Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 7


Shang Jing's hands were empty, and seeing that the foam on He Jiang's body was not washed off, he frowned: "Why don't you take a good bath?"

He Jiang quickly covered the receiver, feeling complicated: "What nonsense are you and my dad talking about?"

Shang Jing admitted that when he heard his uncle's majestic voice, he subconsciously answered the truth and was a little timid, but when he saw He Jiang's appearance of shame and anger when his secret marriage was revealed, this bit of guilt immediately dissipated.

Shang Jing: "I didn't say anything."

He Jiang: "Really?"

Shang Jing snorted, what kind of words can a person with amnesia be told, can he be more vigilant, but he just asked some things about He Jiang's life. He hasn't taken the opportunity to say bad things yet.

Having said that, He Jiang went home to eat and drink some red wine with her parents, can't she just say it? Then he doesn't have to make this call, his palms are sweating, okay

Why, are you afraid that he will pester you and want to meet the parents together

He Jiang glanced at Shang Jing, and noticed his uncooperative attitude, as if he wanted to make things difficult for him, so he couldn't help rubbing the center of his brows.

He can ask Shang Jing to call Cen Feinuo Yang Yue, friends don't care, but his parents are easy to take it seriously.

Shang Jing's current confusing and confusing style has not convinced others, but he dare not let his father know at all.

He Jiang simply turned on the phone and recorded a video of him, and sent it to his dad on WeChat.

Then he stroked his dripping hair and wiped his hands on the bath towel before he had time to type.

—He's out of his mind, don't take the nonsense...

Before finishing the call, the other side replied with a message:

"Is this what your daughter-in-law looks like?"

"Your mother and I are quite satisfied with him."

He Jiang stared at the water droplets falling on the screen, and closed his eyes. This drop of water made him type faster than his father.

How can this be reasonable.

He Jiang wiped away the drop of water with her thumb, and continued typing helplessly: "I didn't want you to see what he looks like, but to see his head—"

The other person took another quick step: "Leave the injured daughter-in-law at home, who will you drink with in the middle of the night? I said you go home for dinner, don't reveal your secrets. Next time you make a mistake, we won't give you the truth."

He Jiang smashed the phone and turned off the phone. He was afraid of Shang Jing's presence, so he didn't dare to make a voice. How could he justify his mother's voice input on the opposite side.

That's right, the following paragraph, at first glance, is a fucking tone.

Call back tomorrow and explain.

He Jiang threw the phone on the bed, "You..."

He looked at himself, no matter what he talked about, he looked like a hooligan, which was not suitable for their relationship.

"You wait."

Shang Jing's eyes followed He Jiang's figure, seeing him enter the bathroom, he ran away.

Only fools wait.

Masaku never looked back at the explosion.

When He Jiang came out, it was expected that Shang Jing would run away later. He bent down and picked up the mobile phone on the table, thinking about his words to explain.

The screen of the mobile phone is on, and there is a new message on it—

"Xiaojing is quite smart, be honest, people will notice if you tell too many lies."

He Jiang suspected that she was old and dim-sighted, so shouldn't it be "Xiaojing is a stupid kid, don't bully him"? ?

As everyone knows, Mama He's analysis is like this—

He's father caught Shang Jing by surprise first, and made Shang Jing admit that he was He Jiang's object, and then revealed his identity to talk about Shang Jing.

At this time, Shang Jing may have come to his senses, and his words were beautiful, but he didn't give a word of effective information, obviously he made an agreement with He Jiang not to tell his parents.

Jiang was still old and hot, so Papa He immediately changed direction and asked about He Jiang's recent life. From here on, Shangjing knew everything, such as the family hired an aunt, what things were bought...

After getting through, Mama He felt that Shang Jing was smart, but not absolutely smart, mainly because he was well-behaved and sweet-talking.

He Jiang dried her hair, went to the kitchen and took a carton of milk, opened it, heated it, poured it into two cups, and put one cup on the shelf at the entrance of Shangjing.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Knock on the door: "I left the milk at the door, remember to drink it."

He stood still, and went back to his room to rest before Shang Jing came out.

Sometimes He Jiang doesn't understand the purpose of Shang Jing's actions, which makes him make many self-indulgent guesses out of thin air.

Perhaps Shang Jing himself hadn't figured it out yet. He had just returned to China, and when he was injured, his brain crashed into his arms in a mess, and his behavior was contradictory without considering the consequences.

He Jiang sighed. He always said that Shang Jing was stupid. Since he claimed to be sober, he should give the two of them time to calm down.

It's good for both of them, lest there be a repeat of three years ago.

the next day.

Shang Jing woke up early, and as soon as he went out, he saw He Jiang dragging a suitcase and changing shoes at the entrance.

"The key is on the shoe cabinet." He Jiang bent down and put the home shoes back into the cabinet, "I'm going to film, at least half a month."

After speaking, He Jiang dragged the suitcase, walked to the garage, and drove another car.

Shang Jing subconsciously followed two steps, unable to react.

He Jiang seemed to want to say something, but finally said: "Learn to cook well."

Even learning to take care of yourself.

In the rearview mirror, He Jiang saw Shang Jing standing there in a daze in a soft cotton pajamas.

He thought about what was not in place... There was a chef, there was a cleaning, and Xiaobei came to check the shortage of daily necessities every two days.

All good.

So, He Jiang withdrew her gaze and focused on looking ahead.

After half a month, Shang Jing will leave as soon as he recovers from his injury.

Shang Jing took two steps forward and realized that He Jiang's car had already driven away.

He suddenly felt a little lonely.

Maybe it's because I haven't added WeChat yet, so I can't send a message to check posts in half an hour like a master.

In the absence of He Jiang, the villa suddenly became empty, except for housekeeping, there was no sound all day long.

In the morning, except that He Jiang's bedroom was locked and Shang Jing couldn't get in, he was so boring that he was familiar with other places. He even knew how many bottles of wine He Jiang kept in the basement and how many books he kept in the study.

Eat well, drink well and sleep well, but the problem is that he has no money in his pocket, and Shang Jing is so worried that he almost wants to sell He Jiang's wine.

Fortunately, he is still a tall and upright person in his heart. If it wasn't for being injured and unable to drink, he would dare to clean up He Jiang's wine collection with confidence, but stealing and selling it is another nature.


Shang Jing sat cross-legged on the floor of the study and read a book. In his hand was a script that He Jiang had filmed before. After reading it for a while, his head became dizzy, and he hurried to the bed to sleep.

At noon, his aunt came to cook the meal. He didn't get up until two o'clock to eat, and sneezed three times in a row.

Shang Jing touched his forehead, it seemed a little hot.

He is now very familiar with where the medicine cabinet is at home, and he dragged himself to the TV cabinet in the living room to find the thermometer.


Cold and fever.

Shang Jing swallowed his throat, it was absolutely inseparable from his being in the rain the day before yesterday and wearing shorts yesterday.

It is very difficult to be a master, and it is easy to be backlashed.

If he had searched for the book of masterpieces on the Internet earlier, he would not have chosen the method of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

Shang Jing's not so bright head turned around, what did you say about the illness in the excellent case

Do not take medicine or injections, and ask the other party to take leave immediately to take care of them


Forget it, let's go to the hospital honestly.

What's more, this disease was caused by him, so you must not tell He Jiang, otherwise it will become He Jiang's excuse, and once he "does it" in the future, he will bring it up and talk about it.

There is a well-qualified clinic not far from the community.

The doctor first checked whether Shang Jing's wound was inflamed, and asked, "Are you allergic to penicillin?"

Business scene: "..."

I don't know, weak and helpless.

Shang Jing said, "I'll ask."

The doctor frowned, a little puzzled.

Shang Jing slightly avoided the doctor's mentally handicapped eyes, and sent a message to He Jiang, with tactful words.

Do you know what I am allergic to

After about five or six minutes, the other side replied: I don't know.

How cold are these three words, you know you can't have hope for He Jiang, Shang Jing imagined He Jiang's expression at the moment, puffed up his cheeks, and replied with a colder expression than him—

"I'm allergic to you."


He Jiang was so angry that he smashed the phone.

After two days of no contact, just send a special message to annoy people

Fortunately, he asked Lin Lin to check the messages on his phone, and came back to reply after taking a shot.

Cai Minmin looked at the irritable He Jiang. Sister Lin said that He Jiang might be emotionally unstable recently, and she was right. When she was thinking whether to be as quiet as a chicken or to ask, He Jiang bent down to pick up the phone, wiped it, and sat back in the chair.

He Jiang had a sullen face, "You are not benevolent and I am not righteous. It was Shang Xiaogou who scolded people first. He can do nothing too much."

There was something wrong with Shang Jing provoking him for no reason, so He Jiang turned on the camera at home.

There is no one in the study and living room, so you can't still be sleeping at this point, right

He Jiang frowned, clicked to play back, and saw Shang Jing sitting on the floor in the living room, sneezed three times, and looked for the thermometer. After three minutes, he came out of the room and went out with long sleeves and trousers.

When I was changing shoes, I took a close-up photo at the entrance, and I could clearly see his sickly appearance.

He Jiang pressed her temple.

Shang Jing is very good at provoking him.

When I got in touch with Shang Jingwen's sentence, it was probably an excuse to make use of the question to make trouble for him.

He Jiang walked around the dressing room twice violently, and finally contacted the aunt who was cooking, and came early today to pick up Shang Jing by the way, make an extra supper in the evening, and stay overnight to take care of Shang Jing if necessary.

The assistant Xiao Bei was speechless when he heard that Actor He didn't let anyone stay overnight to take care of him when he was sick, but Shang Jing asked his aunt to stay overnight when he had a cold.

If this continues, maybe one day he will be able to sleep in the actor's big villa for a night.

On the other side, the community clinic.

Shang Jing turned off the phone and said to the doctor, "Give me a skin test."

The long needle pierced into the elbow, and the pain was sharp, and after a while, a mosquito swollen swelled up.

Half an hour later, Shang Jing was sitting in the corner of the clinic hanging water, his face receded from flushing, and became pale and bloodless.

The back of the hand rested on the armrest, and the white tape was wrapped twice, pressing the cold needle.

The phone rang in his pocket, and he took it out to see that it was Aunt Huang asking him where he was now.

Shang Jing said that he was fetching water in the clinic, and just as he finished speaking, Aunt Huang appeared at the door and said, "Here, call me if you need anything, and I'll be right here with you."

Shang Jing is sorry, he is such an adult, it is inappropriate for him to be accompanied by an adult when he hangs the water: "Don't bother Auntie, it's not very serious."

Aunt Huang: "Mr. He stipulates that every Friday, he will cook a big meal. Today he is not here, and you are sick and you can't get greasy. I have time to spare and do other things to make up for it. Otherwise, I will be sorry for the wages paid by the boss. "

Shang Jing couldn't persuade his aunt to go back, and he was also very happy to have someone to talk to him: "Thank you, aunt."

Aunt Huang cooks for him and accompanies him to see a doctor, just like his mother.

Shang Jing lowered his head, hiding the gloomy mood that flashed in his eyes.

There is a reason why he has lost his memory for so long and hasn't looked for his family.

He had some memories of his family in his head, short fragments.

His father died in the line of duty when he was very young.

As for his mother... Shang Jing rubbed his cold fingertips from hanging water. The only impression he has of his mother is that she smashed a water glass hysterically and said to him: "Don't appear in front of me again in the future! Don't cry!" my mother!"

Sharp splinters sliced through his pants, and blood snaked down.

It shouldn't be long before this happens, because the wound on the calf is still hurting.

Shang Jing could only think optimistically that maybe the mother broke up because her mother did not allow this marriage.

But he knows that this may be very small.

The illness came and went quickly, and when Shang Jing woke up the next day, he was peeling grapefruits and eating them energetically.

The doorbell rang, and Xiao Bei, the assistant whom he had met on the set, came over. After buying some fruit juice and flowers, he said to Shang Jing, "Let me take you to change your medicine."

After Shang Jing got into the car, he realized that the route was to the hospital where he woke up.

At that time, the hospital had a wave of small consultations for him. Basically, the brain doctors knew that he had lost his memory and could not go there again.

Shang Jing said: "Brother, there are many injured in that car accident. I can't see the scene of that hospital. Let's go to a clinic."

Xiaobei was sure that Shang Jing didn't want to go to the Second Hospital, but He Jiang told him to do things well, and he didn't dare to deal with them carelessly, so he drove to another top three hospital to change his medicine.

Shang Jing: "Thank you." He discovered that He Jiang is surrounded by normal and good people.

"The wound is recovering very well. It seems that the nutrition has kept up. I will continue to take care of it for two months. When washing my hair, be careful not to get water on the wound."

The doctor re-sterilized and bandaged the wound, but this time he didn't wrap it around his head. He only left a gauze the size of a fist on the main wound.

"Next, you can also change the dressing yourself, and the stitches will be removed after ten days."

Shang Jing touched his head, it was frizzy, and the doctor had shaved his head into a crew cut when he was in a coma.

The wound was on the top of the temple, and a flat cut was fine, so he didn't need to wash his hair carefully, otherwise it would be inconvenient for him.

Xiaobei went to check out by swiping his card, and got the supplies for dressing changes.

Shangjing: "This money..."

Xiaobei: "The boss' studio will reimburse you."

Shang Jing: "Okay."

On the way back, Xiaobei asked him if there was any place he wanted to visit, and Shangjing said no.

Poverty will make people lose the desire to go shopping.

He sat by the car window, and the scenery along the way passed by quickly. Suddenly, a road sign caught his mind.

The road sign reminds that turning left at the intersection ahead is Huayue Brain Hospital.

It was the very expensive rehabilitation hospital that the director of the brain department recommended him to go to.

Shang Jing looked up at the road sign: "Please turn left, I want to go back on Binjiang Road."

The vehicle turned left into Binjiang Road, and Huayue Brain Technology soon appeared in the business scene. It can be seen from the imposing gate that it takes courage to spend money to enter.

He had lost his memory for three days, and apparently the spontaneous recovery that the doctor said was not feasible. He ate and slept well, and even watched some car accident videos. His memory didn't fluctuate, and stress-protective amnesia didn't look like it.

Really have to turn to million medical treatment.

Shang Jing wrote down the location of the hospital and planned to visit it in two days.

Although there is no money for treatment, you can consult.

Shang Jing looked at the brain hospital reluctantly, and when he looked away, he saw a piano store.

Shang Jing inexplicably felt that he could play, and his skills should be good, so he wanted to verify it.

"Please stop."

Seeing that Shang Jing went straight into the piano store, Xiaobei looked at the piano with a professional and critical eye, and quickly sent a message to Boss He.

He Jiang asked him to cover the expenses of the business scene, but Xiaobei didn't know that the package was not included for expensive products like brand-name pianos that cost millions.

-Mr. Shang is looking at the piano, can I get reimbursed

Almost at the same time.

-He Jiang: Is your head okay

Xiaobei: "..." Got it, I can't get reimbursed.