Gaining A Husband After a Memory Loss

Chapter 81


From Grandpa Zhuang's "comrade company commander", the whole family was a little bit taken away.

After a meal, Cen Feinuo began to suspect that the Zhuang family was immoral. He met the parents and asked for their consent. The topic revolved around period dramas, Zhuang cheerfully poured wine, and had no intention of getting married at all.

"Company Commander Zhao" was the role he played three years ago. He especially admired and respected "Company Commander Zhao". Being used as a stand-in like this, Cen Feinuo felt terrified and dared not take the role, fearing that Zhuang Que's parents would hastily accept him because of the filter of Company Commander Zhao. I figured out something was wrong later, and wondered "the product is not right".

This kind of problem is best resolved before marriage.

Under the pressure, Cen Feinuo reiterated: "It may be rash to decide to get married in a variety show, but I really like Zhuang Quin."

"I must like it, the company commander can still tell lies? We are so cute." Grandpa Zhuang took a sip of white, "I think that when the TV series were broadcast, Zhuang Ke didn't watch a single episode. He hid under the blanket in the last episode. I cried miserably and my eyes were swollen."

Zhuang Que pursed his lips in embarrassment: "I'm not hiding under the covers."

Just cry loudly.

Cen Feinuo glanced at Zhuang Quin with a half-smile, and said, "I'm sorry for making Quin sad."

After eating, Cen Feinuo politely left, and Grandpa Zhuang said: "Take the quilt with you, today is not a festival for you young people."

Cen Fei Nuo took a reassurance.

Taking advantage of Company Commander Zhao, he even ate and took, and finally swept away a daughter-in-law.

Cen Feinuo: "Go to my house and have a look."

Zhuang Que fastened his seat belt: "Okay."

Cen Feinuo's house has a fingerprint lock, and when he opened the door, he asked Zhuang Quin to record the message, then took out a bunch of keys from the entrance, and said, "This one is for the lakeside villa, and this one is for the door of my studio. , in my private lounge, these are car keys, and you can tell which one corresponds to it by looking at the car logo."

Zhuang Quin's first reaction was to decline: "No, no, Mr. Cen, I have a car..."

Cen Feinuo turned slightly sideways and looked at him: "Zhuang Qun, what is our relationship now?"

"It is a further relationship than Cen Fei Nuo's mysterious girlfriend."

"Our entire fortune is about to be shared."

"I won't allow...your fans to look at me."

Zhuang Que was afraid that Cen Feinuo would go back on his refusal to receive the certificate, so he quickly put a bunch of answers to his side: "Yes, yes."

Shyness is shyness, the male god can't let go.

Cenfino: "Stay with me tonight?"

Zhuang Qun: "Where, where?"

Cen Fei Nuo: "The choice is yours."

They also slept in the same room in the variety show, but Cen Feinuo kept sleeping on the floor. The biggest difference between the two of them was that Zhuang Que accidentally saw Cen Feinuo out of the bath.

That day he blushed and had a blast on the rooftop, but Shang Jing told him that he had a crush on Cen Feinuo, and then learned that Cen Feinuo had a "mysterious girlfriend".

Zhuang Quin rubbed his face, walked into Cen Feinuode's bedroom with the same hands and feet, looked around, he opened the wardrobe door, and saw his duck plush pajamas!

Very cute, he bought two sets and gave one set to Shang Jing.

How come here

Zhuang Que took it out to have a look, and found not only the pajamas, but even a set of his clothes!

Cen Feinuo stood beside him to choose the clothes for washing, and explained: "You are Li in the variety show, I will ask your assistant to send it directly to me."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Zhuang Que liked this set of duck pajamas very much, but he didn't wear it when he brought it into the variety show, because he was afraid that Cen Feinuo would think him childish. Unexpectedly, one day it would be specially hung in Cen Fei Nuo's wardrobe.

Zhuang Que saw Cen Feinuo open the underwear drawer, and the quilt was divided into two compartments, one side was full of Cen Feinuo, and the other side only had a few, which obviously belonged to him.

Zhuang Que immediately didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Cen Feinuo: "Will you wash first, or should I wash first?"

Zhuang Que's cheeks were flushed, and he urgently needed water to put out the fire. He hurriedly took the duck's pajamas and underwear: "I will go first."

Cenfino: "The hot water is on the left."

Zhuang Qun: "Yeah."

After taking a shower, he put on his pajamas absently, and when he opened the bathroom door, not only his cheeks were flushed, but his whole body was pink because of the steaming water.

Cen Feinuo glanced at him, then stepped straight into the bathroom: "Go and blow dry your hair."

Zhuang Que said "hmm", saw the hair dryer on the bedside table, and slowly moved over, before taking the hair dryer, he turned his wrist and picked up the phone instead.

He sent a message to Shangjing: "What should I do, I'm at Cen Feinuo's house now."

"I'm so nervous, I don't know if he has that intention... I don't want to be restrained, and Mr. Cen will suspect that I just treat him as an idol. I want to take the initiative to do something, but I'm afraid he doesn't have that intention, it's not a shame... "

Shang Jing glanced at He Jiang beside him, "What do you want to take the initiative in?"

Zhuang Que: "When he kisses me, close his eyes first."

Shang Jing: "...that's what it means."

Zhuang Qun: "... mean?"

Shang Jing: As long as my writing is a little short, I can't understand what you mean.

Shang Jing typed passionately: "I know what you want to say, let me tell you, people form groups, some people are well-dressed, and they will change after taking a bath!"

Zhuang Qun: "!!!"

Shang Jing: "You want to tell in advance what will happen tonight. There is a simple way. You go through all the cabinets in his room to see if there are condoms. If there is no condom, it means there is no!"

Zhuang Qun: "Okay."

Shang Jing put down his phone and sighed, he was really worried for the innocent brother.

However, Zhuang is really happy, he has a ready-made military adviser, unlike him, everything depends on the browser.

He thought of something, and typed to Zhuang Que: "Let me tell you, the duck pajamas you gave me are easy to wear, but be careful to button the buttocks well."

The pajamas are one-piece plush in winter, and a piece of cloth on the buttocks can be unbuttoned on the three sides.

It's easy to forget to fasten it once you unfasten it.

Zhuang Qin pouted his buttocks looking for condoms everywhere, and suddenly felt a little cool in his back.

The gust of wind that Cen Feno opened the bathroom door made Zhuang Que realize that something was wrong.

He looked at the mobile phone with the bright screen on the bed—a reminder from a good friend is very precious.

But it's too late.

Cen Fei Nuo's voice was hoarse: "What are you looking for?"

Zhuang Que stood up abruptly, pulled up the hanging cloth to cover his buttocks: "No, it's nothing."

Cen Fei Nuo: "Yes."

Zhuang Que: I don't want to wear this pajamas again.

Cen Feinuo didn't intend to advance the relationship quickly, they just slept in the same bed for the first time that night, and behaved properly.

Zhuang Que was frightened by the matter of the pajamas, so he took a reserved route.

You can't always make a fool of yourself, you haven't received your certificate yet, you have to maintain your image in front of Mr. Cen.

Cen Feinuo saw it, and listened to the more and more respectful "Teacher Cen", pampering and guiding him calmly.

Until the day before the receipt of the certificate.

During dinner, Zhuang Que was too excited and reverted to his old ways. When he took the initiative to serve his fiancé a meal, he accidentally made the effect of "respecting the guest with the same eyebrows".

Cen Feinuo looked at Zhuang Qun and raised his eyebrows.

Zhuang Que immediately made a verbal remedy: "Husband."

Cen Feinuo was thoughtful, tapped on the table with his fingers, said nothing, finished his meal happily, and gave Zhuang Qun an exam paper.

"I don't think it's appropriate to get the certificate without taking the exam." Cen Feinuo gave Zhuang Quin a five-page exam question, "I hope you will have a good grade."

Zhuang Que thought that he was indeed Mr. Cen, and while taking the answer sheet, he asked with concern, "Can I not get the certificate if I fail the exam?"

Cen Fei Nuo: "I will wait for you to answer correctly."

Tomorrow is an appointment for the live broadcast of the program group to receive the certificate. Can this be postponed

Zhuang Que was gearing up, he thought it was an examination paper to investigate the "degree of mutual understanding", he was not afraid of it.

As a result, I was dumbfounded by the title I saw.

True or False:

1Is Cenfinox abstinence? ()

2 Is Cen Fei Nuo the same as the entertainment circle? ()


Short answer questions:

"On the difference between Commander Zhao Cen Feinuo." (10)

"Thirty things you can't do with idols, but you can do with your husband." (30)

"Please make 10 demands on Cenfino." (20)

Zhuang Que was dumbfounded, and vaguely saw Cen Feinuo's resentment from the exam questions.

After completing the judgment questions with a red face, the short answer to the first question was not difficult at all, and he began to write hard.

For the second question, he was a little stuck, writing the word "kiss", and biting the barrel of the pen to worry.

"What's the only thing you can do with your husband..."

Zhuang Quin "licked" "licked" his lips, and wrote "sleep" embarrassingly.

Ah, it's so difficult.

Before nodding his head and agreeing to receive the certificate, Zhuang Quin and Cen Feinuo got along with each other as "fans". Under this status, they have already done many things together.

Everything he could think of, he had done by his "idol" Cen Feinuo.

What he couldn't think of was the life after marriage that he had never experienced before.

Zhuang Que quietly glanced at the position of the invigilator, and took the test paper to Shang Jing to cheat.

Shang Jing pondered for a while: "The kissing bed can be refined."

Zhuang Qun: "Huh?"

Shangjing: "The specified scene location is brand new."

"Do you still want me to teach?"

Zhuang Que took a deep breath: "No no..."

He is not completely without, everyone has imagination.

Shangjing: I do have a bit of cleverness!

He was complacent for a while, and He Jiang leaned over and kissed him: "So happy?"

Shang Jing bent his eyes: "I will help Zhuang solve a problem!"

Wait, he wiped his wet cheek—

What is the essential difference between the wish list he signed when he picked up the bride and the test paper Zhuang did today

hateful! He Jiang Cen Fei Nuo who copied who!

Or, this f*ck is the same raccoon dog!

Shang Jing hurriedly reminded Zhuang: "This is not fun to write!"

Not enough time, Zhuang, who was eager to get the certificate, had already given full play to his imagination and finished writing the handover paper.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Cen Feinuo checked the paper.

He despicably wanted to use the variety show to get the certificate with Zhuang Quin earlier, hoping that Zhuang Quin would fully realize the meaning of marriage.

Looking at this test paper, I really have a deep understanding.


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