Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 67


Shang Jing only stayed in the crew for one day, and ran away like burning his butt. When he went out, he met Lan Mao who was hesitant to speak.

Lan Mao walked with a limp, "Have you..."

Shang Jing: "No!"

I'm not a doctor, you need medicine, you'd better go down the mountain and register.

Thinking of this, Shang Jing felt a little soft-hearted, he might as well go down the mountain to pick up a ride for the end of the world.

"If you don't go, I'll take you to the hospital?"

Lan Mao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously changed the action of putting it in his pocket, "No, I just want to ask Mr. He if there is any way to alleviate the sequelae of hanging wire."

Yesterday was hanging for a whole day, He Jiang still walked with the wind, but he couldn't do it anymore.

Shang Jing: "I don't know, maybe he's used to it."

He couldn't feel that He Jiang's movements were restricted in any way yesterday.

He said from the bottom of his heart: "You should have a good rest last night."

The film king has brought down the mood of the crew!

Lan Mao: "Take a break, it doesn't work."

The two looked at each other for a while, and Lan Mao said, "Nothing happened last night."

Shang Jing: "Huh?"

Lan Mao: "Brother educated me for two hours."

Shang Jing: "What did he say?"

Lan Mao's expression was dull: "The misunderstanding and risks that are easy to occur when borrowing condoms on the set."

Shang Jing comforted: "I still cherish this day."

I personally experienced that when the other party couldn't bear it anymore, it was my turn to suffer from kidney deficiency every day.

Before Shang Jing left, he sent Lan Mao a wedding invitation letter. He didn't have many friends in China, so he didn't know if he could send it out.

When Shangjing delivered the invitation letter to his mother's mailbox, He Jiangshi sent the court summons.

That night, He Jiang and Shang Shi had a video call for mediation.

Shang Jing called He Jiang's parents and parents, and He Jiang should have been called Shang Shi's mother, but at the moment when he picked up the video, He Jiang thought about it and temporarily omitted this sentence.

When the businessman saw He Jiang, he sneered and didn't give in to his compatriots. Zhang Biao said in English, "I think you should know that Shang Jing gave up the inheritance for you, right? What qualifications do you have to come back?"

People in the entertainment industry don't have very high academic qualifications. Unless they grew up in a foreign language environment, their English listening skills are worrying. Mama Shang wanted He Jiang to retreat in the face of difficulties.

"Really? I don't seem to have heard of this time. Is there any written evidence?" He Jiang fought back in English fluently, with a lot of legal terms in between, "... I can send the subpoena to you, if there is Full grasp."

The merchant frowned, but he couldn't keep up with He Jiang's pace in the legal field.

She seems to be white, and He Jiang can sue her across the country.

He Jiang: "Please allow me to express in Chinese."

The businessman failed to play prestige, so he switched back to Chinese: "Is this how you like Xiaojing? 'Force' him to sue his own mother? He won't recognize me as a mother after he gets married?"

He Jiang was as good as he said: "Mom, don't think so."

Merchant: "..."

He Jiang: "According to Father Fu's will, Shang Jing is married, you should at least transfer the ownership to him a wedding house. Father Fu has a designated house, right?"

The businessman threatened: "According to the law, I have no obligation to support him. You are so rich, you are like me, aren't you afraid to spread it out?"

He Jiang: "I stand up for my wife, there is nothing shameful. Please accept the email."

The merchant raised his hand and clicked on the email, his face suddenly turned pale.

He Jiang: "Presumably you don't know, your Caucasian husband is on the domestic investigation list, right? Ten years ago, in the name of investing in foreigners, he defrauded the country of foreign trade subsidies with related companies. After being investigated, he hurriedly returned to the United States to escape. Interrogation."

The old case has long been closed, and the police don't have the energy to go abroad to investigate, but the businessman's white husband never dared to enter China again.

"In the past ten years, have you ever thought of going back to China with your husband? What is the reason for not making the trip?"

Businessman: "So what, as you said, he just doesn't go to China, there are hundreds of countries in the world..."

He Jiang: "Indeed. As you know, people in China always think that after a person gets married, his thoughts will become more mature. I haven't gotten married yet, and I have received a bunch of life interviews, all of which are focused on my wife. If you don't mind, I might talk about Shang Jing's childhood history and introduce his family."

The merchant lowered his eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

Shangshi has a lot of face in her life. She always tries her best to prove that her choice is right. If her social circle knows, the white husband she will find later is not a successful Chinese-foreign friendly technician at all, but a mixed man in China. Can't go on... She looked down on the criminal police, but found a suspect who was stared at by the police. All his achievements are obtained by managing the estate of his wife's ex-husband.

Shang Shi: "Aren't you afraid of talking to me like this, are you not afraid of being known by Shang Jing?"

He Jiang: "Don't be afraid, after all, I didn't hide anything from him."

Shang Shi: "You can accept interviews, and so can I. I don't have the burden of being an idol, so I don't have to be responsible for what I say."

He Jiang smiled: "Interview, what are you talking about? Me? We don't know each other well."

"If you want to discredit Shang Jing or his father... Sorry, you have been abroad for a long time, and you may not know the respect for martyrs in China."

The merchant thought for a while with a sullen face, and said, "Buy the original house, right? How much?"

He Jiang: "Fifty million."

The merchant choked: "..." She never knew that the price of that dilapidated house could rise to such a price, it seemed that her painstaking efforts over the years seemed like a joke. To let her friends know, maybe how long she will laugh secretly.

He Jiang looked at the businessman's expression for a while: "What about the wedding room? Of course, the family will pay half of it. You will pay 30 million, and I will pay 20 million. The name is Shang Jing, and the full amount before marriage."

Thirty million can make the merchant's assets halve, and discuss with her husband to realize the investment project...

The merchant took a deep breath: "OK."

It's not that she doesn't love Shangjing, it's just that she doesn't love it that much compared to herself.

He Jiang: "Thank you mom, the wedding invitation has been sent out, and I have also booked the air ticket and hotel for you. I hope you will appreciate it."

He Jiang raised the corners of her mouth: "I didn't invite your husband, I think you can understand."

Shangshi turned off the video, apparently not wanting to hear him call mom.

Fifteen days later, the businessman came over with the money for buying the house, and He Jiang asked Lin Lin to take the business to formally transfer the ownership.

On the day the real estate certificate came out, He Jiang came back from the film crew and was going to get the certificate with his wife.

Holding the real estate certificate with only his own name on it, Shang Jing came over in vain: "What's the matter, I have to sign it. Did you do it on purpose?"

He Jiang reasoned fully: "No, I don't have a place to buy a house."

Shang Jing watched He Jiang pick and choose among a row of white shirts, and with all due respect, there is a ghostly difference between these white shirts.

He sat on the bed and said with some annoyance, "I'm not free that day either, so you can go and sign by yourself."

He Jiang paused with her fingers picking up the shirt, turned around and approached Shang Jing, and put her hands on the bed on both sides of him: "I didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

Shang Jing leaned back and was forced to lie on the bed, confident: "What will you do if I don't go? I have a fine exemption certificate!"

He Jiang stretched out his hand to loosen his tie, thinking that it was funny that Shang Xiaogou regarded the Zuojing coupon as a gold medal for avoiding death issued by him.

"I only accept the reason that you don't go."

Shang Jing suddenly turned his head against the bed, and looked at He Jiang in shock, what do you mean, why don't you go!

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

He Jiang whispered: "That is - you can't get out of bed because of me, and if you forcefully go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, your marriage will be questioned and your marriage will not be stamped with a big red stamp."

"This seems to be a good idea." He Jiang was still unsatisfied, "It can become a regular program every year before the wedding anniversary."

The more he said the more outrageous, Shang Jing paused for five seconds, then pushed He Jiang up red-faced: "Rogue."

He Jiang supported the edge of the bed and stood up, then grabbed Shang Jing and said, "Which shirt do you think looks good in wedding photos?"

Shang Jing raised his eyelids and scanned over the shirt.

In other words, whether the button of the shirt has four holes or two holes, and whether it is cross-stitched or parallel-stitched, will not be reflected in the wedding photo.

Shang Jing deliberately said: "The first one, the one with a brooch in the bag." I will let you peacock for a day.

He Jiang: "It's too dishonorable."

Shang Jing: "The last one, the collar and sleeves are bound in red."

He Jiang: "Not enough."

"You can buy one on the street for ten yuan."

Shang Jing complained in his heart, but Tiantian and He Jiang, wearing a carefully selected white shirt, smiled like a puppy in front of the camera.

He stroked the newly released marriage certificate, feeling filled with emotion, He Jiang was his.

And He Jiang quickly sent the negatives to the art museums he knew, asking to have them washed into 12-inch pieces, ten copies, and custom-made photo frames.

After receiving the certificate, He Jiang and Shang Jing went to Fu's house for dinner and presented a wedding photo.

Fu Rong grinned from ear to ear, and hung the photos with his family's.

In the afternoon, the family went to the cemetery in city S to tell Fu Peng's spirit in heaven about the joy.

He Jiang lit three sticks of incense, bowed three times, and stuck Zheng Di in the crevice of the stone.

Shang Jing suddenly said, "Not enough Zhuang"

And "not enough vegetarian", may have other intentions.

In a whole month's time, it will be Qing Dynasty. Shang Jing visited his father's grave for the first time in more than ten years, and He Jiang was by his side.

When Shang Jing was a child, he proposed to go back to China to visit his father’s grave, and his mother started a TV station in S City. There was news about martyrs during the Qing Festival. “It’s the same when you watch volunteers sweeping graves remotely.”

Sometimes with luck, the camera is Fu Peng’s tombstone, and there are chrysanthemums dipped in dew in front of it, so that Shang Xiaojing has the real feeling of "Dad is indeed someone sweeping the grave". .

He Jiang held Shang Jing's hand tightly and didn't let go: "Dad, please rest assured and hand over Shang Jing to me."

Shang Jing: "Fu Pengzhi agreed!"

In April, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, which is very suitable for outdoor weddings.

The news about the wedding has been made public, and the fan forums are blown up!

Hastily! I read that right, He Jiang said that he had hired the largest film and television city to hold a three-day running banquet!

-Shock my mother, no tickets, door-to-door fan registration, before the news is released, as long as you have blessed He Jiang and Shang Jing, you can go in and eat and drink directly.

-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I said "knock it off" does that count

- I'm back, He Jiang's studio has the final say!

-For the first time, I feel that I have lived a long life, and I never dreamed that I could participate in the wedding of a male god.

-Inside information, there are two weddings, one private, one public, and the film and television city public.

-Feel like suddenly no one

- You are stupid, you are all going to grab air tickets and hotels.

- This is fucking Spring Festival ticket grabbing, I opened 12306 the first time I saw the news, there were only a few first-class seats left, and I booked tickets with tears in my eyes.

-Sisters who have grabbed tickets, please pay attention, you can't bring a camera, go through the security check.

-Will they give out wedding candy on the spot

-It is said that it is sent at a random time every day, not all day, He Gou loves his wife's hand.

- so sweet too sweet! My mouth is full of candy.

At that time, He Jiang and Shang Jing had already held a wedding full of parents, relatives and friends. Among other things, they had a lot of money.

However, among the people attending the wedding, the ratio of He Jiang's relatives and friends to Shang Jing was about ten to one.

He Jiang knew that this was unfair, so she planned two shows from the beginning, and the other one was open to the public. There is no distinction between friends here, they are all "friends" who came to bless their marriage.

After the first wedding, Shang Jing looked at the tables of money in red envelopes, and bit his fingertips in surprise: "There are so many."

He can count for half a month.

He Jiang: "Are you happy?"

Shang Jing: "Happy."

Like a philistine husband and wife, He Jiang said, "Let's be more happy. Late marriages, unmarried marriages, and hidden marriages in the entertainment industry. Most of the members' money here doesn't have to be repaid."

Shangjing: "Yes!"

Both of them knew that the family money was not worth one-tenth of the cost of the wedding, but it did not prevent the pure happiness from every little love.

He Jiang suggested: "According to our domestic tradition, how about I give you a make-up entrance banquet when you are admitted to graduate school?"

Shang Jing: "..." There is no need to pluck the wool of the entertainment industry like this.

He Jiang coaxed his wife into joy with a few words, and said slowly: "Okay, put the money aside, it's time for our wedding night now."

Shang Jing sat in the pile of red envelopes, and raised his head when he heard the words: "Didn't you pass the certificate last time...?!"

He Jiang: "That was the legal wedding night."

Shang Jing: "Huh?"

He Jiang: "There is also a popular wedding night."

Shang Jing: "..." There are so many tricks in studying the Fa? Then what happened last time? Didn't he get bullied in vain

He Jiang smiled without saying a word.

Not only that, there will be a bridal chamber wedding night in a few days.