didn't express his dissatisfaction with He Jiang again, and pointed him at variety shows.

He Jiang: "Apart from the notes on the phone, do you remember other evidence that I am your husband?"

Shang Jing: "No!"

He answered too quickly, but He Jiang didn't believe it, and his smile became more and more obvious: "You are lying."

Shang Jing: "I have lost my memory!"

He Jiang lied to him: "The mobile phone has a password, your password is my birthday."

He and Shang Jing had previously changed the password to each other's birthday.

Shang Jing was like a cat being pressed on a leather mat to rub its belly. No matter how hard it struggled, it was hard to breathe. He said with a stern face, "So it's your birthday. I pressed it out with the feel of my hand."

With such a hideous smile, he must not be allowed to see the humble diary of dog licking.

He Jiang: "You pretended not to know, you recognized me when you saw me, which means that you searched for me when you woke up, and my birthday is on the encyclopedia, right? In other words, you not only noted your husband, but you also noted her husband in other places it's me."

He Jiang almost laughed wildly: "Shang Xiaojing, how did you know? Huh?"

Shang Jing was bullied terribly, his cheeks were flushed, and he squeezed the phone tightly with his eyes flickering.

What the hell is the dog man doing

Fuck his sweet wife, see how he shames the dog in front of the whole country