Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 74


At the scene of distributing wedding candy for the second wedding, Shang Jing and He Jiang worked closely together to distribute the candy together, and by the way, they listened to all the wedding speeches from the five thousand years in China.

The level of fan writing is too high, Shang Jing never knew that "Hundred Years of Love" has such a synonym, and the level of idioms and ancient poetry broke historical records.

Some didn't hear clearly, and even wanted fans He Jiang to post it again on Weibo.

Of course, I'm thin-skinned and I'm too embarrassed to raise it, but I should understand.

Everything was harmonious, until Shang Jing saw that the groupies who took the wrong mobile phone were also queuing up to receive the wedding candy.

Help, He Jiang's number one brain-dead fan, Wei Fan, why do you take off your fan so casually!

Afraid that he would be recognized, Shang Jing hurriedly hid behind He Jiang, buried his face on He Jiang's back sideways, his fingers slightly tugged at the hem of He Jiang's satin dress, and said like a mosquito, "Let me rest for a while .”

He Jiang didn't say anything, and the intimate behavior of the two immediately ignited the booing of fans lining up.


"So sweet!"

Shang Jing blushed: "..." Showing affection was not the original intention.

The whole audience was watching, and the groupies were also watching, burying their heads even tighter, wishing they could take off He Jiang's clothes and hide in there.

He Jiang: "Tired? You go into the room to rest?"

Shang Jing: "No, I'll just rely on it for a while."

He Jiang: "Okay."

Shang Jing took a break, and the two candy-receiving teams temporarily merged into one group, and they all lined up to receive the candy in front of He Jiang.

He Jiang has long been used to dealing with this kind of scene, sharing the wedding candy already, and it will not be more tiring than signing the autograph.

"Happy marriage."

He Jiang heard a small voice, which was slightly familiar, and looked up, and found that it was a groupie who Shang Jing took the wrong phone.

Reminiscent of Shang Jing who didn't dare to lift his head at this time, He Jiang suddenly understood what was going on, and held back a smile and handed the wedding candy gift box to the groupies: "Thank you."

Shang Jing didn't even know that He Jiang already knew about taking the wrong phone.

The star chaser took another look at the business scene behind He Jiang, and left without procrastinating to occupy time.

After the group of fans left the gate of the park, Shang Jing slowly raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the mobile phone was well disguised that day, so the other party should not be able to recognize it.

He Jiang looked at the relieved Shang Puppy and pinched his face.

The mobile phone number was leaked by the assistant, and He Jiang didn't change it for three years so that Shang Jing could get in touch.

Both of them are married now, and they changed their common numbers for a reason last month. It stands to reason that the matter of taking the wrong mobile phone should be settled.

He Jiang asked the studio to pay attention to the trend of public opinion on the Internet, but he didn't take it too seriously.

A month later, a hot post appeared on a love forum that had nothing to do with star chasing.

Title: Help, my time, indirectly fulfilled the love of my male god.

Main building: I don’t know where to say it, I’ve been holding back for a long time, and I typed it out and wrote it out completely, saying goodbye to me.

Mention: I am crazy about male gods, and I am so obsessed with personal information that I spend money to buy. I have a spare phone specially used for YY, and only my male god's phone number is stored, and the note is "husband". The password is my male god's birthday.

I can read my male god’s news while doing anything. Facts have proved that you can look at your phone while squatting, but you must never look at your phone while crossing the road.

This caused me to have a car accident in 2010, and I was lying in bed for two months, and my brother confiscated the spare phone.

During my recovery, my male god got married quickly, and my brother and I promised to let go of our love for the male god before getting back the spare phone.

Here comes the scary thing, this phone looks exactly like mine, but it's not mine. I remembered that after the car accident, I collided with a young man named A. From then on, we picked up the wrong mobile phone.

For a moment, I understood why the last thing someone gets into a coma in a car accident is to format the phone.

I'm afraid that after someone A finds out that he has taken the wrong phone, he will contact the only "husband" in the address book and call my male god. Of course, it doesn't matter, the male god doesn't know me, at most he treats him as a fraud.

I am more afraid of the diary in the backup machine being seen. That's right, there are hundreds of diaries about male gods, fabricating the daily life of heartless men and infatuated women in a tone of resentment. Anyone who reads it will call a scumbag and a bitch.

I don’t understand my mentality anymore. Maybe it’s because I’ve read too many novels about chasing wives and crematoriums. I fantasize that I’m a useless, weak and kind-hearted little white flower heroine. As long as I can endure being abused for a long time, I can trigger the cremation field conditions.

I texted my backup phone and asked for a replacement phone.

I have always wondered why the other party didn't realize that I had taken the wrong one. I only found out when we met. It turned out that A's brain was damaged in a car accident and he couldn't use his smart phone, so he gave his brother his phone. Mom sees that there is a "husband" in the phone's address book, no matter whether it is or not, she directly deletes it while her brother loses his memory and beats the mandarin duck.

The younger brother who came to exchange the mobile phone, I will call him B for now, maybe I feel ashamed, packed it tightly, and said I didn’t read the diary, but I used WeChat for a while, added a lot of contacts, and didn’t want to expose my privacy , begging me to log off the WeChat account.

They transferred a lot of money to me, and I agreed.

There is a group on my WeChat account, and I added two netizens. It happens that my male god has two parties, so we pretend to be the object of the three of you in the group every day. It is a language c group.

B said that he thought it was a "messy" group joined by his brother a, so he bid farewell and quit the group, lest the group members worry about him.

I thought this was the end of the matter.

I'll tidy up my hair later on.

1l: According to the title, I blindly guess that your male god is the lover of brother A who has amnesia.

2l: Hastily, what kind of gossip literature is this, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-my-wife? Originally, I took the mobile phone of the host by mistake, and got my husband's contact information by mistake, but I was beaten by my parents!

3l: I'm stuck with this post today. Landlord, promise me that even if it’s green, I’ll give my mentally handicapped brother a happy ending, okay

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4l: A is also very miserable. He was doing well, but he was in a car accident and couldn't even use his smartphone, and his old Gong disappeared. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

7l: It's twelve o'clock, and I'm changing!

9l: You're so hasty, you can fall into the trap by visiting a forum!

12l: Absolutely beautiful original literature, I'm about to see the ending today, don't be ignorant of compliments.

13l: The host is amazing, just a few words made my dislike of my mother and b reach the peak, and I killed ten vicious supporting roles.

16l: It's one o'clock, has the host finished his lunch

34l: The Jinjiang author came here uninvited. According to the information given on the first floor, the next development should be that after the two exchanged mobile phones, the younger brother turned on the phone, and the location was detected by the husband immediately. The wife is cured, sweet and sweet.

35l: Got it, thank you.

46l: The author's style of writing is very familiar, like someone I know.

88l (landlord): dbq here I come. It's too complicated, and it took me a long time to write. It's not like I said that during my hospitalization, my male god suddenly got married in a flash. I didn't think too much about the male god. I just thought he was an excellent person, and I didn't pay much attention to who C was. But there are too many news about the two, and friends I know also send me pictures to comfort me.

Just a while ago, I suddenly discovered that c was very similar to my brother b who was in contact with me. Especially the eyes, it can be said that they are exactly the same. I have never seen another pair of eyes so beautiful in the world.

I wasn't so sure, but I got an ad for a bakery membership on my backup.

The content is: Mr. x, your birthday is coming soon, members can enjoy a 20% discount on birthday cakes! Happy birthday to you!

Mr. x's surname is the surname of my male god object c!

I called the cake shop and asked about it. It was a member run by my younger brother B during the period when I took the wrong phone.

Moreover, the date of becoming a member is my male god's birthday!

I carefully looked at the photo of the male god object c, and after looking at it for a long time, the more I looked at it, the more I felt that it was the younger brother b.

In other words, brother b lied, and after returning the phone, he was in a state of love with my male god. It is impossible not to find out that the phone number of "husband" is my male god. And all my passwords are the male god's birthday, brother b may have even read some yy in the diary.

89l: What direction is this... I'm running out of brains, scary. The elder brother was knocked into a fool, the younger brother found his lover in his mobile phone, and maybe even read his love "licking" dog diary. Brother is too miserable!

99l: Who made a hard fist! Landlord, don't tell me that what you fulfilled is the love between a male god and a younger brother? Where is my knife!

100l: The child has been abused and made a fool!

106l: I want to be more open. The male god abandoned his elder brother and fell in love with his younger brother in a short time. He is not a good dog. Respect, blessings, I swallowed the key.

107l: If the original poster is making up a story, the following plot should be that the elder brother and younger brother are twins, and the male god regards the younger brother as an older brother.

108l: No! Is the male god blind? Can't you tell the difference between your retarded wife and the green tea scheming brother!

165l: I don't think it's that simple.

178l: How about squeezing toothpaste? You have been fooled by my reply, so hurry up and write!

209l: It turns out that someone reads green posts so sincerely. The host is a celebrity in the next-door forum, the number one black fan of a certain male star, who writes small essays every day and the male god abandons her. Fans angrily picked up all the trumpets and IP addresses. I thought her id and writing were a bit familiar just now, so I checked her ip, hey, guess what, it's the same one.

lol, what's the black person way? Quiet for half a year came back to make up the original story, one black and one black? Picked up the wrong phone, it happened to be a male god? It's outrageous~ If you don't believe me, wait and see, the next time the host will update, he will definitely reveal the male characters secretly.

211l: Please fans leave the love forum, don't everyone in the world be your brother.

217l (landlord): Typing on mobile phones is relatively slow, please forgive me.

I didn't lie or make up stories. I can send screenshots of the member text messages of the cake shop and the text messages of me asking for a mobile phone from b.

At the beginning, my guess was the same as everyone else's, and I was very disturbed because of this. Brother b has a very innocent and harmless appearance, and no one would believe that he would do such a thing.

In order to verify, I finally made up the relationship between the male god and my younger brother b during my hospitalization.

I am even more sure that B is not a kind of person.

B once publicly complained, saying that the male god is machismo and so on, but I can guarantee that the male god is not such a person.

Come on! ! ! ! B's complaints matched the male god in my diary! ! ! !

I boldly assume that Mr. B's cognition of my male god is based on his diary.

In other words, if b wants to pretend to be his brother by relying on his diary, it is impossible, and the male god will see through it at a glance.

Why didn't the male god see through it! There is only one phase, that is, the male god sees through but does not tell!

I recalled the scene on the day of the car accident. At that time, I was only looking at my mobile phone and didn't pay much attention to what A looked like, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt "hairy"!

And my brother told me that A was not seriously injured in the car accident and was discharged from the hospital on the same day. Sudden relapse after discharge, is it possible to become a fool? Do you have a doctor to say.

Therefore, there is no brother or brother at all, a is just b! It was b who lost his memory in the car accident!

After b lost his memory, he got the wrong mobile phone, thinking that he had a husband, and contacted the male god foolishly.

According to the male god's circle of friends, we have known each other for three years. In three years, I also noticed that the male god might be in love, but then nothing happened.

Broken Mirror Round Script, my friends! B regards her boyfriend as her husband! Was bluntly eaten and wiped clean!

Can you believe it? B may not know the photo until I get my phone back!

B did not dare to admit it, and lied that he had an older brother. "I have a Friends series."

I deduced this, and I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. To verify, I attended your wedding and saw C with my own eyes. I was finally sure that it was B and A.

After knowing the phase, we got married! Woohoo is love!

The diary I wrote was taken for granted, and my male god got married because of it.

The story ends here, thank you for your enthusiasm, and I also wish you well.

By the way, there is a small Easter egg, in the backup phone WeChat, I have a group of wives in language c, I play the role of the wife of the male god, and two netizens play the role of the male god and the objects of the two parties.

According to B, who has won the trust of all, it is very likely that he will also become it.

B became the only genuine product among the three, but he didn't know that the other two were simply counterfeit by netizens.

One more addition, b and d, the real wife of one of the male gods, have become good friends.

To this day, I still don’t know what happened in the WeChat group, because Mr. B told me that he quit the wife group early, thinking about it now... I can’t think about it.

255l: What kind of twists and turns is this? The children are dumbfounded.

267l: So sweet, I take back the remarks made by a vicious male partner of b, he is obviously a little idiot!

299l: My opinion on male gods: What a miserable—a scumbag—a black-bellied man, this guy set me up to blow my mind!

341l: My soul wears the body of a male god, and I also want to have a silly wife who will take the initiative to throw herself into my arms!

345l: Damn, why is it that I am not the contact person in the landlord's mobile phone, so I can have a wife!

347l: Wait! Knocked up? Didn't I see someone say that the host is a black fan, who specializes in making up stories about black people

348l: You mean, who did she blackmail in this story? herself? Blow yourself up as a brainless illegitimate fan who spent money to buy a mobile phone number

355l: Host: "I blackmail myself."

366l: Laugh, some male star fans don't look so embarrassing, not everyone in the world knows your brother, ok

367l: You wait for me to release the evidence. The owner is a scumbag.

369l: Long image warning.

400l: The forum is a good card, is there an influx of navy troops

402l: There are passers-by on both sides, someone posted a forum post to He Jiang's fan forum, come here.

409l: It's He Jiang, there are indeed hundreds of millions of ignition points.

450l: Shit, it's black fans who are keen to complain about "women" posts, it's a waste of my love.

459l: The real master stopped posting black posts when he got married, and started to fabricate the real master's love story. Can I interview the landlord about his mental journey

500l: Has anyone ever thought about... everything is. The male god is He Jiang, a, b, and c are Shang Jing, and the host lost his phone.

501l: No way, no way, some people believe such a fake story

502l: I believe it! My real-name certified "He Jiang Shangjing tenth-level addict" proves that Shangjing's complaints about He Jiang's machismo in variety shows and not doing housework... all match.

577l: Do you remember that when He Jiang clarified that Shang Jing was not Jiu Leu Yu, she sent a lot of chat records, all of which were three years old. Our score is better.

578l: Substitute a, b, and c into the business scene, I firmly believe it!

579l: I also believe it, this is something Shang Xiaogou can do.

600l: He Gou, you are a good dog! It doesn't matter if you are treated as a scumbag by your wife, what you want is to have a wife! You deserve a wife.

602l: I have to say, He Gou is good at binding his wife. I realized, I finally realized, there is a reason why He Gou wants to host a variety show.

633l: It's too speculative, unless there is evidence for it.

645l: He Jiang's party is Cen Feinuo and Yang Yue, and some d is Zhuang Quin! It's getting more and more fun! How did Shang Jing and Zhuang Qun's friendship come about? Could it be Shang Xiaogou who took the initiative to recognize his relatives

666l: Help, replace Shang puppy, I have already dug out a Potala Palace with my toes.

888l: The landlord mentioned a car accident. According to the description, it should be a car accident on Wenqing Road. I checked the list of injured people by some disgraceful means, and there was a business scene.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a #商景翁摩打乱手机# went viral on the trending searches, with screenshots flying all over the sky, unstoppable.

He Jiang received the news, read the post from beginning to end, especially the diary, and didn't know that there was a diary.

Looking at the thin-skinned Shang Jing, he ate his wife's melon by himself and refused to let others eat it.

"Spend money to withdraw."