Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 50


He Jiang's eyes fixed on this line for three seconds, and suddenly became bottomless.

Memory restored? Did you find your passport

Want to run as soon as you regain your memory? What do you think of them this time

Every time he feels that the relationship will come naturally, no matter how it started, the relationship must be real this time, Shang Jing always says no at a speed that is beyond his expectation.

If the head is wrong, everything is wrong.

He Jiang called Shang Jing and found that the phone was turned off.

Three seconds later, wechat received a new message: "My mother asked me to go back to the United States and call this mobile number this month."

He Jiang took a deep breath, and learned to block his number? ?

He quickly pressed the WeChat voice call, only to find that "you are not his friend yet".

The hospital's electronic screen repeatedly scrolled the medical information of Mr. He on the 12th.

When Liu Xiahui will be punished.

The time is so fast, Shang Jing can't get on the plane in time, so he must hide somewhere.

Three years later, He Jiang will not simply chase after her to the United States.

Calmly, he walked down the stairs, opened the location software, and looked up the location of the business scene and... the nearest hotel to him.

The positioning shows that Shangjing is in a certain community 20 kilometers away, and then it doesn't move.

He Jiang guessed that this should be the house that Shang Jing rented after returning to China, and it was a 40-minute drive from the airport.

Worried that Shang Jing would really go to get a passport to return to the United States, He Jiang kept his eyes on the movement of the red dot on the map. If Shang Jing dared to leave this community, he would live broadcast to find someone.

Don't you just feel ashamed to treat him as your husband after amnesia

Fortunately, Shang Jing had dressed up a little today in order to accompany He Jiang to the andrology department.

In addition, we kept wiping away tears in the car, the two thick black eyebrows drawn with ink strokes in the morning, one black and one light on the fair forehead, and his eyes seemed to be soaked in water. The driver almost sent him to the hospital when he got off the car.

Master: "What's the matter, young man?"

Shang Jing said in a nasal voice, "I'm broken in love."

The master vicissitudes said: "Think about it, it's nothing to be broken in love, uncle, I got divorced for the second time the day before yesterday."

Shang Jing: "...Thank you master, I think about it."

Shang Jing and Liu Yanyan made an appointment to meet at the milk tea shop outside the community.

As soon as he entered wearing sunglasses and a mask, he saw a very frail little girl with her forehead hair covering her eyebrows and wearing a mask.

Liu Yanyan was also very embarrassed, she was sure that the other party had read her memo, otherwise she would not have mentioned it immediately. And the brother of the other party has become stupid for a while, the family will definitely help to see if there is anything necessary in the phone, the more locked the software, the more it needs to be cracked.

Good lies, tacit.

As soon as the two met, they silently took out their mobile phones and put them on the table, as if it was some shady deal.

The two mobile phones are exactly the same, and the mobile phone cases are factory-configured.

Shang Jingke changed his voice and said: "I'm sorry, I saw a group on WeChat and thought it was my brother who joined it, so I decided to sue the group friends on my own, lest my brother be offline for a long time and make them worry..."

He chatted in the group, leaving only the record of him and Zhuang Quin singing and confessing to Liu Yanyan.

Liu Yanyan's eyes flashed, and she almost wanted to dig a hole to get in: "I also want to tell them, it's good, I don't need to say any more."

Shang Jing: "May I ask you one thing? Don't cancel this phone card and WeChat, because I didn't know it before, and I added a lot of people with this phone, and there is no way to completely cut off some of my privacy..."

Shang Jing was not doing it for his own privacy, but for He Jiang, Cen Fei Nuo and Zhuang Zhuang. If they leaked any important information because of his mistake, he would be more and more wrong.

He thought over and over again, if Liu Yanyan was different, he would rather send a group about him taking the wrong phone.

Liu Yanyan deeply understands the need for privacy, so she agreed without saying a word: "There is a business hall next door, let's log out. The WeChat account is logged in with a mobile phone number, so just log out with the mobile phone number."

She made up her mind to stay away from star chasing, and it happened to be a good time to log out, and it was over.

Shang Jing added her WeChat account and transferred all the money on WeChat to Liu Yanyan.

Liu Yanyan quickly waved her hand: "Why transfer my money? I have no balance in WeChat!"

Shang Jing: "Please accept it as my compensation."

He made a big deposit and said, "15,000 is nothing to me, so you won't feel guilty if you accept it."

There was no one in the business hall, and the two of them completed the cancellation within ten minutes.

After Shang Jing came out, he logged into his mailbox and sent a regular email to He Jiang: put the bank\card in the bedside cabinet, the password is your birthday, and there is a 210,000 red envelope from your aunt in it, return it in full.

He is not He Jiang's wife, so he is not qualified to take money from his aunt.

When he was leaving, Shang Jing saw the scheduled email he had sent to He Jiang the day before yesterday, asking He Jiang to reply to him before the wedding, admitting that he was a scumbag.

Business scene: "..."

He had forgotten it, and he couldn't withdraw it. How could there be so many embarrassing things!

He looked at the mailbox for a while, and then deleted the mailbox app.

At this point, the last link is cut off.

Feeling empty in his heart, Shang Jing formally exchanged cell phones with Liu Yanyan.

Liu Yanyan: "I haven't touched your phone, I'm sorry for causing trouble to your brother."

Shang Jing: "My brother is fine, don't worry."

He took back his mobile phone and stopped a car. When the driver asked him where he was going, he almost blurted out the address of the villa.

"Go ahead, let me ask."

The villa area is not his home, and he doesn't want to see He Jiang for the time being, nor will he go to his uncle.

Shang Jing held the "strange" mobile phone and tried to unlock it.

Enter He Jiang's birthday to unlock it.

He immediately shed two tears of grievance.

His own address book is not like the backup phone of groupies, there are "mother", "classmate", and "teacher" groups in it, with a total of hundreds of numbers, most of them are from abroad.

There are not many people in his WeChat, and all of them are friends who don't know each other posting a wonderful day.

Turning down the page, he also saw that his mother, Ms. Shang, shared the family's dinner one day.

His past suddenly became full and full, but he didn't feel as safe as seeing He Jiang in the hospital.

The only consolation is that the WeChat balance is huge, which comforts the business scene without a dime in its pocket.

Driver: "Excuse me, where are you going?"

Shangjing played the map, marked a point casually, and told the driver: "Go here."

The taxi went all the way out of the third ring road, out of the sixth ring road, and came to a small town outside the city.

Shang Jing got out of the car and walked along the path without greenery. There were many rental information posted on the telephone poles.

He made a phone call to the advertisement, and according to the landlord's instructions, he found a row of six-story buildings.

The stairs are dark and narrow, the white skin on the walls on both sides is peeling off, and the small room on the top floor is rented by no one, six hundred a month, and one pays three.

The landlord is an old man who doesn't like surfing the Internet. He only glanced at Shang Jing's ID card, but he didn't recognize him as the wife of He Jiang, who has been in the fire recently.

Shang Jing touched the bed, it was clean without dust, he went downstairs to buy a quilt to put on, then sat on the bed, thinking about life.

The room is eight square meters in total, and the cabinet, bed, and desk seem cramped.

It's just suitable for Shang Jingxin, it's better to be smaller, Xiao Cheng's dormant cabin, he lays down in it, all disturbances have nothing to do with him.

Shang Jing fiddled with the phone and searched around, except that the password was He Jiang's birthday, and there was no information related to He Jiang on the phone.

He searched He Jiang's mobile phone number in the address book, and what popped up was the call records from three years ago.

Shang Jing suddenly bounced off the bed, why is it always three years ago

He remembered that when He Jiang mentioned the past, it was almost three years ago.

Three years ago, they might have been lovers or netizens, but what is certain is that they had no contact at all in the past three years.

Rolled over on the commercial bed, listlessly covered the quilt over his head.

He Jiang is not a scumbag, on the contrary, he is still very good, willing to take in homeless and injured male netizens.

He knew that He Jiang was very kind to him, and it was irresponsible to run away.

But he couldn't face He Jiang, he was ashamed than Zhuang Que at that time.

Zhuang Que is just an online trumpet, which does not hinder Cen Feinuo, but he has messed up He Jiang's life!

And... why did He Jiang lie to him

He admitted that he was an idiot, and if he didn't escape as soon as possible, He Jiang would definitely find out that he had taken the wrong phone.

Compared with being suspected of having hypochondria, and being found to be mentally ill and believing the contents of the diary to be true, I think the former is easier to accept.

He even pretended to be a womanizer, what's wrong with paranoia.

This embarrassment has already happened.

He Jiang would not criticize a patient harshly, but would call him a fool.

Shang Jing was used to being a master in front of He Jiang, and he lost his foundation for being a master, and he couldn't even speak in front of He Jiang.

He wanted to know why He Jiang lied to him, why his acting skills were so good, and made him take everything seriously.

It's Shangjing who dare not ask.

He was afraid of He Jiang's explanation.

If He Jiang said that everything was just to coax him in order not to irritate the patient with amnesia... then it would be better not to know!

If He Jiang said that because he likes won't work, the actor's acting skills are too good, he can't judge the truth of every sentence.

Just waiting for the memory to come back.

Shang Jing bumped his head against the pillow, why he still doesn't want to wake up!

Knowledge is the ladder of wisdom.

He called the cell phone and placed an order for postgraduate entrance examination books again, as if he had rented a small house to prepare for the exam, and no one had bothered him yet.

"You are ten kilometers away from the target."

Eight kilometers, five kilometers, one thousand meters, three hundred meters...

One hundred meters, twenty meters...

three meters.

three meters.

The business scene is in the room separated by a wall.

All the way through the city center, there was a traffic jam, and He Jiang was very anxious. If the little red dot hadn't moved, he would have sent someone to gamble at the airport and train station.

Currently used, it is the most complete and best-used app for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines, over 100 kinds of timbres, and is an artifact that supports offline reading.

He stood still in front of a red iron door on the sixth floor of Building C8 in his community, took a deep breath, and thought about whether he would catch the merchant puppy later, shut it down with his backhand, or drag him back to the car and take him to the hotel first.

He raised his hand to knock, and the depression, anxiety and fear that had been suppressed all the way in his chest made his words a little rushed.


There was a little movement inside, as if someone looked at him through the cat's eyes, and then stepped back without making a sound.

Liu Yanyan saw a man wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses through the cat's eyes, begging her in a bad way, and immediately imagined the bloody scene of seeking revenge, and was so frightened that she dared not breathe.

What to do, she is the only one in the family now... This person is so arrogant, has he stepped on it a little bit, and knows the situation in her family

He Jiang heard the sound of animals moving inside, and seemed to want to move a table to block it.

He sneered: "No, I'll call the police."

Liu Yanyan, who moved the table, paused: "..."

With just the word "", she couldn't tell that it was the voice of a male god. Those who couldn't hear this long sentence were not called fans!

She bought He Jiang's mobile phone number from her assistant, but He Jiang found it

Want to call the police and arrest her

She suddenly thought of the young man who returned the cell phone tightly wrapped. Could it be that he had already sold the phone number to a scalper, so he took the opportunity to return her cell phone, and she was now charged with the crime

Liu Yanyan remembered that the other party had transferred 15,000 to her, and her knees softened... "Fuck", money transactions, I can't tell.

He Jiang continued to threaten: "Believe it or not—"

Before the words fell, the iron beat, a thin little girl was crying bitterly.

He Jiang felt a chill in his heart.

Shang puppies live with people? ? Come to her as soon as you regain your memory

Liu Yanyan: "I'm sorry I was wrong, don't arrest me and go to jail, I never 'harassed' you. I just took my mobile phone today, did my older brother accidentally call you, I'm sorry I didn't do it..."

Something vaguely flashed through He Jiang's mind, he stared at the little girl in front of him calmly, and said seriously: "From the beginning, explain clearly."

Liu Yanyan told the story again from at least the beginning of the car accident.

He Jiang kept the interrogator's composure and composure, feeling overwhelmed.

He found so many reasonable reasons for Shang Jing's anomaly, but he never thought about taking the wrong phone.

He closed his eyes, the reason for his hand three years ago, and today's scene, Shang Jing never played cards according to common sense.

Does Shang Jing have no brains

What does he believe in what he has on his phone

In case the husband in the groupie's phone is not him, but someone else, will Shang Xiaogou also foolishly send it? ! If you are lucky, you will be kicked out as a fool. If you are not lucky, you will be raised by a scumbag as a mistress.

He yells about scumbags and dogs every day, and he is not at all wary!

He Jiang was almost dizzy by Shang Jing, and said with a stern face, "Don't be an example, focus on chasing stars in life. What about the person who took the wrong phone?"

Liu Yanyan said weakly: "Take a taxi and leave."

He Jiang: "Do you have his contact information?"

Liu Yanyan: "No, I haven't touched his cell phone."

He Jiang: "Okay, if he contacts you again, send an email to the studio."

Liu Yanyan agreed tremblingly, and sent He Jiang away, only to realize that she had communicated so much with the male god.

If it was before, she would probably be crazy with joy, but now she is only glad that the male god didn't let her go to jail.

When He Jiang went downstairs, her complexion darkened a hundred times.

Originally, there was a positioning system, and he had a chance to win. He only thought about what to do after catching Shang Puppy, but now... Shang Jing ran away without a trace, without any contact information.

He just thought it would be embarrassing for Shang Jing to recover his memory, but he didn't think Shang Jing would be in an awkward situation if he didn't recover his memory.

He Jiang was helpless for a moment.

He Jiang got into the car and asked Fu Ya first, but the other party said that Shang Jing had changed his number, and he didn't know anything else.

He was about to ask Zhuang Quin if Shang Jing had contacted him. After all, Zhuang Que was very close to him and had a common experience.

A ding-dong sound indicates that there is a new email.

The sender was Shang Jing, He Jiang hurriedly clicked, and almost smashed the phone.

Do you think everything will be fine if you pay back your aunt's 210,000 yuan

He Jiang suddenly remembered that the groupies said that Shang Jing would transfer all the money in WeChat to her.

Does Shangjing still have any money

With an empty head and empty hands, where does the business scene go? Shouldn't you still sleep on the street at night

He Jiang patted the plate below, wanting to call the police.

He was recalling the conditions for an adult to report his disappearance, his eyes touched the mobile phone in the center console, and he couldn't help but secretly cursed at the idiot.

Why did he forget? When Shang Jing took back his mobile phone, he found that the number was most likely three years ago, not the one he guessed before returning to China to change his mobile phone number.

Even after three years of erasing that string of numbers, I still know them by heart.

He was about to dial a number when he paused and turned off the phone.

Don't startle the snake, lest Shang Xiaogou run away upon hearing the news, if you change your mobile phone number again, you will have to look for the year of the monkey.

He Jiang narrowed her eyes, thinking about it.

He asked his friend for an irregular landline number, taking into account Shang Jing's IQ, and skillfully edited the text messages.

S City Customs: Hello, Mr. Shang, you entered S City on October 7, 202, and the large package intercepted by the customs has been cleared recently. Please do so at 2:00-5:00 this afternoon or at 9:00 tomorrow. -12:00, bring your ID card to the General Administration of Customs to pick it up. Customs storage is tight, please pick it up as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.