Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 8


You can imagine the boss's violent temper through the screen, and Xiaobei puts his phone in his pocket, feeling uneasy.

It was him who was stupid. Who gave him the courage to ask such a question? It was as blank as asking if you could open a bottle of Feitian Moutai when someone planned to treat you to a barbecue!

Help, he won't be fired for this, will he

Xiao Bei paced outside in embarrassment, not daring to go in, for fear that Shang Jing would remember what he said in the hospital, "All studios will be reimbursed".

He doesn't go in... Shang Jing should understand what he means, right

Shang Jing didn't know Xiaobei's twists and turns, he just wanted to play the piano.

There was a display piano in the center of the ornately decorated hall. Shang Jing glanced at it and asked politely, "Can I have a try?"

"This one has been tuned, you can try it."

So Shang Jing sat in front of the piano, closed his eyes and thought for a while. Many things flashed through his mind, but he couldn't grasp it carefully.

When he tentatively put his hands on the black and white keys, the complete score automatically appeared in his mind, as if he had played it countless times.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

The slender and white fingers rehearsed, and touched the keys calmly, and "Croatian Rhapsody" poured out from between the fingers.

Dusk, ruins...Croatia after the war unfolds slowly in passionate tunes.

Those who can work as a shopping guide here have extremely high requirements for music literacy, and you can tell that Shang Jing is not an amateur player when you hear it. "Crow's Rhapsody" can be played in piano grades 8 and 9, but Shangjing has restored Maxim's emotions in the piano piece, which belongs to the performance grade.

Brand-name clothes, full-time driver, performance level... The shopping guide's heart was full of expectations for performance, and when Shang Jing finished playing, he praised him with a lot of tongues, "The sound quality of this piano is mid-range, and we still have original imports." The Steinway Concert Grand Piano…”

"Do you think I play well?" Shang Jing asked.

The shopping guide had a sincere expression: "S City Concert Hall should have a place for you."

The shopping guides have seen many beginners come to buy pianos. Listening to them try pianos is torture to the ears. It is rare to have a master like Shang Jing who is both skillful and emotional.

"If you play it well, that's good." Shang Jing was thoughtful, his eyes were full of stars when he raised his eyes, "Thank you for the compliment, I will buy it when I get divorced."

Divorced to have money.

Shopping guide: "???"

She couldn't help imagining the complete plot of a little prince who was trapped in a commercial marriage at the age of eighteen and couldn't pursue his music dream. Because he persisted in fighting and was broken, he could only secretly come to the piano shop to practice the piano to avoid the decline of his skills.

For a moment, the look in Shang Jing's eyes overflowed with maternal love.

Shang Jing thanked the shopping guide again and again, and then left the piano store quickly.

Xiao Bei opened the car door for Shang Jing, not looking him in the eyes in embarrassment. He saw the eyes of the shopping guide looking at Shang Jing just now, as if the boss had done something heinous to Shang Jing, and he was the best bodyguard working for the tiger.

He is so innocent.

Xiaobei swiped open his phone, trying to reset the navigation, but was caught off guard by two new messages.

- He Jiang: ... The doctor said how is his brain

- He Jiang: If you want to buy it, you can buy it.

Xiao Bei: "..."

So the sentence "Is your head okay" is not scolding him, but asking about Mr. Shang's condition at the right time

Xiaobei thought of the look in the shopping guide's eyes again, "Help me, he won't really be fired now, will he?"

He immediately replied to He Jiang, "The doctor said he is healing very well", then turned to Shang Jing and said, "Have you taken a fancy to any piano? Our boss said he would buy it if he saw it."

Shang Jing: "No, let's go back."

If I buy it now, it will be placed in He Jiang's home, and the studio will contribute, so it may not be able to be separated when divorced.

"You really didn't like it?"


Seeing that Shang Jing's expression didn't look regretful, Xiaobei started the car and went home.

There was nothing to say all the way, at the gate of the community, Shang Jing said: "There's no need to drive in, I'll go back for a walk."

Xiaobei: "Okay, be careful."

Shang Jing: "Thank you for today."

"You're welcome."

Waiting for the assistant's car to drive away, Shang Jing went to the peripheral fruit shop to buy a box of fresh-cut fruits, and strolled into the security room at the door.

He put the fruit box on the table, and said hello to all the security brothers obediently: "I just moved in, please take care of me."

"Should be, should be." The security guard quickly pulled out the chair and wiped it clean, "You sit down."

Shang Jing didn't know that He Jiang had taken care of him for a round, and wondered why the security guards were so enthusiastic. Later, he thought, maybe this is the case in the rich man's villa area.

He said that he was bored at home recuperating by himself, and sat there chatting with the security guard, how old was the child, where did he go to school, and asked about He Jiang by the way.

The security guard was of course very impressed with He Jiang, "Mr. He recorded two face recognitions in total, one is his manager, and the other is you. You two brothers must have a good relationship."

Shang Jing curled his lips, sure enough, he is still a younger brother to the outside world.

He chatted a lot, as if he accidentally mentioned: "Which family's children are learning to play the piano recently?"

Shang Jing frowned, pretending to be disturbed.

The security guard immediately said: "It's the youngest daughter of the owner of building a13. She is learning piano and practices for three hours every weekend morning. Have you been disturbed?"

But a13 and Mr. He's residence are far away, so they shouldn't be able to hear them.

Shang Jing shook his head: "No, I just overheard it by chance. I also play the piano, so I asked casually."

Shang Jing left from the security room, walked towards Building A13, rang the doorbell outside the courtyard, and stood in a dignified manner.

The intermittent sound of the piano came from the house, out of tune and out of tune.

It was a rich lady who opened the door, because her daughter refused to learn to play the piano, and she was a little angry. Seeing Shang Jing's harmless and good-looking appearance, his tone softened unconsciously.

"May I ask who you are?"

Shang Jing got straight to the point, and recommended himself, saying that he was bored at home and wanted to find a piano tutor nearby.

When Mrs. Wang heard that he was He Jiang's younger brother, her eyes lit up. She felt that those related to He Jiang were all grand masters. In addition, her daughter had just left a piano teacher in anger, so she enthusiastically invited him in.

Mrs. Wang's daughter was tapping on the piano in her absence.

Shang Jing smiled and said, "Little friend, can I ask Uncle to play a song for you?"

Zhang Shishi: "Okay! Beautiful brother!"

Shang Jing played a small Canon, and his dignified and elegant posture quickly captured the heart of a four-year-old girl, who decided to sit next to Shang Jing to learn.

It can be said that modern people are more or less color-controlled.

But this Yan control only made Zhang Shishi persist for half an hour, and then she began to writhe to eat, drink, and get off the ground.

Shang Jing: "Don't you want me to be your teacher?"

Zhang Shishi shook her head hastily, her voice was soft and cute, and she said, "If you want, I, I'll go eat some ice cream."

Eight days later, Shang Jing taught Zhang Shishi how to play simple tunes, and received a salary of 10,000 yuan from Mrs. Wang.

With 10,000 yuan in his pocket and wearing a mask, he stepped into Huayue Brain Clinic.

Probably because of the brain department, the environment affects the state of the brain, so the hospital is very quiet, there are not many people, and people who come and go walk lightly.

Shang Jing found the brain department office and saw a doctor on duty inside, so he knocked on the door and asked, "Can I go in?"

"Come in." A young and clear voice replied.

When Shang Jing entered the door, he saw a young doctor staring at the brain imaging research on the computer, with a gentle and elegant appearance, and an impressive temperament. The nameplate on the table read "attendance, Fu Ya".

"Hello, Doctor Fu, I don't bother to disturb you." Shang Jing took out his hidden medical records, "I was injured in a car accident before and lost my memory. The situation is quite special. The Second Hospital suggested that I come to Huayue."

"I don't have much money on hand, so I want to consult first, whether it can be cured, if it costs a lot—"

When Fu Ya looked up and saw Shang Jing, he was obviously taken aback, and said, "Let me have a look first."

After reading the medical records quickly, Fu Ya asked Shang Jing a few more questions, and then frowned: "I may need to find more foreign materials on this, and discuss it with the director."

Shang Jing is more concerned about money, which determines his bottom line in divorce: "Expenses..."

Fu Ya comforted: "I haven't come up with a plan yet, so I can't say it right now. If you are in difficulty, I will try my best to apply for a reduction or exemption for you. Don't think too much at this stage, so as not to increase the burden on your brain."

Shang Jing: "Thank you."

Fu Ya sorted out the medical records: "I'm very interested in your situation, would you mind leaving me a copy of the medical records? We can add a WeChat account, and I will keep you updated if there is any progress."

Fu Ya seemed to understand Shang Jing's worries, and said with a smile, "Of course, this is a consultation stage, and there is no charge."

"Okay, but I hope you can hide my name. I don't want to reveal the amnesia to others just yet."

"It is my duty to protect patient privacy."

Shang Jing felt that the doctor was an angel in white, so he quickly took out his phone and added the first contact in WeChat.

Fearing that He Jiang would see it one day, Shang Jing deliberately marked Fu Ya as "barbecue takeaway".

"Then I won't disturb you anymore." Shang Jing stood up while thanking him, but when he was about to leave, Fu Ya suddenly stopped him.

Fu Ya stood up and stared straight at Shang Jing, "May I ask, did you grow up in America when you were a child? You are a bit like someone I know."

"No." Shang Jing shook his head resolutely, and said firmly and proudly, "I am a native Chinese."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Fu Ya still kept smiling and said goodbye to Shang Jing. The date of birth did not match, so he didn't have much hope.

When Shang Jing went out, he was still thinking that he probably got the favor of Fu Ya's American friend, that's why the consultation went so smoothly.

He entered the elevator in a happy mood, feeling that he was lucky, and the doctor's treatment went smoothly.

The elevator went to the second floor, and the door slowly opened. Shang Jing looked down at the ground and thought about how to quickly raise a million dollars. After waiting for a while, no one from outside the elevator came in.

He looked up suspiciously and almost died on the spot.

He Jiang was holding her pocket with one hand, blocking the elevator door with the other, staring at him with a smile on her face.

! ! !

hell! Isn't He Jiang filming!

He hurriedly pressed the elevator close button, but it didn't work.

Shang Jing thought to himself, "He can't see me. I put on a mask and took off the gauze. My mother doesn't recognize me after a new look."

Without squinting, he slipped out from the side of He Jiang's body, and ran into a corridor in a panic.

"What are you doing here?"

He Jiang frowned, staring at Shang Jing's back and asked.

Shang Jing disappeared in a flash.


He Jiang laughed angrily, turned around slowly, and chased after her.

Shang Jing scrambled around, only to realize that this corridor is a dead end, and the doors of every room are tightly closed, unless he jumps down, he has to go back the same way.

Ah, this... He Jiang should get into the elevator, right? He was too nervous, how could he care about his own life

Shang Jing glanced cautiously from the corner, just in time to meet He Jiang's expressionless expression blocking the exit.



Shang Jing calmed down his heartbeat, raised his chin, and pre-empted: "What are you doing here?"

He Jiang: "Visiting the sick, what about you?"

Shang Jing plucked up his courage: "I heard that some men like to lie about working overtime, but actually hang out outside. Come and have a look."

He Jiang laughed: "Come to the brain hospital to fool around? Am I out of my mind?"

Shang Jing whispered: "Maybe your little love needs to see a brain department."

like me.

In the end, he thought aggrievedly, he didn't accompany his wife when she was mentally ill, she just went out to work for half a month, and she came to the hospital to see someone.