Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 57


He Jiang stretched out her hand to wrap the fur on Shang Jing's body tightly, like wrapping zongzi, not a little bit of white glutinous rice can be exposed, otherwise her appetite will skyrocket before it's time to cook.

After wrapping, he stared at Shang Jing covetously, frowning for a while and thinking for a while.

Shang Jing received his serious gaze, numbness appeared on the soles of his feet, and a panic of "I just want to die quickly" surged in my heart.

What is He Jiang planning

He just wants to have a normal bed, and he doesn't want to do any weird things!

He felt more and more that today's timing was the best. He Jiang had just found him and suffered a slight injury. He Jiang should be merciful.

And He Jiang has to catch a plane tomorrow, so she must come here once to rest. He had personally seen He Jiangneng... several times.

If one fails, He Jiang will leave tomorrow, and we will be separated for a month and a half, so there is no need for embarrassment.

This kind of thing cannot be carefully planned by the dog man, and the longer it is delayed, the more it will fall below his offline.

Shang Jing deliberately wanted to use "Are you not good enough" to stimulate He Jiang, seeing He Jiang's forbearance, he didn't dare to take the initiative to seek death.

He Jiang seemed to have figured something out, and squeezed Shang Jing's face hard, leaving two red marks on his face: "What did you say just now that you kissed him several times?"

"I remember we only kissed once? Have you recovered your memory?"

Business scene: "..."

Why are you still thinking about such profound questions

He was thinking about how to get around, but he must not recover his memory at this moment, how embarrassing it is.

He Jiang said: "Are you having a spring|dream, Shang puppy?"

Pretend to be a Shang puppy who has amnesia and is full of loopholes. He Jiang only needs to expose it as needed, tease him and help him get back together. This game can be played for free for one year.

Business scene with previous convictions: "..."

With a sullen face, he said fiercely: "Can't you!"

He Jiang: "Okay, but if I appear in your dream, I need to get paid."

Facts have proved that the actor's appearance fee is really high, and it does not go through the studio's flow, but collects it privately, which is a kind of moral corruption.

The next day, the first thing He Jiang did after waking up was to contact the housekeeping service to pick up the piece, and take the huge expensive fur to clean, which depreciated by tens of thousands of dollars.

It may be that the villains have done too much. He Jiang received a call from Lin Lin just as He Jiang hung up the housekeeping call.

"The crew of "Bai Feng" contacted us and said that they would join the crew immediately. The weather forecast said that there would be a snowstorm in a few days at the filming location. This is a rare opportunity, and they wanted to finish filming the part of the night of the snowstorm immediately."

After the blizzard, the traffic is inconvenient and the group entry will be delayed, so it is best to arrive before the blizzard. The pre-startup preparations over there have been completed long ago, and only the cast and crew are missing.

"Understood, when is the plane?" He Jiang opened the curtains and saw a layer of hoarfrost hanging on the edge of the floor-to-ceiling windows. In the past, he would go back to his parents' house for the New Year, and the villa didn't bother to create any New Year's atmosphere. Mother He came over and used up Paste the Spring Festival couplets on his door and it will be over.

He Jiang reached out and knocked the condensed frost on the glass, thinking that when he came back from filming, the business scene would have been decorated with lights and festoons, and even a big "Spring" was pasted here.

He began to look forward to the New Year.

Lin Lin: "It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and we have to arrive at the airport at half past three. I'll pick you up at the villa at half past two."

"Do you want Xiaobei to help you pack your luggage?"

He Jiang thought to herself, my wife will be crowed if she cheats too much, "No need, my wife cleaned it up for me last night."

Lin Lin didn't understand, but she could hear He Jiang showing off, and said, "That's good."

Shang Jing was full of sleep, opened his eyes in a daze, suddenly thought of something, sat up all of a sudden, picked up his mobile phone and checked the time, it was half past ten, could He Jiang have already boarded the plane

He hurriedly got out of bed and put on his slippers, and saw He Jiang wearing an apron in the kitchen.

The villa has underfloor heating, so He Jiang only wore an indigo blue round-neck sweater with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His arms are strong and beautiful, which is both unattainable and virtuous.

"Brush your teeth when you wake up. Breakfast is small wontons, and at noon... sweet and sour fish."


After Shang Jing brushed his teeth, he sat at the table and ate a bowl of wontons sprinkled with shallots. After eating, he took the initiative to wash the dishes, and stood behind He Jiang to watch him kill the fish.

On the left is a tablet playing a video tutorial on sweet and sour fish at 05x speed.

The back of the fish should be sliced out first, then marinated, hung with starch and deep-fried, and finally topped with sweet and sour sauce.

Shang Jing looked at it for a while, and asked sincerely: "So you have to read tutorials when you cook?"

Shouldn't the chef be confident and do it in one go

The taste of the food made by He Jiang is really not like what he is learning now.

He Jiang: "Well, I can eat the ones made by the tutorial, but some people can't eat the ones made by the tutorial, and they will be wronged."

Shang Jing whispered: "You are some people, who are you talking about?"

Without the premise that He Jiang is a scumbag, Shang Jing began to believe that his meal of top-notch foie gras was indeed something no dog would eat.

He Jiang is not a scumbag, there is no need to make things difficult for him.

He Jiang: "There are some people, I won't say who they are, they know it well."

Shang Jing put on a show: "It can't be me, can it?"

He Jiang: "I didn't say."

Shang Jing hugged his waist, "Is there anyone else cooking for you? It must be me! I'm sorry."

He Jiang now fully understands Shang Jing's behavior at that time, whoever made him take the wrong mobile phone and misunderstood him as a scumbag, it would not be too much to lift the roof off.

Shang Jing: "What time do you leave?"

He Jiang: "Two thirty."

Shang Jing: "Aren't you going to leave after lunch?"

He Jiang: "Are you reluctant to part with me?"

Shang Jing was silent for a moment, put his head on He Jiang's back, and rubbed against it.

He Jiang spends too much time with him recently, almost making him forget that the actor is a busy man.

He Jiang turned around and hugged him, her heart was unbelievably soft: "I finished work before the Chinese New Year, and I will be with you from the first day of the new year to the Lantern Festival."

"When the time comes, don't think I'm affecting your study."

"Also, get ready..."

He Jiang lowered her voice, and said a few words in Shang Jing's ear, and Shang Jing's ears turned red.

Isn't it just that he got up two hours earlier than him, why did he even buy the shooting gallery!

He Jiang: "The museum is now closed for renovation, do you want to add a..."

Shangjing: "You, you..."

Why does it sound so anti-human? What would the master worker think!

Shang Jing never thought that two such tense things would be combined, and he probably felt weak before stepping into the shooting range.

He was a little scared.

He Jiang: "Do you trust your husband?"

Shang Jing: "Well..."

He Jiang: "I won't hurt you."

Shang Jing: "I know."

He Jiang deliberately didn't bring his assistant Xiao Bei with him when he was filming, and asked him to stay in S City and help Shang Jing anytime.

Shang Jing practiced the piano in the morning and practiced in the afternoon. In the evening or other times, when He Jiang finished work, the two went online to play games or chat. Their lives were very fulfilling, and they hardly needed assistants.

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Xiaobei, who has been in the salted fish for a month, asked sister Lin anxiously, is there any performance this month besides the basic salary

Lin Lin said speechlessly: "As long as you follow He Jiang back to take over, the New Year's red envelope will be doubled compared to last year, believe it or not?"

"Believe it! I believe it!"

Ever since he misunderstood He Jiang's words "Is your brain okay?" and failed to swipe his credit card to buy a piano from Shangjing in time, Xiao Bei has become a new man.

Especially when he knew that He Jiang really bought a million-dollar grand piano for Shangjing to put in the room, and this piano room villa existed at the beginning of the design, but it has been empty without any furniture.

Where is the piano room that is empty, it is clearly the heart of their boss!

Not to mention that the proprietress ran away, they stayed at the customs for two days, and packed the winter clothes and upright piano for Shangjing overnight... These unbelievable operations made Xiaobei call out "so there is really love"!

The upright piano was moved out from the Daping floor of Hejiang city center overnight. Xiaobei was curious why there was one here. Lin Lin told him that it was there three years ago.

He Jiang didn't say anything, but when she was dating online, she wanted to let her boyfriend go back to China every winter and summer vacation. For this reason, she specially wrote down that Shang Jing only went abroad once to practice piano.

This kind of piano is relatively old and has never been imported and sold in China. He Jiang spent money to buy it from a retired old professor of the music department. He hoped that the business scene would cross the ocean, and he could comfortably practice the same piano every day, and treat this place as his second home.

At this point, Xiaobei gave in completely and was hit by the pie.

If you stay by Shang Jing's side, even if you are a salted fish, you won't be fired, and you can get a raise. The boss braved the wind and snow to film in the northwest, and he was blowing the heat in S City.

He is now the boss's number one CP fan.

The calendar turned upside down day by day, he had nothing to do for forty days, and was finally contacted by Shangjing.

Xiao Da is the first signal of the New Year. Several online platforms and TV stations hold star concerts or evening shows on this day. They start warming up several days in advance. The list of invited guests will be posted a few times a day, one hot search at a time.

Shang Jing checked the list, and asked Xiaobei again, to confirm that He Jiang would not attend any small or big parties, and still insisted on filming in the Northwest.

Not long after He Jiang left, it was the winter solstice. Shang Jing especially wanted to eat dumplings with him. When chatting with He Jiang, he said openly and secretly that he was making dumplings recently, and Mother He taught him another way to make dumplings.

However, He Jiang just said that the crew would also distribute dumplings, as if he didn't understand his hint.

Shang Jing understands that because He Jiang's filming schedule is tight and the crew's living conditions are not good, he can't come back, and Shang Jing is not allowed to go to find him.

Shang Jing intends to sneak over, cut first and play later. He is now going to the production team, and he can just stay until the Chinese New Year and finish work with He Jiang. If the crew does not allow an extra assistant, he will rent a house nearby.

Of course, this matter has to be conspired with Xiao Bei. If he wasn't in City S, he wouldn't be able to hide it from He Jiang's eyeliner.

"You are not allowed to tell He Jiang, let's sneak over to give him a surprise."

Xiao Bei: "Surprise?"

It should be a surprise, right

He was urged by Shang Jing to book tickets, printed out the entry and exit certificate of the crew, and stood at the gate of the crew that night.

He Jiang said that there will be no night show tonight, and he chatted with him for half an hour in the morning, and he should be getting ready to rest. Shang Jing is familiar with He Jiang's place of residence, holding a thermos of dumplings, planning to sneak attack.

"Did Room 3 pass this way?" Shang Jing flashed He Jiang's assistant's badge and asked the security guard at the door.

Security guard: "You bring food to Mr. He. It's better to send it to the studio. The show will be all night tonight, and it will be cold in the house."

"Okay, thank you brother."

Shang Jing looked at the thermos in his hand, and lied again, not telling him every time he was filming a night scene, pretending that filming was easy.

The day before yesterday, he saw that He Jiang's thumb was frostbitten, and He Jiang lied to him that it was the special effect makeup done by the makeup artist.

Shang Jing was shivering from the cold as soon as he got off the plane, and he didn't believe He Jiang's words even more.

He wants to see what happened today.

With a pass, it is very convenient to go anywhere. When approaching the set, Shang Jing heard the assistant director calling for someone.

"The co-star Lin Hao who played the spy, where did Lin Hao go?"

"Director Liu, Lin Hao suddenly had diarrhea."

"This is about to start a moth, change one for another, and find a good-looking one..."

The theme of the movie "Bai Feng" is a battle. Tonight's filming is that the army led by He Jiang suffered losses due to leaked news.

He ordered the search for spies, and it turned out that an ordinary local citizen had accidentally said it.

When the "spies" were found, He Jiang was so angry that he drew his gun directly at him, but when he saw the innocent look on his face, he pressed the killing intent and stuffed the gun into his coat.

The assistant director saw Shang Jing who was holding the thermos, his face looked so innocent, it would be enough to paint it black and make it ugly: "Hey, who's assistant are you, if you are free, you can come and earn some money." Extra money, 500 for a play, 100 for warmth allowance."

Shang Jing's eyes lit up, can he also appear in the same scene as He Jiang in the movie

"Ok, Ok!"

"Change and put on makeup, hurry up!"

Shang Jing changed into the crew costume and studied the script while putting on makeup.

To be pointed at by He Jiang... no problem.

He Jiang said that he would never hurt him, it was just a prop gun.

Fifteen minutes later, Shang Jing was tied up and taken to the center of the field.

He Jiang had just "raged" in the last scene, and Shang Jing watched the whole process of acting, saying that it was really scary.

When he was a demon before, He Jiang would be angry at first, but it was not at the same level as in the play.

Thinking back now, Shang Jing is sure that He Jiang was angry at the beginning, most of it should be that he couldn't let go of his ex-boyfriend, it was sulking, and his attack power was limited.

Director: "Start."

"The spy has been found!"

With her back to Shang Jing, He Jiang drew the gun from her waist in a flash of rage, turned around and pulled the trigger to load it, aiming at the spy's eyebrow.

The spy is an idiot in the village who is not very smart, and he is tolerated by everyone because of his good looks.

Shang Jing was held down with innocent eyes.

The next moment, He Jiang's eyes trembled, and he suppressed his anger and retracted his gun, "Get lost."

"Cut!" shouted the director, "take a fifteen-minute break."

He Jiang threw the prop gun to the assistant, stepped forward and pulled the business scene into the simple lounge: "You have grown up, how dare you hit me with a gun?"

Even though Xiaobei ran over to tell him that Shang Jing was going to be a group performer before the filming started, He Jiang's heart tightened when he saw Shang Jing. He was absolutely sure that the gun in his hand was a prop, but he squeezed sweat.

Shang Jing's simple scene was over in no time. He took off his costume, wiped his face, and brought over the thermos, "Come here, eat dumplings."

He Jiang looked at him, feeling angry in her heart, but she couldn't bear to attack him, so she could only say: "Have you overcome the psychological barrier?"

"Don't be afraid of that, and secretly treat me while I'm away?"

Shang Jing faltered: "I haven't overcome it, I'm not afraid if the gun is in your hands, and the director said, I won't shoot in this scene."

He Jiang narrowed her eyes: "Really, it seems that the simulation of a certain scenario can go a little further."

Shang Jing said like a cannonball: "No! That's not what I mean. I haven't settled with you for lying to me about the next day's plane and coaxing me into bed. What I promised that day doesn't count! And what I gave You send dumplings, why don't you just eat them and not be moved?"

He Jiang smiled and looked at him helplessly.

"I'm holding back, Shang puppy."

Shang Jing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that his cheeks turned red suddenly.