Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1048: Super Zoo (3)


After staying in the garden where the white peacock and spotted turtle were for a while, Fan Weishen and Xue Zonghong led everyone to the next place. Everyone hadn't seen enough of the white peacocks and spotted turtles, and didn't want to leave. However, most people thought that there might be more interesting animals in the next place, so they followed. Only a few people stayed.

After a while, I arrived at the next garden, where I saw many flowers and plants, birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. However, at first glance, it seemed that there were no animals in sight.

"What's in here?" Someone looked at it for a while and couldn't find any animals, so they asked curiously.

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Fan Weishen said with a smile. Xue Zonghong opened the door and went in. He took out some mixture of corn, peanuts, berries, rice and so on from the bag and sprinkled it on several places on the ground. Attentive people will find that it is not ordinary rice, but Lantian Silver Thread Rice.

After a while, a group of mice climbed down from a tree. Their upper parts were dark brown and their lower parts were white. Their overall shape was sleeker and cuter than ordinary mice.

They sniffed and quickly gathered around a pile of rice, peanuts and corn, and then ate it quickly and happily.

"Rat? The animal in this garden is a rat?"

"What's so good about mice? Although they are quite cute, they are not unusual at all. They are not even qualified to stay in ordinary zoos, let alone the zoo run by Su Jing."

"Can't rats be more than just their appearance? They are actually rare and protected animals."

"I just checked, and they are not among the protected animals in the world. Not to mention the first-level protected animals, they are not even included in the third-level protection."

"Old Fan, are these rats kept inside?" an old man asked, and everyone looked at Fan Weishen in confusion.

"They are one of them." Fan Weishen nodded.

"What are these mice? What's so strange about them?"

"I know a lot about mice, but after looking at them for a long time, I couldn't recognize them."

"Why do I feel that they are a bit like the legendary white-footed Australian wood rats." A middle-aged man suddenly said, his voice was a little soft, but it was obvious that he was not confident.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How is that possible?" the old man waved his hand.

"That's right, that's impossible. Do you have any common sense?" Another middle-aged man said.

"What is a white-footed Australian woodrat and why is it not possible?" asked one person who didn't understand.

"The white-footed Australian wood rat is a type of rat that once lived in Australia. The reason why we say once is because this type of rat became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century."

"I just checked the encyclopedia. The white-footed wood rat has indeed been extinct for more than a hundred years. The real white-footed wood rat should have dense and soft fur. The upper part is dark brown and the lower part is white. Look at it. Photos..." A young man who checked Baidu Encyclopedia said his voice became smaller and smaller, because he was shocked to find that the characteristics and photos mentioned above were exactly the same as those of the mice in front of him.

"The fur is tight and soft, the upper part is dark brown, and the lower part is white... Are you talking about the mice in front of you?" Someone said with a confused look.

The old man and middle-aged man who had previously said it was impossible couldn't help but look up information for comparison. They were both in the zoo industry and had heard of the extinct white-footed Australian woodrat, so they said it was impossible. However, after all, it was a rat that had been extinct for more than a hundred years. They didn't understand it well and couldn't recognize it at a glance. The more they compare now, the more shocked they look.

Qin Xulan, Zhou Lan, Shen Hong, Shen Jiayao, Zhu Jianhua, Liu Yin and others also looked up the information for comparison, and the more they read, the more excited they became.

"Oh my god, these are really white-footed Australian wood rats." Qin Xulan suddenly exclaimed.

"It's impossible. Even Su Jing can't resurrect extinct animals." Zhou Lan couldn't believe it. She couldn't pretend not to care at this moment.

"It's impossible for others, but nothing is impossible for Brother Jing." Qin Xulan was excited and excited. Because he had some blind worship of Su Jing, he accepted it easily.

"I'll go, it's a big deal now." Zhu Jianhua said in shock.

"This is not just a big deal, it will definitely shock the world." Shen Hong said that species extinction is very easy. Often due to human industrial pollution, hunting and other reasons, certain creatures become extinct without knowing it. Because of human beings, There are countless species that have become extinct. However, when humans realized the problem and wanted to save it, it was already too late. Extinct species were gone forever, and current gene cloning technology was not enough to resurrect extinct species. Therefore, mankind has countless regrets.

Now, how exciting is it that such a species that was considered extinct suddenly reappears in human sight

Everyone finally understood why they were no longer protecting animals because they were all extinct, so why were they protecting a ghost? However, once they appear, they will definitely be listed as first-class protected animals because they are even rarer than giant pandas.

"Another group of mice emerged from the grass."

"The way they walk is so weird."

Everyone was still excited when they saw a group of mice emerging from the grass. They were about the same size as house mice, with big ears, short forelimbs, and long and powerful hind limbs. They did not crawl by crawling, but jumped with their two hind limbs. Just like a kangaroo.

"Check quickly, what kind of rats are these?"

"Oh my gosh, they look like O.M.'s bullet rats."

This time everyone learned the lesson and didn't look down on them because they were mice. Instead, they directly checked the information. If you don't check, you won't know. If you check, you will be shocked. These rats are exactly the same as the legendary O. Meschii's bullet rats, which are also extinct species and have been extinct for more than a hundred years.

This kind of rat is relatively famous because of its peculiarity. People also gave them the title "kangaroo rat" based on the way they walk.

"Oh my god, another extinct species, crazy, crazy."

"What's wrong with this world? Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"I feel like my common sense and worldview are all messed up."

"Let me go, Su Jing is really amazing. Forget about the spotted turtle, he can even make an extinct species? How did you do this?"

These two kinds of mice look far less spectacular than the white peacock and the spotted turtle. However, with the status of an extinct species, no one can underestimate them. Just think about it with your toes and you will know that they will definitely be loved to the sky in the future. They may not be as cute and popular as giant pandas, but they are rarer and have the title of extinct species. Countless people will come and take a look curiously. they. And if you want to see it, you can only come here to see it. Apart from here, you can’t see it anywhere else in the world.