Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 63


The luxury goods groups heard the news, and launched the most classic and latest pair of rings one after another. Shang Jing, can you propose again, and provide rings for free, so that my spokesperson can be proud again.

But Shang Jing has opened Weibo, @ can not reach me.

"As we all know, He Jiang has ten fingers."

"Shang Jing, look at this silly dog, beg for the remaining nine times."

"Gold or not, even if Shang Xiaogou proposes with Yiwu Xiaoshang, He Jiang will show it off."

"Now I really want to know the process of Shang Xiaogou's marriage proposal. He Jiang, please feed the child a bite of dog food."

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"Blind guess is wrapped in dumplings."

"In addition to coins, can dumplings also contain rings?"

"Blind guess is that the courier sent it directly to He Jiang."

"It's the truth upstairs."

"Maybe it's still taken by the rookie station."

"It's too miserable, isn't the actor worthy of a SF Express?"

The netizen Gonghuo is top-notch, He Jiang sneered and pressed the phone off.

The film king has seen all the big winds and waves, can you not see that it is a violent method

"Xiao Jing, can I put the photos of Gong's ring box together on the Internet?"

Shang Jing thought about the ugly skull he had made, and shook his head to express his refusal.

Shang Jing looked at the vain actor and the flower shop passing by the roadside, and said, "You can go buy a bunch of flowers and pretend that I bought them."

He Jiang thought for a while, then forget it.

"What's in my wife's head", what should I show netizens

Fu's house was not far from He Jiang's parents' house, and it was about nine o'clock in the evening when they arrived home.

Before getting off the car, Shang Jing brought the biscuits made by Aunt Fu, and there was a gift that He Jiang had prepared in the trunk, so there was no need to worry too much.

Mother He and Father He were watching the replay of the party, and hurriedly called Shang Jing and He Jiang to eat fruits and melon seeds together.

"Go back to the old house tomorrow, you two get up early, sit for a while and go to bed."

Aunt He Silan is old and doesn't sleep much, she always wakes up very early, so the younger generation can't keep the elders waiting.

Mama He was keenly aware that Shang Jing was a bit tired, but she never thought that her son would not come home on New Year's Eve just to stay up all night. She felt distressed because it was Shang Jing's first time working with the group, and she couldn't bear the environment on the set. Said: "Soak your feet before going to sleep, put two slices of ginger."

Shang Jing: "Okay, thank you, Auntie."

As soon as the voice fell, Mama He took out a huge red envelope from behind the sofa pillow: "Are you still called Auntie? Didn't everything on He Jiang Road be made public?"

Nothing in the entertainment industry can be hidden from Mama He's eyes. When He Jiang first entered the industry, Mama He was prejudiced against this industry, so she did a thorough research and analysis, and she clearly studied the good and the bad. She didn't allow He Jiang to go astray, and He Jiang kept her original intentions as always. After He Jiang had a studio, He's mother completely ignored the entertainment industry.

Shang Jing's cheeks blushed upon hearing this, Auntie looked at the trending search, didn't she see Ji propose to He Jiang.

The person who proposed first looked like a cabbage, Shang Jing was a little embarrassed, and only spent 5,000 yuan to get it.

Mama He stretched out her left hand and pulled out Shangjing's for comparison, "Look, this is my wedding ring back then. Dad He Jiang picked it out. No matter what I buy later, it can't compare to this one."

Mama He also wears a gold ring. Whatever pigeon egg sapphires rich wives wear, she only likes the ring her husband picked when he got married.

"He Jiang pulled it off once when she was a child. Fortunately, she found it. Otherwise, your husband's face would not be so handsome now."

Mama He made a joke and returned to the topic, "A New Year's bag for Xiaojing."

He Jiang: "Why do I have it?"

Father He interjected, "Do you want more after Chinese New Year 27? Xiao Jing is still studying, how many years have you been working?"

Shang Jing took the heavy red envelope and whispered, "Thank you, Mom."

He stood up, picked up the teapot on the table, filled the teacup in front of Mama and Papa, and handed it to them respectfully.



"Hey, my big baby son." Mother He said happily.

Shang Jing has been calling people "Mom" for a long time, and after receiving the unified reply of Happy New Year from Ms. Shang, Shang Jing doesn't know what else to say to his mother.

There is a mother now.

After chatting for a while, Mama He drove the two of them to bed, "Remember to soak your feet."

"Yeah." He Jiang responded, went to the kitchen and took a piece of ginger the size of a palm and peeled it. Everything was done.

Shang Jing took a shower in the bathroom, and He Jiang stood guard outside like a disciple: "Cough... want me to check it for you?"

Shang Jing: "No need!"

He Jiang gave up, since he could check it when he came out anyway, he threw the ginger into the kettle, pressed the switch, and went to the next room to find the foot bath bucket.

When Shang Jing came out of the shower, He Jiang moved the foot bath bucket to the sofa, poured ginger water in to dilute it, and said, "It's time to soak."

Shang Jing wore a bathrobe and sat on the lazy sofa to soak his feet comfortably. He heard the sound of He Jiang taking a bath in his ears, and frowned.

He Jiang's speed of turning on and off the water seems to be a bit fast. The last time I took a bath in such a hurry was... last night.

Shang Jing hurriedly looked for a foot cloth everywhere, but he was obviously too comfortable to be served, so he was prepared for this at all, and subconsciously waited for He Jiang to get it.

You can't wear pajamas in front of hooligans, you have to change into a set of pajamas quickly. Mama He said that everything in the closet is ready for you.

A woolen blanket was spread on the floor, and it was not suitable for wet feet, so Shang Jing had to lift his left foot to his right knee, and pull the bathrobe to wipe it directly.

When He Jiang came out, she saw Shang Jing wiping her feet in an awkward posture. With this movement, the bathrobe was opened all the way...

It's no different than wearing it.

"What are you doing?" He Jiang pressed Shang Jing's shoulder, her voice hoarse, "Have you soaked for five minutes?"

Shang Jing asked back, "Do you have five minutes to take a bath?"

Pretty clever.

"Did you see the ginger in the water?" He Jiang nonsense said, "The wild ginger can grow so big in more than a year, don't waste it, keep soaking."

The foot bath barrel can maintain heat and generate bubbles for massage. Through the churning bubbles, Shang Jing saw two pieces of ginger underneath.

Really can't waste food, these two pieces can fry ten dishes.

Shang Jing hesitantly put his feet back and straightened his bathrobe.

He Jiang said: "It has become a foot wipe, don't wear wet ones."


Just after discussing the issue of wasting food, Shang Jing's head became very upright. Seeing that He Jiang walked up to the closet to get a new bathrobe, he took off the wet one without thinking.

As a result, the dog man feinted, hung up the bathrobe, and took a bath towel to cover Shang Xiaogou, with a half-smile and malicious intentions.

He Jiang squatted down: "Let me massage the soles of your feet."

Business scene: "..."

It's very similar to the kind of pedicure shop that needs to be swept away by pornography. They don't simply soak their feet, but also force them to provide services that are not allowed by law.

Shang Jing firmly stepped on his left foot and put his right foot on, with a tone of justice, resolute not to be corrupted by the big dye vat in the entertainment industry: "I won't do it anymore."

He Jiang smiled and said: "Ginger must play its role today, otherwise..."

The voice in the back dropped, and Shang Jing stepped on the ginger in the barrel with a red face.

"I soak."

Shang Xiaogou emailed in both Chinese and English overnight, and the United Nations proposed that the stir-fried kidney, bamboo shoots and yam stewed lamb should be removed from He Jiang's recipes.

The next day, He Jiang prepared her clothes and scooped up Shang Puppy, "Honey, I have to get up early today."

Shang Jing: "What time is it?"

He Jiang: "It's half past six, I'm going to my aunt's."

We went to bed before 11:30 last night. We slept for seven hours, which is not too little.

Shang Jing opened his eyes suddenly. The word aunt was still very intimidating. He sat up and looked at the clothes beside the bed, and said, "I don't want to wear sweatpants today."


He Jiang said: "Don't worry, I have prepared soft suit pants."

While putting on his clothes, Shang Jing said, "Did you supplement the brain supplement last time?"

At the time, I thought that He Jiang was the only one who was ashamed anyway, even if it was known that he had taken a sack of brain-replenishing medicine from his aunt, it didn't matter.

The situation is different now. There may be dozens of people in the old house today, and it is the first time for people to meet the He family formally. If someone mentions that, there will be no room for it.

He Jiang: "It's fixed, people found out."

When Shang Jing put on his clothes and found that his arms and legs were not flexible, he immediately became angry: "I told you to go to bed early! If my aunt asks me to work today, I won't be able to do it anymore!"

Last time I wore a small indigo suit and worked neatly, how would my aunt think this time? My aunt is so smart, in case...

He Jiang laughed out loud: "With me here, can I still let you work?"

Shang Jing took advantage of the problem: "Then why weren't you here last time?"

He Jiang: "It's my fault."

Shang Jing is not forgiving: "I've sent you so many messages, have you come to help me? Yes, you sit back and enjoy the benefits and eat dumplings."

He Jiang: "I can't leave that day—"

Shang Jing: "No need to explain! I'm angry, you're sleeping in the study this month."

Added: "According to the lunar calendar."

The second day of the first lunar month, this month has just begun.

As long as you are angry enough, you can rest well.

He Jiang was scolded for nothing, and he didn't try to defend himself, so he resorted to his trump card: "Don't be angry if you're celebrating Chinese New Year, okay?"

Shang Jing had just returned to China, and he paid great attention to the festival of Chinese New Year. Every time He Jiang talked about it last night, he felt that people who celebrate Chinese New Year seem to be able to open and close everything. A few days a year for Chinese New Year.

The Chinese teacher taught Shang Xiaogou that it is very common for Chinese people, and secretly charged high tuition fees.

Shang Xiaogou didn't notice it: "I won't be angry with you for the time being."