Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 49


Shang Jing learned a lot from his mistakes and asked, "Are you a telecom fraud? I don't have any money."

The other person clarified with some trepidation: "I, I'm not. Last month, at the intersection of Wenqing Road, I was looking at my phone while walking. You were waiting for a red light. I didn't want to bump into you, and then both of us dropped our phones. The model is the same, but I picked the wrong one. Fortunately, a car came rushing at the right time."

The groupie's name is Liu Yanyan.

At that time, Shang Jing picked up the phone and put it in his pocket, concentrating on watching the road, Liu Yanyan checked his appearance, and wanted to continue to watch the latest news of Yu Idol in the official account, when the car rushed towards her, she didn't pay attention.

In the blink of an eye, Shang Jing pulled her away, and she was knocked out, and Shang Jing was driven away by the impact.

Liu Yanyan suffered serious internal injuries, and Shang Jing knocked on a flower bed in the green belt.

The driver found that he had hit someone and reversed the car in a panic. However, he was drunk and reversed a few times and did not operate well. If Liu Yanyan was rolled under the car, she might be crushed.

Liu Yanyan restored the scene of the car accident exactly, and Shang Jing walked through the quiet garden while listening to it.

He tried to calm his tone, and said: "My brother's brain was broken after the car accident. He couldn't use his smartphone, so he gave me his mobile phone. I don't know what you are talking about. How can you prove that it is your mobile phone?"

Liu Yanyan was about to cry: "Is he very serious? My brother said that he was discharged from the hospital that day and there was no major problem... I'm sorry, if I hadn't hit him while looking at my phone while walking, we wouldn't have missed that car..."

After the Liu family watched the surveillance, there was a person who picked up Liu Yanyan, and later heard that it was just a skin trauma and was discharged from the hospital. Liu Yanyan had several major operations that day. She was in a critical condition and lost a lot of blood. She stayed in the ICU for a week. The Liu family stayed in the operating room, devastated, and had no time to take care of it.

Shang Jing was about to cry: "My brother became more and more stupid later on..."

He might really be an idiot, he still doesn't understand the situation, and he has a vague guess in his heart, but he dare not verify it, fearing that he will feel ashamed from now on.

Liu Yanyan said: "I will pay for the medical expenses, I'm sorry..."

Shang Jing: "No, I was just stupid for a while, and it's almost cured. Are you okay now?"

Liu Yanyan: "I'm almost fine now. That...can we get my phone back?"

As soon as the phone was mentioned, Liu Yanyan's voice immediately became cautious, and she asked cautiously, "Have you checked the phone yet?"

Shang Jing crouched on the edge of the flower bed digging the soil, the dense green plants concealing his figure.

He pursed his lips and said, "No."

The more cautious Liu Yanyan's tone became, the more flustered Shang Jing became. The other party was cautious because of those ulterior things in the phone, some things...

Shang Jing closed his eyes, remembering.

Business scene: "There is no lock screen password..."

Then there is no need to flash the machine.

"I always thought it was my brother's phone, and there was someone in the address book, he was your husband..."

He wouldn't impersonate He Jiang's wife, right

Liu Yanyan panicked suddenly: "No, no, no! It's a stranger's phone number I just memorized, have you contacted him?!"

Shang Jing's tone was hopeless: "No, my mother didn't agree with my brother's homosexuality, so she took the opportunity to delete it."

Liu Yanyan: "It's my backup phone for star chasing. There's nothing in it. I'm obsessed with star chasing. When I walk and eat, I always look for news about him online. The last time I fell down without watching the road, I was scolded by my brother once. After the car accident, my brother confiscated my backup machine."

Liu Yanyan learned a lesson this time, she yelled on the Internet every day, "The man will take my life and give it to him", "Ah, I'm dead", but when she really lost half her life, she realized that nothing is as precious as life.

Looking at her parents who were worried and crying for her, and her legs that were almost lost, Liu Yanyan no longer dared to indulge in star chasing. It was the first time that she didn't ask her brother for a mobile phone hysterically. Idol news.

But He Jiang's news is overwhelming, especially the explosive news about Shangjing. Even if you don't search deliberately, you can see the push as long as you have the Internet.

After Liu Yanyan half-stepped into the gate of hell, she found that she could take some news very calmly, and would not be as crazy as before.

Instead of chasing stars, I have more time to spend with my family and pay attention to myself. The changes in Liu Yanyan surprised even the Liu family.

Brother Liu felt that his sister was just recovering from her injuries, and sooner or later she would revert to her old ways, and refused to hand over her phone. But going back to Liu Yanyan was really different, she didn't ask him for a mobile phone for almost two months.

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Until today, Liu Yanyan watched a pilot film of "Marriage". Superstars He Jiang, Cen Feinuo, and Yang Yue gathered in a love variety show, and many girlfriend fans watched it with tears in their eyes.

She suddenly remembered the "desperate wives group" she had created. He Jiang, Cen Feinuo had a partner, and it was time to say goodbye to the people in the wives group.

She is grateful to "Cen Feinuo's mysterious girlfriend" and "Yang Yue's fiancée" for caring and tolerating her heart.

Yes, and tolerance.

Looking back at the speech in the group, Liu Yanyan herself felt angry.

She reassuredly took back the spare phone from her brother, charged it, and turned it on.

Please enter the lock screen password.

Where did she get the lock screen password

The wallpaper is wrong!

She asked her brother if he had set a password for her. The elder brother said that the mobile phone in the hospital was locked when it was handed over to them, but he didn't touch it.

I took the wrong phone, it belongs to the kind brother.

She panicked immediately, and there was He Jiang's contact information in the backup phone, which she bought from Assistant He Jiang with the New Year's money she had saved for two years.

She kept her contact information, like carrying a treasure in her arms, imagining that He Jiang had a real connection, but never dared to really disturb He Jiang.

Some star-chasers have a humble attitude towards male gods, like Liu Yanyan, she is her own business, and she will be expelled from her fan status if she dances with idols.

Liu Yanyan hurriedly used another mobile phone to call the backup phone, and after a beep sounded, she was picked up immediately.

Shang Jing pursed his lips: "The memo is locked, and it contains..."

Liu Yanyan said awkwardly: "I have a crush on the male god. Can you read it?"

Shang Jing saved face for both sides: "I didn't watch it."

He said: "Where do you live, let's make an appointment to change the mobile phone."

"But I've been using your phone for a while, so I need to clear the camera records."

Liu Yanyan sent the location near her home, Shang Jing hung up the phone, slammed his forehead on the flower bed, and remained motionless, the only reason left to find out the truth suddenly collapsed.

The phone is fake!

Note is false!

The wives group is fake!

Husband is fake too!

Nothing to do with him!

My brain is in a mess, but thoughts are bubbling up one after another in my heart...

No wonder He Jiang is different from the scumbag in the diary.

No wonder He Jiang looked unnatural when she heard him call her husband.

No wonder He Jiang always tries to emphasize that they are just ordinary landlords and tenants...

The groupie just wrote YY in the memo, but he danced the main face!

Shang Jing rubbed his cheeks, the corners of his eyes were slightly astringent, and the tip of his nose was sore. Not only was he embarrassed and ashamed, but the panic of losing something swept him.

How many jokes has He Jiang seen him in a while

He could think of seventy or eighty of them, such as the corners of He Jiang's mouth that rose wildly when he knew that he had noted her husband in his mobile phone.

He now understands that he is at best an American netizen whom He Jiang has an affair with in the game.

From He Jiang's point of view, it was the former netizens who stalked him with shamelessness, because the other party was injured and pretended to be pitiful and helpless.

Not only did he want He Jiang to make it public, but he also wanted to hold a wedding.

When Shang Jing suddenly wanted to propose a wedding, He Jiang hesitated a little, and then recalled countless moments, He Jiang had a helpless pause.

He Jiang just wanted to solve her troubles quietly, keep her in the villa without telling anyone.

It was his own step-by-step situation that got out of hand.

How big the stage was, how much face was lost, and finally ushered in a comprehensive social "sexual" death.

A 120 ambulance drove into the fast lane with a sound.

Shang Jing's gaze followed the ambulance.

Ambulances don't save the dead.

If God gave him a chance to choose, Shang Jing would rather be a "licking" dog.

Shang Jing squatted in the outpatient building of the Second Hospital, thinking palely: No wonder He Jiang sent him to the mental hospital.

Did He Jiang realize recently that he was not brazen enough to touch netizens, but that he was suffering from delusional disorder.

What did I do when He Jiang wanted to send her to the doctor

He's trying to pretend he has a transvestite alter ego.

I don't want to live anymore.

Shang Jing pulled the weeds for a while, and found that he was still holding something in his palm.

He unfolded it and saw that He Jiang's andrology department took a numbered ticket.

Help! Why can he do it!

With tears in his eyes, Shang Jing opened the memo, deleted the source of all evil, "Guide to Being a Master", and then restored the record of the fanboys, pretending that he didn't come.

With trembling hands, he sent a message to He Jiang: "Don't come, I have to leave first."

He took a taxi and went to find groupies.

Fortunately, there are not many contacts in his mobile phone, so it is not troublesome to deal with. He first deleted the contact information of Cen Feinuo and Yang Yue, and then sent a message to Dr. Fu: "The mobile phone number is going to be canceled, please don't contact me, help Let your uncle know that the new phone number will add you."

Then, Shang Jing approached Zhuang Qun, said the same thing again, and then sent a voice call to borrow money.

When it was first made public, he spent some of the 888888 posted in the group, and some of the money should belong to the groupies, and it was too late to go to the ATM to get it.

Zhuang Que called him ten thousand without saying a word, and said, "Is there anything urgent?"

Why do you look like you are running away to borrow money

Shang Jing pursed his lips, what should we do, Zhuang Que is a member of the group.

Zhuang Que is his good friend. If he knew that he was a fake, would Zhuang Que still regard him as a good brother who lost face together

"It's okay, the phone number was sold by scalpers, and I want to change the card."

Why are there people selling phone information in the world!

Every time Shangjing deleted a contact information, he silently memorized the number.

Although he may not have the face to contact some people in the future.

When he congratulated Jiangshi, tears welled up in his eyes.


He Jiang's number is familiar by heart without memorizing it. When the chat history was cleared, her heart tightened for a moment, and she almost didn't press the delete button.

The moment the page was blank, all his contacts with He Jiang were gone.

He wiped away his tears, deleted and deleted, and sent a message to He Jiang.

I have been selected into the National Top Secret Program, please do not contact me for now.


My girlfriend came to my door when she was pregnant, goodbye.


Not on Earth recently.


Woooooo I was accused of being an American spy, so I ran away first.


Ahh what to do, what to say

Shang Jing hurriedly asked for help from the altar he frequented, "In case of an irreversible social "sexual" death, how should everyone find it and disappear naturally?"

His life became a joke, and he dared not see He Jiang in his life.

He Jiang drove to the second courtyard and followed Shang Jing's instructions to the fifth floor, feeling that the atmosphere inside seemed a little weird.

The middle-aged man sat on the waiting chair, his eyes lit up slightly when he saw him, as if he was comforted.

There is always someone younger than you who wants to watch andrology.

As soon as He Jiang looked up, the two characters "andrology" shocked her heart.

On the opposite wall, the electronic screen scrolls to the next patient.

No. 11, Lin, please come to the consultation room No. 2.

On the 12th, congratulations, consultation room 1 please.

He Jiang: "..."

No need to think about it, Shanggou made an appointment for him.

Thanks to the humanized hospital for respecting the privacy of patients, the word "He Jiang" was not typed on the public screen!

He gritted his teeth, Shanggou is really not afraid of death, he admitted that in order to show Shangjing a video effect last night, he would rather go against the biological instinct and perfectly control the panting|breathing speed to seduce Shanggou's heart.

Shanggou responded, but he was stubborn.

It is enough to prove that He Jiang has a strong "sexual" attraction to Shang Jing when he moves his fingers.

Got revenge today.

He Jiang wanted to ask where Shang Jing was, took out his cell phone, and found that Shang Jing regretted not coming.

"Are you afraid? It's too late."

He Jiang snorted lightly and opened the dialog box, intending to scare Shanggou.

The other party is typing...

He Jiang looked at the above line of words, curious what Shang Jing would say, so he leaned on the pillar that Shang Jing was leaning on, and waited quietly for the next sentence.

The time seems to be as long as a century.

He Jiang received Shang Jing's final message—

"Thank you for the invitation. I'm in the United States and just got off the plane."

He Jiang frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

The opposite party immediately withdrew the message, but He Jiang was still not relieved when he saw Shang Jing delete the two words and resend it.

People go to the United States and just board the plane.